The WHOLE Guide
Once you have navigated the tutorial, you will find yourself in the town. First - click on the anvil, and the production tab, and start producing thread. You won’t gain exp until you start. Remember to check it regularly so it doesn’t fill up.
Scripticus is the mainline quest giver, so have a chat with him, and go and kill some mushrooms. He will direct you through mining, smithing and killing, with little to be said. Just read his directions. For his talent point quest, put them all into Sharpened Axe
You do not need to have fuel in the furnace, it simply speeds it up. You can sell the fuel Glumlee gives, for an easy couple of silver.
Mining is painfully slow to begin with. Obtaining the Mining Certificate from Glumlee is essential, as it gives you the Junk Junk Pickaxe. So don’t worry about it, or choppin, until you reach level 10.
Have a go at the choppin minigame in the first area, with the mushrooms, but don’t worry about grinding wood. The guy there has 3 quests. For the first quest he asks for and takes 10 wood from you; then the next two you simply need the wood in your inventory, you get to keep it this time though! The 10-wood quest will give you a new bag which makes it so that you can hold more in one inventory slot, and the 100-wood quest will give you a hatchet.
Minigame tries reset each day and are account-wide. You can play minigames 5 times a day (more with gem upgrades)
The 50 and 100 sized bags for choppin and mining need to be made in the anvil. The larger food bags come from side quests, and the monster drop bags come from the main questline. The monster drop bags also include anvil resources, and increase your anvil production capacity.
The block of marble simply requires you to purchase the chisel from the main shop. It unlocks the statue mechanic. You can hand in statues, to get small buffs in a variety of aspects. These buffs are per character, so you will need to unlock it on every character eventually. At the beginning I wouldn’t bother buying the chisel. The statue boosts are helpful, but it is a large expenditure. Just save up all the statues you find, until you can comfortably part with that much silver.
The pig at the top unlocks stamps. They are a very crucial mechanic. Stamps can be dropped rarely from a range of mobs, and are given as quest rewards, as well as some being able to be bought in shops. They are very expensive to level but affect all characters.
Now, craft a spear as soon as you can! Grind your way through frogs, finish the picnic main quests (the subsequent side quests are useful, but not at this stage - this is where you get the peanut recipe for later), and press onto beans! Remember to unlock stamps once your're at frogs by talking to the pig chopping wood at the bottom of the frog area, and then the pig in the town.
Every talent point you have should be in Sharpened Axe at this point
Level 10:
Once you reach beans, you are probably going to be lvl 8-10 or so. Depending on your armour, you may have no problem with beans, but if you are a lower level, and struggling with accuracy, beginners get accuracy from the LUCK skill, rather than the others. Although I wouldn’t put any talent points here unless you really need to, as this will change as soon as you specialize, and those luck points will become essentially useless.
Once you reach level 10, regardless of if you can easily kill beans, move down the platforms to find Promotheus...
Choose your specialization.
For those unsure, warrior is the safest, easiest, and most likely fastest bet for progression for where you are right now. Archer is my personal first choice preference for a host of more complicated reasons. Mage is generally weaker compared to the other two, however. But overall, it really does not matter. You will have many, many characters, and there will be many, many subclasses.
All first tab skills should still be on Sharpened Axe, unless you are desperate for accuracy, in which case choose a few for the skill that boosts it for your character.
Second tab skills should be: 1 in each of the useful active skills, (power strike and whirl for warrior, etc), and the remaining in the dead center skills (carry a big stick, high polymer limbs, or power overwhelming, depending on class). For warrior and archer, put a few points in the "double strike/have another" talents, up to 20-30% eventually.
To use skills, make sure the option in settings is toggled, and then click on the big red flag button “assign attacks”, and drag them to your hotbar.
Talent points in the base skills for your class (str for warrior, agi for archer etc) only really boosts the specialised skill (mining for warrior, etc). Damage is far stronger from weapon power. Mixing dps and skills is generally very inefficient, as you can only do one thing at any given time. Promotheus will give each character a free reset and some fragments, and you can purchase one fragment from each shop, daily. So don’t worry about experimenting.
A great way to experiment with new talents is by putting one point in one of the talents you want to compare, and seeing how it affects damage, or (skill efficiency for skills), and then repeating for the other talents.
Prometheus’ next quest refers to the second portal in the beans area. It has a 2000 kill requirement and unlocks the mini-boss Baba Yaga, that spawns at the beginning of every hour for a few minutes. You may need to switch worlds (option menu) to see it spawn. His quest for just spotting it, gives a very solid hat, with 11 wisdom, 4 def, 10% mana regen and three upgrade slots. Don’t worry about killing it! It requires more stats than even the grasslands boss!
Beans should be the first place you idle on for overnight afks until you unlock this portal, (unless you are an archer, in which case the copper hat will be better, and you shouldn’t stop to idle until carrots)
Unlock your second character. Go to menu - swap players - player menu. At level 10 you have unlocked your second. The level requirements are additive over all characters’ main levels. So your third character will need both characters to average level 15.
Your second character should probably be a miner. Regardless of if you chose warrior first, I would do it again. The choppin minigame tends to give enough early wood, and you want to get someone idling copper fairly soon. And really you want your dps to carry on fighting.
Managing multiple characters:
Leaving your main character idling on beans, you can now navigate away to your second. To help him, if you have the silver, you might want to put some money into stamps, and if you can, purchase the acc and def stamps from the shop. Stamps are shared over all characters, regardless of doing the first quest.
To make life faster, as the chest is shared over all characters, you can move items, equipment, quest requirements, etc, between them all. Take note, the farmer brim and orange tee quest has a hidden lvl 2 smithing requirement, so get that anvil working!
The first 10 levels, and more, of your subsequent characters, should follow the same format as before. As Promotheus gives a free respec per character, pushing just DPS to gain as many talent points as quickly as possible, is always good.
Remember to do the choppin minigame, and to claim your free axe. Once you have the 100 wood, you can just show it to him and re-use it for all your characters. Remember to check your anvil regularly. All levels gained in all skills will give some Talent Points.
As your dps finds harder enemies, he will need better equipment. Unless you have been lucky on rare drops such as GULP, (Give Up on Life Pants) or have got the hat from unlocking Baba Yaga, you will start needing copper.
You can decide whether to actively mine it with your second character or to AFK while pushing fighting on your DPS.
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