Preface & Rundown
NameUse Element Zero IridiumPlatinumPalladiumSeeing as resource management is a huge investment in Mass Effect 2, I wanted to make something that would improve the experience for those going out and exploring the galaxy to find these materials.
In this guide I want to go over every RICH planet in the game, what elements they provide and where they are located. This guide does not cover 'Good' or below class planets, as Rich ones give more than enough materials to upgrade both your ship and crew.
If a Sector/System/Planet does not show up here, it is because they did not fit the criteria used i.e no rich planets present
While each specific planet is marked with its most abundant resource, they are not restricted to such and will likely have other elements that will be gathered at the same time whilst being mined. The purpose of this guide is to highlight the highest available resource per rich planet for ease of access and not to waste player time randomly scanning. It does not need to be followed to the latter to acquire adequate resources for the game; it is simply a general guide to be used as you see fit.
Now, with that out of the way, here are the resources as described in-game:
d in biotic and engineering upgrades. d in assault rifles, SMGs and heavy weapons. d to upgrade shields, armour and heavy pistols. d in shotguns, sniper rifles and medical upgrades.
In this guide each rich planet will be arranged as they appear in-game with images of their respective system. This is more of visual aid to help you while you play through Mass Effect 2, divided between each act as more sectors appear on your map.
In the last part of this guide, these resources will be arranged by their type rather than their local, so if you are looking to pin point a particular type of element, that last section will be for you.
Some sectors might re-appear as new systems open up later in the game, and some can only be unlocked via specific conditions that I will outline i.e loyalty missions/DLC/Star Charts.
As each planet has been manually scanned by me in-game using a tally system for each probe to summarize the most abundant resource, please bear in mind due to the magnitude of systems and planets it is possible that some outcomes are a little off. Overall the guide should be correct, however.
I will do my best to continually update this if I find anything out of place in the future.
PS. For players with a DPI setting on their mouse, I highly recommend setting it to a very high in order to scan planets a lot quicker! Do make sure to set it back to normal for gunplay however
Resource Locations By Sector/System
Here are the rich resources by visual location, in order of story progression:
Act 1
Act 1 takes place at the start of the game where you recruit 4 new squad-mates (excluding Kasumi and Zaeed). There are a total of 7 sectors available, 5 of which have rich resources. They are as follows:
Omega Nebula
Rich Planet(s):
Bindur – Platinum
Rich Planet(s):
Utha – Platinum
Rich Planet(s):
Vatar – Iridium
Sehtor – Iridium
Uwan Oche – Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Alchera – Palladium (SR1 Normandy Crash Site)
Rich Planet(s):
Dorgal – Platinum
Lorek – Platinum
The Phoenix Massing
Rich Planet(s):
Sarapai - Palladium
Pahhur - Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Ekuna - Iridium (traces of Element Zero)
Rich Planet(s):
Moros - Palladium (traces of Element Zero)
Hourglass Nebula
Rich Planet(s):
Wenrum - Palladium
Alingon - Palladium
Tunfigel - Palladium
Antictra - Iridium
Quarem - Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Thegan - Palladium
Synalus - Palladium
Aigela - Iridium
Eagle Nebula
Rich Planet(s):
Gregas - Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Flett - Palladium
Wrill - Palladium
Rich Planet(s):
Neith - Palladium
Anhur - Element Zero & Palladium
Rich Planet(s):
Murky Water - Palladium
Rough Tide - Platinum
Fitful Current - Iridium
Beach Thunder - Iridium
Ismar Frontier
This sector is available for Zaeed's loyalty mission.
Rich Planet(s)
Vecchio - Iridium
Rich Planet(s)
Seleas - Iridium
Odasst - Platinum
Zeona - Palladium (Firewalker Mission MSV Rosalie)
Rich Planet(s)
Viantel - Platinum
Imaen - Iridium
Act 2
Act 2 takes place after the events of Horizion and meeting the Virmire survivor. The new rich locations are as follows:
Shadow Sea
Rich Planet(s):
Venture - Palladium
Far Rim
Rich Planet(s):
Gotha - Palladium (traces of Element Zero)
Rosetta Nebula
This sector opens for Jacob's loyalty mission.
Rich Planet(s):
Laban - Iridium (trace of Element Zero)
Phi Clio
Rich Planet(s):
Parnassus - Iridium
Alpha Draconis
Rich Planet(s):
2175 Aeia - Platinum (Jacob's Loyalty Mission)
Crescent Nebula
Rich Planet(s):
Beregate - Palladium
Ponolus - Palladium
Rich Planet(s):
Epho - Palladium
Nepyma - Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Tarith - Element Zero & Platinum
Euntanta - Palladium
Rich Planet(s):
Zesmeni - Palladium
Acaeria - Platinum
Viper Nebula
The Viper Nebula can be easy to miss as it is a DLC sector (Arrival) and is located at the southern part of the Galaxy map! This opens up once you speak to Admiral Hackett after accessing your messages post-Horizon. If you want to scan this system it is recommended that you do so before launching the DLC's main mission on Aratoht as the Bahak System becomes unavailable after the events of Arrival.
