How to start the game with any armor and weapon you want!


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For The Devs Of The GameStuff You Gotta HaveBasic Idea Of The Save FileHow This WorksWhere Do We Get The Item IDs FromActual Steps On What To Do : Part 1 : GameplayPart 2 : The EditingRecommendations

This involves editing your save file. Please make a backup of it somewhere and keep it in case something goes wrong. If you mess something up, the save is unusable and will not show up in the Start Game screen.

It's all relatively simple copy and pastes so there's little risk, but an extra space or comma can easily screw things up.

If you think this is too hacky let me know and I'll take it down :)

Download Notepad++ so that you can open up the save files. Normal textEdit on Windows doesn't work as it isn't great at dealing with all the unusual characters that are in these files.

Make sure you have access as well to the location where the Grime saves are. For me they were in

C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\LocalLow\Clover Bite\GRIME\Save Files

Make sure you backup your original file so that you can go back to it in case something breaks.

Finally make sure you are offline so cloud saves don't so something funky

The save files in your game are Godot files. There's alot of gunk in here that can't be correctly seen with Notepad++, BUT what can be seen is a big JSON of your inventory and stats.

JSON is nothing but just a standardized way of ordering and formatting data, so it's nothing super special. Just a nice way to organize text (atleast for our purposes)

Scrolling around through your file you will notice sections of the JSON dedicated to your inventory

We are interested in the section called "itemMetas". This is a list of JSON objects (meaning a list of entries) that contain every item in your inventory. They look like this


"itemID": "37583206-f58c-450c-882e-51096f665b2d",

"instanceID": "637651417728194398-gDyZPGcuEYJ88cBz",

"_quantity": 3,

"upgradeLevel": 0


From what I can tell, these entries in the list are in the same order that they are on your screen, so if Levolam Dust is in your first slot in the inventory (not your equipped items), then this would be the JSON object representing Levolam Dust.

So what can we do with this? Well, there's an "itemID" for each item in the game, and the game itself will generate an "instanceID" when you pick up that item. The "instanceID" is unique to your specific run of the game, but the "itemID" is not. Do you see the possibility!

Basically, you can turn any 1 item into another in the save file, by just swapping around "itemID"s . The only finicky part is the "instanceID". These the game itself must generate, so unfortunately you cannot enter multiple entries with different item IDs, but the same instance ID, it'll brick your save.

So the whole thing we will be doing is going through enough of the early portion of the game (you are mostly done when you meet Yon for the first time) so that we have enough distinct items in our inventory (so that we have distinct instance IDs), and then just swapping out their item IDs for the Items we want!

I've completed the game and have gotten all weapons and armors, so at the very bottom of this guide i'll include a big dump of all the item IDs and what piece of equipment they represent. I will not be doing the individual consumables, because that's more time than I'm willing to spend and with what i've provided here, y'all can figure it out yourselves :D (For example if you reallllllly wanted alot of Crimson Ichor, you can go figure out what itemID it is and just increase the "_quantity" value)

Let's get started with what you should actually do.

First start up a new game and play up to the point where you meet Yon and he gives you the weapon. Be sure to pick up items and absorb enemies along the way, and by the time he gives you the weapon you should have :

[nails, levolam dust, 100 mass consumable]

Excluding the weapon he just gave you (which you should not modify as you can block progression if the weapon you do want you cannot use right away) (unless you also modify your stats to be able to) you have a total of 3 items that are great for changing (since they are just consumables and not very important)

3 is enough for a full armor set, but you'll need 2 more if you want 2 other weapons. So here's what I recommend.

You can go acquire the finger sword and use that if you don't care about it, or you can go all the way back to the start of the map and into the secret areas where you can get the secret armor set. Along the way you'll also pick up a consumable that gives you 3k Mass, and a bloodmetal chunk.

You can sacrifice the armor set, or you can sacrifice the bloodmetal chunk and the 3k mass item, up to you.

And that's it! That's all the prep work you need. If you don't know where the secret armor is, there's another great guide with a bunch of maps already posted, go check that out.

Navigate to your save file and open it up in Notepad ++.

Once here, scroll around down to the "itemMetas" section as I mentioned above.

Here is where you will do all the work.

CLOSE THE GAME! GO OFFLINE! (Or don't, to be honest I didn't have to close the game, I just had to return to the menu and edit the file with administrator access, but you do you. Do go offline though)

From the big table below of itemIDs, pick whatever item you want and copy and paste over the value of whichever itemID you want to change in your itemMetas. These are listed in the same order they show up in your inventory, so if you wanna change your Levolam Dust into a sword, and your Levolam Dust is the first item in the inventory, you'd want to change the first one in the list.

do CTRL + S to save the changes once you are done, and restart the game.

Load up the save, open up your inventory, and voilah! Brand spanking new items!!!

I personally didn't want to start out with the stats to use some of the end game weapons right away, so I did not modify the 3k mass item. However if you want to be able to use anything right away, I'd recommend just increasing the quantity on that thing to like 10, and then leveling up.

