Before we begin to get involved with all the Identities and the EGOs, we first must get a few things straight here.
1: All of my own takes on the Identities and the EGOs are based on my own subjective take on them. Keep in mind that when built with the proper team, ANY ID AND EGO IS GOD-TIER. Project Moon have done a fantastic job balancing content around these builds and have designed with the sole idea that you have built a team around it. TIERS ARE RANKED AS FOLLOWS: SS, S, A, B, C, D.
Yes a Bleed Team is the king of all builds, but good luck running that against Kromer and bearing witness to that casual 100 health regen and Attack Up.
2: This guide is built under the idea that you ALREADY know what each status ailment does and how Sin Costs work. For reference, here's a Status ailment picture below:
If New Status Effects are Added, they will be updated within this Disclaimer tab.
3: Stats and Skill Values are viewed with the idea that the unit is Level 30 and at Rank III. This can Change depending on whether Project Moon increases the value or not.
4: Some images are taken from the Prydwen Site for ease of use, however, all thoughts and tiers are of my own subjective opinion.
5: Skill Ordering goes by the skill with the most of its respective affinity. Keep this in mind as you read this.
6: THIS GUIDE WILL BE LONG!!! PLEASE BOOKMARK WHEN GIVEN! (Given the Guide Cap that Steam has to offer, multiple different guides might have to be made.)
With this in mind, we have 4 new Status Effects that will be coming out with the new characters so:
At the Start of the Turn, gain 1 Bleed and increase the Bleed Count by this Effect's Count. At the end of the turn, halve the count (Rounded Down)
Raise Skill's FINAL Power by the Effect's Count against Units with Nails.
Affected unit takes more damage from Pierce and Blunt skills for One turn. The ally that defeats the Marked Unit are healed SP; If this unit is from N Corp, apply Fanatic next turn.
Plus Coin Drop:
Affected Unit's Bonus Coin is reduced. For example, if one Unit has a base coin of 6 and a +5 on the bonus coin if they hit heads, this debuff will reduce that bonus coin's value. It will now have a base coin of 6 but only a +1 on the bonus coin if it hits heads and is hit with this debuff on 4 stacks.
I will try to Update this guide as often as humanly possible. For now, the guide will only cover Yi Sang IDs (I need to sleep, I started this guide in the middle of the night), but I will quickly update it with a new character ASAP and go from there.
LCB Yi Sang
Rarity Release February 27th, 2023 Status Ailments
ase Yi Sang carries a good few benefits with him. For one, he has absolutely AMAZING clash value, with End-Stop Stab and Enjamb being able to reliably clash against most enemies with little effort. Sinking is also a nifty debuff for manipulating the RNG that Human opponents hold.
And that's where it all ends there:
Unfortunately, Yi Sang suffers greatly from the fact that he situationally relies on Sinking in order to be very effective as a team member. Sinking doesn't do anything to Abnorms since they don't carry the rule of having SP as a value. This makes Yi Sang shockingly useless in terms of status ailments and abilities against foes like Kromer and Sacristy. He can however, clash reliably against those abnorms but it's hard to justify bringing him with your team if all he can offer is clashing against abnorms.
ase Yi Sang CAN fuel the Wishing Cairn EGO by himself, which certainly can help in building him around that particular EGO. However, that by itself doesn't justify bringing him along with the team.
Seven Section 6 Yi Sang
Rarity Release February 27th, 2023 Status Ailments
Seven Yi Sang is rather unique in that he is able to boost his allies' clash power with his support passive. oasting a Paralysis that is applied next turn is also a huge boost to future clashes within the next turn. He also has decently high speed values so he can very easily set up his status ailments with Moulinet. He is also very capable of Supplying himself with EGO fuel for Wishing Cairn, though it will take a while given it's a skill 3. The ability to boost clash power, boasting a really nice paralysis debuff, and the concept of Moulinet should make him an A tier right?
Well unfortunately, the damage he himself holds is rather... lacking, especially compared to that of lade Lineage Yi Sang. This however pales in comparison to the sheer COST of his passive. 4 Gluttonies in order to activate his passive is way too high for the effect it currently gives, making his unique ability to boost general clash power rather lacking. He also NEEDS set up in order to be able to perform as effectively as later IDs as Moulinet requires Yi Sang to either have a second skill at the ready within the chain to set it up or pray that his debuff lasts the rest of the turn.