Rich Planet(s):
Yunaca - Iridium
Nubian Expanse
This sector opens for Jack's loyalty mission.
Rich Planet(s):
Zirnitra - Platinum
Bannik - Palladium
Krogan DMZ
This sector opens for Mordin and Grunt's loyalty mission.
Rich Planet(s):
Kruban - Palladium
Durak - Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Rothla - Platinum (traces of Element Zero)
Sazgoth - Platinum
Rich Planet(s):
Mantun - Element Zero & Iridium
Act 3
Act 3 takes place after completing the disabled Collector ship and the Turian distress signal. The Reaper IFF now becomes acquirable, opening up a few more sectors.
Caleston Rift
Rich Planet(s):
Partholon - Platinum
Caleston - Element Zero & Palladium
Elatha - Iridium
Bres - IridiumAysur
Rich Planet(s):
Agnin - Iridium
Shir - Iridium
Shasu - IridiumSolveig
Rich Planet(s):
Sutur - Palladium Talava
Rich Planet(s):
Taitus - Palladium
Maitrum - Iridium
Hawking Eta
Rich Planet(s):
Klendagon - Palladium
Tamahera - Palladium
Cantra - PalladiumSchwarzschild
Rich Planet(s):
Atahil - IridiumThorne
Rich Planet(s):
Lethe - Palladium
Vallhallan Threshold
This sector opens for Tali's loyalty mission.
Rich Planet(s):
Farlas - Element Zero & Iridium
Israfil - Iridium (traces of Element Zero)
Kakabel - Iridium
This is the final stage for the base game after acquiring the Reaper IFF and only 1 new system named the Sea of Storms opens up in the Phoenix Massing to complete Legion's loyalty mission (if you recruited him obviously), however this contains no planets and only the Geth heretic station.
The Suicide Mission becomes available afterwards.
BONUS - Extended DLC Sectors
This covers any new systems with rich planets that open up after activating the various DLC missions available in the game. The only DLC to open new systems is Shadow Broker.
The three remaining DLCs - Firewalker, Overlord and Arrival take place on planets already covered in the guide or are too low to meet the criteria of Rich planets.
Shadow Broker - Hourglass Nebula
Rich Planet(s):
Ansuz - Palladium
Kenaz - Iridium
Uruz - Iridium
BONUS - Purchasable Star Charts (Illium Charts & Shadow Broker Contracts)
In this section I will go over the Sectors/Systems that you can purchase from Illium and the Shadow Broker for secret resource locations. These have been included in the table in the last section of this guide, but I also wanted to include the visual location too!
I highly recommend purchasing the Illium Star Charts before Shadow Broker ones since some of the locations only appear on your map after you have unlocked the Illium Star Charts.
Illium Star Chart Purchase location:
The purchase terminal can be found at Baria Frontiers on Illium, the market area where you ask the Asari for a taxi to Samara's recruitment mission (the terminal near the quest with Shiala if you rescued her in the first Mass Effect).
Shadow Broker DLC Resource contracts location:
The terminal can be found at the lower right most part of the room in the Shadow Broker's base next to the window and the Shadowbroker ship model on the table. To unlock all locations may take several visits.
Please note that while I have mentioned Shadow Broker contracts, I have not uploaded their locations as there are some Good or below class planets, on top of the fact that they are only highlighted one at a time over multiple visits. Most of these planets can be found by what has already been shown in this guide anyway.
Illium Star Charts - Hades Nexus
Rich Planet(s):
Ker - Palladium
Bothros - Platinum (traces of Element Zero)Sheol
Rich Planet(s):
Gei Hinnom - Platinum (traces of Element Zero)Pamyat
Rich Planet(s):
Dobrovolski - Element Zero & Iridium
Pastayev - Platinum
Volkov - Iridiun
Komarov - Iridium (Shadow Broker Purchase location)
Illium Star Charts - Pylos Nebula
Rich Planet(s):
Canalus - Palladium
Siano - Iridium (traces of Element Zero)
Thenusi - Iridium
Rich Planet(s):
Boro - Platinum (traces of Element Zero)
Anedia - Platinum
Raisaris - Iridium (traces of Element Zero)Kriseroi
Rich Planet(s):
Theonax - Platinum
Illium Star Charts - Minos Wasteland
Rich Planet(s):
Aequitas - Palladium
Pietas - Palladium
Rich Planet(s):
Temerarus - Iridium
Invictus - Platinum (traces of Element Zero)
Illium Star Charts - The Shrike Abyssal
Xe Cha
Rich Planet(s):
Zada Ban - Palladium (traces of Element Zero)
Tosal Nym - Iridium (races of Element Zero)
Urla Rast
Rich Planet(s):
Bovis Tor - Palladium
BONUS - Planet Anomalies
SectorSystemPlanetAnomaly MissionI have also listed each planet found with a planetary anomaly. These are small bonus missions you can acquire by scanning. You can get the game achievement 'Agent' by completing 5 of them.
