How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition

How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition

The Default FOV

How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition image 1

How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition image 2
How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition image 3

Take a look at these screenshots. This is the default FOV for Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. Notice how the cockpit is so zoomed in, making it so if you want to adjust anything you have to stop looking where you are flying and fly blind. Everything is right in your face

How To Increase The FOV

In order to increase the FOV permenantly to optimal levels you must find the fsx_se CFG file.

This is located in the following destination:


On Windows 7, in order to get here, paste that line into the start menu search bar, except replace [username] with the username of the account that FSX: SE is downloaded on.

Once you are in the FSX-SE directory, open fsx_se in a notepad. Make sure you open the cfg file and not the text file named fsx_se.CFG

Under where it says [Display] find the following line:


All you have to do now is change that line to:


Close the notepad and click save when the prompt comes up.

That's it! Now all you have to do is play FSX!

After The FOV Increase

How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition image 18
How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition image 19
How to increase the field of view on FSX: Steam Edition image 20

After you have done everything in the how to section your game will look like this. This is the same aircraft and location as the first set of screenshots

Have fun flying with a more immersive view on things!


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