Achievement Breakdown – Cross Game: (11)
Story Related: (4)
Secondary Objectives: (3)
Slay: (4)
Achievement Breakdown – Mass Effect 3: (38)
Story Related: (13)
Missable: (1)
Secondary Objectives: (8)
Character: (1)
Collectibles: (3)
Slay: (9)
Miscellaneous: (3)
This is Part 3 of 3 for the 100% Achievement Guide: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Part 3 only covers Mass Effect 3; part 1 & part 2 linked in the Conclusion of the guide covers Mass Effect 1 & 2 respectively.
Before you play you must read through the “Before You Play!” section at the bottom of the Introduction! A bad update to the EA App will prevent you from unlocking any Achievements in Mass Effect 3 unless you follow the work around!
Unlike the first two games, to earn 100% in Mass Effect 3, we will need to complete 1.1 playthroughs of the game into NG+. This is all because of the Gunsmith Achievement as we can only Upgrade Weapons beyond Level 5-10 in NG+. Fortunately, if you import a chunk Credits from your first playthrough, you should be able to unlock it very quickly.
Similar to Mass Effect 1, our playthrough slows down a bit in ME3 as we need to search for & collect War Assets for the Master & Commander Achievement. In a nutshell, the bulk of the Missions, dialogue choices, main decisions, & even previous decisions we made in the first two games will come through in + or – War Assets. For the Achievement, we will need between 5600-6000 War Asset Points; we cannot have all War Assets in the game due to conflicting decisions. Fortunately, there are A LOT of them & unless you speed ran the playthrough (which you can’t if you are going for the other Achievements) it is hard to miss. There are a lot of War Assets I missed in the guide or did not cover, this is not meant to be an exhaustive guide to 100% game completion, only 100% Achievements. I will record War Assets right up until the Achievement, then stop…
Charm & Renegade are handled similarly to in Mass Effect 2, but much easier to obtain. The higher the meter, the more likely you will have related actions you can say or perform as well as the likelihood of passing them. You will still want to make a point of choosing a side as waffling in between Paragon or Renegade may screw you later in the game for not having one or the other very high. Failing certain checks could void War Asset choices, but not make you lose any Achievements.
Once again, we will need to have a Romance with one of our Squad Members or previous ME2 Squad Members if you Romanced them. As Male Shepard, we can Romance: Ashley, Liara, Miranda, Jack, Tali, or Cortez. As a Female Shepard, we can Romance: Kaiden, Liara, Garrus, or Traynor. There are certain characters like Diana Allers that we can flirt or sleep with, but they will not unlock the Paramour III Achievement.
As a final note, unlike the other two games, Squad Member Powers will not contribute to the Slay Achievements regarding Incinerate, Overload, or Lift Powers. I highly recommend playing as an Engineer as they have Incinerate & Overload as Powers; we can get a Lift ability by completing the Omega DLC.
For those interested, here is an organized list of all the Achievements/Secret Achievements. This is how I derive my Achievement Breakdowns & the first reference I create before I begin my 100% journeys.
Before You Play!: Congratulations! If you are playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition after February 14, 2023 we are basically screwed for unlocking Achievements in Mass Effect 2 & 3 due to a bad update to the EA App. When you load up the game, the EA App will register that all Mass Effect 3 Achievements have already been unlocked, even though you have never played the game before, & we will be unable to unlock them! This also permanently corrupts your Save & there is no way to undo the Achievements auto-unlocking in the App...
To work around this, bless the Enkindlers, we just have to do as laid out by the user Witcher3025. Load up Mass Effect: Legendary Edition until we get to the menu to select which Mass Effect game to play. Minimize your game to your desktop & sign into your accursed piece of (Censored by Steam) EA App account & go to the settings tab in the far top left corner; switch to Offline Mode. You need to have Mass Effect running or else you will get Error Code 203; you can play Offline while already running a game… but you cannot begin a game in Offline Mode. Once we are switched to Offline Mode, enter into Mass Effect 3 & play the game as normal. You must go through this process every single time you play Mass Effect 3, or it will corrupt our Save & give us all of the Achievements. Not doing this will literally break your game, making it impossible to unlock any Steam Achievements; you do not want to forget to do this halfway through the game...
If you are only reading this now wondering why you are not unlocking Achievement, you forgot to do the process & corrupted your game, follow these steps to delete your game. In your Computer, you will need to go to Documents – Bioware – Mass Effect Legendary Edition – Save & delete your ME3 Folder. Only uncorrupted games will be able to continue on & unlock Achievements in Steam, again, you must load the EA App in Offline Mode every single time you play Mass Effect 3, or it will corrupt your Save. If you mess up at the start, you can delete your Save File & start again by Importing your ME1 character. If you mess up halfway or at the end of the game… you are basically (Censored by Steam) & have to redo the entire game.
Please send all grief to EA so they fix their “launcher” …
*Guide contains major spoilers.
Sequence 1: Leaving Earth
Local Cluster – Sol:1. Priority: Earth, Mars
2. Min/Max War Assets: 5/10
3. Achievements: 91/127
When we begin Mass Effect 3, it is imperative that we import our Character from Mass Effect 2; if you do not, you will void the Long Service Medal Achievement. We will see a Service History summary of what we accomplished in Mass Effect 1 & Mass Effect 2. This is only a summary & is not exhaustive; much more NPCs & decisions we made will carry over in various ways.
Be sure to select Insanity Difficulty so we can earn all Mass Effect 3 Achievements on a single playthrough. As always, explore everywhere, talk to everyone, & kill everything to maximize our Credits & Xp…
Similarly to ME2, there are Achievements for use “Power X amount of times” Achievements. This time however, we cannot use other Squad Members to unlock the Achievements & it must be from our own Powers. While we can farm these in a quick separate playthrough, I strongly recommend choosing the Engineer Class as they are able to use Overload & Incinerate…
We will get a variety of bonuses for importing our ME2 Character. For one, we will be the exact Level we were at with a cap of Level 30. We will also get a large portion of Paragon or Renegade Points carried over as well; unfortunately, no Credits will transfer over, though they are much more plentiful in this game.
Achievement #87 – Focused: Evolve any of your Powers to Rank 6.
This can be done as soon as we begin the game & take control of Shepard. It will take 11 Points to take a Rank 4 Power to Rank 6; being Level 30 will import a maximum 20 Points to spend.
Evolve your Class Power, as it is the best to do early, & we will unlock this Achievement.
If the Achievement does not unlock, then the EA App has corrupted your Save; read the Before You Play! section in my Introduction for the work around.
Achievement #88 – Driven: Return to active duty.
Story Related. After we escape Earth (from a city of my home province four hours away from me no less), Admiral Anderson will reinstate us just before we leave on the Normandy. When the cut scene ends, we will unlock this Achievement after seeing the Mass Effect 3 title screen.
Romance Option – Kaiden Alenko/Ashley Williams: Depending on who you saved back in ME1, we will be reunited with our old Alliance comrade on Earth.
Kaiden is a potential Romance Option for Female Shepard & Ashley Williams is a Romance Option for Male Shepard; they can become permanent Squad Members on our team later on as well.
Priority – Mars: When we escape Earth, our next task will be to go to the Prothean Archives on Mars.
Romance Option – Liara T’Soni: We will reunite with Liara on Mars & she will become a permanent addition to our team. Liara is a Romance Option for both Male & Female Shepards.
Achievement #89 – A Personal Touch: Modify a Weapon.
When we enter the vented cafeteria, we will shut our flashlights off & ambush a group of Cerberus Assault Troopers through a window. Before we climb through it to the other side, look behind us & head over to the main kitchen counter where we can find a SMG Scope I.
Restore pressure to the room & carry on into the next one where we hear a Cerberus soldier speaking over a radio. To the right of where we enter, we can spot a Weapon Bench. Equip the SMG Scope to anyone’s equipped SMG to unlock the Achievement; there will be many opportunities to unlock this Achievement over the course of the game.
Cerberus Guardians: We will encounter Cerberus Guardians shortly after the Weapon Bench. These are soldiers that have large tower shields with a convenient eye slot in them at head level. To unlock the Mail Slot Achievement, we need to kill 10 of these enemies by Headshots through their eye slots. This is easiest done with a Sniper Rifle or Pistol, but in theory any Weapon can work so long as the finishing blow is a Headshot through that eye slot.
Keep this in mind as we play, as this is one of the more specific Slay Achievements we will need to unlock…
Achievement #90 – Bringer of War: Chase down an assassin.
Story Related. Find the Prothean Data & dispose of Dr. Eva Lin, escape back to the Normandy & leave Mars to unlock the Achievement.
Alliance War Assets – Diana Allers (+5): After Kaiden/Ashley is taken away to the hospital when we arrive at the Citadel, go to the Passengers Lounge. Here, we can find Diana Allers. Speak with her & she will offer to become our personal full-time reporter on board the Normandy; tell her to do a trial run & she will join us as a War Asset.
Alliance War Assets – Dr. Karin Chakwas (+10): Regardless of what you said earlier, head to the Memorial Hospital first before going to the Citadel Embassy. Here in the Patient Lounge, we can find good old Dr. Chakwas if she survived ME2. Speak with her & tell her that she should stay in the labs; doing this will make her become a War Asset.
Asking her to come aboard the Normandy will make her present, but not a contributing War Asset. This is more of a comfort thing for your Shepard; losing her as a War Asset should you take her isn’t a big deal.
If you do not take Dr. Chakwas, or she died during the Suicide Mission in ME2, we can choose to take Dr. Michel onboard the Normandy in her stead as our Field Doctor.
Achievement #91 – Shopaholic: Visit a store on the Citadel.
While in the Patient Lounge, approach the Sirta Supplies kiosk across from the reception desk & access it to unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 2: First Human Spectre Again
Citadel – Citadel Embassies:Normandy SR-2:Sigurd’s Cradle – Skepsis:1. Priority: Citadel
2. Missions: Cerberus Lab
3. Min/Max War Assets: 610/890
4. Achievements: 92/127
Mission – Prothean Obelisk: When we first enter the Embassies, head over towards the far corner of the Office Suites section to our left where we can find a Volus Diplomat talking with a human & a Turian. We cannot speak with them, but stand by & listen to them to overhear him needing Prothean artifact which will unlock this Mission in the Shrike Abyssal.
Priority – Citadel: After we meet with Udina & the Council, we will meet back at Udina’s Office to debrief. Here, the Turian Councillor will arrive to give us a new Priority Mission on Palaven as well as reinstate our Spectre status.
