This is the hardest achievement in Mad Max and very very annoying. This guide aims to make it as easy as possible.
Up To The Task - achievement requires you to complete all non-repeatable challenges. You can view them at LEGEND menu. All the challenges listed that says "Completed 0 times" are NOT needed for this achievement as they are concidered repeatable.
If you haven't already DO NOT:
Reduce threat level to zero in territories
Turn in any scraps to Strongholds
This is because you'll have easier time finding enemies all around making this achievement faster to complete. Also the only way to switch between day/night is done by turning in scraps to Strongholds. Helps you alot to be able to go to night time.
But if you are like me and you already reduced all the threat to zero and you already fully completed the strongholds. Nevermind. You can still finish everything.
Death Runs And Unlocking Cars
Many challenges require specific car. You can unlock all the cars by going to a death run and winning the race with that car. To unlock Archangels you need to buy the required upgrades from GARAGE menu.
List of all the death runs and cars below:
Broken Pipes: Spotter, Crow Caller, The Jack
Corner Cut: Skullbutts, Rammerhead, Kill Box
Crazy Racy: Speedsta, Golden Tuska, Celestial Bones
Heat Haze: Crusher, Carnewagon, Soul Sweeper
Valley of Dust: Kaboom bug, Mancannon, Pinky Finger
Buckle Down: Prickles, Hardball, Aurelian the Ready
Craggy Crew: Plate Speedsta, Armored Spotter, Argent Cavalier
Neck Snappin': Sideblender, Metal Grinder, Cardinal Grinder
Pothole Ridge: Drop Kicker, Charbone, Flamergamer, Sanguine Guardian
Summit of the Mighty*: Armored Crusher, Chum's Buggy, Thirst Cutter, Righteous Spike
Barreling Barrows: Heavy Armored Spotter, Interceptor, Lord Gravel
Even RIP: Fire Rider, Radiant Shadow
Mortal Bite: Toughnut Speedsta, The Twelve, Speed demon
The Reconvene: Barbacon, Demented Chariot, Speed Freak, Rule of War
Tricky Pass: Heavy Armored Crusher, Big Chief Chariot, Jugger of Virtue
* Summit of the Mighty is the death run in southern Gutgash territory marked with a yellow star icon.
Below are the important locations to find certain enemies and vehicles required for the challenges.
Multiple enemies and a scrotus vehicle that respawn everytime:
Two Buzzard vehicles spawn here:
Two enemies with thundersticks spawn here:
Boarder cars patrol location:
When you drive around this road junction there will be patrols of three cars Roadkills(day time) and Buzzards(night time). Roadkill patrol has usually total of 2 boarders while a Buzzard car might have 2-4 boarders. Just keep driving around this area and fast travel nearby and keep checking the area. It's a struggle I wont lie, but you will find it.
Tricks To Help With Many Achievements
Deah run trick:
If you exit your car you automatically fail death run and get to choose Continue or Retry. For many achievements simply kill few cars with a thunderstick or other reguired way and instantly exit car to get new kills over and over again by choosing retry.
Thunderstick gets you a fast double kill everytime when you shoot one of the cars starting on 3rd and 4th positions immediately when the run starts.
Also when death run starts you can immediately press 1 to go to sniper and shoot red barrels and tires for achievements - exit car and repeat.
Destroy specific vehicle:
If you need to destroy a specific vehicle like for example "Defeat 5 Rammerheads by ramming head to head". See section Death runs and unlocking cars and look where you can unlock the car Rammerhead. Now go to a Stronghold and choose to drive the unlocked Rammerhead. Exit the Rammerhead outside and press (default: 2) to summon Magnum Opus. Now you have a Rammerhead to ram.
Destroy Scrotus vehicle:
You can either use the trick above or drive to a Scrotus scavenging camp in Deep Friah's territory (see Locations) and use the vehicle spawn there. The Scrotus car respawn when you drive away abit and return.
Destroy Buzzard vehicles:
See Locations to find two parked Buzzard vehicles.
1. Wasteland
Random list:
Complete 191 scavenging camps
Find all historic relics
Reveal all regions by using balloons
Complete all main and optional objectives in every Scrotus camp
Destroy all scarecrows
Take out 10 Scrotus Leadslingers (Enemy snipers)
Destroy 10 large Sniper towers
Defuse all minefieldsTo reveal all scavenging locations in all territories you must complete the Survey Crew Project in all Strongholds.
