Intro And Quick Guide
For those looking to earn every achievement, Final Fantasy XIII's Treasure Hunter is easily the one you'll spend the most time chasing after. To earn this one, you need to have had, at some point in time in your playthrough, every single weapon and accessory in your inventory.
You don't need to actually equip them all; simply obtaining them is enough. You do, however, have to upgrade every item to its most powerful tier (e.g., at least one Bangle must be upgraded all the way to a Wurtzite Bangle, which can't be obtained any other way). Additionally, you must make one "ultimate" weapon (one which gives a sixth ATB slot) for every character.
This achievement is a long grind, even if you know what you're doing. Worse still, it's possible to make it unattainable if you carelessly sell, dismantle, or otherwise miss accessories which are in limited supply. This guide exists to make this journey as bearable as possible.
Quick GuideIf you're more confident in what you're doing, wish to figure some things out for yourself, or simply don't want to read over a whole guide's worth of info, this section is for you.
• Open every treasure ball in Chapters 1-10 and 13, even those guarded by powerful enemies
• Never sell/dismantle any rings that grant elemental resistances, or any Charms
• Always save before performing a major upgrade, especially with Ultracompact Reactors
• The best place to farm Deceptisol/Fortisol is in Chapters 2-3, and Aegisol in Chapter 4
• PSICOM officers can be farmed at the end of Chapter 7 for some decent early gil
• It's almost always worth your time to search for treasure when a Chocobo detects it
• At the beginning of Chapter 13, farm Sacrifices for gil and at least a dozen Scarletite
• After beating the game, the best source of Gil is farming the Adamantoise in Chapter 12
• Setting the difficulty to Easy makes common drops skyrocket, but rares almost nonexistant
Early Items:
• Do as many missions in Chapter 11 as you can! Many of them offer outstanding rewards
• In particular, complete Mission 55 (use Death on Neochu) to get the Growth Egg early
• Using SAB/SAB/SAB, summoning, and spamming Death can take out Adamantoises early
• Sturdy Bones, Superconductors and Ultracompact Reactors are the best bang for your buck
• Using 36 Sturdy Bones (2,880 gil) is a guaranteed x3 multiplier on anything
• Don't ever buy Millerite, Rhodochrosite, Mnar Stones, Scarletite, Dark Matter, or Trapezohedrons
• To get more Ethersols, buy a Speed Sash, upgrade it to an Energy Sash ★, then dismantle it
• You only need to craft one "ultimate" (6 ATB) weapon for each character
The Basics
All weapons and accessories in Final Fantasy XIII have levels. Once you've defeated the Dreadnought (pictured at right) in Chapter 4, you will be able to use Components at Save Stations to upgrade items and improve their level.
There are two types of components: organic and synthetic. Organic components give little experience, but they increase a bonus multiplier (up to x3) that affects the experience that all future components will give it. Synthetic components generally give a lot of experience, but using them on an item will rapidly decrease its multiplier. To get the most XP out of your components, you should use organic ones first to build up the multiplier, then synthetic ones for a big bonus.
Once an item hits its maximum level (level ★), it cannot be upgraded further using components. Catalysts, however, can be used to upgrade star-level items to another, more powerful version of that item, if one exists. For example: let's say you have an Iron Bangle Lv. 1. This accessory will give +50 HP to the person wearing it. Upgrading it with some basic components will quickly make it an Iron Bangle Lv. ★, which gives the wearer +120 HP. However, that's not all you can do with it. If you find the right catalyst (in this case, a nugget of Millerite), you can use it on the star-level Iron Bangle to upgrade it to a Silver Bangle. Got a Silver Bangle ★ (HP +180) and some Rhodochrosite? You can now make a Tungsten Bangle which gives still more HP...and so on.
The reason I'm explaining all this is because each of these Bangles counts as a separate item. If you want the Treasure Hunter achievement, you'll have to obtain every single "evolution" of every single item, at some point in time during your playthrough. Many of these cannot be found in the various treasure balls scattered throughout the game, or dropped from fiends. The achievement's name is actually quite misleading in that respect: if you want to get Treasure Hunter, you're going to have to be, more than anything, a very thorough treasure crafter.
