Gate to the Netherworld (Superboss Setup)

EXP+JP Farm (Optional)

Step 1: Recruit Alrond
Step 2: Equip JP, EXP, And Encounter-boosting Support SkillsStep 3: Equip JP, EXP, And Encounter-boosting AccessoriesStep 4: Bring Ochette And 3-4 MerchantsStep 5: Search And Capture Caits/OctopuffsStep 6: Summon Alrond

NOTE: If you plan to utilize the Fruits of Labor Support Skill, then it is a good idea to at least get enough JP to max out job skills learned and take advantage of the ++100 in P/E.Def from the skill. Like with most games, farming is not mandatory. All it gives you is more breathing room during your adventure. There's no shame in a bit of light grinding (unless your ancestors disapprove).

Costs 160k (Partitio) or 3x Octopuff Bowls (Ochette)

NOTE: You can guide him for free once Temenos is at least level 80.

Extra Experience

Hard Worker

Life in the Shadows

More Rare Monsters

Upgraded Accessories

NOTE: If you need help finding some of the items mentioned here, check the Resource Spreadsheet linked on another guide here on Steam. EXP/JP Augmentors

Brooch of Joy

Life in the Shadows

3x Octopuff Pot

2x Cait Powder

Give Ochette A Step Ahead

Search in level 45+ areas so you get the best possible version for exp gain reasons. Once you encounter one, follow these steps: On Ochette/your Hunter with A Step Ahead, Leghold Trap the Cait/Octopuff to prevent it from running away immediately. this gives you time to break them.

With your Merchants, use the Hired Help (Mercenary) until the Cait/Octopuff is broken.

Once broken, used Ochette/your Hunter's boosted Mercy Shot to get the Cait/Octopuff to critical HP. Capture the Cait/Octpuff and prepare extras as necessary to convert them into EXP food or Octopuff Bowls to re-recruit Alrond.NOTE: Having one or both the Cait and Octopuff in Ochette's Provoke roster also serves the dual purpose of helping against the upcoming Superboss battle.

Keep summoning him until you either (a) run out of summons and rolls or (b) roll x100 EXP. Once you run out of rolls or get your desired EXP roll, finish the battle to get your fat EXP multiplier. For more exp, eat Jewel Cakes (converted from Chubby Cait) to gain even more exp for 1 battle.

Rinse and repeat until you are satisfied.

Jobs, Skills, And Equipment


These equipment pieces are just suggestions. Some pieces are important (such as the right Axe for Armsmaster) so I will note them whenever appropriate. For the most part, I used them to just reach certain stats I was aiming for.

Secondary Job: Armsmaster

Support Skills: Summon Strength, Deal More Damage, Upgraded Accessories, Peak Performance

Notable Equipment: Lionheart's Axe (to use On the Hunt) and some +SP gear

Secondary Job: Conjurer (for HP Boost)

Support Skills: Fruits of Labor, Boost-Start, A Step Ahead, BP Regeneration

Notable Equipment: Lean towards +DEF/E.DEF since she's critical for sustained damage.

Secondary Job: Thief

Support Skills: Fruits of Labor, Boost-Start, A Step Ahead, Upgraded Accessories

Notable Equipment: N/A

Secondary Job: Cleric

Support Skills: Rise Again, The Show Goes On, Boost-Start, Upgraded Accessories

Notable Equipment: N/A

Secondary Job: Apothecary

Support Skills: Upgraded Accessories, Fleetfoot, Fruits of Labor, Boost-Start

Notable Equipment: N/A

Secondary Job: Warrior (for HP Boost)

Support Skills: Summon Strength, Deal More Damage, Upgraded Accessories, Boost-Start

NOTE: I forgot to replace Boost-Start here.

Notable Equipment: Gear up for Speed, P.Atk, and Crit

Secondary Job: Merchant

Support Skills: Rise Again, Fruits of Labor, Boost-Start, A Step Ahead

Notable Equipment: I used Alpione's Amulet to balance out party HP (ran out of HP Nuts).

Secondary Job: Merchant

Support Skills: Upgraded Accessories, Fruits of Labor, Boost-Start, A Step Ahead

Notable Equipment: Lean towards +DEF/E.DEF since she's critical for sustained BREAK.

Stat Item Distribution (Nuts)

Use stat items only when you are satisfied with your equipment distribution for the battle. That way you can assess which characters are lacking in which stats post-equipment.

Phys. Atk. = Throné and Hikari Elem. Atk. = N/A (up to you - I didn't use Magic during this attempt) Speed = Throné (boost Aeber's Reckoning to the limit) Accuracy = Throné and Hikari Critical = Throné and Hikari

I even out HP and defenses so that I can achieve uniform healing (as much as I can at least). I gave SP guzzlers with low SP pools a little bit of extra Max SP just in case something goes wrong during SP-healing turns.

HP = even out party HP levels SP = A little bit to Throné and Hikari then doesn't matter Phys. Def.= even out party HP levels Elem. Def. = even out party HP levels Evasion = N/A

Beasts, Summons, And Learned Skills

Phase 2 BeastsPhase 1 SummonsPhase 2 FollowersLearned Skills

Ancient Frogking II - Sinking Ruins

Ocean Lizardking III - Roque Island: Anchorage (has synergy with Throné)The 2 beasts above are heavily recommended to break Phase 2.