Alliance War Assets – Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani (+5 or +10): If you have not already done so, go in to see Commander Bailey & we will bump into a reoccurring pain in the (Censored by Steam).
Meet with her in the Embassy Offices & we can have yet another impromptu interview. If refrain from doing the Renegade prompt, we can do a Paragon prompt instead for a much kinder end to the interview. Doing it this way will unlock al-Jilani as a new War Asset worth +5 Points; if you never punched her in ME1 or ME2 she will actually be worth +10 Points.
Romance Option – Specialist Traynor: After we awaken from our nightmare of Earth, we will shortly meet up a new crew member, Specialist Traynor. She is a Romance Option for Female Shepard only.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Engineering Corps (+130): After speaking with Admiral Hackett, go to the War Room & interact with the War Terminal to view our War Assets.
Off the start of the game, we will begin with quite a few Assets by default; this is one of them.
Alliance War Assets – 103rd Marine Division (+50 or +100): We will begin the game with this War Asset; note that if you never completed Assignment – Arrival in ME2, this War Asset will be reduced by -50 Points as this Marine Division will have been sent to deal with it, taking casualties.
Alliance War Assets – Admiral Mikhailovich (+25): If you let the Citadel Council die during the battle with Sovereign in ME1, we will receive this War Asset as a default.
Asari War Assets – Destiny Ascension (+70): If you let the Citadel Council live during the battle with Sovereign in ME1, we will receive this War Asset instead as a default.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance First Fleet (+65 or +90): We will receive this War Asset as a default; if you chose to save the Citadel Council during the battle with Sovereign, its power will be reduced by -25 Points.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Third Fleet (+65 or +90): We will receive this War Asset as a default; if you chose to save the Citadel Council during the battle with Sovereign, its power will be reduced by -25 Points.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Fifth Fleet (+65 or +90): We will receive this War Asset as a default; if you chose to save the Citadel Council during the battle with Sovereign, its power will be reduced by -25 Points.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2 (+50 or +115): Of course, the Normandy itself is a War Asset. Though it has a base value of +50 Points, if you completed the essential three Normandy Upgrades in ME2 (which you would have had to to survive the Suicide Mission), it will be worth +115 Points instead.
Alliance War Assets – Mineral Resources (+10, +25, or +100): We will also earn a War Asset for how many Resources (Eezo, Iridium, Platinum, Palladium) we ended ME2 with & were imported into ME3. If you did a fair bit of hoarding, you shouldn’t have had an issue getting the +100 Points.
Alliance War Assets – Zhu’s Hope Colonists (+30): Lastly, if you saved all of the main Colonists & the Asari, Shiala during Feros in ME1 we will also have this War Asset as well. Even if you saved Shiala, if too many Colonists died by you when fighting the Thorian, we will not get this Asset.
Mission – Cerberus Lab: Go to the Galaxy Map on the Normandy now & as soon as we pass through the security checkpoint, Specialist Traynor will inform us of this Mission & unlock it for us. There is a War Asset we can receive from this Mission.
Mission – Priority Eden Prime: Go to your Private Terminal now & check your emails. Of all the nonessential ones we got, go to the email on Eden Prime to unlock this DLC Mission; we can get a cool new Squad Member out of this.
Romance Option – Steve Cortez: Cortez can be found on Deck 5 & is our shuttle pilot for the Kodiak; he is a Romance Option for Male Shepard only.
Regardless, be sure to speak with Cortez often, & tell him to take some R&R on the Citadel; completing Cortez’s small side plot with his husband will award us a War Asset….
Crucible War Assets – Javelin Missile Launchers (+50): Now that we have the ability to free roam the Traverse, head to Sigurd’s Cradle first. When we enter the Skepsis System, go to the Planet Watson & Scan it to find this War Asset.
Achievement #92 – Untouchable: Escape a Reaper in the Galaxy Map.
If you Scan too many times in a Reaper Controlled System, they will arrive to destroy us. Don’t let them catch you & escape out of the System to unlock the Achievement.
An active Reaper Threat Level will fade away from all Systems after completing a Mission.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Cerberus Research Data (+50): Now head over to the Decoris System where we can find Sanctum. Complete Mission – Cerberus Lab & retrieve this research data to complete the Mission & receive this War Asset.
Mission – Alien Medi-Gel Formula: Search the Cerberus Lab while we are here & look at a failed Cerberus Experiment on a Terminal to collect this Mission.
If you miss this, we can collect the formula via the Spectre Requisitions Terminal on the Normandy.
Sequence 3: The Sky Is On Fire
Hades Gamma – Plutus:Hades Gamma – Farinata:Kite’s Nest – Harsa System:Exodus Cluster – Asgard:1. Priority: Eden Prime, Palaven
2. Min/Max War Assets: 985/1265
3. Achievements: 97/127
Alliance War Assets – Ops Team Zeta (+20): Go to the Hades Gamma cluster now & travel to Plutus. Here we can Scan the Planet Nonuel for this War Asset Upgrade to the 103rd Marine Division.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Frigate Agincourt (+15): Head to the Farinata System now & Scan the Planet Juntauma to collect this War Asset Upgrade to the Alliance First Fleet.
Mission – Pillars of Strength: Travel to the Kite’s Nest cluster & go to the Planet Khar’shan. Scan it to collect a Batarian Artifact; we will be unable to complete this Mission until later.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla (+75): Go to the Exodus Cluster now & before we hang around Utopia, first go to the Asgard System. Here we can Scan the Planet Tyr to acquire this War Asset.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta (+35): Scan the Planet Loki to collect this War Asset.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Cruiser Shanghai (+40): Scan the Planet Terra Nova to collect this War Asset.
Achievement #93 – Lost & Found: Dispatch 10 Probes to retrieve people or resources in Reaper territory.
Always make an attempt to 100% explore most Systems for Assets as we can get a lot of Credits in doing so. If you don’t, this will still come to you eventually as we Scan Planets for War Assets.
Crucible War Assets – Prothean Data Files (+75): Return to Utopia & scan the Planet Zion to collect this War Asset.
Alliance War Assets – Eden Prime Support (+25): When we land on Eden Prime during Priority – Eden Prime, head down the hill & enter the building marked “6” off our right. Head to the back room inside it & we can find a Terminal we can examine to collect this War Asset.
This also unlocks the Mission – Resistance Movement; there are two more pieces of intel we can acquire to complete this Mission & max out our Eden Prime Support Asset.
Alliance War Assets – Eden Prime Support (+25): Raise the Prothean Artifact up for us to examine then head over to building “5” off our left after we dispatch the Cerberus troops. Inside, we can find another Terminal to collect this War Asset Upgrade.
Alliance War Assets – Eden Prime Support (+25): From the previous Terminal, look out the doorway ahead of us to see building “2”. Enter into this building & we can head to the back of this room as well to locate a final Terminal to collect this War Asset Upgrade.
Achievement #94 – Pyromaniac: Set 100 enemies on Fire with Powers.
If you are an Engineer, this Achievement will unlock for you through natural progress as you use it; it is extremely handy. If you are not an Engineer with the Incinerate Power or Soldier with Incendiary Ammo, you will not be able to unlock this Achievement until later. Squad Members Powers will not contribute to this Achievement.
If Ashley Williams is in your game, we can unlock the Inferno Grenade as a Bonus Power to use & that will track for the Achievement.
If she is not, your only other option for this Achievement, unfortunately, is to start a separate new game as an Engineer specifically for this Achievement. When you reach the part near the end where we fight the Cannibals, make a Save. Continually use Incinerate, over & over again on them until they are dead; reload your Save & rinse & repeat to unlock the Achievement. A little tedious, but it should only take a few minutes…
Turian War Assets – Turian 79th Flotilla (+40): Go to the Apien Crest now & travel to the Gemmae System. It is hard to spot, but there is a single Planet in this System called Pheiros; Scan it to collect this War Asset.
Mission – Banner of the First Regiment: Go to the Castellus System & Scan the Planet Digeris to collect the Banner of the First Regiment; we will need this for a War Asset later on…
Priority – Palaven: Go now to Menae in the Trebia System & begin our assistance for the Turians on Palaven. There is loot everywhere on this Mission, be sure to really explore around…
Achievement #95 – Combined Arms: Perform any combination of 50 Biotic Combos or Tech Bursts.
This Achievement will come through natural progression, especially playing on Insanity Difficulty. A Biotic Combo & a Tech Burst are the same thing for different Classes. To perform a Biotic Combo, you need to hit an enemy with a Biotic Power while they are already under the influence of one; use Liara & hit an enemy with Singularity & Warp shortly afterwards. Shepard can also speed this up if they are a Biotic as well. For a Tech Burst, it is the same principal except now it is hitting an enemy with Incinerate then Overload while they are still on fire.
You will know you were successful as a Combo or Burst will cause the enemy to explode; this can potentially contribute to the Sky High Achievement if you knock a live enemy off their feet.
Romance Option – Garrus Vakarian: After setting up the comm tower, we will return to the Turian Base to be reunited with Garrus. Garrus is only a Romance Option for Female Shepard if she Romanced him prior; he will not be an option if you did not Romance him in ME2.
Achievement #96 – Eye of the Hurricane: Kill a Brute while it's charging you.
This is the soonest we can unlock this very specific Achievement. Brutes are large heavily Armored Turian/Krogan cross Reapers that will charge at us when they are a mid distance away. Whittle down ones Armor to one or two bars & try to bait it into charging. When it does, kill it as fast as you possibly can while it is still charging to kill it.
We can farm them here by reloading our Autosaves when we encounter them if you want to. Otherwise there will be many other opportunities, along with infinite Brutes we can spawn in the Armax Arsenal Arena during the Citadel DLC.
Achievement #97 – Mobilizer: Bring a veteran officer aboard.
Story Related. Get Primarch Victus to safety & complete Mission – Priority Palaven to unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 4: Grissom Academy Rescue
Normandy SR-2:Petra Nebula – Vetus:1. Missions: Emergency Evacuation
2. Min/Max War Assets: 1075/1395
3. Achievements: 99/127
Mission – Dr. Bryson: When we return to the Normandy after Palaven, sift through more emails to find an Urgent Message From Admiral Hackett. Read it, to unlock the first Mission in the Leviathan DLC.
Mission – Investigation: Go to Deck 2, & Specialist Traynor will tell us of Grissom Academy that will soon be under attack by the Reapers. This is a time sensitive Mission & must be done asap; if you do two or more Missions before this one it will disappear forever.