Reduce threat in all regions (Jeet, Gutgash, Pink Eye, Deep Friah) - Suggested to complete last
Fully Complete every project in every stronghold (Jeet, Gutgash, Pink Eye, Deep Friah)I strongly suggest to leave the threat levels up and NOT complete the 500, 1000 and 1500 scrap turn ins to make completeing this achievement easier. Complete every other project as soon as possible.
Random encounters: (random encounters are wastelanders marked purple in map)
Speak with 8 encounters in Jeet's territory
Speak with 11 encounters in Gutgash's territory
Speak with 12 encounters in Pink Eye's territory
Speak with 7 encounters in Deep Friah's territory
Scrap collection:
Collect 45000 scrap - total scraps gained, no need to be simultaneously
Earn 10 000 scrap from repopulated camps - Complete Scrotus camps and you start earning
Earn 2000 scrap from scrap crews - Complete this project in Stronholds - earn Scraps for being offline
Earn 2000 scraps from clean up crews - Complete this project in Strongholds - destroy vehicles to earn scrapsComplete The scrap crew and The cleanup crew asap in all strongholds to start gaining offline scraps and scraps when destroying vehicles to count toward these challenges.
Kill enemies: - you should have all of these many times by completing the game.
Kill 60 enemies from Scrotus faction
Kill 60 enemies from Roadkill faction
Kill 30 enemies from Buzzard faction
Shoot 30 tires on moving vehicles with shotgun while on foot
Destroy 50 red barrels (many red barrels found on many Scrotus camps)
Eat 1 servings of maggots (find a dead corpse full of maggots that shows up as food)
Eat 12 cans of food (Dinki Di's dog food cans found in many camps and fast travel locations)
Give water to a wanderer (group of few people wondering with a water drop icon over their head)
Use 50 zip-lines (found in many camps and fast travel locations)
Fill the Canteen fully, 30 times (Filling the Canteen at Stronhold works! Just empty your Canteen and enter)
Defeat 3 enemies, either on foot or in a vehicle, while in a storm
Destroy 5 moving vehicles while on foot (easiest done against cars with red barrel to explode)
Collect 3 boxes of scrap from Muthaloot crates (When Storm comes drive in the storm and find loot crates will show up on minimap when close)
Pull 1 buried vehicle out of the sand with the harpoon
2. Ground Combat
See the Locations section to find out places to get all below achievements.
As vicious as a Bandicoot: Defeat 5 enemies by impaling them with a Thunderstick
- Find Thunderstick either by killing Thunderstick enemies or pick up Thunderstick for example at the Deep Friah fast travel balloon camp. Find and enemy and go up close and do a melee attack to impale the enemy.
Suckerpunched: Perform 10 Gut shot kills with shotgun
- Unlock Gut shot skill for Max and kill 10 enemies using it.
Slam Dunked!: Perform 15 fury finisher moves
- Unlock Max finisher skills and use them on fury mode
Bone Crunching: Defeat 10 enemies with melee weapons
- Kill 10 enemies using melee weapons
Rendered defenseless: Disarm 10 enemies
- Unlock Max disarm and master disarm skills and use your skills on enemies
Found the Rythm: Perform a combo chain of 20+
- Build up a combo for 20 or more.
Rattling your Dags: Fill fury meter in 10 seconds
- This one is difficult to get. Find a group of enemies. Hit all the enemies making them weak, but try not to kill them. Once you hit Fury mode wait for it to run out and right when the Fury mode is gone try to kill those weak enemies fast.
Unbreakable: Defeat 12 enemies in melee combat without taking any damage
- Those 12 enemies do not have to be in a row. You can for example look for patrol cars and pull out their tires to get the drivers out and kill them one by one. Just make sure not to take any damage between the first and 12th kill. Or find a large group of enemies and block all attacks. I did it in Deep Friah scavenging camp by luring few enemies at a time on me and tried to take them out as one by one as possible. Shotgun kills are not counted.
Unstoppable: Kill 8 enemies in melee combat during one fury mode
- When you reach fury mode kill 8 enemies before it ends.
3.1 Car Combat
Destroy faction vehicles: You should have them already
Defeat 50 Scrotus vehicles
Defeat 50 Roadkill vehicles
Defeat 20 Buzzard vehicles
Safe Sex: Defeat 6 vehicles by grinding
- Easily done at the location with two parked Buzzard vehicles. Use burners to weaken the cars and then slowly drive next to them and use your tire grinders to destroy them. Fast travel to the nearby death run location and repeat.