King Octopuff and Chubby Cait are nice to have but not necessary.

Island Frogking III isn't viable because Rainbow Shot can miss 6/7 times per summon.

Judge - Scales of Justice - can use 3-hit Staff/Light-based MagicLocation: Outside Timberain Courtroom Elderly Man - Fatal Fang - 4-8 Hit Dagger + chance to PoisonLocation: Clockbank Tavern 2nd Floor Balcony Merchant - Dumpling Maker's Skewer - 4-8 Hit DaggerLocation: Castle Ku: Entrance near save point

Summons will make more of a difference in Phase 2. The Judge in Phase 1 is nice to have but not necessary. Having both the Elderly Man and Merchant for Phase 2 almost guarantees that you can break the boss every possible turn.

Since this approach uses Hikari for Phase 1, only these 2 skills are relevant: Deep Analysis (Fully Boost = Reveals all Weaknesses)Location: Scholar at Flamechurch: Cathedral Wild Smash (Axe Multi-hit to help Break Omniscient Eye/Main Body)Carpenter at Sai: Eastern District

If you are having trouble destroying the souls surrounding the boss, you can combine Deep Analysis with Sealticge's Seduction to fully analyze all enemies during Phase 1. This will greatly enhance your AoE On The Hunt and help you clean up the trash faster to focus on the eye.

Video & Explanation

Phase 1Phase 2

Hikari - Damage

Castti - Sustain (Concoction)

Partitio - Sustain/Damage

Agnea - Buffs/Emergency HealsOverarching Strategy:

Abuse Sealticge's Seduction to pummel everything with an AoE on the Hunt.

First Turn (A Step Ahead):

Castti - Medicinal Concoction - Pomegranate+Mighty+Strength+Diffusion

Partitio - Debuff with Hired Help -> Ruffian

Subsequent Turns:

Castti - Medicinal Concoction - Pomegranate x2+(Rotate between Mighty/Warding/Weeds OR Grape if needed)+Strength+Diffusion

Partitio - Hired Help -> Foreign Assassins to keep HP and SP topped up

Agnea - Use Sealticge's Seduction and Aelfric's Blessing on Hikari and then spread Aelfric's Blessing around as needed. Mix in Latent Power+Sacred Shield when available but prioritize keeping Hikari at his strongest.

Hikari - AoE On the Hunt or AoE Deep Analysis (if needed). Assist with breaks.

NOTE: The boss' first move aside from summoning is to cast heat (HP damage over time). Unless your attacks match the first wave of souls' weaknesses (they share Axe and Wind as a weakness), do not attack them needlessly outside of Hikari's On the Hunt, or else they will counter-attack.

Partitio can attack using Foreign Assassins freely after the first break because subsequent summons don't counterattack. (Boss Weakness: Dagger, Axe, Staff, Lightning, Light)

Also, don't waste turns to heal with Agnea unless necessary because Hired Help -> Foreign Assassins' Energy Thief is more than enough for consistent full healing.

Osvald - Sustain

Throné - Damage

Temenos- Buffs/Damage

Ochette - Buffs/Breaker

First Turn (A Step Ahead):

Ochette and Temenos' initial goal is to pass around Jam and Buffs during this initiative turn. We want to set up Osvald with Dohter's Charity as early as possible because he will be doing what Castti did (by spamming AoE Jams) for Team 1... minus the OP concoctions.

Subsequent Turns: Pass Aelfric's Blessing around especially to Throné once she uses up her Latent Powers.

Refresh Dohter's Charity when necessary.

Ochette - Break the 2 bottom body parts using Ancient Frogking II (Hunter Multi-Provoke) so that Throné can annihilate the parts faster with Aeber's Reckoning (the top part is only weak to elements but it will go down after a few repetitions of Aeber)Once the parts are down, the boss' shield points will go all the way down to 20. I suggest always prioritizing the break rather than aiming for the "best break timing". The boss adds some more shield points every turn and becomes stronger when alone so it's better to just keep it from attacking altogether.

**IMPORTANT** Between the turn you break all the body parts and the next turn is a freebie. The boss' shield can't be reduced during this time until the next turn arrives so use this free time to Summon Elderly Man and Merchant for their single-target dagger-breaking abilities. These 2 Summons, combined with Ochette's Multi-Provoke (Ocean Lizardking III), guarantees the boss will stay broken as much as possible. The great thing about Ocean Lizardking III is that it synergizes with Throné by providing a speed buff that primes Aeber's Reckoning for the break. (Boss Weakness: Spear, Dagger, Bow, ???) Though the boss does not revive body parts, keep in mind that can change weaknesses if the battle goes on for too long. I don't have data on those weaknesses so just keep topping up your team with AoE jams to fully unload on the boss every turn. Good luck! Ochette - Break and Debuff the boss with Summons.

Temenos - Rotate between buffing Aelfric's Blessing and Hired Help -> Foreign Assassins

Osvald - AoE Jam JAm jAM

Throné - Aeber's Reckoning until the end