Mission – Investigation=Emergency Evacuation: Before we waste any time, travel to the Grissom Academy in the Petra Nebula. Link up with Kahlee Sanders & save the students from the invading Cerberus soldiers. Saving all the students we come across will give us a War Asset Upgrade.
Achievement #98 – Shield Breaker: Overload the Shields of 100 enemies.
This will come through natural progression if you are an Engineer or Sentinel Class. Fortunately for this Achievement, oddly enough, Squad Member Powers do count towards it. This means that we can earn this Achievement with Garrus, EDI, & Kaiden if he survived Virmire.
Mission – Biotic Amp Interfaces: After rescuing Octavia & some other students, carry on towards Docking & we can find this Mission on a Terminal near the next door.
Alliance War Assets – 103rd Marine Division (+50): After we escape Grissom Academy, we will have to make a decision about what to do with the students. If you use them as support, they will become a War Asset Upgrade to the 103rd Marine Division.
Alliance War Assets – Biotic Company (+75): Alternatively, you can send the students to the front line as their own Biotic Company for more Points.
Achievement #99 – Liberator: Stop a Cerberus kidnapping.
Complete Mission – Emergency Evacuation to unlock this Achievement.
Alliance War Assets – Jack (+25): We will unlock Jack as a War Asset after completing Mission – Emergency Evacuation if she survived the Suicide Mission, which she should have if you imported your ME2 save file.
If you had a Romance with her in ME2 as Male Shepard, we have the option of continuing it.
Alliance War Assets – Kahlee Sanders (+15, +20, +25, or +30): We will unlock Kahlee Sanders as a War Asset after completing Mission – Emergency Evacuation as well. She has a base of +15 Points but can get some bonuses by doing the following:
+5 Points for keeping all the scattered students alive.
+5 Points if Jack survived ME2, which in turn makes the student, Prangley survive.
+5 Points if David Archer survived (he is only present if you rescued him from the Overlord DLC in ME2)
Romance Option – Miranda Lawson: Return to the Citadel now & we can find our old Squad Member, Miranda, if you read the message she sent to our Private Terminal. Catch up with her to progress her side plot; we will not receive her associated Mission yet, but needed to re-establish contact with her.
Miranda is also a Romance Option if you Romanced her in ME2 as Male Shepard.
Steve Cortez: If you told Cortex to take a break on the Citadel, we can find him here in the Docking Bay as well. Speak with him, & encourage him to leave a memorial for his husband in the Docking Hold.
Turian War Asset – Banner of the First Regiment (+40): Go to the Purgatory Bar & if you collected The Banner of the First Regiment from Castellus in the Apien Crest, we can speak with a Turian Officer in the Lower Bar & give him the Banner to unlock this War Asset Upgrade for the Turian 7th Fleet.
This War Asset is locked to us until we complete Mission – Priority Tuchanka.
Aria T’Loak: While we are here, meet up with Aria in the VIP Lounge & she will give us three Missions that will unlock the Blue Suns, Blood Packs, & the Eclipse as War Assets we can use for the fight.
Alien War Asset – Hanar Medi-Gel (+8): When we enter into the Hospital, we can spot Dr. Ravin off our left asking someone for medical supplies in the Medical Lounge. If you looted the Alien Medi-Gel Formula from the Cerberus Lab, or purchased it from our Spectre Requisition Terminal afterwards, we can give it to her to collect this War Asset Upgrade.
This War Asset is locked to us until we complete Mission – Hanar Diplomat.
Alien War Asset – Citadel Defense Force (+8): Enter the Lab Services room now & we can find an Asari Scientist off our right. If you collected the Biotic Amp Interfaces from Grissom Academy, or purchased them for our Spectre Requisition Terminal afterwards, we can give them to her to collect this War Asset Upgrade.
This War Asset is locked to us until we complete Mission – Priority Citadel II.
Mission – Eclipse: Go to the Embassies now & speak with Commander Bailey about releasing Jona Sederis; we will be directed to speak with her in her cell in the Presidium Commons.
Mission – Hanar Diplomat: Outside Commander Bailey’s Office, we can find the Salarian Spectre, Jondum Bau. Speak with him, & he will ask for assistance in locating a Hanar Diplomat; we will also be assisted by Kasumi Goto from ME2.
Enable the Hanar Embassy Tracking at our Spectre Terminal. Head over to the Office Suite, & we can find a Terminal on the wall we can Bypass.
Mission – Hanar Diplomat: As soon as we exit the Elevator in the Docks Holding Area, we can find a Terminal to Bypass, we can find another in Bay E28; return back to the first Terminal in the Security Checkpoint for the Hanar’s identity…
Alien War Asset – Refugee Control (+7): Enter into Bay E24, & we can see a Refugee arguing with a Dock Officer about trying to seek refuge. Support the Docker Officer, & we will earn a War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force. Supporting the Refugee will result in -7 Points instead.
This War Asset is locked until we complete Mission – Priority Citadel II later on…
Mission – Blue Suns: Meet up with Darner Vosque in front of Cargo Hold A. To obtain them, we will need to get rid of the Turian general Oraka who has been disrupting their operations; we can find him in the Presidium Commons.
Alien War Asset – Pillars of Strength (+40): Speak with the Batarian Preacher in Cargo Hold C & give him the Pillars of Strength we found in the Kite’s Nest Galaxy to unlock this War Asset.
This War Asset Upgrade is locked to us until we complete Mission – Batarian Codes later on…
Kelly Chambers: If she survived ME2, we can find Kelly Chambers here in the Docks. Speak with her, & convince her to change her identity; if you do not, she will die during Priority – Citadel II.
Kelly can become a War Asset if we follow her final sub plot to the end…
Sequence 5: Unite Them, Shepard!
Citadel – Presidium Commons:Citadel – Citadel Embassies:Dr. Bryson’s Lab:Normandy SR-2:Citadel – Dock 42:Citadel – Docking Bay D24:Normandy SR-2:1. Missions: Blood Pack, Eclipse, Blue Sons, Hanar Diplomat
2. Leviathan: Dr. Bryson
3. Min/Max War Assets: 1423/1743
4. Achievements: 99/127
Mission – Book of Plenix: Go to the Presidium Commons now, take a left over to the Bank & we can overhear a Volus speaking about the Book of Plenix that has been lost to his people in the Irune System.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset…
Alliance War Assets – Weapon Targeting VIs (+5): On our way to the Apartments, we can find a Turian Businessman speaking with a Salarian. Warn him about what happened on Palaven. & he will give us this War Asset Upgrade to the Alliance Fifth Fleet.
Mission – Blood Pack: Go to Apartment 86 & we will find our Batarian contact, Narl.
Alien War Asset – Terminus Fleet (+50): We will receive this War Asset after completing any of the three mercenary Missions for Aria.
Alien War Asset – The Blood Pack (+50): We will receive this War Asset Upgrade to the Terminus Fleet after replacing the Blood Pack leader & completing the Mission.
Mission – Blue Suns: We can find General Oraka across from the Apollo’s Café on a bench.
Alien War Asset – The Blue Suns (+50): There are two different ways to complete the Mission: killing Oraka or getting weapons from a black market dealer named Kannik. To deal with Kannik, you will need to obtain the Black Market Artifact for him by Scanning the Planet Vana in the Kite’s Nest Galaxy. Alternatively, you can place a hit on Oraka to end the Mission early. Complete the Mission either way to receive this War Asset Upgrade to the Terminus Feet; the only “penalty” for killing Oraka is some Renegade Points.
If you agree to find the Artifact for Kannik, but kill Oraka, we can still go to the Kite’s Nest to collect the Black Market Artifact & keep it, though it contributes nothing…
Mission – Eclipse: Enter the C-Sec Outpost now & speak with the C-Sec Assistant to get connected with Sederis.
Alien War Asset – The Eclipse (+50): Unlike with the Blood Pack, we will have to decide if we want the help of the Eclipse or not. Sederis does not pitch her support to us in a very good light… Either tell Bailey to release her to gain the War Asset Upgrade to the Terminus Fleet, or tell him you will find a different solution & ignore it if you want her to rot in prison.
Mission – Barla Von: For a final Mission, speak with Liara down at the Apollo Café & she will direct us to Barla Von at the Bank. Speak with him, & we will be tasked with rescuing some Shadow Broker soldiers.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset…
Mission – Hanar Diplomat: Return to the Citadel Embassies now & link back up with Jondum Bau at the Office Suites.
Alliance War Assets – Kasumi Goto (+25): If you imported your ME2 save file, we will have earned Kasumi’s Loyalty so she survives the Suicide Mission. Because of this, we will obtain three War Assets automatically upon completing Mission – Hanar Diplomat. The first being Kasumi herself.
Alien War Asset – Spectre Unit (+40): Since Jondum Bau survived the Mission due to Kasumi’s Loyalty, we will unlock this War Asset.
Alien War Asset – Hanar & Drell Forces (+50): Since Kasumi was able to stop the viral upload to the Citadel due to her Loyalty, we will unlock this War Asset.
Obtaining this War Asset will also unlock our Hanar Medi-Gel War Asset Upgrade.
Mission – Dr. Bryson=Leviathan: When you are finished on the Citadel, let us begin the first part of the Leviathan DLC & take a Citadel Rapid Transit to Dr. Bryson’s Lab. Search around Bryson’s Lab & find clues at to where the location of the Leviathan is.
In the far-right corner of the second room, we can obtain the Locations With Element Zero & Creature Sightings search filters. Then, using Anne Bryson’s drawing found on the upstairs floor, we can decrypt the Datapad that will give us a Reaper Activities search filter. Using these three search filters, we can find the exact location of the Leviathan of Dis.
Mission – Aria T’Loak: Quickly return to the Normandy, check your emails on the Private Terminal to find a new one from Aria after we spoke to her in Purgatory to meet here at Dock 42; this is the Mission that begins the Omega DLC.
Mission – Aria T’Loak: Get back to the Citadel & meet Aria at Dock 42 to hear of the plan to retake Omega. After you are finished, our next objective will be to rendezvous with her fleet just outside the Citadel in the Serpent Nebula.
Hold off on doing this for now, as we will want to be a bit stronger before we begin this DLC…
Steve Cortez: Since we left & returned to the Citadel after speaking with Cortez, we can now find him in the Docking Bay if you told him to leave a memorial for his husband. Speak with him for the final time to end the sub plot.
