Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress*

Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress*

Introduction To This Guide

Hello all!

This is going to be an in-depth guide to all things FOREWARNED. Creation of the guide started on the 26th of January, 2022. All of the material covered in this guide should be current and relevant to V15.4 (version subject to change.) As the game progresses and receives updates, I will try my best to update the material as needed. I will post any changes in the guide itself and in the change log (last section.) If you find any errors, whether they be grammatical or factual, please let me know in the comment section of this guide (very bottom) or send me a message. Thanks!

Please be understanding that this guide may not be updated immediately upon release of an update or hotfix/patch. I am doing this guide by myself and it may take me a while to go through everything. I am NOT associated with Dreambyte Games, Valve, or any third party associated with any of the aforementioned parties. I have not received compensation for this guide.

*This Guide is in progress, I will leave it publicly available while its being updated.*

Introduction To FOREWARNED (Basic Overview) (Quick Start) Part 1 Of 2

Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 6
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 7
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 8
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 9
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 10

Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 11
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 12
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 13
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 14
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 15
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 16
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 17
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 18
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 19

Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 20
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 21
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 22
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 23
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 24

If reading long guides isn't your thing, this section is a very brief overview of FOREWARNED.

FOREWARNED was developed and published by Dreambyte Games, the Release Date for this title was on the 10th of September, 2021. The current retail price for this title is $12.99 USD. The largest discount this game received was 20%, making it $10.39 USD. FOREWARNED currently has a, "Very Positive" rating on steam.

FOREWARNED is a co-op survival horror game, the game-play is based in the Egyptian Ruins. One to Four players can play in an online session (expedition). There is a single player online experience, and there is a single player offline experience. The main objective of this game is to utilize your team and the equipment available to obtain evidence to determine the Mejai, collect the Relic, and escape with your life! (5).

When you load into FOREWARNED, you will load into the main lobby, it will look like this.

To Find or Create your own game, walk up to the main board in front of you and push "E" , or click "ESC" anywhere from the lobby and the screen will load and you will be able to interact with it.

By left clicking on play you will be sent to matchmaking screen, there is also the settings link, a brief tutorial, offline mode, a link to the official FOREWARNED Discord, and a Quit Button.

Once you've clicked you will see quite a few settings. If there are multiple lobbies, clicking on "quick play" will load you into the first available lobby. if there are no available lobbies, it will load you into your own session. Lobbies in yellow are other lobbies that are currently in the main menu. Note: some of these lobbies may show 4/4 players and will not be join-able! Hosting a room will load you into your lobby which you can control. Joining a private lobby will require a code. At the top right of the screen you have ten different region that you can join to find matches. The most notable/active are US, EU, and AU. To the left of the region selector, you have a refresher, however the lobbies will auto-refresh at a delay. *Player name marked out for privacy*

Once you join or create a lobby you will need to set your expedition mutators (I will go more in-depth on those later in the guide) once you are ready to start you and the other players in your session MUST ready up. Tool sharing is optional and on a player-by-player basis.

Once you and your fellow archaeologists have readied up and are satisfied with your mutators, select start to load into your expedition.

Congrats! You've started your first expedition! Once you've loaded into your match you will see a tent.

Once inside of that tent you will see a large TV screen with a laptop below it.

Walking forward up to the laptop, press the "E" key by default to load up the objectives, this may take a minute. Note: What shows up on the laptops screen is irrelevant to the expedition. [/b]

Looking back up at the TV screen above the laptop you will see the main objectives, collectibles, side questions, and an area for hidden objectives. (I will review all of this in detail further into the guide)

You can open up your journal by pushing "L" If you have loaded up the objectives via laptop you will be able to see them on your journal. You also have a "Research" tab that has traits and some basic instruction for identifying and dealing with the Five Mejai. Finally, you have an "Evidence tab" this allows you to check off evidence. When you've checked off the correct evidence it will auto-select the Mejai you have.

Once you know what your main and optional objectives are you need to grab your equipment. There will be a backpack waiting for you with a yellow outline for you, these are your tools. If you are playing multiplayer with 2-4 players you will see the same number of backpacks are players playing. One Player = One Backpack, Four Players = Four Backpacks. Keep in mind, in multiplayer sessions once you open your backpack the glow will away, remember which backpack is yours! :)

Once you open your backpack your table will auto-populate with all the tools that you have. Don't worry, this isn't Phasmophobia, if you die you wont lose your tools! You are able to pick up your tools by pushing the "E" key by default, you are able to push the "Q" key by default to drop the items, you have five slots by default. You are able to cycle through these slots by using the number keys on your keyboard or by using the scroll wheel on your mouse by default.

Once you are ready to enter the tomb, you will see a door (may look a bit different on each map) with a lever with a blue insignia on the side of it.

By pulling that blue lever with the "E" key you will open the tomb and officially start the expedition.

Once you've entered the tomb you will start collecting evidence, since this is a brief overview section, I won't go into detail about different tools in the game and how to use them in this section or any optional objectives, that will be later in the guide. If you don't feel like reading the rest of the guide, you can access your Journal, "L" and click on evidences and it will give you a very brief description of them and how to obtain them.

When you have determined the Mejai you will need to locate the inner tomb. Youll know that you have reached the inner tomb when you see a selector on the left side of the door and a red button on the right side of the door. You will then select the Mejai with the "E" key, (It will highlight Red/Orange)

Then, on the right side of the door you will see a red button. Push it if you are satisfied with you selection.

If you are correct the inner tomb door will open, the outer tomb door will close. if you are incorrect, the inner tomb will remain closed, and the outer tomb will also close. For this brief overview lets assume that you were correct.

Lmao, I ran out of room, I have to make a part two for this brief overview! Yikes, maybe it isnt so brief after all. [/u]

Introduction To FOREWARNED (Basic Overview) (Quick Start) Part 2 Of 2

Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 49
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 50
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 51
Ultimate FOREWARNED Guide (Current w/ v15.4) *In Progress* image 52

Once you have entered the inner tomb you will need to open the sarcophagus, press "E" to open and pick up the relic that lies inside by pressing "E".

Regardless of if you were correct or not with your Mejai selection at the door the outer tomb door will close, trapping you in. To open the outer tomb door and escape you will need to search the entire tomb to find a blue lever, similar to the one required at the beginning of the session to open the tomb. Once you find the blue lever, click "E" and it should open the outer tomb door. If you or a fellow archaeologist open it a message should come across you screen saying that the tomb door has been opened and to escape.

Once you exit the tomb, ALL surviving members need to make way to the Jeep. Once you all assemble close to the Jeep push "E" on the truck hatch to close the trunk hatch to finish the expedition. You no longer need to place the Relic inside the Jeep, however if you'd like too, just walk up to the jeep and push "Q" while holding the Relic to drop it inside, it will auto place.

Once you have completed the expedition and loaded back into the lobby, you will see your Archaeological Results, this will showcase your total Gold, XP, Relic, Lore Pages, and Rare Artifacts gained. At the bottom any mutators to you session will be taken into account and you may be eligible for bonus XP or Gold. Next to the will show the XP gained in total, XP requirement for the next level, and your current level.

I hope this gave you a basic understanding of how FOREWARNED works. I will go much more in detail in the next sections!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2732000106					

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