This guide is about getting the Up To The Task achievement, after completing the game.
My situation:
All missions are completed;
All the camps are cleared;
All the scrap locations are cleared.
As in the screenshot above, the map has no threat, and all enemy locations have been cleared.
Before we get started here's a few things.
This is hard to do; I would recommend doing Rattleing Your Dags, Unstoppable, and Stick It To Ya as you progress through the game;
While it is hard, it is possible.
Rattling Your Dags:
Go here and pick up the weapon as the Fury meter is running out.
Stick It To Ya:
Rattling Your Dags
Rattling Your Dags was my main problem.
There are two parts to this section: location & strategy.
The first problem, and retropectively largest, was finding a location that not only spawned enemies, but spawned enough enemies to fill the Fury meter more than once.
A, if not the, appropriate location to complete Rattling Your Dags, outside of enemy camps, is in The Dump. The following screenshots show the map location, the auto-generated path from Deep Friah's stronghold, and the outer structure.
Map location (large scope)
Map location (small scope)
Outer structure
Important notice: there are two interior areas that spawn enemies, at roughly 5 to 8 enemies each.
The strategy is pretty simple, but has one caveat. There is an enemy with a weapon that routinely spawns at this location. Weapons give easy kills that increase the Fury meter by greater margins and allow the combo streak to increase quickly, by negating blocks.
Since roughly 10 to 15 enemies spawn between both the interior areas, it is best to pull the enemies from the first interior area into the second, since it'll give more enemies to hit in case some die.
In terms of actually working with the Fury meter, it is best to do it in three stages: First Fill, Empty, and Quick Fill. The "First Fill" stage will fill the Fury meter so it can run out during the "Empty" stage and the "Quick Fill" stage is where the Fury meter will go from 0 to 100, and the achievement will proc.
During the "First Fill" stage, fill the Fury meter while minimizing enemy mortality. I recommend not focusing individual enemies and unequipping any Knuckleduster updrages on Max. This will reduce the amount of enemies that die during the "First Fill" and "Empty" stages, as well as allow for reduced damage during a higher combo streak. Unequipping Knuckleduster upgrades is by no means necessary, but may be useful.
During the "Empty" stage, try to maintaina high combo streak, but minimize enemy mortality. This is similar to the "First Fill" stage, with an exception towards the end. As Max's Fury is ending, kill the weapon wielding enemy. Try to time it so that you pick up the weapon as Max's Fury finishes.
During the "Quick Fill" stage, go beserk with the weapon. Don't be strategic, don't block, just swing batta batta, swing! The enemies will be weak and unable to block the weapon, so the Fury meter will fill quickly.
And that should be it! It may take a few tries, but it does work. Congratulations!
I didn't have trouble with Unstoppable, and achieved it while playing the story & side missions. However, I did discover the Rattling Your Dags location from a guide for the Unstopabble task.
Here is the YouTube guide to the Unstoppable task that uses the same location as mentioned in the previous section.
Massive props to the original publisher of the YouTibe video, gokwon.
Stick It To Ya
Stick It To Ya is not a difficult challenge, but it is time consuming and a little luck based.
The best location, in my opinion, is in Gutgash's territory, just north of his stronghold. This location provides boarders during the day (Scrotus) and night (Buzzards). During the day, Scrotus vehicles appear once every 3 or 4 enemy convoys, with boarder vehicles being a part of 1 in every 3 convoys, roughly. During the night, only Buzzard convoys appear, having boarder vehicles once every 5 convoys, roughly. The location is descibed further in the following screenshots.
Map location (large scope)
Map location (small scope)
View towards Gutgash's stronghold
First off, make sure you have boarder spikes unlocked and on your vehicle!
The strategy is to wait for an enemy convoy and engage it if it has a boarder vehicle. Otherwise fast travel to Gutgash's stronghold and drive out to the spot and wait for another enemy convoy.
In terms of engaging a boarder vehicle, pull up (parallel or perpendicular) next to the back and wait for boarders to jump. Once one is airborne, move the Magnum Opus (ideally laterally); this causes the boarders to land on the spikes, not the Magnum Opus.
For further information, please check out this YouTube video by Video Games Junkie.
Jason Partridge also has a YouTube video for Stick It To Ya at a location in Pink Eye's territory, near the Barrelling-Barrows Death Run.
Tally up 15 spike kills and you're golden!
Thanks for reading, I know it's a lot.
I hope this helps; if it doesn't, let me know!
Best of luck in achieving the crown!👑
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