What Is This Guide For?
This is my lazy way to earn money, experience & achievements that include Delivery 100 Vehicles, Odometer 100km, 1000km and 10,000km.
With this method you can earn around 50-60k/h with wrecker jobs and 60-70k/h with truck jobs and some experience for driver, truck & wrecker skills while using autopilot. This isn't a deep dive into the game mechanics, so don't expect deep explanations for how to do things efficiently as possible, you can hone your own way to play / idle while using this guide as a base.
1 Getting Started (skip To 4 If You Have 90k Or Own Tow Truck / Skip To 5 If You Don't Want To Do Wrecker Jobs)
Make your way to the city of Jeju (biggest town in north) and get this tow truck.
You'll use this tow truck until you've got 90k money. It sounds a lot, but you'll get it sooner than you think if you're going for Delivery 100 Vehicles.
2 After Getting The Free Tow Truck
Go to this spot in the harbor with the tow truck.
3 Using The Tow Trucks Hook
Reverse near car that's being delivered and go to the black box near tow trucks back.
Use control panel to lower back hook near to the ground.
After you're done, just hook the car by activating the hook.
It's almost certain that the car you're delivering will take some damage (1-10%) even if you try your best, so don't be discouraged by it. Lower the car, more likely it'll take damage from bumps, etc.
Tip: if you drive over this curb like so
there's lower change to damage the car, because there's front & rear wheel same time on the curb.
Keep you speed under 10km/h when doing this.
When leaving/arriving to the Harbor, use this route:
After passing the road blocks near Semi-Trucks, you can activate autopilot, Alt + Tab & watch videos, do homework / chores, work or play other games if your computer is beefy enough. Just remember NOT TO press esc before alt + tab when in single player or your game pauses, and check time to time if your autopilot is stuck or has arrived on destination.
4 After Getting 90k With Delivering Cars (or By Other Means)
Go to this location
and buy this tow truck with 90k
Congratulations! You have your very own tow truck, now you don't have to pay for your deliveries and get every penny for yourself when delivering / rescuing / towing with this truck and get way more money, around 50-60k/h if you buy home for 50k from Oedo and teleport there for easy back travel.
And remember, you can upgrade your tow truck in garages to make jobs even faster.
You can now keep doing wrecker jobs until you've gotten all wrecker achievements and / or all Odometer achievements if you wish, just check part 8 for tips first.
5 Gaining Experience For Trucking Skill Before Semi-Trucks
Truck skill first feel like you don't get almost any experience and it's true if you do only box / pallet deliveries. It's REALLY bad exp/h and I personally think it's waste of time in current build. Instead I suggest you to do these until you can drive Semi-Trucks:
Gasoline delivery with 5t tanker & Pickup truck
(This requires 2 trucking skill, so do small box deliveries 1st) There's gasoline delivery jobs in Harbor and trailers for it, just buy yourself pickup truck with 20k and upgrade back wheel springs to 500%.
Pickups are sold here:
Sand delivery with Dumpy (Req. 10 Driving & 5 Trucking)
Dumpy can be found in these places and jobs for them as well:
When you take these jobs with dumpy
you can get concrete jobs from the concrete factory you've delivered sand for (Req. 20 Driving & 10 Trucking)
I do not recommend to buy yourself own Dumpy or concrete truck, unless you really like doing these jobs and do more of these jobs even after getting a semi-truck.
6 After Getting At Least 9 Trucking Skill
After getting 9 truck skill, you can start driving SRT semi-truck and do gasoline jobs with 30t tanker trailer.
Here's all Semi-Trucks and their names & prices:
SRT: Requires level 9 truck skill, it's the 1st semi-truck you can drive, but is really bad when it goes with heavy cargo. It's good enough when there's not too steep climbs but still you really should pass on buying this one.
FL1 & Titan: They're basically the same truck, FL1 just being flat nosed and taller. Good for heavy cargo and dirt roads, but turning circle is bigger because they have 3 axles instead of 2.
FL1 requires 15 truck skill and Titan 25 and should be used for lumber jobs.
Kuda: Requires level 30 trucking skill and is best when it comes to hauling on paved roads. Its more agile than FL1 & Titan but is really bad when hauling lumber, or anything on dirt roads. I heavily suggest to save your money for this one and after that buying other trucks if you'd like to.
You can find Truck seller Here:
7 Hauling Gasoline With 30t Tanker Trailer
Go to the harbor:
and here you'll find the free semi-trucks:
Choose one of these trucks, depending on your truck skill of course:
Near those trucks are trailer spawning point:
Spawn the 30 Foot Tanker Trailer:
Reverse your truck under trailers front part until you see hook trailer button and press it:
After that, activate your handbrake and step out of you truck and find these two legs under the trailer, activate to lift them up and hop back on your truck:
To unhook your truck, lower the legs and pull this lever on the ''Fifth wheel'' on the trucks bed:
Drive your truck to the gasoline job spot:
Choose one of the (130%) jobs and fill your tanker with 20 units of gasoline. Try to avoid 1100 Rest area, it's in the middle of the map on this giant hill with really twisting road and it takes ages to get there.
When you're fully loaded your truck, turn your truck towards the road and you can activate autopilot, Alt + Tab & watch videos, do homework / chores, work or play other games if your computer is beefy enough. Just remember NOT TO press esc before alt + tab when in single player or your game pauses, and check time to time if your autopilot is stuck or has arrived on destination.
After getting 50k you should buy this home at Oedo:
When you buy this house, you can teleport near Jeju and its Harbor for easy back travel to increase your money per hour
Keep doing these jobs until you've collected enough money to buy and drive your own Semi-Truck, SRT for 120k / FL1 for 160k / Titan for 180k / Kuda for 220k.
After getting your own semi-truck and using Campy, you can earn up to 70k/h if letting autopilot do the driving, even more if you drive yourself!
8 Conclusion & Few Tips To Make Your Jobs Even Better $/h
Alright, you've your way to the end and hopefully used this guide to start earning easy money and skills.
Here's some of my tips to make these jobs even more easier and lazier than before:
1 My biggest tip; using Campy as teleport point for easy back travel
Simply buy yourself a Campy from here for 150k:
and park it here like so:
You can even use Campy like this to make car deliveries like a breeze:
Simply enter the garage next to the Campy and spawn your tow truck there, sadly Kuda doesn't fit in the garage. SRT or Titan might fit, but I haven't tried.
2 Second tip; remember that you can upgrade your trucks
You can upgrade your semi-truck in any garage by simply reversing it inside:
Best upgrades you should buy for trucks is motor, turbo, suspension spring 500% & brake power 200%. Motor and turbo is for faster deliveries and suspension spring & brake power for handling.
This tip is for both Semi-Trucks and Tow Truck.
3 Third tip;using cones to block npc cars to stop them from blocking your autopilot
You can buy and place cones that block npc cars from moving. You can find those from here:
Cones cost 100$ each and can stack 10 cones per inventory slot.
After buying cones, you can block intersections in Jeju to stop npc getting on your way
These are my favorite spots for cones, but you can use them as you please:
Just remember, that placed cones WILL disappear if you close the game!
Other method is using own cheap cars as blockers, they wont disappear when you close your game.
4 Fourth and last tip;making graphics setting low as possible to make lesser load for your computer
Lowering graphic settings in options you can dramatically improve your gaming if you play other game while Motor Town runs in the background
Simply press Esc and navigate to Option > Graphics and lower your Resolution as low as possible, same with Quality and set Fullscreen to Windowed.
Good Luck & Have Fun!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2973131059
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