I wouldn't recommend directly changing your mass amount as that seems a little too finicky, and it's easier to just increase the quantity of a mass consumable and consume.

I recommend doing each piece one at a time, then saving, then restarting the game to see if you didn't brick the save. If you are using this as a way to mess with stats on your main save, make sure to back it up somewhere before you do anything (just copy and paste the file somewhere onto your desktop and don't touch it)

You can mess with other stuff in the JSON as well like the Ichor count and things, but that's on y'all to explore and mess with :) If you really want Ichor I'd suggest finding the ID of that from your main game, copying it over, and also increasing the "_quantity" value.

Big Table Of ItemIDs

Below is where you'll find all of the item IDs, for every weapon and armor in the game.

NOTE! This is what they are on my save file and what they are at the time of writing this (08/21/2021). If the developers ever decide to change them, well then they won't work :) But you could still go find them out from a save where you have the item in question. It's a large list and effort so I don't think I'll keep it updated past this first initial posting of the guide.

These itemIDs worked for me in doing what I described in the guide, so I hope they work for y'all! If not let me know, but you can still apply the basic idea of this using your own save where you have everything.

There is a possibility that these IDs are also unique to my installation of the game, in which case they won't work for anyone else. I have no way to know until someone tries!

Also these aren't in any particular order, they are just how they show up in my inventory. I had to hand write these so if any are swapped, my bad.

