Legend of Grimrock 2 : Alchemy

Alchemical Recipes

Healing Potion
Energy PotionAntidoteAntivenomShield PotionSpeed PotionPoignant PotionGreater Healing PotionGreater Energy PotionRage PotionFrost BombFire BombPoison BombLightning BombPotion Of StrengthPotion Of DexterityPotion Of VitalityPotion Of Willpower


Heals 75 HP 1 Lvl 1

Gain 75 EN 1 Lvl 1

Cure disease 2 Lvl 1 1

Cure poison 2 Lvl 1 1

+25 protection on 40 sec. 2 Lvl 1 1

accelerates Weapon 2 times on 50 sec 3 Lvl 1 2

Don't drink, poison 3 lvl 1

Heals 150 HP 4 Lvl 1

Gain 150 EN 4 Lvl 1 Potion of Bear Form (Transmuter's Potion) 4 lvl 1 1

+5 Strength -20 Accuracy on 200 sec 4 Lvl 1 1

Craft 1 * 4 Lvl 1 1

Craft 1 * 4 Lvl 1 1

Craft 1 * 4 Lvl 1 1

Craft 1 * 4 Lvl 1 1 Potion of resurrection (Necromancer's potion) 5 Lvl 2

Give permanent +1 Strength 5 Lvl 1 1

Give permanent +1 Dexterity 5 Lvl 1 1

Give permanent +1 Vitality 5 Lvl 1 1

Give permanent +1 Willpower 5 Lvl 1 1

* Special ability alchemist craft 3 Bomb' on 5 lvl

Completed. Thanks for the comments:

(+[__]::) Stovich


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=328517585					

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