Header fanart created by @Benjii21 on the official IdleOn Discord[]
tl;dr: lots of word, expect links and resources, don't expect hand-holding
I don't post guides. This was made because lately I've been helping a heap of people in different communities I'm apart of progress their accounts in IdleOn. Right now, I'm at the entry level of End-game. What's that? I'm farming for Mariglass set, getting all my cards to blue stars minimum, my GMush is at 5b kills, and I'm realising that I need to send my characters to jail (Lab) to catch up on levels.
What to expect out of this guide:3rd party resources to help with your progression
Tips regarding progression pushing in certain areas
Tips for preparing to move towards end game
Explinations and resources on systems to help with key progression items.
What you won't get from this guideOrdered information to go through, such as "Do this, then this, then this, then that".
Numbers to get before moving on
Anything that holds your hand through the game
This guide is designed to give you the resources so you can achieve your goals on your own. It sets you on the path, so you can create the goals yourself. Other players will have different opinions based on their own experience, but that's fine. I used this information myself to push from struggling to kill in W5, to 4m kills/hr in W6 in roughly a month. I'm now chasing the few last bits and pieces to transition to the point of waiting for W7 and the final class expansions to be released by Lava. I mainly did this on my own, with help from some guild members that pointed me on the right path in certain scenarios.
I hope you can get an overall better picture from this guide on your progression goals in the future.
Listed below will be resources for you to refer to to assist with your progress. Be sure to bookmark links, save images, etc. to help with your progression.
The official discord
Resources are plenty here, as well as asking for help in the related world channels from more experienced users. Check the pins as well since there's so much useful information there.
in the #bot-commands channel on the official discord:
!help commands
Command typeCommands!chopchart !minechart !fishchart !catchchart !smirthchart !trapchart!merit1 !merit2 !merit3 !merit4 !merit5 !merit6!gear !guide !presets !classes !weeklyboss !startalents
There are plenty more, however these should be noted as the most commonly used commands. I have links to the images below to save outside of discord.
Official IdleOn Wiki
This is the official wiki. Use this to track who drops what items, droprates, skill information, quest information, etc. You will end up coming here often to check droptables.
Idleon Toolbox
Idleon Toolbox is an amazing tool for account overview. I suggest looking around after linking your account and using this to keep track of goals and future upgrades. There is a card search under the Tools section to help with card builds, and all account related skills are located under Account, and the world's they belong to. This will also help you track future upgrades.
Idleon Efficiency
This is the same as above, just in a different format and with slightly different tools. Use this to check for things that Toolbox does not offer.
Idleon Guidesheet (Updated)Link[] was posted as of sheet update 27th July
This guidesheet has a lot of information to assist you with W3, W4 and W5 progression. This also has links for additional resources such as Cogtimizer (Use this. Use this a LOT), Newbie guide, a different Full Guide (Kinda ehh, but it's definitely useful for newer players), and some other minor resources to use.
I recommend this guidesheet as it lists BiS gem purchases, Obols tier list, Tower Defense guides, Construction tierlist, Pet builds, and all of W5 progression skills. I recommend reading this in full to better understand how to progress the related skills efficiently.
IdleOn Efficiency Auto-review
This tool reviews the data of your account that is given out from both IdleOn Toolbox, and IdleOn Efficiency. I recommend using Toolbox for this. Paste your information from the DATA tab, and copy the raw game json file. This isn't 100% perfect, however it has a lot of useful information for you to follow.
Skilling (As of 22nd June 2024)
These are images for tips and items related to increasing efficiency for skilling the basic skills. These charts will also guide you on your printer samples. These images were created by the community and added to the bot on the official Discord. - List of detailed guides
Extremely useful guides for very specific situations and skills. Highly recommend reviewing these if you need information regarding what they list.
Useful resources to save and view
The below are resources to view individually and not as an overall guide. These are mostly skill specific. Be sure to make a copy, or save the link. These will be useful later down the line.
Farming Crops planner[] AFK Gain sources[] 3D Sample sheet[] 3D Sample sheet[] of 3D Sample checklist[] Speedrun guide
IdleOn Helper - Fishing
This is an overlay tool to help with the Fishing Minigame. Currently, as of this guide, it is approved by Lava and has not been blocked. This may change in the future, but I doubt it very much.
Overall Account Bonus Systems
These are tips and tricks that I recommend for major Account Bonus systems. This should help you with progressing further through the game.
The Equinox
The Equinox is a long-term account progression system that requires you to complete "Clouds" to unlock faster bar fill rate, and additional bonus'. It's recommended to start this as soon as possible, as some of the tasks are long, and filling the bar is incredibly slow.
