General Overview
The purpose of this guide is mostly meant to be informative. This is a way to look at the stats of each tamed animal without having to tame them yourself. Also, some other miscellaneous data will be noted, such as max health with relevant perks.
Most skills are reused from one tame to another. For example, all tames have Hydration Elasticity. For each tame, the skill is exactly the same at each rank.
Some skills, however, are slightly different. Any that have variants (like Tough As Leather) will be denoted with a * before it.
This guide was written during Week 139.
The format of this guide is as follows:
At the start of each section is a picture showing the base stats of each tame. The stats do not vary between specific tames (two Arctic Moas will have the same starting stats). The stats do vary between species of similar types of animals (Moas and Arctic Moas have different stats). The stats do not increase on level up.
Each skill is ordered starting from the top left. Each line under it is a different level, which means another skill point must be assigned to this skill. If there are multiple stats mentioned, assume they're the same line. For example: +damage, then the next line says "gives health regen aura". This is one level of the skill (typically the highest level).
At the bottom is the calculated max for: Movement Speed, Sprint Speed, Health, Health Regen, Stamina. It's worth noting that the calculated max is not the same as the max displayed in-game. For example, a Moa with +10% movement speed shows to have 1025 movement speed, but the calculated amount is 1039. The tamed animal with the highest stat in that category (conditionally or generally) is in bolded text.
Sprint speed is also affected by any movement speed buffs, but there are some skills specific to sprinting which do not apply to general movement speed. As such, they're listed as different categories.
If there are any errors, typos, or updates, please leave a comment below and I'll fix it.
Get Workshop tames.
Base Stats:
Health: 1120
Stamina: 345
Movement Speed: 945
Sprint Speed: 1755
Weight Capacity: 110
Health Regeneration: +14 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +2.31 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Balanced Pack:
Increased Inventory Slots
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+4 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Puddle Jumper:
Increased Movement Speed in Shallow Water
8% Movement Speed in Shallow Water
20% Movement Speed in Shallow Water
35% Movement Speed in Shallow Water
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Racing Ready:
Increased Movement Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+5% Movement Speed
+10% Movement Speed
Riding Forward:
Increased Slow Resistance
+5% chance to Resist Slow
+10% chance to Resist Slow
+20% chance to Resist Slow
+40% chance to Resist Slow
Pack Moa:
Greatly increased Inventory Slots, reduced Movement Speed
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots, -10% Movement Speed
+3 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots, -15% Movement Speed
+6 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots, -20% Movement Speed
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Springful Step:
Reduced Jumping Stamina Cost
-5% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-10% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-20% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-40% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
Protective Instincts:
Enables Moa melee attack, increases Melee Attack Damage
Enables Primary Attack for Tamed Creature
Enables Primary Attack for Tamed Creature
+10% Melee Damage
Enables Primary Attack for Tamed Creature
+30% Melee Damage
Strong Back:
Increased Weight Capacity
+2% Weight Capacity
+5% Weight Capacity
+10% Weight Capacity
+20% Weight Capacity
Natural Endurance:
Increased Maximum Stamina
+2% Maximum Stamina
+5% Maximum Stamina
+10% Maximum Stamina
+20% Maximum Stamina
Increased Movement Speed in Deserts
+3% Movement Speed in Desert
+8% Movement Speed in Desert
+15% Movement Speed in Desert
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
From The Ashes:
Increased Maximum Health, at max rank spawns a Juvenile on Death