Ridin' Shotgun: Shoot 10 drivers with shotgun
- Easily done on death runs. Harpoon doors out of cars and then shoot the drivers. Use death run repeat trick for faster results.
Pit Stop: Pull 5 tires from moving vehicles using the harpoon
- Do it the same way as Ridin' Shotgun challenge above. Use death run repeat trick for faster results.
Bang for the Buck: Destroy 15 vehicle mounted fuel tanks with shotgun. Use death run repeat trick for faster results.
Here's the Big Chief: Destroy 3 Scrotus vehicles with a V8 engine installed
- Mount V8 engine on Magnum Opus and see Locations section where to find a parked Scrotus car. Destroy the car drive away slightly and repeat.
Thorn in your Side: Defeat 5 vehicles by T-boning
- T-boning means that you ram into a car in 90 degree angle hitting the other car's side. When you impact the other car you shape a T. Use the exit Stronghold trick or the two parked Buzzards.
Nudge Nudge: Defeat 5 vehicles using the Side Ram
- Side ram is by default mouse 3 (mouse wheel) drive next to a car then press A or D and mouse 3 to ram them.
Where There's Thunder: Destroy 10 vehicles using the Thunderpoon
- Should have this one.
Bullheaded: Defeat 12 vehicles going head to head while using Boost
- If you don't have this already - ram patrol cars or see Tricks section to get easy kills.
Tire Popper: Shoot out 2 tires on a moving vehicles using the sniper rifle
- When a death run starts immediately go to sniper and shoot the other cars. Exit your car and retry to repeat.
Point and Shoot: Shoot out 2 fuel tanks on moving vehicles using the sniper rifle
- Same as above.
Strangers on a Train: Maintain a grinding contact for at least 5 seconds, 1 time
- On a death run use a make a long contact with enemy car. This is usually easiest done against another car with grinders as they also want to engage you.
Two can play that game: Defeat 3 enemy vehicles while driving Skullbuts
- Go to Corner Cut death run and choose Skullbuts. Shoot red tanks from enemy vehicles and use retry trick if necessary.
Sparks will fly: Defeat a Sideblender or Metal Grinder while driving a Sideblender or Metal Grinder
- Go to Neck Snappin' death run and choose either one of them. Now destroy corresponding enemy in that race.
My little friend: Defeat 3 vehicles while driving Buggy
- Go to Summit the Mighty death race and choose Chum's Buggy. Destroy 3 enemies.
Scrotus Kebab: Destroy a Scrotus vehicle using a Prickles
- Unlock a Prickles from Buckle Down death race. See Locations to find a parked Scrotus vehicle.
Bug Eye Crush: Defeat 1 Buzzard vehicle while driving a Crusher
- Unlock a crusher from Heat Haze death race. Drive it to the Buzzard vehicle from Locations and destroy one Buzzard car.
Offshoot: Without using Wasteland jump, achieve 2 seconds of air time while driving Buggy, 3 times
- Fast Travel to Jeet's Stronghold. Exit it with Chum's Buggy and drive off the cliff. Repeat until done.
Throw another on the Barbie: Defeat 5 vehicles using the flame pipe from a Fire Raider, Flamergamer or Charbone
- Go to Even RIP death run and pick a fire raider. All other cars tries to ram you. Simply drive around and burn them. (default: space for burner). Use exit car trick if necessary.
Signed and Sealed: Destroy 1 vehicle using explosives from Drop Kicker
- Go to Pothole Ridge and destroy fellow racer with explosives (default: space to drop explosives).
Morrison Effect: - Defeat 3 vehicles in a storm while driving the Magnum Opus
- When you get a storm alert open CARAGE menu and build Aurelian the Ready Archangel (combine this challenge with one mentioned later). Now try to find a patrol of cars or drive to Buzzard vehicle spawn and get kills with thunderpoon.
Chicken Soup: - Defeat 5 Rammerhead or Skullbutt vehicles by ramming head to head with the level 5 "Clawjaw Grill"
- Unlock Rammerhead or Skullbutt from a death run. Exit a stronghold with one of those cars and summon Magnum Opus. Build a Jugger of Virtue Archangel to combine this challenge with another mentioned later for the convenience. Destroy the selected car using Jugger of Virtue by ramming it head to head.
