Whole Can Of Dinki-Di
The designers intended the racing options around the map to be the end game of Mad Max. Your mileage may vary with these. I think they are fun, but they don't have the same feel as the game.
The peak experience of the game, which is also the closest to the peak action sequences of the movies, is taking down convoys in the wasteland. It is possible to to keep hunting convoys in more difficult and interesting ways after you finish the game, BUT the early steps you can can make this more difficult or even impossible.
The most important thing is that you need to keep conveys re-spawing. It is also better to start collecting cars early (which adds a nice challenge early in the game). The Magnum Opus will become seriously overpowered by the late game. As your skills improve, it is more challenging and satisfying to take down convoys in the variety of cars you find through the game. Taking down a convoy in any other car also has a low-tech vibe that suits the Mad Max world.
Don't miss the best Mad Max Endgame - take these few steps:
When you take down a convoy, do not collect the ornament dropped by the main vehicle. Once you collect that, the convoy stops re-spawning. Yes, you can equip one on the Magnum Opus, and it will give a minor boost to the car. You do not need that boost. That car will become too powerful anyway. If there is one that you love on an early game convoy, take that if you must.
Start collecting cars early. Once the threat in an area goes down to zero you will see far fewer cars, and it can become a bit more challenging to find a specific one you think will be fun. The weaker cars are in the earlier areas, and they give the best challenge. These are the areas you are most likely to reduce to zero threat first. Yes, you can get cars through achievements in the death races around the map. If you love those races, that is great. You may just want to take down a convoy in a certain car though, and you may not want to find the specific race where that car is found and perform well enough in in that race to get the car.
If you see a car you don't have in a convoy, or anywhere else, make it a priority to get that car back to your base. Again, it is a nice challenge, and it might be easier now than later.
There are other guides for finding the rare cars in the world - I recommend getting these cars. They have a great vibe, or they handle in very specific ways that can change up the experience. Just know that if the car gets destroyed before you get it back to your base, then it will re-spawn and you can go get it again in the world.
Carry on Wasteland Warrior!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3260804177
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