To unlock the Equinox, you need to use ONE Equinox Mirror that drops from Bloodbone's in World 3. Droprate is 1 in 1,000. Once used, you can teleport here at anytime. If you have limited teleports, save the mirrors so you can use them for future teleports.
The Rift
In World 4, at the map The Untraveled Octopath (Octodars) map, there is an NPC called the Rift Ripper. Complete his quest and go into the Rift. Here, you are required to do tasks to move to the next rift. After a few Rifts completed, you will unlock an account bonus. These bonus' are so overwhelmingly good for your account that I highly recommend you begin completing Rifts as soon as possible.
Tips for some of the rifts:
Lava Skulls
When you need to kill a Lava Skull monster in rift missions, to farm up a Lava Skull with ease do the bellow:
Farm on a character with a respawning skill. Divine Knight, Siege Breaker, Bubonic Conjurer or Wizard.
Manually farm the top 4 platforms for a minute or two, then go to the bottom platform and clear it 2 or 3 times.
Repeat the above process however many times for a lava skull to appear.
Skulls spread to currently spawned monsters. Always kill the highest skull monster as soon as possible.
Avoid a full map clear. Divine Knight is "okay" since monster spawns are almost instantly. Always make sure there are monsters on the map before killing your highest level skull.
Skull tiers: White > Bronze > Black > Gold > Platinum > Dementia > Lava
List of Rift Bonus':
Unlock LevelIconNameDescriptionPriority to unlockReasonRift 6Trap Box VacuumThe trapper drone in World 3 will automatically collect traps every 24 hours, and will deposit the critters into your Storage Chest if there is space. The EXP from the Traps goes to the owner of the traps.MediumUseful if you are content with not having to push your efficiency every time you want to place traps. Use 20hr traps where possible. Active trapping will always be better, though.Rift 11Infinite StarsPermanently transforms Star Signs into Infinite Star Signs, which always give their bonus AND don't give the negatives. Infinite Star Signs are indicated by a little infinity icon, and are transformed in a specific order, so you don't get to choose. Get more from Shiny Pets in Breeding...LowThis is only useful when you begin to unlock Shiny Pets in W4 Breeding.Rift 16Skill MasteryGain various account wide bonuses based on each skill's total skill level across all players. Bonuses can be seen by going into the rift map and pressing the bonus.HIGHESTThis is where you will gain the MOST out of The Rift. These bonus' are heavily pushed for.Rift 21Eclipse SkullsYou can now get Eclipse Skulls in Deathnote, unlocked at 1,000,000,000 kills. Eclipse Skulls are worth 20 points, and you also get +5% Multiplicative Damage.LowThis is only useful when you farm 1 billion monster kills. This is for people pushing into End-game.Rift 26Stamp MasteryEvery 100 total levels of all your stamps, you get a 1% chance to get a 'Gilded Stamp' 95% Reduction in Stamp Upgrade costs. This chance happens every day you log inMediumStamp mastery helps with crafted item stamps, and limited resource stamps, lowering their costs. Gilded stamps stack, so you can have as many as you want. Gilded stamps are not consumed with Money upgrades, only Item upgrades.Rift 31Elritch ArtifactYou can now get Eldritch Artifacts from sailing, but only if you've found the Ancient form first.MediumThis bonus only comes into effect when you unlock the Ancient version of an artifact from W5 Sailing. These typically triple the bonus of the original artifact power.Rift 36Vial MasteryEach Gold Crown Vial you have, which is the 13th and final vial you upgrade to for 1 Billion Resource, now gives you a 1.02x boost to ALL Vial Bonuses!HighThis bonus is multiplicative, so getting as many Level 13 vials is the best way to get the most use out of this. Note: Level 13 needs 1b resources for that vial.Rift 41Contruct MasteryTotal construction levels across buildings grant bonuses. Bonuses can be seen by going into the rift map and pressing the bonus.MediumThis counts overall building levels and is very useful to progress into End Game.Rift 46Ruby CardsYou can now level up your cards to Lv 6. Level 1 = no star card, Level 6 = RubyMediumCards stack indefinitely, but unlocking this allows the card to level up once you reach the threshold for Ruby. This will take you months to complete just one region, so don't rush, but don't ignore it. Ruby cards are amazing.Rift 51Killroy PrimeThe most kills you have on each monster type in Killroy's Slaughterhouse is added up, resulting in your TOTAL KILLS score. The higher this is, the higher your Damage Multiplier bonus.MediumKillroy Prime offers bonuses for Golden Nuggets and Farming Evolution. It allows you to use skulls to roll for the chance to unlock the 3rd Killroy run per week.Rift 56Sneak MasteryOnce you reach the top floor of the Ninja Castle, you can restart from the bottom on a higher difficulty for increased Jade and Sneaking EXP gain, as well as a new Mastery Bonus tier. You can change which Mastery Difficulty you're on whenever you want with no penalty.LowThis is only for super-developed Sneaking users. Typically you clear the top floor around level 70-ish on sneaking. Mastery 1 is also mega difficult compared to Mastery 0, so you end up going back to farm items. This isn't a priority, howevery it is the end-game progression for sneaking.