Bug Killer: Defeat an enemy, either on foot or in a vehicle, by driving a Kaboom Bug and using its explosion
- Go to Valley of Dust death race and use Kaboom Bug to kill an enemy.
Stick it to ya: Kill 15 enemies using boarding spikes
- Equip Magnum Opus with the best boarding spikes. Drive close to a car with boarders and when they are about to board pull your car away just enough so the boarders get killed by the spikes (annoyingly difficult). Don't pull away too far or the boarders crash on the road between you and don't stay too close or they'll board you anyway. See Locations where to find them. If you haven't cleared all the Gutgash territory Convoys they usually have boarders. After the boarders are all dead destroy the boarder car for challenge below.
In your Dreams: - Defeat 3 Boarder vehicles using Thunderpoon
- When you hunt for the above challenge after killing all the boarders - destroy the car after using thunderpoon.
Kill Twitch: Shake 10 jumpers off the Magnum Opus without using a weapon
- Throughout the game you should have done this alreay. When boarders get on your vehicle just drive around and use boost to shake them off.
Rule of the Day: Shoot two fuel tanks with a sniper rifle from moving vehicles while driving Rule of War archangel.
- Go to the Reconvene Death run and pick Rule of War. Immediately when the race starts pick a sniper rifle and shoot tanks. Exit car and repeat.
3.2 Car Combat
Smite the Heathens: Destroy 15 Roadkill vehicles while driving the Jugger of Virtue Archangel
- Complete easily at death run with thunderpoon and repeating the run.
Smite the Wicked: Destroy 15 Scrotus vehicles while driving Jugger of the Virtue Archangel
- See Locations to find a Scrotus vehicle spawn. Drive in to the scavenging location and shoot the vehicle. Drive away and return and the vehicle respawns every time. Repeat.
Smite the Demons: Defeat 15 Buzzard vehicles while driving Jugger the Virtue Archangel
- See Locations to find Buzzard vehicles. Destroy them and fast travel to nearby death run and repeat.
Backdraft: Defeat 2 Fire raiders while driving the Sanguine Guardian Archangel
- Unlock Fire raider from Even RIP death run and use the trick to destroy fire rider twice.
Rule the Day: Shoot 2 fuel tanks on moving vehicles using the Sniper Rifle while driving the Rule of War Archangel
- Do it in the beginning of death run.
Angel without Wings: Without a wasteland jump, catch 3 seconds of air time while driving the Lord of Gravel, 1 time
- Drive Lord of Gravel and drive of a cliff to the Big Nothing. Good spot is by fast traveling to The Reconvene death run and drive west to the cliff.
State of Efficiency: Defeat 2 vehicles within 5 seconds of each other while driving "Kill Box" Archangel, 5 times
- Start the death run and immediately on the start shoot a car in the 3rd or 4th position with thunderpoon. It should explode them both. Exit car and repeat.
Let's be overly specific: Defeat 1 vehicle in a storm while driving Aurelian the ready Archangel
- When you get a notification of a storm - open CARAGE menu and build Aurelian the ready. Now try to find a parked vehicle or a patrol and destroy a vehicle.
Holy Rolling: Defeat 12 vehicles by ramming while driving the "Radiant Shadow" Archangel
- Go to Buzzard vehicle spawn and ram the both cars and repeat. Carefully use the side burners to remove the armor first for easier ram kills. Repeat.
Keep it Clean: Defeat 5 vehicles by grinding while driving the Cardinal Grinder
- Same as above. Use Buzzard location. Weaken the Buzzard car with flames and finish them by grinding. Repeat.
Gum Shoe: Defeat 1 vehicle from the Stank Gum's battalion while driving the Soul Sweeper Archangel
- Drive around Deep Friah's territory and look for a patrol of yellow cars with blue and purple paint. Destroy one while driving Soul Sweeper.
Please Drive Faster: Maintain full cruising speed for 1.9 miles while driving the Righteous Spike Archangel
- Good place to do this is to fast travel to The Dunes region airport. Set your waypoint to Pink Eye's Stronghold. Follow the road to find a good spot to maintain speed. There are few dunes on the road - use a boost when you go up a dune to not lose the max speed.
Thanks For Stopping By!
Hopefully this guide helped you with your achievement! If you like this please rate up and leave a comment!
If you think that I missed something or made mistakes please notify me in the comments and I'll edit the guide!
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