Weapons work similarly to accessories in the way they're upgraded. Every character can find eight different weapons, which all have three "tiers" of evolution as they're improved. The third and highest ("ultimate") tier of weapons for each character all have the same name and appearance. For example: Lightning's Blazefire Saber (the gunblade which she has at the game's outset) is a tier-1 weapon. It can be upgraded to a Flamberge, a tier-2. After much expense, a Flamberge ★ can be upgraded into an Omega Weapon. Another of her weapons, the Axis Blade, can be upgraded into an Enkindler, and then into another Omega Weapon. Although the name of the two ultimate weapons are the same, they will each retain the qualities and quirks of the original weapon. (Fortuantely, you only need to craft a single tier-3 weapon for each character to qualify for Treasure Hunter.)
Also: one last (but very important) thing. Once you finally reach the last hurdle in this challenge, and have held every single item in your inventory at least once, the achievement will NOT unlock right away. To actually get the achievement, you'll have to go to Oerba and talk to Bhakti, Vanille's pet robot. If you meet the requirements for the achievement, Bhakti should tell you "It seems you're an accomplished Treasure Hunter too!". Then the achievement will pop, and you can breathe a completionist sigh of relief.
Earning Gil
Gil is the single most important element in this challenge. The more you have, the more components you can buy and the more powerful you can make your weapons and equipment. Money is power in FFXIII - it's that simple.
Unlike most Final Fantasy games, gil is not dropped after battle in FFXIII. To make money, you need to sell valuable items dropped by enemies or dug up by chocobos. Both rely on quite a bit of luck, as valuable spoils tend to be rare drops rather than common. Equip the right items (see "Useful Items", below) to improve your chances.
Top Farming MethodsThe best way to earn gil is at the beginning of Chapter 13, before beating the story. In the first room of Orphan's Cradle, there are two groups of Sacrifices (semi-powerful Cie'th that can cast Death). It's easy to get a Preemptive Strike on them, and defeating them is a simple matter of debuffing them until they can't attack, then using an aggressive paradigm to finish them off. I recommend having Fang (or anyone with high Strength) as a party leader with two Saboteurs in two, and going to town on them with multi-hit abilities like Ruinga. Respawning them is a simple matter of jumping onto one of the platforms containing a statue of Eden until you see them respawn on the minimap.
Sacrifices commonly drop Perfume, which sell for 12,500 each, and rarely Scarletite, which would otherwise cost you 100,000 gil (and which you will need quite a few of - don't sell them!). Their Death ability hurts, but very rarely actually causes death itself; if you're worried, have the party leader and/or support characters wear a Cherub's/Seraph's Crown.
Now, the reason I said to do this before beating the game is because of the way Orphan's Cradle changes after you do. When you beat the final boss and load your clear save, the Cradle will have an ultra-simplified layout once you return. The room with the Sacrifices are still there, but respawning them is a much more tedious matter, because those platforms leading to Eden are now gone. You will have to leave the area and return, which will cut your earnings rate down rather significantly.
The second best way of farming gil (and the best, post-game) is farming Adamantoises for Platinum Ingots, as well as their rare and coveted Trapezohedron drop. The former will get you a cool 150,000 gil when sold, and the other is an upgrade catalyst that can turn a star-leveled tier-2 weapon into an Ultimate. If you're not quite powerful enough to take one down the traditional way, making a party of three Saboteurs (with Vanille leading) and summoning an Eidolon will make it fall over instantly. After that, spam Death and hope it works before he gets back up. (Death has a 1% chance to work, plus another 1% for every ailment on the target.)