I will probably add more here later, but these two specific things need to be focused on very early, and as soon as possible.
My Personal Tips For Quick Catchup Leveling
Below are just basic tips I used to quickly push to certain points in the game. Use these however you want, but remember these tips are strictly my own, and not the best. I just got lazy and found easy ways to progress. The last section of this guide has tips on Time Candy farming, so be sure to check out how I farm my own candies without spending gems.
Quick Skill Mastery leveling
The rift bonus Skill Mastery relies on overall level in that skill across ALL CHARACTERS. Leveling up skills is recommended on ALL characters, not just specialised characters. Here is the steps behind how I pushed quickly:
Items required
Exp Balloons (Green)
Exp Pearls (Red, or Black if not unlocked red yet)
10 x 1hr Time Candies per character
5 x 2hr Time Candies per character
Efficiency and Exp boosting items, such as tools, equipment, keychains, Gold Food for AFK Skill time and Skill Efficiency
Card sets and Starsigns.
Level up gift Alchemy Bubble (Yellow Cauldron)
If you want to keep the resources you farmed doing this, be sure to craft the bag upgrades for the skilling items. You will need this to not run out of space or lose resources!
Pearls: Black pearls are for skilling up to level 30, and Red are skilling up to level 50. These become useless after level 50, and unless Lava adds another ACTIVE skill, which he hasn't for 3 worlds now, then don't hoard these. Use them where you can, then hoard them on that slight chance he does give us an active skill again.
Balloons: This is for those characters you never really bothered to level skills on.
Efficiency: Higher efficiency = more resources/hr as well as exp/hr.
Level Up Gift: With the amount of levels you're about to obtain, you're going to bet getting a LOT of gems. This also rewards you with Red pearls, so if you're using them, this offsets the loss significantly over time. I finished 8 characters using this, gained 452 gems and lost 200 red pearls overall, however I used more then 1000 to do this on 8 characters.
I recommend doing this on your VMan/Beginner before any other character, and level up Left Hand/Right Hand in the 3rd tab. Level him to 10+ levels higher then your goal. Goal = 70? VMan = 80. Goal = 80? VMan = 90. Keep him the highest level for as long as possible!!!!
On the character you're leveling, log in and take the efficiency gear out of your storage. Anything that boosts Skill AFK % is also good, as it increases your hourly gains, which increases exp.
Be sure to maximise your Talens strictly for Skilling efficiency, and skilling Exp. Absolutely nothing else is required, unless you're Mining which requires HP for the Alchemy bubble increase, and MP for Chopping bubble increase.
Equip the Level Up Gift alchemy bubble, and any other skilling bubble that you're about to change.
Take out the candies and exp balloons.
Create an Exp card set for the specific skill, unless you have mastery level 3 for All <skill> Cards are now Passive, then you equip any card that doesn't have (P) or (Passive) in it's bonus for skill exp.
Select the Skill Exp card set - Medium Resources
Equip Starsigns that give you Skill AFK %.
Go to and test the skilling nodes and ensure your exp in the bottom left shows the skill.
Click and hold the Green Exp balloons until level 25-27. After 27, they are worse then skilling pearls.
If you have pearls, use them until level 50 in that desired skill.
Go to World 1 and craft a Lustre skilling tool, and use W5 upgrde stones on it. If you don't have enough, W4 upgrade stones will suffice.
Go to the highest skilling node for that skill that you can farm, and check the Exp/hr. Then go back one node and check the Exp/hr. If the highest node gives better rates, use that.
Use 1x1hr candy. This should net you a lot of exp. If you get enough Exp for the NEXT area with a higher node, then go there and check if it's Exp/hr is better. If it is, stay there.
If your skill level isn't level 70, use the 2hr candy to finish off the skill.
Once above level 70, repeat this whole process on a new skill.
Once all skills are level 70+, swap characters.
