How to beat Getting Over It (The Right Way)

How to beat Getting Over It (The Right Way)

Getting Over It

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Why This Is The Right Way

It is

Before You Start

How to beat Getting Over It (The Right Way) image 7

Before you start the game, make sure you go to the settings and turn Trackpad Tuning OFF and make sure you do NOT change the sensitivity.

While Playing

How to beat Getting Over It (The Right Way) image 10
How to beat Getting Over It (The Right Way) image 11

Make sure to be as inaccurate as possible when you are swinging your hammer. Do deliberately attempt to fall at the difficult sections because that is how the developer intended for the game to be played.

The game is meant to be difficult, so if you are not finding it difficult, please stand up and throw your monitor at the wall behind you. Unless you are outside, then just stomp on it.

Performance enhancing drugsPlease refrain from using or overdosing on performance enhancing drugs during gameplay. The game is supposed to be difficult so using performance enhancing drugs will ruin your experience and your life.

Example of a performance enhancing drug user:

Example of the developer's reaction to use of performance enhancing drugs:

Slide Skip

Do not launch yourself off the roof after the construction site and do not catch yourself on the stairs before furniture land!!!

Here is an example of what NOT to do:

The Snake

How to beat Getting Over It (The Right Way) image 23

Make sure to ride the snake!!! Even though it says not to ride the snake, make sure to do it anyway! This is how the developer intended for you to play the game!!

"You'll feel bad if you win, so I put in this snake for you."

Bennett Foddy

An example of what to do:

I mean itIt is absolutely crucial that you ride the snake! If you do not ride the snake you are going to suffer the consequences! Including but not limited to: your mother and father and Bennett Foddy will come hunt you down

The End

This is the end of the tutorial. I hope you learned a lot from this tutorial. This is a very helpful tutorial. Make sure to like and subscribe and rate 6 stars and give me all your money for this tutorial. This tutorial will help you succeed in life. This tutorial is going to make you a multi-billionaire. This tutorial will make you more money than Jeff Bezos makes.


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