Car Bodies and Locations

Car Bodies and Locations

Die Rolla

Car Bodies and Locations image 1

Car Bodies and Locations image 2

Here is a map of where you can find "Die Rolla" one of the more good looking in my opinion car bodies in the game.

The Wild Hunt

Car Bodies and Locations image 5
Car Bodies and Locations image 6

Here is a map of where you can find the "Wild Hunt" car body skin.

Death Rattle

Car Bodies and Locations image 9
Car Bodies and Locations image 10

Thanks to Leandro for this one

Here is the location via map

The car will be located at the bottom of the settlement (you will see what i mean once you get there)


Car Bodies and Locations image 15
Car Bodies and Locations image 16

Credits to ~Shiro The Kitten~ for this one!

Location via map-


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