Tables For Buying Lunacy (Whale Edition)

Tables For Buying Lunacy (Whale Edition)

The Actual Spreadsheet Where All This Info Goes

The Google Spreadsheet[]

Why am I not posting all the charts on Steam? Because there's better formatting on an actual spreadsheet. The above highlights the basic crap while you'll have to delve in to see the more limited-time stuff unless you're lazy and don't want to click on a link. In that case....

Always Available

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Here's the stuff in the Always Available tab of the shop. These boast the best Paid Lunacy per dollar ratio, especially if the First-Time offer is available.


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These ones are available under the Monthly part of Lunacy offers. There are only two, but if you're looking for Total Lunacy and nothing else, these provide plenty. In fact, the Monthly Lunacy Batch provides the most Total Lunacy per dollar spent.

However, most of the lunacy gained (which is Free Lunacy through the daily log-ins) slowly comes in over 30 days. It'll take quite a bit of time to gather it all.

Packs And Growth

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These offers are located in either Packs or Growth. Some of these have relatively low numbers because they have other contents such as Thread or Training Tickets. Those aren't being included as this is all about pull efficiency but you can take those into account yourself.

Seasonal/Event Stuff

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And here's all the Seasonal/Event stuff. These are all limited time, either to the season or a specific time frame. There's not much to say here, most of the Seasonal packs are the same.

Anything in red cannot be bought anymore.

Bonus Time: Paid Lunacy Packs

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You can just ignore this if you're not here for any of these.

So I did these just for a little bonus. Technically all of these are Net-Loss of Lunacy, as these cost more Paid Lunacy than the rolls they give. However, these packs usually have something special about them that makes them worth it to get at some times. Special contents like Takeoff Modules are hard to come by and these are some of the only ways to get your hands on some. These are also limited-time, so take that in note.

Once again, stuff in red means it's no longer available.

See Anything Wrong? Perhaps Changes Are Needed?

Just comment I suppose. I'm not going to be on 24/7 so don't expect a super quick response, but I will inevitably get to it if there's anything that needs adding or editing.

Alright, see ya.


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