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
Mount is Replaced by Juvenile When Killed
+7% Maximum Health
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
Soft Padding:
Reduced Animal Threat
-2% Perceived Threat
-5% Perceived Threat
-10% Perceived Threat
-20% Perceived Threat
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+5 Physical Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance
Catlike Grace:
Increased Fall Damage Reduction
+5% Falling Resistance
+10% Falling Resistance
+20% Falling Resistance
+40% Falling Resistance
V Formation:
Reduces Sprinting Stamina cost, at max rank grants Movement Speed Aura
-2% Stamina Consumed by Sprinting
-5% Stamina Consumed by Sprinting
-7% Stamina Consumed by Sprinting
Nearby Tames and Players Move Faster
Roaming Vitality:
Increased Stamina Regeneration
+2% Stamina Regeneration
+5% Stamina Regeneration
+10% Stamina Regeneration
+20% Stamina Regeneration
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 945 +10% +35% (Shallow Water) +15% (Desert) = 1039, 1370 (Shallow Water), 1181 (Desert), 1512 (Shallow Water + Desert)
Max Sprint Speed: 1755 +10% +35% (Shallow Water) +15% (Desert) = 1930, 2545 (Shallow Water), 2194 (Desert), 2808 (Shallow Water + Desert)
Max Health: 1120 +20% +7% = 1422
Max Health Regen: +14/min +60% = 22/min
Max Stamina: 345 +20% = 414
Arctic Moa
Base Stats:
Health: 1120
Stamina: 345
Movement Speed: 945
Sprint Speed: 1755
Weight Capacity: 110kg
Health Regeneration: +14 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +2.31 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Balanced Pack:
Increased Inventory Slots
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+4 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Racing Ready:
Increased Movement Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+5% Movement Speed
+10% Movement Speed
Riding Forward:
Increased Slow Resistance
+5% chance to Resist Slow
+10% chance to Resist Slow
+20% chance to Resist Slow
+40% chance to Resist Slow
Blended Fur:
Reduced Animal Threat while in Arctic
-4% Perceived Threat
-10% Perceived Threat
-20% Perceived Threat
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Natural Cooling:
Reduces Inventory Spoil Rate
-10% Rate of Food Spoiling
-25% Rate of Food Spoiling
-50% Rate of Food Spoiling
Springful Step:
Reduced Jumping Stamina Cost
-5% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-10% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-20% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-40% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
Protective Instincts:
Enables Moa melee attack, increases Melee Attack Damage
Enables Primary Attack for Tamed Creature
Enables Primary Attack for Tamed Creature
+10% Melee Damage
Enables Primary Attack for Tamed Creature
+30% Melee Damage
Strong Back:
Increased Weight Capacity
+2% Weight Capacity
+5% Weight Capacity
+10% Weight Capacity
+20% Weight Capacity
Natural Endurance:
Increased Maximum Stamina
+2% Maximum Stamina
+5% Maximum Stamina
+10% Maximum Stamina
+20% Maximum Stamina
Snow Walker:
Increased Movement Speed in Arctic
+3% Movement Speed in Arctic
+8% Movement Speed in Arctic
+15% Movement Speed in Arctic
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
From The Ashes:
Increased Maximum Health, at max rank spawns a Juvenile on Death
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
Mount is Replaced by Juvenile When Killed
+7% Maximum Health
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
Soft Padding:
Reduced Animal Threat
-2% Perceived Threat
-5% Perceived Threat
-10% Perceived Threat
-20% Perceived Threat
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+5 Physical Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance
Catlike Grace:
Increased Fall Damage Reduction
+5% Falling Resistance
+10% Falling Resistance
+20% Falling Resistance
+40% Falling Resistance
V Formation:
Reduces Sprinting Stamina cost, at max rank grants Movement Speed Aura
-2% Stamina Consumed by Sprinting
-5% Stamina Consumed by Sprinting
-7% Stamina Consumed by Sprinting
Nearby Tames and Players Move Faster
Roaming Vitality:
Increased Stamina Regeneration
+2% Stamina Regeneration
+5% Stamina Regeneration
+10% Stamina Regeneration
+20% Stamina Regeneration