Alliance War Assets – Rogue Fighter Pilots (+20): Check your Private Terminal to find an email from Cortez saying that he bumped into some old friends at the Memorial; they will join our forces as a War Asset.
Sequence 6: I Am Krogan!
Kite’s Nest – Indris:Crescent Nebula – Tasale:The Shrike Abyssal – Kyzil:The Shrike Abyssal – Thal:Annos Basin – Pranas:1. Priority: Sur’Kesh
2. Missions: The Rachni, Cerberus Abductions
3. Min/Max War Assets: 1573/2058
4. Achievements: 102/127
Try to begin accumulating & holding onto at least $100,000 Credits. For the Always Prepared Achievement, we need to collect to full suits of non-customizable Armor which typically cost $50,000 Credits each. It is best to get them in one go so that you can reload your Save afterwards to spend the Credits on something better…
Alien War Asset – Governor Grothan Pazness (+20): Since we progress the Leviathan DLC from Dr. Bryson’s Lab, we can now explore a few new Systems. Go to the Indris System in the Kite’s Nest & Scan the Planet Cholis for this War Asset.
Alien War Asset – Liquid Assets (+40): Go to the Crescent Nebula now & Scan Illium in the Tasale System to obtain this War Asset.
Alien War Asset – Void Devils Fighter Wing (+30): In the Kyzil System within The Shrike Abyssal, Scan the Asteroid Heshtok to obtain this War Asset; it can be found North of the sun in between the third & fourth orbital belts.
Alien War Asset – Vorcha Labor Team (+15): In the Thal System, Scan the Planet Tyrix to obtain this War Asset.
Priority – Sur’Kesh: Go to the Diplomatic Ships in the Pranas System & begin the Mission to rescue the Krogan Females.
Commander Kirrahe/Lieutenant Tolan: After we land on Sur’Kesh, we can find one of two Salarian officers: Kirrahe or Tolan. If Kirrahe survived Virmire in ME1, it will be him. If he died however, we will find Lieutenant Tolan instead.
Achievement #100 – Mail Slot: Kill 10 Guardians with Headshots from the front while their shields are raised.
This is best done with accurate/high damage Weapons like Pistols or Sniper Rifles; it can be done with Assault Rifles & SMGs but it is much more difficult. Whenever you find Cerberus Guardians, really try to work towards this Achievement. Unfortunately, ME3 has permanent “Auto-Lock” on, making our Weapons automatically aim at the center of mass for all enemies making this Achievement much more difficult than it needs to be.
Do not bother farming this Achievement by Save scumming. If you make it to the end of the game & still do not have this Achievement, we can farm Cerberus Guardians infinitely in the Citadel DLC during the Armax Arsenal Arena.
Achievement #101 – World Shaker: Destroy an Atlas dropped from orbit.
Story Related. Complete Priority – Sur’Kesh & rescue the Krogan Female to unlock the Achievement.
Salarian War Assets – Salarian Special Tasks Group (+35): If Kirrahe died on Virmire in ME1 & Lieutenant Tolan was on Sur’Kesh, we will obtain this War Asset after completing the Priority.
If Kirrahe was present instead, we can unlock him later during Priority – Citadel II for a larger War Asset scoring.
Mission – Turian Platoon: Speak with Primarch Victus in the War Room to get more details on this Mission; we will complete it during Priority – Tuchanka.
Mission – Krogan Team=The Rachni: This is an important Mission. Speak with the Urdnot Clan Leader for more details on this Mission.
Mission – Cerberus Attack: When we return to the Galaxy Map, Specialist Traynor will inform us of this N7 Mission to investigate a Cerberus presence on Tuchanka.
We will obtain a War Asset upon completing this Mission…
Alliance War Assets – SSV Nairobi (+25): With Priority – Sur’Kesh complete, we can now explore some new Systems. Go to the Ming System in the Gemini Sigma cluster & Scan the Planet Parag for this War Asset Upgrade to the Alliance Third Fleet.
It will take a lot of Fuel to get here & back so be sure the Normandy is fully stocked up.
Mission – The Rachni: Go to the Mulla Xul System in the Ninmah Cluster & land on Planet Utukku. Link up with Grunt & make your way to the central chamber to stop the Reaper indoctrinated Rachni.
In the central chamber, we will encounter one of two different Rachni, with a few different outcomes in terms of War Assets. If you spared her on Noveria, we can encounter the Rachni Queen here. If not, it will be a stranger indoctrinated Rachni Queen called the Breeder.
Choosing to let either Rachni Queen live or die will have pros/cons. Read the War Asset descriptions below before making a decision; ultimately it doesn’t matter, play to your own Shepards beliefs…
Alien War Asset – Rachni Workers (+100): If you spare the Rachni Queen/Breeder, we will obtain this War Asset upon completing the Mission.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Engineering Corps (-100): This is a very specific War Asset loss to the Alliance Engineering Corps. If you spare the Breeder (not Rachni Queen since she died on Noveria), the Alliance Engineering Corps will take a loss of -100 Points essentially counter acting the bonus we gained from the Rachni Workers.
There is not much point in keeping the Breeder alive.
Krogan War Assets – Aralakh Company (+25): If you choose to kill the Rachni Queen or Breeder on Utukku, we will gain the Aralakh Company as a War Asset.
If you spare the Rachni, they will all die holding the Reapers off & we will not get this Asset.
Krogan War Assets – Grunt (+25): We will obtain Grunt as a War Asset after completing this Mission.
Achievement #102 – Tunnel Rat: Survive the swarm.
Complete Mission – The Rachni to unlock this Achievement.
Mission – Cerberus Abductions: When we return to the Galaxy Map after completing the previous Mission, Specialist Traynor will inform us of another N7 Mission to stop Cerberus.
Completing this Mission will award us with a War Asset…
Alliance War Assets – Arcturus First Division (+60): With Mission – Cerberus Abductions unlocked, go to the Euler System & land on the Planet, Benning. Rescue the Civilians being attacked by Cerberus to complete the Mission & unlock this War Asset.
Sequence 7: Indoctrination
Caleston Rift – Balor:Citadel – Dr. Bryson’s Lab:Krogan DMZ – Dranek:Krogan DMZ – Aralakh:1. Leviathan: Scan For Garneau, Leviathan
2. Missions: Turian Platoon, Bomb, Cerberus Attack
3. Min/Max War Assets: 1748/2233
4. Achievements: 104/127
Alliance War Assets – Synthdiamond Heat Sinks (+25): When you are ready, it is time to continue the next Mission in the Leviathan DLC. First, stop in at the first System & Scan the Planet Bres to obtain this War Asset.
Mission – Scan For Garneau: Go to the Aysur System now, & Scan the Asteroid Mahavid which can be found South of the sun in between the third & fourth orbital rings within the asteroid field. Enter the mining base & search for Garneau.
Mission – Leviathan: Return to Bryson’s Lab & search for more clues as to where to locate the Leviathan once again. Check the messages on Bryson’s Personal Terminal upstairs to get a lead on Anne Bryson.
We can narrow down her location by interacting with the Computer Terminal downstairs & cycling through the ships on the monitor; Bryson was on the Icarus. For another search filter, obtain a drawer on the worktable with the Husk parts on it to find the Requisition Locker code. Open the Locker & search through it to see that Bryson took some wind protection gear, adding a new filter.
Alien War Asset – Shadow Broker Wet Squad (+25): Go to the Dranek System in the Krogan DMZ & Scan the Planet Rothla for this War Asset.
There is an obscene amount of Weapon Upgrades & Armor pieces in all the Missions on Tuchanka. Be sure to explore each Mission area to the fullest to cash in…
Mission – Turian Platoon: When you are ready, it is time to go to the Krogan home world, Tuchanka. Do not go to the Shroud Facility yet as we have two important Missions that must be done before we cure the Genophage!
First, we will fly to the Downed Vessel & search for the Turian survivors. After we get in contact with Lieutenant Victus, we will need to make our way over to him; saving as many Turian soldiers as we can along the way.
Achievement #103 – Giant Killer: Defeat a Harvester.
We will be fighting A LOT of Harvesters on this Mission. Typically, they will fly away before we fully kill them, unless you are quick. Sometimes, they will arrive with half health making them easier to kill. Whenever a Harvester arrives, focus solely on killing them; Incinerate, Incendiary Ammo, & Armor Piercing Ammo are very useful against them.
If you do not unlock the Achievement on this Mission, we will have other opportunities throughout the game; it is reported to always unlock during one of the final Missions of the Leviathan DLC when saving Anne Bryson…
Mission – Bomb: We will unlock this Mission after completing Mission – Turian Platoon; it needs to be done asap! Go to the City Ruins & locate the bomb in Cerberus’s possession.
Mission – Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics: After we arrive at the vantage point overlooking the bomb for the first time, we will climb up a ladder & fight off a small group of Cerberus shortly after descending some rubble. In the small room we fought them, before exiting outside, we can find the Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics on a Terminal on a supply crate close to a Medkit.
We will use this to unlock a War Asset Upgrade; if you miss the Schematic, we can purchase it from our Spectre Requisition Terminal.
Turian War Assets – Turian Blackwatch (+75): Complete the Mission – Bomb to unlock this War Asset.
Mission – Cerberus Attack: Next up, we will go to the Cerberus Attack site & investigate their presence on Tuchanka.
Achievement #104 – Sky High: Lift 100 enemies off the ground with Powers.
This is a very finicky Achievement & is difficult to unlock if you are not a Biotic Class; Squad Member Powers do not contribute to this Achievement unless you are performing a Biotic Combo or Tech Burst.
For me, I unlocked this Achievement as an Engineer using Tech Bursts. Occasionally, it will create an explosion in such a way that will knock enemies off their feet contributing to the Achievement. As a Biotic, you can simply use Singularity, Pull, & Throw to contribute to the Achievement.
If the Tech Bursts are not working for you, then you are in luck still. After we complete the upcoming Omega DLC, we will gain access to the Bonus Powers Lash & Flare which we gain unlock for Shepard no matter what Class you are. These Powers can be used for the Achievement; it can be farmed during the Armax Arsenal Arena in the Citadel DLC if need be…
Krogan War Assets – Krogan First Division (+50): Complete the Mission to unlock this War Asset.
Priority – Tuchanka: When you are ready, it is time to continue the main story; go to the Shroud Facility & we will decide the fate of the Krogan species… Do not begin this Priority until the previous three Missions on Tuchanka have been completed!
