Easy Taxi XP and money

About The Taxi Job

The taxi job is one of the first jobs we do. I have found that it can hold up to late game jobs as well.

The job has two tips you can get I'll explain them here;

Urgent: If you get there faster the more money you make. (the pay of will not go down like if its 2069 and you failed the urgent it will still be 2069)

Comfort: The better you drive the more money you make it will not lower if you drive badly. (If its 4590 and you drive really bad you still get 4590.)

Also, the urgent tip is normally much more than comfort. So when you get both you should go for urgent. (unless You have limo.)

Now, How To Make Money

So the main island has taxi jobs that are not high paying, but doing it from the main island to the big one is how you make about 25000 dollars every time and they take about 30 minutes on auto pilot.

End I Guess

I made this Guide while doing the auto pilot thing and i made $50000 so that's it.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3371648798					

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