Getting Over It Moveset

Getting Over It Moveset

Friction And Physics Mechanics

FrictionWhen climbing, you will have more friction on a flat surface rather than an angle. If you move the hammer too fast, you will slip and loose traction. If you go too slow you may also slip, so you have to go at the right speed if you want to reduce the risk of falling.

The pointed side of the hammer has more precision and has better friction than the flat side of the hammer.

PhysicsWhen the hammer is outstretched on a surface and Diogenes (the man in the pot) has space below him, he will slowly rotate and move downwards until the hammer is above him.

When in a free-fall, if the hammer is pointed downwards, the hammer will point in the opposite direction (upwards) since the hammer is heavier and Diogenes and the hammer are treated by the game as separate masses, not one. This also applies when moving horizontally.

For example, if Diogenes flings himself to the left, physics will point the hammer to the right and away from him. Note that the hammer can still be moved when in the state, but will be less responsive.


Position the hammer below you and push down. An effective and simple move.

Super Pogo

Position yourself so that your hammer is hanging on a ledge and you are below it. Then push the mouse straight downwards. Push down, then quickly to the left or right to jump in the respective direction.


Simply shake the mouse and you will nudge. Good for positioning jumps.

Skip & Hop

Spin the hammer so you do a skip. Before you hit the ground keep rotating the hammer so its below you, then push down.


When climbing an object and want to quickly rotate the hammer without the risk of hitting something, move the hammer a lot faster. You will jump upwards but the hammer will slip allowing you to react faster when climbing.

Ledge Grab

Do a pogo by positioning the mouse below you and push down, then quickly move the hammer upward to catch a ledge that is above you.


If you saw the title of this section and finally thought you were able to get out of the pot, you are wrong. In this sense, running is done by moving the hammer in quick, small circles to gain momentum. This is one of the hardest moves to pull off.

Author's Note

Getting Over It Moveset image 21

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