Omega Nebula Fathar Lorek Rescue Operative Hourglass Nebula Faryar Daratar Recover Smuggler Cargo Hourglass Nebula Ploitari Zanethu Investigate Wreckage Eagle Nebula Amun Neith Investigate Shipwreck Rosetta Nebula Enoch Joab Investigate Dig Site Crescent Nebula Zelene Helyme Investigate Eclipse Presence Crescent Nebula Lusarn Tarith Blood Pack Base Nubian Expanse Solveig Sinmara Activate Magnetic Field Nubian Expanse Talva Taitus Investigate Mech Signal Hades Nexus Sheol Gei Hinnom Investigate Quarian Crash Site Pylos Nebula Dirada Canalus Investigate Geth Activity Minos Wasteland Fortis Aequitas Investigate Abandoned Mine The Shrike Abyssal Xe Cha Zada Ban Bloock Pack Base
Resource Locations By Type
Here is a summary of all locations by resource type, for those seeking out specific elements:
Element Zero
Sector System Planet Hourglass Nebula Amun Anhur Crescent Nebula Lusarn Tarith Vallhalan Threshold Micah Farlas Krogan DMZ Nith Mantun Caleston Rift Balor Caleston Hades Nexus Sheol Dobrovolski
Please note that this table represents planets that have large amounts of Ezo (several probes worth with high pings), but there are planets with traces of Ezo that did not make it into the table due to the quantity/quality they gave upon mining.
These have been mentioned in the visual guide, however.
Sector System Planet Omega Nebula Arinlarkan Utha Kairvamori Vatar Sehtor Uwan Oche The Pheonix Massing Tassrah Pahhur Salahiel Ekuna Hourglass Nebula Faryar Quarem Antictra Ploitari Aigela Eagle Nebula Imir Gregas Relic Fitful Current Beach Thunder Isamar Frontier Aquila Vecchio Elysta Seleas Faia Imaen Rosetta Nebula Enoch Laban Phi Clio Parnassus Crescent Nebula Zelene Nepyma Vallhalan Threshold Micha Farlas Israfil Kakabel Krogan DMZ Aralakh Durak Caleston Rift Balor Elatha Bres Aysur Agnin Shir Shasu Talva Maitrum Hawking Eta Schwarzschild Athil Hourglass Nebula Sowilo Kenaz Uruz Hades Nexus Sheol Dobrovolski Volkov Komarov Pylos Nebula Dirada Siano Thenusi Satent Raisaris Minos Wasteland Caestus Temerarus Xe Cha Tosal Nym
Sector System Planet Omega Nebula Sahra Barik Bindur Arinlarkan Utha Fathar Dorgal Lorek Eagle Nebula Relic Rough Tide Isamar Frontier Elysta Odasst Faia Viantel Rosetta Nebula Alpha Draconis 2175 Aeia Crescent Nebula Lusarn Tarith Ondeste Acaeria Krogan DMZ Dranek Rothla Sazgoth Nubian Expanse Dakka Zirnitra Caleston Rift Balor Partholon Hades Nexus Hekate Bothros Sheol Gei Hinnom Pamyat Patsayev Pylos Nebula Satent Andeia Minos Wasteland Caestus Invictus
Sector System Planet Omega Nebula Amada Alchera The Phoenix Massing Tassrah Sarapai Typhon Moros Hourglass Nebula Faryar Wenrum Alingon Tunfigel Ploitari Thegan Synalus Eagle Nebula Malgus Flett Wrill Amun Neith Anhur Relic Murkey Water Isamar Frontier Elysta Zeona Shadow Sea Iera Venture Viper Nebula Bahak Gotha Crescent Nebula Tasale Beregate Ponolus Zelene Epho Lusarn Euntanta Ondeste Zesmeni Krogan DMZ Aralakh Kurban Caleston Rift Balor Caleston Solveig Sutur Talava Taitus Hawking Eta Century Klendagon Tamahera Cantra Thorne Lethe Hourglass Nebula Sowilo Ansuz Hades Nexus Hekate Ker Pylos Nebula Dirada Canalus Minos Wasteland Fortis Aequitas Pietas The Shrike Abyssal Xe Cha Zada Ban Urla Rast Bovis Tor
Closing Remarks
Phew, that took quite a while to put together. I think I have about 30hs ingame for this playthrough, most of which was just scanning and compiling images for the guide. I just speed ran most of the story, which is relatively short if you skip cutscenes.
Here is an image of all my resources before buying upgrades (bar the normandy ship upgrades as I had to use them for getting the best story outcome, I still cant bring myself to let anyone die in these games lol):
Here are my resources after buying all the upgrades I could find ingame after scanning all these rich planets:
I spent much of the game looking like a cybernetic monster as I didnt want to spend resources on the Med Bay and I was playing renegade. The scars were just horrifying.
I hope the guide is of some use to you and I hope it makes gathering resources a little bit less of a chore!
Thanks for reading.
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