Mad Max is a game of exploration and overcoming overwhealming odds. Why the game does try to do this it fails in a few areas keeping it from being immersive. This guide will tell you some options for increasing the difficulty of the game to a level that you feel more immersed at.
Basic Options
These are the less hardcore options to use but make for a good start.
Don't build the Water Collector or Oil Tank at the garrison at least until you've finished the area or reaching the end.
Use the map only to tell what direction you need to head. Make waypoints as little as possible and only if you need to travel great distances or to a specific spot for quests.
When leveling up Max try to get as little bonus water from water sources as possible.
Max's gear often out levels the area so wear gear 1-2 levels lower then the highest armour you own. Only upgrade armour if you start to really stuggle (this is up to you to decide when its to hard).
Only take every second scrap car you find back to base or only take the ones you find at camps back.
Always give wastelanders water if possible.
Hardcore Options
These are some more hardcore options you can take if you feel up for the challenge.
Don't build the maggot farm at the garrison.
Don't collect any scrap cars or only ones at camps.
Never make waypoints and only use the map to guide you (as little as possible).
Never wear any armour on Max.
Never fill up your canteen at camps or only after clearing it (water sources and loot areas are still fine).
Always eat your dog food!
This is a work in progress feedback is welcome and tell us what settings you decided on. How many Hardcores out of Hardcores is your settings?
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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=513432169
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