When we are about to begin the operation, the Salarian Dalatrass will appeal to us & offer an alternative way of completing this Mission. The Priority has two separate endings: the Krogan way curing the Genophage or the Salarian way & sabotage the Shroud. Completing one will ruin the War Assets obtained by the other so it is an important decision we will have to make.
Our first decision will begin on the Kodiak Shuttle heading down to the landing site. To keep doors open, say nothing, unless you fully intend to cure the Genophage. We will get a second opportunity to warn the Krogan as well…
Saying nothing until the end will give you the option of deciding Mordin’s fate; telling the Krogan preemptively locks him in to one of the endings…
Sequence 8: A Model Scientist Salarian
1. Priority: Tuchanka
2. Min/Max War Assets: 2233/3343
3. Achievements: 106/127
Priority – Tuchanka: After we fight our way to the Shroud, we will link up with Mordin & have to make a decision: siding with the Krogan & cure the Genophage, or siding with the Salarians & sabotaging it. There are three possible outcomes to this Mission.
One, we let Mordin cure the Genophage & we will obtain War Assets of 625-705 depending on if Wrex or Wreav are Clan Urdnot leaders; Wrex giving us the most Points if he survived Virmire.
Two, we convince Mordin to sabotage the Genophage cure for the Salarians (if you keep it a secret until the end) or kill him… letting us obtain 150-175 War Assets.
Or three, we still convince Mordin to sabotage the Genophage cure (or kill him) but lie to Wreav about the cause, getting us half Salarian & half Krogan War Assets of 625 Points. If Wrex is the Clan Leader, or we fail lying to Wreav, we will be locked into the standard 150-175 Points from the Salarians…
Achievement #105 – Pathfinder: Explore a lost city.
Story Related. Cure the Genophage for the Krogans or sabotage the Shroud for the Salarians to complete Priority – Tuchanka & unlock this Achievement.
Krogan War Assets – Urdnot Wrex (+30): If Wrex survived Virmire in ME1 & survived the recent events on Tuchanka, we will obtain him as a War Asset when we cure the Genophage. Wrex will be lost as a War Asset if we decide to sabotage the Shroud…
Krogan War Assets – Krogan Mercenaries (+75): If Wrex leads Clan Urdnot, we will obtain the Clan as a War Asset when we cure the Genophage. We will lose this War Asset if we decide to sabotage the Shroud…
Krogan War Assets – Urdnot Wreav (+25): If Wrex died on Virmire in ME1, it will be Urdnot Wreav who leads Clan Urdnot. We will obtain him as a War Asset when we cure the Genophage.
Unlike Wrex, Wreav can be lied to if we sabotage the Shroud & will still follow us if we are successful.
Krogan War Assets – Clan Urdnot (+300): We will obtain the Clan as a War Asset when we cure the Genophage. We will lose this War Asset if we decide to sabotage the Shroud…
If we sabotage the Shroud with Wreav in charge, we can keep this War Asset if we lie to him successfully.
Salarian War Assets – Salarian First Fleet (+150): Sabotage the Shroud for the Salarians, at the risk of some of our Krogan allies, to obtain this War Asset.
Salarian War Assets – Dr. Mordin Solus (+25): Mordin can only be kept as a War Asset if he survives Tuchanka by being convinced not to cure the Genophage. This can only be accomplished with a high Renegade check; if you fail, you will have to brutally shoot him in the back to stop him...
Krogan War Assets – Krogan Clans (0-300): Lastly, our final Krogan Asset. If the Genophage is cured, we will unlock it. If the Shroud is sabotaged, we will lose it, unless Wreav is in charge & you successfully lie to him.
If we do not complete Mission – Bomb before completing Priority – Tuchanka, this War Asset loses -250 Points.
If we destroy Maelon’s Data during Mordin’s Loyalty Mission in ME2, this War Asset may potentially lose -50 Points as well. I destroyed the data in my game, but didn’t lose any Points…
Turian War Assets – Turian Engineering Corps (+110): No matter which ending you choose for Priority – Tuchanka, we will earn the respect of the Turians & unlock these three War Assets.
Turian War Assets – Turian 43rd Marine Division (+90): Unlocked after completing Priority – Tuchanka.
Turian War Assets – Turian Seventh Fleet (+90): Unlocked after completing Priority – Tuchanka.
Mission – Cerberus Fighter Base: When we approach the Galaxy Map, Specialist Traynor will inform us of a new Mission from Admiral Hackett to take out a Cerberus Fighter Base on Noveria.
Completing this Mission will unlock a War Asset for us.
Turian War Assets – Tuchanka Event’s News Story (+5): Go down to the Engineering Deck & speak with Diana Allers to get an interview on the events of Tuchanka. Complete the interview without ending it early, & we will obtain this War Asset Upgrade for the Turian 7th Fleet.
Mission – GX12 Thermal Pipe: If they survived ME2, & you pardoned them on the Spectre Terminal, speak with Engineer Adams & the two ex-Cerberus engineers to obtain this Mission.
We will unlock a War Asset when we complete it.
Achievement #106 – Always Prepared: Obtain two non-customizable suits of Armor.
We will need around $100,000-$110,000 Credits for this Achievement; we should plenty if you have been saving since before Priority – Tuchanka.
Make a Save, & access our Procurement Interface on Deck 5. Purchase any non-customizable suits of Armor like the Collector Armor, Inferno Armor, or the Cerberus Armor. Any two to unlock the Achievement; reload your Save afterwards to reclaim your Credits…
Weapon Upgrading: While we are on the topic, & potentially have the Credits to spare, it is a good thing to keep our Weapon Levels in mind. On standard NG, we can only Upgrade a Weapon to Level 5; Levels 6-10 can only be accessed on NG+ importing the same Character.
Sequence 9: Cerberus Treachery
Aethon Cluster – Aru:Aethon Cluster – Esori:Aethon Cluster – Satu Arrd:Horsehead Nebula – Pax:Attican Beta – Hercules:Attican Beta – Theseus:Citadel:1. Priority: Citadel II
2. Missions: Cerberus Fighter Base
3. Min/Max War Assets: 3023/4223
4. Achievements: 108/127
Crucible War Assets – Volus Fabrication Units (+45): With Priority – Tuchanka complete, we will unlock new Systems to go & explore for more War Assets. Go to the Aru System in the Aethon Cluster & Scan the Planet Cherk Sab for this War Asset.
Mission – Book of Plenix: While in the Aru System, Scan Irune to obtain the Book of Plenix Artifact.
Alien War Asset – Volus Dreadnought Kwunu (+50): Travel to the Esori System now & Scan the Planet Solu Paolis for this War Asset.
Crucible War Assets – Volus Engineering Team (+50): Lastly, go to the Satu Arrd System & Scan the Planet Nalisin for this War Asset.
Mission – Cerberus Fighter Base: Go to Noveria in the Pax System & land on it to begin this Mission.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Advanced Fighter Squadron (+75): Complete Mission – Cerberus Fighter Base & obtain this War Asset.
Crucible War Assets – Interferometric Array (+45): In the Hercules System of the Attican Beta, Scan the Planet Eletania (yeah… the one with all the Pijacks) to obtain this War Asset.
Crucible War Assets – ExoGeni Scientists (+40): In the Theseus System, Scan the Planet Feros to obtain the remainder of the ExoGeni Scientists there as a War Asset.
Priority – Citadel II: Go to the Citadel now to meet up with the Salarian Councillor… only to find that Cerberus has taken over parts of the station.
The Salarian Councillor: When we find the Salarian Councillor, three different outcomes can happen. If Thane survived ME2, he will be present to help us fight off the Assassin. If Thane is not, & Commander Kirrahe survived ME1, it will be him helping us. If neither survived, the Assassin will kill the Salarian Councillor…
All three outcomes bring different War Assets, the last one obviously being the worst.
Achievement #107 – Hijacker: Hijack an Atlas Mech.
This is another tricky Achievement. To Hijack an Atlas Mech, you first need to wear down its Shields. Then, you need to destroy the glass cover on the cockpit without killing the Mech; this is the hardest part as your Squad Members will typically be weakening the Mech while we attempt this. If possible, send your Squad away from the Mech so it still has health remaining when the cover breaks. When it does, you need to carefully kill the Cerberus Soldier piloting it. There also still needs to be other enemies alive; if the Atlas Mech is the last enemy alive, it will instantly explode when we kill the pilot, even if the Mech still had health.
If the stars align, & you are able to Hijack the Mech, we will unlock the Achievement. From here on, I would recommend potentially Save scumming & trying to farm this Achievement when you can; there will still be a few more Atlas Mech encounters. This can also be farmed during the Citadel DLC in the Armax Arsenal Arena.
Achievement #108 – Arbiter: Win a political stand-off.
Story Related. Rescue the Council & stop the Cerberus cue to complete Priority – Citadel II & unlock the Achievement.
Salarian War Assets – Salarian Third Fleet (+125): If you saved the original Council in ME1 & saved the Salarian Councillor during the assassination attempt, you will unlock this War Asset.
Salarian War Assets – STG Task Force (+70): If the original Council died during ME1 but you still saved the new Salarian Councillor, we will unlock this War Asset.
Salarian War Assets – Major Kirrahe (+20): If Kirrahe survived ME1, & did not sacrifice himself to save the Salarian Councillor, we will obtain this War Asset after completing the Priority.
Asari War Assets – Asari Second Fleet (+90): We will receive this War Asset after completing Priority – Citadel II.
Asari War Assets – Asari Sixth Fleet (+90): We will receive this War Asset after completing Priority – Citadel II.
Asari War Assets – Asari Science Team (+90): We will receive this War Asset after completing Priority – Citadel II.
Turian War Assets – Turian Sixth Fleet (+110): We will receive this War Asset after completing Priority – Citadel II.
Alien War Asset – Citadel Defense Force (+10): We will receive this War Asset after completing Priority – Citadel II.
Mission – Cerberus Turian Poison: Go to the Examination Rooms at Huerta Memorial Hospital & we can find a Salarian Doctor asking for information on an unknown Turian Poison; stand near him to obtain this Mission.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset Upgrade.
Mission – Library of Asha: Enter Purgatory & we can find an Asari Military Trainer to the right of the stairs leading up to the dance floor; stand near them to obtain this Mission.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset.
Sequence 10: Pick Up The Pieces
Citadel – Presidium Commons:Citadel – Citadel Embassies:Citadel – Docks Holding Area:Citadel – Docking Bay D24:Normandy SR-2:1. Missions: Book of Plenix, Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics
2. Min/Max War Assets: 3097/4372
3. Achievements: 108/127
If you have not already gathered, we will be obtaining a huge amount of Missions from the Citadel. After Priority – Citadel II, be sure to stand near any NPC that begins speaking to potentially obtain a new Mission that will give us a War Asset.