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 945 +10% +15% (Arctic) = 1039, 1181 (Arctic)
Max Sprint Speed: 1755 +10% +15% (Arctic) = 1930, 2194 (Arctic)
Max Health: 1120 +20% +7% = 1422
Max Health Regen: +14/min +60% = 22/min
Max Stamina: 345 +20% = 414
Base Stats:
Health: 1158
Stamina: 1
Movement Speed: 602
Sprint Speed: 1322
Weight Capacity: 0kg
Health Regeneration: +29 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +0 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hunter's Mark:
Attacks Mark target on hit, causing extra damage the next time they are hit
25% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
60% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
100% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Coordinated Attacks:
Highlights hit targets for a short duration
25% chance to highlight target on hit
60% chance to highlight target on hit
100% chance to highlight target on hit
Rip and Tear:
Chance to apply Bleed on hit
25% chance to cause Bleed on hit with attacks
60% chance to cause Bleed on hit with attacks
100% chance to cause Bleed on hit with attacks
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Natural Ferocity:
Increased Melee Damage
+5% Melee Damage
+15% Melee Damage
+30% Melee Damage
+60% Melee Damage
Endless Hunger:
Heals a percentage of life when killing targets
5% Health restored on kill
15% Health restored on kill
30% Health restored on kill
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+4 Physical Resistance
+8 Physical Resistance
+15 Physical Resistance
Chance to apply Slow on hit
25% chance to apply Slow on Hit with Attacks
60% chance to apply Slow on Hit with Attacks
100% chance to apply Slow on Hit with Attacks
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+7% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 602
Max Sprint Speed: 1322
Max Health: 1158 +20% = 1390
Max Health Regen: +29/min +60% = 46/min
Max Stamina: N/A
Snow Wolf
Base Stats:
Health: 1158
Stamina: 1
Movement Speed: 602
Sprint Speed: 1322
Weight Capacity: 0
Health Regeneration: +29 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +0 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hunter's Mark:
Attacks Mark target on hit, causing extra damage the next time they are hit
25% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
60% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
100% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Coordinated Attacks:
Highlights hit targets for a short duration
25% chance to highlight target on hit
60% chance to highlight target on hit
100% chance to highlight target on hit
Arctic Mutation:
Chance to apply Freeze on hit
+5% chance to cause Freeze on Hit with Attacks
+15% chance to cause Freeze on Hit with Attacks
+25% chance to cause Freeze on Hit with Attacks
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Natural Ferocity:
Increased Melee Damage
+5% Melee Damage
+15% Melee Damage
+30% Melee Damage
+60% Melee Damage
Endless Hunger:
Heals a percentage of life when killing targets
5% Health restored on kill
15% Health restored on kill
30% Health restored on kill
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+4 Physical Resistance
+8 Physical Resistance
+15 Physical Resistance
Aura of Warmth:
Increases Health Regeneration in the Arctic, at max rank grants Hypothermia Resistance Aura
+10% Health Regeneration in the Arctic
+25% Health Regeneration in the Arctic
+35% Health Regeneration in the Arctic
Nearby Players More Resistant to Hypothermia
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+7% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 602
Max Sprint Speed: 1322
Max Health: 1158 +20% = 1387
Max Health Regen: +29/min + 60% + 35% (Arctic) = 46/min, 57/min (Arctic)
Max Stamina: N/A
Base Stats:
Health: 1440
Stamina: 373
Movement Speed: 805
Sprint Speed: 1518
Weight Capacity: 220kg
Health Regeneration: +14 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +2.31 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Balanced Pack:
Increased Inventory Slots
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+4 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Racing Ready:
Increased Movement Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+5% Movement Speed
+10% Movement Speed
Riding Forward:
Increased Slow Resistance
+5% chance to Resist Slow