Maul Axe : a54651d7-e14c-4b7d-ac19-7f64cb916d7a

Finger Blade : add86fe0-b533-4865-9bff-0c6eaca05edf

Prickly Weeper Chest : 6614cfbe-5ed7-483d-b608-e473868c6f51

Prickly Weeper Hands : ae9fe662-d23a-4fd4-8045-b2c1b5558179

Prickly Weeper Legs : 99086f2d-2ffe-4e73-98e3-6b1b5e73c9fc

Twin Fangs : bb13bbdb-52ef-4d96-88b2-7d950728485a

Bellow Mace : 1c9afbb2-623c-4bc6-ad38-811b94273fce

Fossil Fist : cd43fd79-fb0b-4211-a0a4-3970a453bd82

Boulderplate Chest : 07469ae9-140e-4639-bce5-5d4f699bb808

Boulderplate Hands : 794839ce-0a5c-484a-b928-a321c46fb7d6

Boulderplate Legs : 9d77f1a0-1f21-42a3-ae39-78fc6ac1bd84

Burst Lantern : 690d120a-f504-4d06-8785-68073aa77d9b

Claw : 0aba52b0-527f-4ac9-8779-c1f4de8b13de

Hyaline Chest : f3b29ca5-fc0c-4f6d-ad8c-849b29c7e091

Hyaline Hands : 47237e62-276c-46bc-a40c-ac012fe6049f

Hyaline Legs : c522d961-6c12-4467-869b-cb3869a45b19

Pillar Slab : 483435de-1bf1-404c-963c-1d9b4fec588d

Petalstone Chest : e5ebc9eb-2e38-47b0-8cca-b6dc0652e589

Petalstone Hands : 3d08f4a2-a912-48d5-8cdb-49467916b8cb

Petalstone Legs : 2fd05764-0ffc-43a9-b9b6-7ec1a6cdb800

Otherwhere Phlox Chest : 46fb3598-1dc7-471b-a015-4a15ab2a042e

Otherwhere Phlox Hands : 0196647e-a4e1-42b0-a16e-8cc0ab7f7dcf

Otherwhere Phlox Legs : 304d54bc-533e-495a-8e02-a63461b8bf49

Maul Sword : 8a49aded-5af4-4c3f-8fe4-758b89b64dea

Nail Scythe (Blue) : 2c7100b5-060a-494a-93a2-9165786f83ec

Obelisk Fist : d53a7e6e-8ee4-4a98-8af7-2ebbf478763c

Drained Shell Chest : efc6230c-772e-4971-b580-90cab2c4e41f

Drained Shell Hands : e89213d9-fab2-432c-ad5d-b264e35a4852

Drained Shell Legs : 3d08f4a2-a912-48d5-8cdb-49467916b8cb

Face Slasher : d0680cda-e2c5-44fe-aaaf-5f8644ad6dc7

Servant Needle : 959beb10-1634-4289-9575-ceca75e1f976

Hollowroot Chest : 48ba44d0-4559-42a6-bf8b-64b66be043f9

Hollowroot Hands : 5e1a4f0d-1f8e-41ad-9037-538d501233c1

Hollowroot Legs : 6d216e19-a367-4050-9fb3-a7f9575b32ec

Rawblade : 98a9263c-9e5e-4de6-9e48-e6e109aee793

Carven Greatsword : 5156dc11-92bf-4d04-a5cb-d8218f552152

Discarded Device : 9f299ba9-6b55-413f-9bf6-5184c9d00998

Wisp Lantern : baec98c1-ea66-4c65-9a12-21b8de9b887d

Jawplate Chest : c9910726-0e82-4c34-b2c0-dc675ae45814

Jawplate Hands : c5d5a821-0c0c-4913-9fc0-63fe8c6e779b

Jawplate Legs : a2660aab-7a14-4d33-a7f9-261508494d3b

Tooth Hammer : 37583206-f58c-450c-882e-51096f665b2d

Bonebird Chest : ce6efee8-45d7-41e6-a885-df1e0f3726f3

Bonebird Hands : 46fdbbbc-3541-4335-9260-92a665f2cfa7

Bonebird Legs : 7d113c71-02f6-4f1f-b341-ffcca75f9844

Bloodmetal Scythe : b274cc5d-da20-4535-8b57-c6c493ad5774

Friendly Imposter Chest : 6c813e9c-2c32-427e-be70-edce25120891

Friendly Imposter Hands : 366e313a-c796-4162-a8b7-39314e263c0d

Friendly Imposter Legs : ca00b8de-933e-4375-9b82-3b6f07915a58

Yr Glaive : 0ce793f2-6514-4f3b-a272-8af73447461c

First Yr Chest : 908e3d7f-1737-4644-b93a-776e4ee3afbb

First Yr Hands : 0e48f2fd-37a9-4ca2-befe-bec5b84f5dc8

First Yr Legs : 06cbabee-85be-4391-925a-2de57afca155

Broken Yr Sword : 1f8880c0-b491-4cb8-a6a9-05ee5482940b

Curved Glaive : c96d3d09-1de5-4552-8745-4c8727fc7d85

Centipede Whip : 24172405-1ae6-4395-b1d7-29f2f4f6ec34

Wakebone Chest : fc250c8b-92dd-4be6-9ca9-f5f4e15c30ad

Wakebone Hands : 1a813853-fd77-4c10-81f4-b0c18445ef97

Wakebone Legs : 4f94210c-3cfe-4f06-b126-ff436c388931

Shaper : e53b040c-1c7b-47ad-b7e3-7c4118533686

Chisel Nails : a3ac4427-8c61-4eb2-aee2-9e6e42077000

Weathered Stitcher Chest : 35c9d3f3-1c29-48e5-ab98-b586bf65323a

Weathered Stitcher Hands : a4123b2d-631e-4f6d-bcf6-40c024951fca

Weathered Stitcher Legs : 00618c5c-ed7f-446c-bcc2-f42a213928a9

Celebration Chest : 5379e84a-530a-417a-8778-194fdf60aafe

Celebration Hands : afe93c68-71d9-45b7-9137-8998844acd29

Celebration Legs : c6083696-1c63-4324-899b-f81de5f8c7a2

Formal Coda Chest : 56d2e849-bf18-40f4-bd9f-d1bcde51983a

Formal Coda Hands : 523fbb81-ffe9-4d92-b26d-04bfafb024cc

Formal Coda Legs : 2f01cc44-dae5-47d1-ab4f-022868c43909

Adept Embroider Chest : 1dca36b9-cab4-4380-9cff-473733e5f0fe

Adept Embroider Hands : 7fa1f9af-6861-447d-b82b-4bc52a2c6140

Adept Embroider Legs : 692790b6-ee52-4ca8-aa16-3911140bac0a

Shapely Greatsword : 52efd679-04d8-4d22-af46-c8d6cf719c8b

Goldgrowth Chest : 274b9848-c631-4322-8a2f-481b63645d6a

Goldgrowth Hands : cf6dc359-9b1a-4a30-9adb-0f416e64509f

Goldgrowth Legs : fcde1c5c-925a-487d-b5ad-787c3a6b3140

Waneblood Chest : f030062e-af26-4f52-ae18-72506c050ffe

Waneblood Hands : 61dbc101-09de-4645-9530-b9037c500979

Waneblood Legs : f34f5df9-6602-4ded-91e8-b162f2e40091

Hollowroot Chest : e5d71a89-a7ce-409d-923e-47c3e999a2f1

Hollowroot Hands : 1e6972cd-e4a7-431a-aaf2-1975acdec392

Hollowroot Legs : 4498860c-bbff-467d-b211-1c354f29f311

Petalgem Chest : 58dff554-ba83-4a19-87d7-eb85c662407f

Petalgem Hands : fbbe3a96-53e2-4d5a-b176-85e78780d42

Petalgem Legs : f39b3dc0-aabb-4747-89f0-89bf055c99d9

Bone Grinder : ad5073c8-3fba-43b3-8fa3-6504293bd65a

Attuning Lantern : be51d6e3-bdb7-4547-b2e5-e73698bed778

Nail Scythe (White) : 357e1420-8209-479e-bb07-8e5adb0a4062

Jaw Axe : d139bb95-f61a-402c-86f2-1b6baf2fc731

Unformed Slab : 465097c1-56ca-435c-bc48-19ffe650bba0


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