If you want to do it the traditional way, have a Genji Glove-equipped Fang as the party leader with the highest-Strength spear you have. Equip everyone with Gaian Rings (the upgraded form of Clay/Siltstone rings) to lessen the immense damage caused by its stomp attack. Start with a Paradigm of three Synergists, with Fang casting Bravera and Protectra on everyone (if she has an Ultimate Weapon, add Faithra to that), quickly switching to a strong healing paradigm if necessary. When both legs are taken out, switch to SAB/RAV/RAV and quickly get Slow, Deprotect and Deshell on him. After that, go SYN/RAV/RAV and recast Bravera and Faithra on everyone, and then back to COM/RAV/RAV to deal damage. Once the Stagger gauge is over 950% or so, switch to COM/COM/COM and use Highwind when the HP bar is nearly empty.
For maximum gil, set the battle difficulty to Easy and equip someone in the party with a Collector's Catalog. You'll get a Platinum Ingot almost every time you defeat him. The downside is that the odds of him dropping a Trapezohedron is now almost zero, but for a lot of people, that's not a concern at this point.
Other Farming MethodsIf the Adamantoises are too much for you, start with Adamanchelids. You're forced to fight one in Chapter 12 anyway, so...might as well. These guys drop Gold Dust, which sells for a respectable 15,000 gil. Again, it's recommended to set the difficulty to Easy, so that you'll get Gold Dust much more often. (Their rare drop is Scarletite, which is much more easily obtained from fighting Sacrifices, so you're not missing out on anything by playing on Easy here.)
If you'd rather not fight for valuables, Chocobo digging is a nice diversion, and can yield some nice items, including some upgrade materials (see "Catalysts", below). There are twenty different locations in the Steppe where chocobos can dig; when you enter the area, five of these locations are randomly selected by the game to contain treasure. Leave/warp out of the area to reset them.
Repeatedly doing Mission 24 in the Fifth Tier of Taejin's Tower is a nice way to earn gil, especially if you're still on Chapter 11. The mark spawns extremely close to you when the mission begins, and you get Moonblossom Seeds from winning, which sell for 6,000 gil each.
If you want to get a head start on gil grinding, the finale of Chapter 7 is a good place. Once the Estheim residence gets raided by PSICOM, you can repeatedly fight the officers to get Incentive Chips, which sell for 2,500 gil each. Head toward the house's front door to respawn both groups.
Useful Items To Have
Retail Network Cards - While most shops on the Retail Network unlock as the storyline progresses, there are some very helpful shop cards which you'll need to find yourself. R&D Depot - Complete Mission 7 (stone and mark located in the Yaschas Massif's Paddran Archaeopolis) to unlock this invaluable retailer, which sells Ultracompact Reactors. They're pricey, but when you need to pump six or seven digits of experience into an item, accept no substitutes. (Just make sure you have a x3 multiplier first.)Gilgamesh, Inc. - This shop sells weapons which bestow various detrimental effects on their user in exchange for increased Strength and/or Magic. Unfortunately, be prepared for your wallet to take a big hit here (1,481,000 gil), as you will have to buy the shop's six priciest weapons - there's no finding them otherwise. The shop itself is unlocked after defeating the Zirnitra in sector E2 of Titan's Trials, a.k.a. Mission 46.
Growth Egg - The reward for clearing Mission 55. Doubles the experience that you earn from battles, as long as someone in the party has it equipped. Do not wait until the endgame to get this thing. You can win this fight in Chapter 11 (after beating the chapter's boss; you'll have to backtrack) by having Vanille cast Death on Neochu until it lands, while an Earth-resistant Sentinel takes damage and a Medic heals. After that, just carefully mop up the little guys. Once you've maxed everybody's Crystarium, a ★-level Growth Egg (just level it up once) can be dismantled to get an Ultracompact Reactor and a few items that sell for decent gil.
Genji Glove - Increases the wearer's damage cap from 99,999 to 999,999. Very useful when farming Adamantoises and other tough enemies. These are only three of these in the game (available as first-time rewards for beating Missions 51, 62, and 63), so don't dismantle or sell them!