+10% chance to Resist Slow
+20% chance to Resist Slow
+40% chance to Resist Slow
High Alertness:
Increased Stamina Regeneration, at max rank highlights nearby enemies while riding
+2% Stamina Regeneration
+5% Stamina Regeneration
+10% Stamina Regeneration
Highlight Nearby Creatures
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Enduring Digestion:
Increased Food Effects Duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
Springful Step:
Reduced Jumping Stamina Cost
-5% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-10% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-20% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-40% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
Equine Endurance:
Increased Maximum Stamina
+2% Maximum Stamina
+5% Maximum Stamina
+10% Maximum Stamina
Strong Back:
Increased Weight Capacity
+2% Weight Capacity
+5% Weight Capacity
+10% Weight Capacity
+20% Weight Capacity
Natural Endurance:
Increased Maximum Stamina
+2% Maximum Stamina
+5% Maximum Stamina
+10% Maximum Stamina
+20% Maximum Stamina
One of The Herd:
Increased Maximum Health, at max rank will not be attacked by wild horses
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+7% Maximum Health
Friendly to Wild Horses
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Thoroughbred Racehorse:
Increased Movement Speed, reduced Inventory Slots
-1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots, +2% Movement Speed
-2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots, +5% Movement Speed
-4 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots, +10% Movement Speed
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
The Final Quarter:
Increases Health Regeneration, at max rank grants Stamina Regeneration when damaged
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+20% Health Regeneration
Trigger 5 seconds of increased Stamina Regeneration when Damaged
Roaming Vitality:
Increased Stamina Regeneration
+2% Stamina Regeneration
+5% Stamina Regeneration
+10% Stamina Regeneration
+20% Stamina Regeneration
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 805 +10% +10% = 966
Max Sprint Speed: 1518 +10% +10% = 1822
Max Health: 1440 +20% +7% = 1829
Max Health Regen: +14/min +60% +20% = 25/min
Max Stamina: 373 +10% +20% = 485
Base Stats:
Health: 2400
Stamina: 431
Movement Speed: 644
Sprint Speed: 1414
Weight Capacity: 440kg
Health Regeneration: +58 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +2.2 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Balanced Pack:
Increased Inventory Slots
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+4 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Aura of Warmth:
Increases Health Regeneration in the Arctic, at max rank grants Hypothermia Resistance Aura
+10% Health Regeneration in the Arctic
+25% Health Regeneration in the Arctic
+35% Health Regeneration in the Arctic
Nearby Players More Resistant to Hypothermia
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Racing Ready:
Increased Movement Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+5% Movement Speed
+10% Movement Speed
Riding Forward:
Increased Slow Resistance
+5% chance to Resist Slow
+10% chance to Resist Slow
+20% chance to Resist Slow
+40% chance to Resist Slow
Frosted Feet:
Increased Arctic Movement Speed
+3% Movement Speed in Arctic
+7% Movement Speed in Arctic
+15% Movement Speed in Arctic
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Natural Cooling:
Reduces Inventory Spoil Rate
-10% Rate of Food Spoiling
-25% Rate of Food Spoiling
-50% Rate of Food Spoiling
Springful Step:
Reduced Jumping Stamina Cost
-5% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-10% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-20% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-40% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
Strong Back:
Increased Weight Capacity
+2% Weight Capacity
+5% Weight Capacity
+10% Weight Capacity
+20% Weight Capacity
Natural Endurance:
Increased Maximum Stamina
+2% Maximum Stamina
+5% Maximum Stamina
+10% Maximum Stamina
+20% Maximum Stamina
Goring Tusks:
Increases Melee Damage and grants chance to apply Bleed on hit
+10% chance to cause bleed on Hit with Attacks
+5% Melee Damage
+25% chance to cause bleed on Hit with Attacks