Mission – Hesperia Period Statue: Go to the Presidium Commons & make your way up to the Bank. To the right of the stairs, we can find an Asari Scientist sitting on one of the couches; stand near her to obtain this Mission.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset.
Alien War Assets – Bank Teller Support (+5): Carry on towards the Bank & we can find a Salarian arguing with a Volus Bank Teller. Side with the Volus, & we will obtain this War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force.
Alien War Asset – Book of Plenix (+40): Hand over the Book of Plenix to the Angry Accountant at the Bank to acquire this War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force.
Mission – GX12 Thermal Pipe: At the Bank front desk, purchase the E-Gel Thermal Conduit for $1000 Credits to bring back to Engineer Adams.
Alien War Asset – Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics (+8): If you collected the Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics or purchased them from the Spectre Requisitions Terminal, search along the upper portion of the Courtyard to find a C-Sec Officer who needs them. Turn in the Schematics to obtain this War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force.
Alien War Assets – Apollo’s Café Owner (+5): Go to the Apollo Café front counter now & we can find a Frustrated C-Sec Officer arguing with the Café Owner; side with the Café Owner to obtain this War Asset Upgrade.
Supporting the Frustrated C-Sec Officer will give us -2 Points instead.
Alien War Asset – Surveillance Authorization (+7): Return to the Embassies now & get back to our Spectre Terminal as we can now access some new Authorizations. Authorize Surveillance Authorization to obtain this War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force.
Alien War Asset – Weapon Sales Authorization (+7): Authorize Weapon Sales to a civilian militia to obtain this War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force.
Alien War Asset – Medical Supplies Authorization (+7): Authorize Medical Supplies for Huerta Memorial Hospital to obtain this War Asset Upgrade for the Citadel Defence Force.
Mission – Medi-Gel Sabotage: In Cargo Hold B, we can find a Refugee Camp Doctor; interact with him to obtain this Mission.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset.
Mission – Prothean Data Drives: For our final Mission to collect on the Citadel, go to the Normandy Airlock & we can find an Alliance Officer near it; stand near him to obtain this Mission.
Completing this Mission will give us a War Asset.
Alliance War Assets – Kaidan Alenko/Ashley Williams (+25): When we go to enter into the Normandy, we will be intercepted by our old Alliance comrade. We have a decision to make: accept them as a new Squad Member or make them take Hackett’s job & become a War Asset.
Honestly, +25 Points is not that much of a hit, so I would strongly recommend taking them back onboard the Normandy as our final Squad Member. It will add so much more to the game, as making a War Asset essentially makes them disappear.
Mission – Distress Signal: After we have our meeting with Anderson & Hackett, Liara will approach us to say that the Asari High Command needs our help investigating a distress signal.
This is a very important Mission & has an Achievement attached to it.
Mission – Ex-Cerberus Scientists: Yet another very important Mission we will need to complete. Go to Specialist Traynor & speak with her to obtain it.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Ex-Cerberus Engineers (+10): If you got Kelly to change her identity & spoke with her in the Docks Holding Area after Priority – Citadel II, check your emails on your Private Terminal & we will receive this War Asset.
Mission – Volus Ambassador: Read the email labeled Durlesh Mole from Primarch Victus to obtain this Mission.
Citadel – Shore Leave: Lastly, read the email from Hackett on the needed Normandy repairs & our shore leave. This is the first Mission of the Citadel DLC Save this DLC closer to the end; it is literally the perfect send off you could have ever hoped for with our Squad Members before finishing the game…
Early Paramour III Achievement: You can unlock this Achievement early by inviting Specialist Traynor, Steve Cortez, (but not Diana Allers!) to our cabin at their requests. Follow the provocative dialogue options with them accordingly to unlock the Achievement.
If you are already in a relationship however, definitely do not do that, & keep the interactions tertiary as to not mess anything up with your significant other; we will unlock the Achievement later on near the end of the game instead…
Alliance War Assets – 103rd Marine Division (+5): After Priority – Citadel II, Diana Allers wants to be invited to our Cabin for our next news interview. Choose the Paragon dialogue option to unlock this War Asset; choosing the standard option as well as ending the interview early will unlock nothing.
Alliance War Assets – Alliance Fifth Fleet (+5): Alternatively, choose the Renegade dialogue option in our interview with Allers to unlock this War Asset; choosing the standard option as well as ending the interview early will unlock nothing.
Sequence 11: From Ashes
Valhallan Threshold – Paz:Vallhallan Threshold – Micah:Athena Nebula – Parnitha:Athena Nebula – Orisoni:Athena Nebula – Tomaros:Athena Nebula – Vernio:Athena Nebula – Ialessa:Minos Wasteland – Arrae:1. Missions: Ex-Cerberus Scientists, Ardat-Yakshi Monastery, GX12 Thermal Pipe, Prothean Data Drives, Hesperia-Period Statue, Volus Ambassador
2. Min/Max War Assets: 3452/4892
3. Achievements: 111/127
Mission – Prothean Data Drives: Go to the Paz System in the Valhallan Threshold & Scan the Planet Garvug to obtain this Artifact.
Crucible War Assets – Emergency Fuel Pods (+30): Go to the Micah System now & Scan the Planet Elohi to obtain this War Asset.
Crucible War Assets – Element Zero Converter (+50): Scan the Planet Farlas now, which can be found East of the sun in the outer asteroid belt.
Asari War Assets – Asari Cruiser Cybaen (+30): In the Parnitha System in the Athena Nebula, Scan the Planet Tevura for this War Asset.
Asari War Assets – Asari Research Ships (+35): Scan the Planet Egalic in the Orisoni System to obtain this War Asset.
Asari War Assets – Asari Cruiser Nefrane (+30): Scan the Planet Pronoia in the Tomaros System to obtain this War Asset.
Mission – Hesperia Period Statue: Scan the Planet Polissa in the Vernio System to obtain this Artifact.
Asari War Assets – Asari Engineers (+30): Scan the Planet Trikalon in the Ialessa System to obtain this War Asset.
Mission – Ex-Cerberus Scientists: Go to the Planet Gellix in the Arrae System & rescue the Cerberus Scientists from the Illusive Man’s assault.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Dr. Gavin Archer (+25): If you completed the Overlord DLC in ME2 & put a stop to the experiment, we can find Dr. Gavin Archer after we get inside the allied Cerberus base; he is at the top of the stairs in the hangar bay.
Speak with him, & we will be able to unlock him as a War Asset if he survives this Mission.
Mission – Cerberus Turian Poison: Link up with Dr. Cole & Jacob at the upper level. Before carrying on, back track to the stairs we came up & look along the nearby wall to find a microscope that contains some samples of Turian Poison. Collect them.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Ex-Cerberus Scientists (+25): Complete Mission – Ex-Cerberus Scientists to unlock this War Asset.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Dr. Brynn Cole (+25): Complete Mission – Ex-Cerberus Scientists to unlock Dr. Cole as a War Asset.
Ex-Cerberus War Assets – Jacob Taylor (+25): If Jacob Taylor survived the Suicide Mission in ME2, complete the Mission to unlock him as a War Asset as well.
Achievement #109 – Problem Solver: Evacuate a scientific facility.
Complete Mission – Ex-Cerberus Scientists to unlock the Achievement.
Crucible War Assets – Optimized Eezo Capacitors (+15): If you purchased the GX12 Thermal Pipes for Engineer Adams, speak with him down on the Engineering Deck. If you cannot speak with him, it probably means Donnelly is still installing them; you will have to complete another Mission & return back to him.
After they have been installed, speak with Adams & we will complete the Mission as well as unlock this small War Asset.
Check your emails & you will find a bombardment of Squad Members asking to hang out with us at the Citadel. Be sure to read them before our next visit there…
Mission – Library of Asha: Go to the Agaiou System in the Nimbus Cluster & Scan the Planet Carcosa to obtain this Artifact.
Mission – Ardat-Yakshi Monastery: Go to the Planet Lesuss in the Mesana System & head to the Ardat-Yakshi Monastery.
Asari War Assets – Asari Commandos (+20): Complete the Mission – Ardat-Yakshi Monastery to obtain this War Asset.
Asari War Assets – Samara (+25): If she survived ME2, we can link up with Samara for this Mission as she goes to rescue her two daughters. At the end of the Mission, Samara will attempt to kill herself to free herself from the Asari Code; spare her using the Paragon check to unlock her as a War Asset.
If you got Morinth instead of Samara in ME2, we can actually find her here too, but as a Banshee we will have to kill. We do not get any extra rewards for this...
Achievement #110 – Fact Finder: Discover an enemy's monstrous origin.
Complete the Mission – Ardat-Yakshi Monastery to unlock this Achievement.
Again, do not go to the Personal Apartment yet, & save it until the end of the game for the most rewarding experience!
Achievement #111 – Paramour III: Establish or rekindle a romantic relationship in all three games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
At this stage in the game, barring a few of the ME2 character Romances, we should be able to establish/rekindle a Romance with any of the ME3 characters. Join them on a special Citadel event & we will have the option of committing to a relationship with them; do it to unlock the Achievement.
Alliance War Assets – Prothean Data Drives (+40): Turn in the Prothean Data Drives to the Soldier in front of the Normandy Airlock to complete the Mission & unlock this War Asset Upgrade for the Alliance Engineering Corps.
Mission – Volus Ambassador: Check your Spectre Terminal to find a potential location for Din Korlack. Go to the Office Suite afterwards & speak with an Embassy Guard & we will let inside the Office Suite. Play Entry Three on the Ambassador’s terminal to collect a Bug & learn of his whereabouts.
Alliance War Assets – Hesperia-Period Statue (+40): When we go to the Presidium Commons, quickly drop off this Artifact to the Asari Scientist to unlock this War Asset Upgrade for the Alliance Engineering Corps.
Mission – Batarian Codes: Speak with Officer Noles outside the C-Sec Outpost & we will receive this Mission.
Completing this Mission will grant us a War Asset.
Mission – Volus Ambassador: Go to Apartment 94 & find the Bounty Hunters, & Zaeed, who are holding the Volus Ambassador. There are three outcomes to this Mission.
Alien War Asset – Volus Bombing Fleet (+75): Choose the Volus Bombing Fleet at the cost of losing the Turian Colony.
Choosing the colony will result in no War Asset gain or loss.
