What You Will Need As A New Character
The only two things you will REALLY need are weapons and building parts. Assuming that mission you will be running is the second in a row, you might be at least level 10. You MUST be level 10 to complete this mission since one of the needed recipes requiers it. That way you will be able to also research wooden spears, campfire and thatch ladders.
With barely any knowledge about the game this equipment is enough to complete mission in 20-30 minutes. If you are a new player assume that instead of all the gear I speak of in this guide you will only use campfire, ladders and wooden thrown spears (you will nead at least 30). Keep in mind that without proper gear you WILL face a bit of challenge, so at least prepare some food on a cmapfire. Also I'd recommend to start the mission on normal or easy difficulty before you get the first bow, arrows and anti-poison from workshop.
From now on I assume that your character level is somewhere near 30-40. First, yoy will need your stamina:
Then stamina regen:
Movement speed and falling damage resistance
The last part is crucial since almost all the time you will start mission far away from the objective and will need to go down many cliffs. But why bother taking a long way around when you can just jump while having 100% falling damage resistance and 100% chance to avoid sprain?
We are trying to ramp up our movement speed, so take this node:
Since you will be using bow, it is recommended to also take all damage and critical damage nodes. They are not necessary, but will speed up killing big cave worms later.
Most crucial parts are:
Backpack for falling damage resistance and sprain avoidance
Anti-poison ("consumables"). 99% of the time you wont even need this, but if you missed the shot and worm got a chance to poison you, your character will most likely die without a way to remove "poisoned" status.
As a main weapon i'd recommend using this bow alongside with aruda arrows
In armor slot i'm using this set (full) for sprint speed bonus and falling damage resistance
In envirosuit slot I'm using Lua with 2 movent speed modules and 1 falling resistance module
And the last peace of gear will be dropship recall beacon that you can find in "gadgets"
Your final setup will look like this. Although sicke is clearly an overkill, i'm using it to speed up mission by another 3-5 second. Plus I had and open slot in dropship and it made me lose my mind =)
Alright, you bought all gear and ready to go. Now go for "NEW => MISSIONS => PROMETHEUS => OFFENDER".
As your dropship hit the ground and you are finally able to move, "use" your dropship and "take all". All gear will be equipped in corresponding slots immediately, Then go to your inventory and unpack arrows, Also drag your anti-poison into hotbar. Just in case. In previous section you could've noticed that i have two dropship beacons. Here is the reason: sometimes game can decide that the place where you thrown the beacon is not suitable for landing, So you might want to have the spare one.
Now head to the cave marked on your compass and map. While going there make sure to harvest these small trees
From them you will get sticks. And you will need at least 30 of them to make 3 ladders. Plus you need gather 100 fiber in total (including amount you will need to craft ladders). Gather all these while sprinting towards the cave. If you are fast enough you can start crafting proccess and drag ladders into hotbar while falling from the cliff or just jumping from one side of the river to another.
NOTE: you must hold your bow in active slot to get 10% speed bonus from it's combat tree
Eventually you will end up in this place
Head towards the cliff to your left and search for this location below the cave, then place ladders there. While running towards this place throw the beacon to your right, so you wont need to wait for dropship to land later
Now make a jump (turn 20-30 degrees left while standing on top of the ladder) and head into the cave. Kill two small worms and prepare for the big one. Shoot it in its "mouth" while it is screaming right after spawn. Then cross the bridge, but dont go past the torches since it will trigger next big worm spawn too early. Kill next pair of small ones and only then cross the bridge completely. Kill another big worm. To your left you will find crafting bench. Use fiber gathered earlier to craft ropes (just craft maximum amount). Head to your right and pick up anvil
Enter the house and pick up ice box to your right
Then search the small box to your left, take quest item and dismantle anvil and ice box in the same inventory (not necessary to dismantle them while looking into small box inventory - this action just saves a bit of your time). Return to the crafting station and craft Cont4ct device
Drag it into your hotbar, leave the cave and go to quest drop capsule. Put quest item into capsule and wait for the next capsule with infrasonic device.
Drag it into hotbar too, place contact device on the ground, use it and place infrasonic relay into corresponding slot. Congratulations! Mission is complete and you can leave it via your dropship that is already landed nearby. My personal record is 3 minutes and 48 seconds including loading time. For now)
UPD. 3 minutes 31 seconds
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3430187767
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