Catalogs - Collector Catalogs are a reward from mission 8, and can be found in some treasure balls or purchased from Moogleworks. They make common drops happen 50% more often. Connoisseur Catalogs are obtained by upgrading a star-level Collector Catalog with a Mnar Stone, and increase the chance of getting rare drops by 10%. Always have both of these equipped on the active party at all times. A Survivalist Catalog (beat mission 15 for one) combined with intentionally getting a low battle rating can also be handy for finding:
Shrouds - Used in the field before battles to gain various beneficial effects at the start of combat. None of them are ever necessary, but they can make life significantly easier in many places and Missions. Shrouds have a chance to drop from virtually any enemy in the game after Chapter 1, and are more likely to drop if you obtain a low battle rating (up to 8x with zero stars). However, their base drop chance decreases exponentially as the story progresses. On Pulse, Shrouds have only a 0.3%-2.4% chance to drop based on your battle rating, so it's best to farm them as early as possible. They can also be bought from Eden Pharmaceuticals after chapter 12, but they're very expensive, and you're going to be gil-starved enough as it is during this challenge. Fortisol and Deceptisol start dropping in Chapter 2. There, they have a 12%-96% chance to drop, depending on battle rating. Farm some before moving on to Chapter 3; your wallet will thank you later.
Aegisol does not drop until Chapter 4 (6%-48% chance there; exponentially-decreasing chance in Chapter 5 and beyond).
Ethersol is not purchasable, but is infinitely obtainable late-game. To get one, purchase a Speed Sash from Moogleworks, upgrade it to an Energy Sash using a Mnar Stone, fully level it to an Energy Sash ★, then dismantle it.
Obtaining Catalysts
Catalysts are the various materials used to upgrade an eligible star-level item into a more powerful version of that item, or in some rare cases, a completely different item altogether. They can be bought (at The Motherlode and R&D Depot), but in most cases they can also be found on enemies or through other means. Because gil is a precious commodity that directly equates to how powerful you can make your gear, you should only ever buy these when there's no other way to get them.
Millerite, Rhodochrosite, and Cobaltite can be dug up by chocobos in the Archylte Steppe (see "Other Farming Methods", above) and are dropped by various PSICOM goons. Don't ever buy these. You don't need any Millerite at all to finish this challenge (it's only used to upgrade Iron Bangles), and you'll only need one Rhodochrosite and Cobaltite each. If you want to fully upgrade all of the elemental-resistance rings (which are in limited supply; don't ever sell/dismantle them!), then you'll need some more Cobaltite, but it's by no means required.
Obtain as much Perovskite as you can from the Sanctum Templars in Chapter 13. You can only get to them before beating the game; if you come back afterwards, you'll find that the path to them is not available. Perovskite is a rare drop from them (and only them), so equip a Connoisseur Catalog and hope for the best. You'll need several dozen Perovskite to upgrade all the items required for the achievement; each one you can get from the Templars here is one you won't have to buy for 30,000 gil later on.
You will, unfortunately, mostly have to buy Uraninite. The boss of Chapter 7 drops one, and a few others are first-time-only rewards for doing four Cie'th Stone missions (29, 30, 36, and 57). After that, be prepared to open your wallet, as Uraninite is used to upgrade a ton of weapons (fourteen of them, to be exact), and several accessories - most prominently, the elemental resistance rings that will make life easier for you when facing certain foes.
Mnar Stones are rewarded for clearing Missions 47 and 60 for the first time. There's a third one in the Subterranean Lake area of Sulyya Springs, and another two in the Central Expanse area of the Archylte Steppe. The only things Mnar Stones upgrade are Mythril Bangles to Platinum Bangles (which you don't need to do), any Charm to a Twenty-Sided Die (don't do this! Charms are in limited supply, and you can find them all naturally), and a Collector's Catalog to a Connoisseur Catalog, which is the only thing you'll need to do for the achievement. Mnar Stones are mostly useful in obtaining Ethersol (see "Useful Items", above).