+10% Melee Damage
+50% chance to cause bleed on Hit with Attacks
+20% Melee Damage
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Blended Fur:
Reduced Animal Threat while in Arctic
-4% Perceived Threat
-10% Perceived Threat
-20% Perceived Threat
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
Soft Padding:
Reduced Animal Threat
-2% Perceived Threat
-5% Perceived Threat
-10% Perceived Threat
-20% Perceived Threat
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+5 Physical Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance
Catlike Grace:
Increased Fall Damage Reduction
+5% Falling Resistance
+10% Falling Resistance
+20% Falling Resistance
+40% Falling Resistance
Increased Sprint Speed
+2% Sprint Speed
+5% Sprint Speed
+10% Sprint Speed
Roaming Vitality:
Increased Stamina Regeneration
+2% Stamina Regeneration
+5% Stamina Regeneration
+10% Stamina Regeneration
+20% Stamina Regeneration
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 644 +10% +15% (Arctic) = 708, 805 (Arctic)
Max Sprint Speed: 1414 +10% +10% +15% (Arctic) = 1697, 1909 (Arctic)
Max Health: 2400 +20% = 2880
Max Health Regen: +58/min +35% (Arctic) +60% = 93/min, 113/min (Arctic)
Max Stamina: 431 +20% = 517
Base Stats:
Health: 2240
Stamina: 431
Movement Speed: 682
Sprint Speed: 1499
Weight Capacity: 330kg
Health Regeneration: +43 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +1.76 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Balanced Pack:
Increased Inventory Slots
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+4 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Racing Ready:
Increased Movement Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+5% Movement Speed
+10% Movement Speed
Riding Forward:
Increased Slow Resistance
+5% chance to Resist Slow
+10% chance to Resist Slow
+20% chance to Resist Slow
+40% chance to Resist Slow
Thick Hide:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+5 Physical Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Cargo Hauling:
Increased Inventory Slots, at max rank grants an additional Bulky Slot
+1 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+2 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+3 Mount Cargo Inventory Slots
+1 Mount Heavy Cargo Inventory Slots
Springful Step:
Reduced Jumping Stamina Cost
-5% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-10% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-20% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
-40% Stamina Consumed By Jumping
Fever Control:
Reduced Desert Water Consumption, at max rank grants Hyperthermia Resist Aura
-2% Water Consumed in the Desert
-5% Water Consumed in the Desert
-7% Water Consumed in the Desert
Nearby Players More Resistant to Hyperthermia
Strong Back:
Increased Weight Capacity
+2% Weight Capacity
+5% Weight Capacity
+10% Weight Capacity
+20% Weight Capacity
Natural Endurance:
Increased Maximum Stamina
+2% Maximum Stamina
+5% Maximum Stamina
+10% Maximum Stamina
+20% Maximum Stamina
Heavy Payload:
Movement Speed while hauling a cart
4% Movement Speed while pulling cart
10% Movement Speed while pulling cart
20% Movement Speed while pulling cart
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
Thump Thump:
Attacks Cause Blunt Trauma
15% Chance to Inflict Blunt Trauma
40% Chance to Inflict Blunt Trauma
80% Chance to Inflict Blunt Trauma
Soft Padding:
Reduced Animal Threat
-2% Perceived Threat
-5% Perceived Threat
-10% Perceived Threat
-20% Perceived Threat
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+5 Physical Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance
Catlike Grace:
Increased Fall Damage Reduction
+5% Falling Resistance
+10% Falling Resistance
+20% Falling Resistance
+40% Falling Resistance
Flaming Defiance:
Increased Fire Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
+20% Fire Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
Roaming Vitality:
Increased Stamina Regeneration
+2% Stamina Regeneration
+5% Stamina Regeneration
+10% Stamina Regeneration
+20% Stamina Regeneration
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 682 +10% +20% (Cart) = 750, 867 (Cart. Actually 546, the cart has a -50% movespeed penalty)
Max Sprint Speed: 1499 +10% +20% (Cart) = 1649, 1949 (Cart. Actually 1192)
Max Health: 2240 +20% = 2688