Alternatively, choose the Paragon or Renegade option to save the colony & unlock this War Asset; obviously the best option if you can do it.
Turian War Assets – Turian Sixth Fleet (-10): If you solely choose the Volus Bombing Fleet, the Turian Colony will be hit, causing a loss to the Turian Sixth Fleet.
Sequence 12: The Darkness Breached
Citadel – Docks Holding Area:Citadel – Purgatory:Citadel – Citadel Embassies:Citadel – Huerta Memorial Hospital:Citadel – Docking Bay D24:Citadel – Docking Holding Area:Serpent Nebula – Omega:1. Missions: Medi-Gel Sabotage, Batarian Codes, Aria T’Loak, Leviathan
2. Min/Max War Assets: 4415/5975
3. Achievements: 113/127
Alliance War Assets – Zaeed Massani (+25): After we complete Mission – Volus Ambassador, we can meet Zaeed down at the Docks in Cargo Hold C. Speak with him twice & we will unlock him as a War Asset.
Mission – Medi-Gel Sabotage: If you have not already done so, search around Cargo Hold A-C & examine the three Medi-Gel Dispensers.
Turian War Assets – Turian Camp Medi-Gel Dispensers (+5): Speak with the Refugee Camp Doctor after fixing the Dispensers to unlock this War Asset Upgrade for the Turian Seventh Fleet.
Asari War Assets – Asari Sixth Fleet (+40): Bring the Library of Asha to the Military Trainer in Purgatory to unlock this War Asset Upgrade for the Asari Sixth Fleet.
Mission – Batarian Codes: Go to the Spectre Office in the Embassies & look up the Batarian Access Codes on our Spectre Terminal; authorize it.
Turian War Assets – Cerberus Turian Poison Antidote (+8): Take the sample of the Turian Poison we found during Mission – Ex-Cerberus Scientists to the Doctor in the Examination Rooms to obtain this War Asset Upgrade to the Turian Sixth Fleet.
Mission – Batarian Codes: Enter the Lab Services room & interact with the newly available Console to disable it.
Mission – Batarian Codes: Our next Console to disable can be found in the Passenger Lounge.
Mission – Batarian Codes: Our final Console to disable can be found in Bay E28.
Alien War Asset – Batarian Fleet (+100): If you succeed the Paragon or Renegade Dialogue option, we can receive this War Asset after the Batarian culprit is apprehended.
Completing this Mission will also unlock our War Asset Upgrade from the Pillars of Strength.
Mission – Aria T’Loak: When you are ready, it is time to begin & complete the Omega DLC. Rendezvous with Aria’s fleet
There are a couple optional Missions we can complete during this DLC; they are optional & will only give us Credits & Xp. Note that if you collect them, but do not finish them before the DLC ends, they will be permanently left stuck/incomplete in our Journal…
Achievement #112 – Saviour: Free Omega from Cerberus Occupation.
Fight your way to Afterlife & defeat General Petrovsky’s forces; we will unlock this Achievement after freeing Aria from the trap & killing the remaining Adjutants.
With the General defeated, we now have to decide his fate. Sparing him will grant us a War Asset as well as killing him; both are worth +30 Points so it is up to your personal preference.
Alien War Asset – General Oleg Petrovsky (+30): Spare General Petrovsky to obtain him as a War Asset; to spare him, you need to perform the Paragon check to stop Aria.
Alliance War Assets – Cerberus Intel (+30): Let Aria kill General Petrovsky to obtain this War Asset Upgrade to the Alliance First Fleet.
Lash & Flare: Upon completing this DLC, we will unlock Aria’s Lash & Flare Bonus Powers for Shepard. If you haven’t been able to unlock the Sky High Achievement, use these Powers to do so. People have reported not being able to use one or the other Power for the Achievement, however both should work; I can only personally attest to Lash working for me in the past.
Try using the Powers from here on & see which one works for you; grind out the necessary points towards it on all our upcoming Missions…
Alien War Asset – Omega Eezo Hoard (+300): We will unlock this War Asset upon completing the Omega DLC.
Alien War Asset – Omega Raiding Fleet (+75): We will unlock this War Asset upon completing the Omega DLC.
Crucible War Assets – Jovian Dissertation (+5): With Omega done, it is now time finish the Leviathan DLC. Go to the Pylos Nebula & Scan the Planet of Isale for this War Asset.
Crucible War Assets – Radiation Shielding Sheath (+25): Go to the Dirada System now & Scan the Planet Sineus for this War Asset.
Mission – Leviathan: Now get to the Zaherin System & Scan the Planet Namikil to locate Dr. Ann Bryson’s dig site.
At the end of this Mission on Namikil, we will have to fight a mandatory Harvester; if you have not already unlocked the Giant Killer Achievement, it will unlock now.
Mission – Leviathan: Speak with Ann at her father’s lab, & we will at long last determine the location of the Leviathan.
Alliance War Assets – Dr. Ann Bryson (+20): At the end of this section, Ann will become indoctrinated by the Leviathan so EDI can track its location. For her to make a full recovery afterwards, let Vega put up the shields; interrupting him with the Renegade checks will severely injure Ann & put her out of commission.
Turian War Assets – Dextro Rations (+10): Scan the Planet Triginta Petra in the Lenal System to obtain this War Asset.
Asari War Assets – Husk Neural Map (+30): Scan the Planet Chalkhos in the Mil System to obtain this War Asset.
Mission – Leviathan: We can finally locate the Leviathan on the Planet 2181 Despoina in the Psi Tophet System. After we crash land, fight off the hordes of Reaper forces until we are able to get to the Triton Mech.
Achievement #113 – Under Pressure: Uncover an ancient secret.
Meet with the Leviathan & convince it to join the war against the Reapers to complete the DLC & unlock this Achievement.
Alien War Asset – Leviathan Enthrallment Team (+400): Complete the Leviathan DLC to unlock this hefty War Asset.
Sequence 13: Defying The Creators
Far Rim – Dholen:Perseus Veil – Tikkun:1. Priority: Perseus Veil, Geth Dreadnought, Rannoch
2. Missions: Geth Fighter Squadrons, Admiral Koris
3. Min/Max War Assets: 4830/7325
4. Achievements: 117/127
Priority – Perseus Veil: When all your other business has been finished, it is time to press onwards & meet up with the Quarian Envoy Ship.
Priority – Geth Dreadnought: Board the Geth Dreadnought & disable the Reaper command sequence to help the Quarians.
Achievement #114 – Party Crasher: Sabotage a Dreadnought.
Story Related. Destroy the Geth Dreadnought & escape it safely to the Normandy to complete Priority – Geth Dreadnought & unlock this Achievement.
Romance Option – Tali’Zorah: If you Romanced her as Male Shepard in ME2, we can rekindle our relationship with Tali once she is onboard the Normandy.
Mission – Fuel Reactors: When we approach the Galaxy Map, Specialist Traynor will tell us of a new Mission from Admiral Hackett; completing it will grant us a War Asset…
Mission – Geth Fighter Squadrons: This is a very important Mission as there is an Achievement attached to it. Before we do anything on Rannoch, go to the Geth Comm Hub to shutdown the Geth server.
Achievement #115 – Saboteur: Disable a group of fighter squadrons.
Complete the Mission – Geth Fighter Squadrons in the Geth Consensus sequence & destroy the Geth fleet to unlock this Achievement.
Geth War Assets – Geth Prime Platoon (+60): We will receive this War Asset after completing Mission – Geth Fighter Squadron.
We will lose this War Asset if we side with the Quarians at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
Quarian War Assets – Arguing Admirals (-10 or +25): After completing one of the two Missions on Rannoch & the Geth Base has been found, Admiral Raan will be arguing with Admiral Gerrel in the War Room about getting the support of the Patrol Fleet.
If you side with Admiral Gerrel, the Quarian Heavy Fleet will gain +25 Points, if you side with Admiral Raan it will lose -10 Points.
Mission – Admiral Koris: For our next Mission, go to the Quarian Escape Pod & mount a rescue for Admiral Koris.
Quarian War Assets – Admiral Zaal'Koris (+25): At the end of the decision, we will have to make a decision to save Admiral Koris or rescue his crew; choose the Paragon or Renegade options & convince Koris to send his coordinates so he can be rescued. He will become a War Asset…
Crucible War Assets – Advanced AI Relays (+40): When we return to the Normandy War Room, Admiral Xen will be arguing with Tali. We will gain this War Asset if we actually side with Admiral Xen & not with Tali; it will unlock after Priority – Rannoch is completed.
Priority – Rannoch: It is now time to end the Geth/Quarian war. Go to the Reaper Base on Rannoch & destroy it.
After we defeat the Reaper, we will have to make an important decision & side with either the Geth or the Quarians similar to what we had to do on Tuchanka. Unless you have a high Paragon or Renegade level, you will not be able to obtain both; the War Assets we get from each our pretty close to equivalent with maybe the Quarians giving us slightly more.
Make the decision that best fits your Shepard/wants.
If you side with the Geth we will obtain:
Geth War Assets – Geth Corps (+300): Side with the Geth at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
Geth War Assets – Geth Fleet (+300): Side with the Geth at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
Geth War Assets – Geth Heretics (-150 or +150): If you decided to re-write the Geth Heretic code during Legion’s Loyalty Mission in ME2, we will also receive the Geth Heretic forces as a War Asset Upgrade to the Geth Fleet. If they were destroyed, it will result in a -150 Points to the fleet.
We will also be able to keep our Geth Prime Platoon by siding with the Geth.
If you side with the Quarians we will obtain:
Quarian War Assets – Admiral Daro'Xen (+25): Side with the Quarians at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
Quarian War Assets – Quarian Civilian Fleet (+200): Side with the Quarians at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
This War Asset will lose -75 Points if you didn’t save Admiral Koris, -25 Points if you didn’t complete Mission Geth Fighter Squadrons, & lose -50 Points if the Geth Heretics were re-written.
If the Geth Heretics were destroyed, this War Asset will be upgraded by +50 Points.
Quarian War Assets – Quarian Heavy Fleet (+200): Side with the Quarians at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
As well, this War Asset will gain +50 Points if the Geth Heretics were destroyed & lose -50 Points if they were re-written.
Quarian War Assets – Quarian Patrol Fleet (+200): Side with the Quarians at the end of Priority – Rannoch.
As well, this War Asset will gain +50 Points if the Geth Heretics were destroyed & lose -50 Points if they were re-written.
Achievement #116 – Hard Target: Call down an orbital strike.
