Special Thanks
A special thanks to Krupke on the Worker's League Discord for showing that this was even possible.
Empty Trailers: Motor Town's Own Shopping Cart Test
Since semi trailers seem to no longer despawn on their own, you have two choices on how to deal with them when you no longer want to run cargo with them:
Leave it out in the open
Despawn it manually
Whether due to ignorance or negligence, I've noticed many people choose option 1. Unfortunately, this clutters up the server and can make some places harder to navigate. This guide will show how and where you can choose option 2, for a cleaner map and a prolonged lifespan for the hamster powering the server you play on.
How To Despawn A Semi Trailer
First, you must make sure that the space is long enough for the semi trailer to fit inside completely. If it does not, then the space cannot be used to despawn it. This limits you to large parking spaces, found further on in the guide and able to be bought and placed at properties by server hosts.
Note that I reversed it in. This is important, as trying to pull it in risks you despawning the truck instead. Once it is completely in and the spot turns green, it can be despawned the same way you would despawn your car.
Large Parking Spaces And Where To Find Them
Now that we've sorted out the "how", we'll move on to the "where". Going clockwise around the map, we'll start at...
The harbor at the very northern end is the start of several supply chains in the game, thus Jeju sees a lot of player traffic. Since we've established that dumping your unused trailers in the ocean alongside your car batteries isn't what you should do, below is a list of places to deal with them in a more sensible manner.
Jeju Airport cargo terminal
To the left of the pickup/delivery point.
Jeju Bus terminal
Tucked in the back, by the game-provided buses.
Jeju Harbor cargo terminal
In front of the building, flanking a game-provided trailer.
Jocheon Mansion
I bet you forgot this place existed. Off of the highway connecting the northern and southern sides of the map, Jocheon Mansion only sees traffic during the Halloween event and the rare occasion when someone wants a piece of furniture from there.
Jocheon Mansion
Tucked in by the wall, near the front gate.
Gu-Jwa And The East
Gu-Jwa features several buildings that form the backbone of the game's economy. Here is where you will find the heavy vehicle dealership, as well as the meat and cheese factories. Their presence makes this part of the map very popular. Thankfully, it also offers plenty of opportunity to de-clutter.
Gu-Jwa Food Factory
Tucked in the very back corner of the lot.
Gu-Jwa Meat Factory
At the side of the building, along the wall.
Gu-Jwa Jeju Bakery
In a parking lot near the pickup/delivery point. The original inspiration of the guide.
Daily Cheese Inc.
Parking lot on the opposite side of where the pickup/delivery point is.
Sangdo Lumbermill
Tucked in alongside the stone wall to the right of the entryway.
To keep it simple, Sei-Gui-Po is lumped in.
This is where you start. While the tutorial may take you away, you'll be back for one reason or another.
Sei-Gui-Po Burger Joint
In a parking lot nearby.
Gang-Jung Warehouse
Conveniently located next to the trailer spawner.
Not much to say here. Three racetracks, another place to get containers, and the delivery point for the garbage job. Hopefully this region fills in more with later updates.
Ae-wol Raceway
Back of the parking lot.
SRF Power Plant
Back of the plant, near where the Cora is sold.
Three Water Factory
Parking lot, near the pickup/delivery point.
Overseas Imports
Parking lot, next to game-provided vehicles.
Hallim Fishing Village
On the pier, on the opposite side of the fish pickup point.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2953674924
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