Max Health Regen: +43/min +60% = 69/min
Max Stamina: 431 +20% = 517
Base Stats:
Health: 1238
Stamina: 1
Movement Speed: 563
Sprint Speed: 1207
Weight Capacity: 0kg
Health Regeneration: +29 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +0 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hunter's Mark:
Attacks Mark target on hit, causing extra damage the next time they are hit
25% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
60% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
100% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
Thump Thump:
Attacks Cause Blunt Trauma
15% Chance to Inflict Blunt Trauma
40% Chance to Inflict Blunt Trauma
80% Chance to Inflict Blunt Trauma
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Rip and Tear:
Chance to apply Bleed on hit
25% chance to cause Bleed on hit with attacks
60% chance to cause Bleed on hit with attacks
100% chance to cause Bleed on hit with attacks
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Natural Ferocity:
Increased Melee Damage
+5% Melee Damage
+15% Melee Damage
+30% Melee Damage
+60% Melee Damage
Endless Hunger:
Heals a percentage of life when killing targets
5% Health restored on kill
15% Health restored on kill
30% Health restored on kill
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+4 Physical Resistance
+8 Physical Resistance
+15 Physical Resistance
Increased Sprint Speed
+2% Sprint Speed
+5% Sprint Speed
+10% Sprint Speed
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+7% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 563
Max Sprint Speed: 1207 +10% = 1328
Max Health: 1238 +20% = 1486
Max Health Regen: +29/min +60% = 46/min
Max Stamina: N/A
Base Stats:
Health: 1158
Stamina: 1
Movement Speed: 602
Sprint Speed: 1146
Weight Capacity: 0kg
Health Regeneration: +29 per minute
Stamina Regeneration: +0 per minute
Melee Resistance: 40%
Projectile Resistance: 40%
Collision Resistance: 0%
Exposure Resistance: +0%
Perfect Pasturage:
Increased food effects duration
+2% Food Effects Duration
+5% Food Effects Duration
+10% Food Effects Duration
+20% Food Effects Duration
Hunter's Mark:
Attacks Mark target on hit, causing extra damage the next time they are hit
25% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
60% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
100% Chance to Inflict 'Marked Target'
Thick Hide:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+5 Physical Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance
Hydration Elasticity:
Reduced Water Consumption
-2% Water Consumption
-5% Water Consumption
-10% Water Consumption
-20% Water Consumption
Wild Fortitude:
Increased Maximum Health
+2% Maximum Health
+5% Maximum Health
+10% Maximum Health
+20% Maximum Health
Scavenger's Tolerance:
Increased Poison Resistance
+10% Poison Resistance
+20% Poison Resistance
+40% Poison Resistance
Nurtured Recovery:
Increased Health Regeneration
+5% Health Regeneration
+15% Health Regeneration
+30% Health Regeneration
+60% Health Regeneration
Natural Ferocity:
Increased Melee Damage
+5% Melee Damage
+15% Melee Damage
+30% Melee Damage
+60% Melee Damage
Endless Hunger:
Heals a percentage of life when killing targets
5% Health restored on kill
15% Health restored on kill
30% Health restored on kill
Metabolic Preservation:
Reduced Food Usage
-2% Food Consumption
-5% Food Consumption
-10% Food Consumption
-20% Food Consumption
*Tough As Leather:
Increased Physical Damage Reduction
+2 Physical Resistance
+4 Physical Resistance
+8 Physical Resistance
+15 Physical Resistance
Fever Control:
Reduced Desert Water Consumption, at max rank grants Hyperthermia Resist Aura
-2% Water Consumed in the Desert
-5% Water Consumed in the Desert
-7% Water Consumed in the Desert
Nearby Players More Resistant to Hyperthermia
*Large Stomach:
Increases Food Effectiveness Buff and allows an additional Food Buff
+3% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+7% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+12% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+15% Fruit and Vegetable Modifier Effectiveness
+1 Space in Stomach
Max Movement Speed: 602
Max Sprint Speed: 1146
Max Health: 1158 +20% = 1390
Max Health Regen: +29/min +60% = 46/min
Max Stamina: N/A
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