Don't ever buy Scarletite! They're very expensive (100,000 gil each) and they drop from Sacrifices, which you can easily fight over and over in Orphan's Cradle or Edenhall. Sacrifices also commonly drop Perfume, which you can sell for 12,500 gil each. Any excess Scarletite can also be sold for 7,000 gil each, but I don't recommend doing so; it's a more commonly-used catalyst than you think. Be sure your party leader is wearing a Cherub's/Seraph's Crown, as Sacrifices can cast Death. As with the Sanctum Templars, it's recommended to grind these things in Orphan's Cradle before beating the game, as they can be respawned very quickly during that time.
Adamantite doesn't drop from anything, isn't found in any chests, and no mission gives it as a reward. The only way to get it is to buy it from R&D Depot, which you can access after clearing mission 8 (defeat Bituitus at the Yaschas Massif's Paddrean Aracheopolis; it's also a warp stone to that area). Fortunately, you won't need to buy that many; Adamantite is used to upgrade three weapons, and a few accessories that grant the wearer considerable resistance to physical or magical attacks. They're not exactly cheap, though (220,000 gil), so only buy what you need.
Dark Matter is used to upgrade a few accessories into their ultimate forms, and it's also used to upgrade one of Sazh's tier-1 weapons. It drops rarely from Shaolong Gui; they replace all Adamanchelids on the Steppe once you've completed missions 56-62. It's a tough fight, even with a strong party, but the alternative is paying 840,000 for each one at R&D Depot. Gui usually coughs up Gold Nuggets (+60,000 gil!), so you'll at least get some good money for your trouble. Wearing a Connoisseur Catalog and 5-starring the battle gives you a decent chance to get some Dark Matter. Remember also to set the difficulty to Normal, as Dark Matter is a rare drop.
Trapezohedrons drop rarely from Adamantoises and Adamantortoises (and Long Gui, if you don't mind fighting one of the game's superbosses over and over again). Trapezohedrons - or "traps", as they're sometimes called - can be bought for an obscene 2 million gil at the R&D Depot, but you shouldn't ever do this. There are ways to turn one trapezohedron into three for less than the cost of one (by using one to fully upgrade a Pandoran Spear, then dismantling it), but you shouldn't have to do this either. All the traps you need will almost certainly come from farming Adamantoises. They're tricky fights, but doable with the right setup. Plus, they drop Platinum Ingots (+150,000 gil!!) fairly commonly. You'll need to farm up at least six to make an ultimate weapon for every party member.
Gunblades (Lightning)
Omega WeaponBlazefire SaberLightning begins the game with this. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 2,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 13 Superconductors
FlambergeObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Blazefire Saber.
Optimal Upgrade Path (186,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 36 Superconductors
Axis BladeFound in Palumpolum. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 15,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (41,520 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 46 Superconductors
EnkindlerObtained by using Adamantite on a ★-level Axis Blade.
Optimal Upgrade Path (191,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 42 Superconductors
Edged CarbineFound in Gapra Whitewood. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 4,600 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (26,400 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
Razor CarbineObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Edged Carbine.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
LifesaberFound aboard the Palamecia. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 20,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (44,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 50 Superconductors
PeacemakerObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Lifesaber.
Optimal Upgrade Path (141,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 43 Superconductors
GladiusFound in the Pulse Vestige. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 7,100 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (30,600 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 33 Superconductors
Helter-SkelterObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Gladius.
Optimal Upgrade Path (152,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors
OrganyxPurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 280,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (10,440 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 9 Superconductors
ApocalypseObtained by using Cobaltite on a ★-level Organyx.
Optimal Upgrade Path (102,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors
HauteclaireFound in the Mah'habara Subterra. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 20,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (30,600 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 33 Superconductors
DurandalObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Hauteclaire.
Optimal Upgrade Path (152,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors
LionheartFound in Eden. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 28,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (46,560 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 53 Superconductors
Ultima WeaponObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Lionheart.
Optimal Upgrade Path (186,840 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 37 Superconductors
Use a Trapezohedron on any level ★ tier-2 gunblade to obtain this. In addition to giving Lightning an additional ATB segment, this weapon will retain the unique qualities of the weapon it was upgraded from. It's only necessary to craft one of these to obtain Treasure Hunter.