Unfortunately, all of his current problems add up really fast to make Seven Section unfortunately average compared to his fellow rethren.
Blade Lineage Salsu Yi Sang
Rarity Release February 27th, 2023 Status ilments SKILLS:
really good ID at least for Yi Sang. Poise in its current state isn't in the best spot and it's mainly due to the fact that the majority of them only last the turn it is applied. Blade Yi Sang doesn't suffer from this however as he applies them Next Turn and can even extend it thanks to his passive. Blade Yi Sang fixes this issue and also is a pretty damn strong duelist by himself. Having 41 Power puts him at equal levels to Heathcliff in single coin attacks, and his Crits are NUTTY!
Thing is, you better pray to RNG because boy is Poise reliant on it. ny hit that connects with poise will disappear regardless of whether the crit was applied or not, and Yi Sang's damage is only verage without crits. It doesn't help that Flank Thrust is COMPLETELY RNG based when it comes to its damage. Either you hit like a truck or it does rather mediocre damage outputs. Blade Yi Sang also needs support in order to be able to fuel his EGOs as he lacks the Sloth ffinity to fuel them himself.
Super High Rolly character, but he is pretty fun when you hit big numbers :).
Yi Sang EGOs
EGO LEVEL ZAYIN Release February 27th, 2023 P OT ZERO IN OT x1 WRATH, x3 LOTH REITANE:
A Potentially trong EGO that has been absolutely shunted by its own Passive. an easily win lashes by itself having a base of 18, it has Incredibly strong party buffs in the form of Haste and Attack Power Down that it can apply to enemies. adly the damage it deals is rather middling compared to certain EGOs (like Bodyack) and that Passive.... My god that passive...
First of all, this passive reduces Yi ang's speed by a crap ton, which reduces his overall usage on the front line when it comes to clashing. 20% damage buff isn't worth losing the immediate initiative upon getting hit. This EGO also reduces the strength of Blade Lineage since you want him to be getting out attacks as soon as he can, not force him to wait on last. This EGO AN work with even ection, but it's still incredibly niche and frankly I would only use row's Eye over Wishing airn if you really want the buffs it offers.
EGO LEVEL TETH Release February 27th, 2023 P OT 20 IN OT x1 GLOOM, x4 LOTH
Now this... THI is a good EGO! It's passive giving a 30% loth protection and Blunt Resist makes it absolutely incredible against most of hapter 3. It has better lash Values against the likes of Kromer, It's Paralysis will become super useful since Yi ang tends to start on High peed to begin with, It does WAY more damage than what row is capable of, and loth Fragility is a surprisingly strong debuff since loth is a rather common skill type to build into.
It's orrosion is also just as equally strong, since it will now become a 3 lot AOE and applies Bind, which reduces enemy speed by quite an amount. Interestingly it's not an EGO you should build around as it doesn't hit the damage values that EGOs like Bodyack is capable of, but you an't go wrong at all with this one.
EGO LEVEL TETH Release February 27th, 2023 P OT 20 IN OT x5 WRATH, x1 LOTH, x1 GLUTTONY
It can hit hard, it applies a Decent amount of Burn, and it's an AOE at 3 lots...
Yeah that's it.
Unfortunately, Burn just isn't that good of a status effect at the moment as there is no reasonable way to increase Burn's count so it will only proc once majority of the time. It also lacks support as the only reliable burn comes off of Liu Association and a couple other EGOs. It's also WAY too pricy for the effect it gives, and don't get me started on the Overclock price.
However, if Burn gets actual support, this could be a genuinely good EGO, what with how it's passive works. I will update this EGO with its New Tier once proper upport has been added but until then... just use Wishing airn.
3/21/2023: Guide published in version 0.1 Alpha. Added Yi Sang IDs
3/22/2023: Formatting changes to fix typos. Yi Sang EGOs Added and Updated.
Current Plans:
Faust IDs
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2949991704
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