Story Related. Complete Priority – Rannoch to unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #117 – Master & Commander: Deliver most of the Galaxy at War Assets to the final conflict.
Missable. Speak with Admiral Hackett over vid comm after Priority – Rannoch to unlock this Achievement. It is unclear the exact amount of War Assets required to unlock this Achievement; people report it being between 5600-6000 Points.
If you have been following along with the guide you should be well over 5600 Points & will unlock this Achievement.
As of now, I will stop logging War Assets into the guide. If you haven’t been following along with the guide or are stuck at the Minimum Score, continue to complete as many Missions as you can & 100% explore all Systems. Completing Priority – Rannoch will uncover the rest of the Galaxy to us & we can complete the remainder of our Citadel Missions for War Assets… We will get another mandatory +215 Points for the Priorities left & at least another potential +1000 Points for finishing side Missions or Scanning Planets.
If you want to unlock the “true” Ending for the game, you will need to collect at least 7800 War Assets.
Sequence 14: The Fall Of Thessia
Citadel – Personal Apartment:Citadel – Silver Coast Casino:Citadel – Citadel Archives:Citadel – Citadel Docks:1. Priority: Citadel III, Thessia, Horizon
2. Missions: Shore Leave, Insurgence, Escape, Retake the Normandy
3. Achievements: 121/127
It is important to note that all of our Credits will carry over into NG+. Be sure to not needlessly spend them all & save some to quickly blast through the final five Upgrades needed for the Gunsmith Achievement. On that note, Upgrade these Weapons to +5 to make our NG+ process go much faster: M-4 Shuriken, M-92 Mantis, M-23 Katana, & especially the M-15 Vindicator. When we pick up a new Weapon, it will give us +3 free levels, so at Level 5, it will become Level 8. Since the M-15 Vindicator is not a default Weapon that you start out with, it is the best choice to obtain the Achievement on. Do not bother Upgrading any default Weapons your Class started out with as, since we never “picked them up” we can only Upgrade them to Level 9 in NG+ & we will be one short.
Mission – Shore Leave: Before we continue with Priority – Citadel III or even begin exploring the newly unlocked Systems, let’s go to the Citadel & begin the Citadel DLC. To fully get the most out of this DLC, we may need to complete other Missions to progress certain side plots with our Squad Members before the final Party…! Go to the Personal Apartment & scope out Captain Anderson’s old digs.
Mission – Insurgence: After our terrible date night with Joker, we will return to our Personal Apartment. Speak with our friends & get Liara to call a meeting to begin the next Mission at the Silver Coast Casino.
Save before attempting any Hacks; we can’t fail the Mission, but having to re-Mingle all the time can be tedious. It easier just to reload a Save.
Mission – Escape: Enter into the Citadel Archives to find out the identity of the… Identify Thief.
Mission – Retake the Normandy: After we escape the Citadel Archives, race back to the Normandy before it gets stolen by the Identity Thief.
Achievement #118 – Last Resort: Stop an out-of-control scheme before it's too late.
Take back the Normandy & stop the Identity Thief once & for all; it is your choice what you do with them as well as their associate…
Achievement #119 – The One & Only: Defeat a group of Spectre-level opponents on Normal, Hardcore, or Insanity.
With the Citadel DLC complete, we now get “Post-DLC” where we can get full access to the Silversun Strip & begin making preparations for the epic party.
Go to the Armax Arsenal Arena & speak with the VI to gain access to the facilities. To fight “a group of Spectre-level opponents” we need to use a Gold Prize to unlock the Mirror Match Combat Set.
First & foremost: do not reduce your Difficulty off of Insane! If you do, it will void our entire playthrough & lock us out of the Insanity III Achievement. You cannot even reduce the Difficulty on a different Save & reload your old game after the Achievement unlocks; it won’t work. This has to all be done on Insanity Difficulty unfortunately…
To start, we need to obtain some Silver Prizes (unless you manage to get a Gold Prize sooner). Using the Silver Prizes, we need to buy some Modifiers to boost your Score multiplier; choose ones at your play style preference. First, always get the Enhanced Player Damage Modifier; it gives a -10% to our Points, however this is easily balanced out. Next, purchase Elite Challenge, No Medi-Gel, Enhanced Enemy Shields, & Reduced Player Shields or Enhanced Enemy Damage. I also prefer fighting the Geth; Cerberus or Reapers do not give us anymore Points, choose whoever you are best at killing… Mess around with the different Arenas if you want but find the one you like the best; I just stuck with Blasteroid the entire time…
As soon as you earn a Gold Prize, purchase the Mirror Match Combat Set. Do not equip any Modifiers except Enhanced Player Damage; our end score will not matter. This will definitely take a few tries; this is a battle of longevity & you cannot die obviously or you will have to restart. Find good cover & slowly whittle the enemies down one at a time. The Vanguard is the biggest threat we will face in Rounds 2 & 3 as they are highly aggressive & will chase us down with devastating Biotic-Melee attacks.
For Round 1 & 2, we will be fighting the same three enemies (Soldier, Adept, Engineer) (Vanguard, Sentinel, Infiltrator) & have to kill any six of them to complete the Round. For Round 3, we will have to fight one of all six of the Classes at the same time but only need to kill each one once. Round 3 is the most difficult.
If you are having trouble unlocking the Achievement, potentially try turning off the Enhanced Player Damage Modifier & try doing it “legitly”. This Achievement is very buggy; it took me five successes to actually unlock the Achievement… which was brutal & tested my patience.
Delaying the Party: With the above Achievement unlocked, all that is left in this DLC is the Party. By now, we should have everyone in the game unlocked & be able to be invited except for Miranda. We will get her after completing Priority – Horizon; if you want the best Party, consider delaying until we complete it…
Priority – Citadel III: When you are ready to continue, go to Udina’s old office at the Embassies & meet with the Asari Councillor to learn of the location of the Crucible’s Catalyst.
Priority – Thessia: Go to Thessia… & after the silliness that happened on the Citadel, it is time to be serious again. Get to the Temple of Athame & locate the hidden Prothean Beacon here that will tell us about the Catalyst.
Achievement #120 – Last Witness: Extract ancient technology.
Story Related. Complete Priority – Thessia & speak with the Illusive Man once again… as usual, diplomacy fails.
Priority – Horizon: Go to the Iera System & land on the Planet Horizon to find Sanctuary. Investigate what is going on/wrong at Sanctuary
Achievement #121 – Well Connected: Send a warning across the galaxy.
Story Related. Shutdown the Cerberus lab on Sanctuary & deal with Henry Lawson to unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 15: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Citadel – Silversun Strip:Horsehead Nebula – Anadius:1. Priority: Cerberus HQ, Earth II
2. Missions: Party
3. NG+
4. Achievements: 127/127
Mission – Party: If you have not already done so, definitely go & throw the Party with your crew at Anderson’s apartment. Though the timing is a little inappropriate with what is currently at stake, saving it until now means that everyone will be present for it. I highly recommend choosing the “energetic” option & keep the party strong!
Priority – Cerberus HQ: Priority – Cerberus HQ is the point of no return for Mass Effect 3! If you still have Missions to complete, want to try getting your War Assets above 7800, or are missing any of the previously mentioned Achievements in the guide, be sure to get what you need done before starting the Mission.
When you are ready, head to the Anadius System in the Horsehead Nebula & go to Cronos Station.
Achievement #122 – Executioner: Defeat an old adversary.
Story Related. Fight your way through Cronos Station & defeat Kai Leng in the Illusive Man’s quarters to retake the Prothean VI & unlock our Achievement.
Achievement #123 – Patriot: Make the final assault.
Story Related. The final Mission of the game; make your last stand & fight your way to the Reaper Conduit to the Citadel. We will unlock the Achievement upon reaching it.
Achievement #124 – Legend: Mission accomplished.
Story Related. Decide the fate of all life. There are three Endings we can pick, with a secret “true” Ending if you have over 7800 War Assets.
For the Destroy the Reapers Ending, take the right pathway & destroy the console to destroy all synthetic life in the galaxy… including EDI & the Geth. This is the Ending to choose for the “True” Ending which will give you a special final cutscene at the end if you have over 7800 War Assets.
For the Control the Reapers Ending, take the left pathway & become the avatar for the Reapers. Kind of epic…
Lastly for the Synthesis Ending, take the center pathway & merge with the Catalyst to combine all organic & synthetic life into a hybrid… it’s a little out there but technically is the "best" outcome for the Traverse?
Technically, there is a spoof Ending you can do by shooting the Catalyst, but that ends in a Critical Mission Failure…
Achievement #125 – Insanity III: Complete all three games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Insanity without changing Difficulty.
Story Related. If you beat Mass Effect 3 as well as the first two games on Insanity Difficulty, we will unlock this Achievement upon completing the game.
Achievement #126 – Long Service Medal: Finish Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 with the same Character.
Story Related. If you Imported your exact same Shepard from Mass Effect 1 to 2 then 3, we will unlock this long haul Achievement at the end of the game as well.
We now only have one final Achievement to unlock & that requires a short stint in NG+. Instead of clicking resume for Mass Effect 3 at the Launcher, select start, New Game, & select Import ME3 Character. For an even faster time, since we already have the Insanity III Achievement, just turn the Difficulty down to Casual.
Achievement #127 – Gunsmith: Upgrade any Weapon to level 10.
When we reach Mars, fight your way to the tram & take it across to the Archives. After fighting the Cerberus that meet us, loot the M-15 Vindicator from the locker to the left of the exit doors; if you Upgraded it to Level 5, it will be Level 8 when we collect it.
Get to the Citadel & quickly get to Udinas’ Office at the Embassy. Blast through the dialogue & report back to the Normandy SR-2. Get down to the Shuttle Bay & Upgrade the M-15 Vindicator or any other Weapon you have at Level 6+ to Level 10 to unlock our final Achievement. This whole process took me under 40 minutes to do.
They really don’t make games like Mass Effect 3 (or the Mass Effect series as a whole) anymore. An absolutely incredible journey from start to finish with so much thought & passion put into it. This game is 11/10 for me & one of my favourites of all time. Not entirely sure how I feel about the Endings as all of them have their own pros/cons, but overall good enough. 100% took me 61.4 hours (168.4 hours for the full Legendary Edition) with a fair bit of that time spent writing my guide or going above & beyond being a completionist; granted I sped through the last bit of ME3 after Rannoch because I got tired.
If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!
100% Complete
Thank you for choosing Cynic, & I will see you in the next guide!
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