When you push End-game, you can use candy skipping to go from level 70 to Level 100. Some skills have special interractions and can't be AFK'd like the above: Smithing, Laboratory, Breeding, Divinity, Gaming, Sailing, Cooking, Sneaking, Farming and Summoning.
To level smithing fast, either craft the gear specifically on that character with Exp% items and cards, or set Produce to low-level resources such as String, Nails and Bricks. I recommend maxing out points as soon as possible. It isn't too expensive, but the resources are a pain.
Once you level smithing to level 71, you are able to craft Coldseeker Bullets on Anvil tab V. The recipe drops from Biggole Mole in World 5 at a rate of 1 in 2,000,000. Spam crafting these will get you to level 110-ish in about 5 minutes. Be sure to leave a character or two farming Spitfire's in W5 until you're done with smithing.
Cooking tips
For Cooking, this requires the character to be afk in the Kitchen in W4. A cheesy way to level up is to use Balloons and Pearls, like above, and stopping at level 50. This way, you gain up to 500 levels with no investment in afk time. The pearls are a godsend for this skill.
Time Candy farming
Farming time candies is a big part in progression. Here's what I do to farm candies without spending money on gems:
Mini-boss farming
Mini bosses from W3+ allow for 1 spawn every few days. It's recommended to kill them every time you get to 2 spawns, as that takes a week and is the most efficient. These bosses drop on average 1-3 candy for 1hr, 2hr and 4hr. To efficiently farm these, follow the below steps:
Log into your Divine Knight.
Equip every last bit of droprate cards, items, starsigns, anything.
Go to the map with the boss spawn.
Drop your orb down, and begin farming as quickly as possible.
When your orb is incredibly close to expiring, spawn the mini-boss and kill it before your orb disappears. This gives the most droprate possible as the boss dies.
Loot your spoils
Crystal Farming
With your merits, on W4, increase your crystal mob guarentee. Also icnrease anything else related to Crystal mob spawn chance. On your VMan, be sure to level up everything related to drop, and stack as much LUK as possible.
At reset, go to the highest level zone you can kill Crystal mobs on, and start killing monsters to spawn your guarenteed crystal mobs. Kill them for your rewards. Candies drop at a relatively good rate from Crystal Mobs, so go nuts!
Giant Crystal farming
Unlock the Crystal Island from the docks in W2 fishing. Everyday at reset, on this island, GIANT Crystal mobs spawn. These offer massive exp as well as increased droptables. Monsters stack up over time, so you can ignore it for a few days and come clean it up later.
Giant Monster farming
Equip the Giant Monsters prayer in W3, and go to a map you want to farm items from. There is a chance that Giant Monsters will spawn at a specific rate. Everytime you kill a giant mob, the spawn rate decreases. To increase the rate at which they spawn, unlock and level up the Honker vial. Same as above, use either VMan or DK. Increase Orb level as much as possible to get it to last longer. Higher number = more droprate.
Boss farming
Bosses drop candy at a low rate. Typically I farm up a heap of keys over a few weeks, and then dump them all into Nightmare runs on a high-droprate character. This is an RNG system, though.
Limited Time Shop
Sometimes when Lava is feeling generous, he'll change the Limited Time Shop in the Gemshop with candies that are super cheap. Typically, these are Cosmic candies (10hr > 500hr). If they're under 300 gems, get them.
Closing Notes
Anything additional to this guide can be found on the IdleOn discord. A few things I recommend tho:
- Learn about Snapshotting. There's a few youtube videos, and plenty of discussion on the IdleOn discord regarding it. I'm not 100% on understanding it yet, so I avoided talking about it since it's typically an End-game or 3D sampling push.
- JOIN A GUILD. Yes, join a guild. Guilds offer amazing benefits, and weekly gift boxes award you around 60-100 gems. There is also a trophy from these gifts.
- Be sure to check and unlock things missed on the Slab in W5. The bonus' you unlock associated to the slab through Gaming and Sneaking will give great benefits.
- Try your best to fully unlock the Tome, and once you do, push some of those levels. Good rewards from it.
- Cooking meals are amazing multiplicative bonuses for your account. Once you get a bunch of Cooking % from other systems and characters, start pushing this.
Remember: Level up "% Lower Kitchen Upgrade Cost" meals as much as possible before you dump all your spices into upgrades. When upgrading, upgrade the kitchen's Speed and Fire. Once you've done all unlocked kitchens, go back and level up the Luck stat. The spices used for Luck are the spices to level up Speed for the next kitchen.
That's about it. It took me about 3-4 hours to get everything here together.
Best of luck.
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