Pistols (Sazh)
Total EclipsesVega 42sSazh begins the game with these. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 2,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 13 Superconductors
AltairsObtained by using Perovskite on a pair of ★-level Vega 42s.
Optimal Upgrade Path (186,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 36 Superconductors
Spica DefendersFound in Nautilus. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 14,500 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (41,520 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 46 Superconductors
Sirius SidearmsObtained by using Scarletite on a pair of ★-level Spica Defenders.
Optimal Upgrade Path (131,800 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 31 Superconductors
Deneb DuellersFound in Lake Bresha. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 3,900 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (26,400 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
Canopus AMPsObtained by using Perovskite on a pair of ★-level Deneb Duellers.
Optimal Upgrade Path (179,280 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 28 Superconductors
RigelsPurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 19,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (30,600 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 33 Superconductors
Polaris SpecialsObtained by using Uraninite on a pair of ★-level Rigels.
Optimal Upgrade Path (152,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors
AldebaransPurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 263,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (11,280 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 10 Superconductors
SadalmeliksObtained by using Cobaltite on a pair of ★-level Aldebarans.
Optimal Upgrade Path (101,120 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 54 Superconductors
Pleiades Hi-PowersPurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 22,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (17,160 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
Hyades MagnumsObtained by using Perovskite on a pair of ★-level Pleiades Hi-Powers.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
Antares DeluxesPurchase from Plautus's Workshop for 22,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Formalhault ElitesObtained by using Uraninite on a pair of ★-level Antares Deluxes.
Optimal Upgrade Path (80,120 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 29 Superconductors
ProcyonsPurchase from Plautus's Workshop for 30,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (46,560 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 53 Superconductors
Betelgeuse CustomsObtained by using Dark Matter [!!] on a pair of ★-level Procyons.
Optimal Upgrade Path (191,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 43 Superconductors
Use a Trapezohedron on any level ★ pair of tier-2 pistols to obtain these. In addition to giving Sazh an additional ATB segment, these weapons will retain the unique qualities of the weapons they were upgraded from. It's only necessary to craft one pair of these to obtain Treasure Hunter.
Emblems (Snow)
Save The QueenWild BearSnow begins with this emblem attached. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 1,800 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 13 Superconductors
Feral PrideObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Wild Bear.
Optimal Upgrade Path (186,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 36 Superconductors
PaladinFound in Palumpolum. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 20,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (41,520 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 46 Superconductors
Winged SaintObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Paladin.
Optimal Upgrade Path (131,800 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 31 Superconductors
Rebel HeartFound in Eden. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 11,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Warrior's EmblemObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Rebel Heart.
Optimal Upgrade Path (80,120 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 29 Superconductors
Power CircleFound in the Hanging Edge. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 4,500 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (65,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 75 Superconductors
Battle StandardObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Power Circle.
Optimal Upgrade Path (252,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 5 Ultracompact Reactors
FeymarkFound in the Fifth Ark. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 25,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Soul BlazerObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Feymark.
Optimal Upgrade Path (80,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
Sacrifical CirclePurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 210,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (65,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 75 Superconductors
IndomitusObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Sacrificial Circle.
Optimal Upgrade Path (252,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 5 Ultracompact Reactors
Unsettling SunFound in Taejin's Tower. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 21,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (17,160 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
Midnight SunObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Unsettling Sun.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,120 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 29 Superconductors
UmbraFound aboard the Palamecia. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 32,600 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (42,360 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 47 Superconductors
SolarisObtained by using Adamantite on a ★-level Umbra.
Optimal Upgrade Path (191,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 42 Superconductors
Use a Trapezohedron on any level ★ tier-2 emblem to obtain this. In addition to giving Snow an additional ATB segment, this weapon will retain the unique qualities of the weapon it was upgraded from. It's only necessary to craft one of these to obtain Treasure Hunter.
Boomerangs (Hope)
NueAirwingHope begins with this. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 10,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 14 Superconductors
SkycutterObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Airwing.
Optimal Upgrade Path (94,400 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 46 Superconductors
HawkeyeFound in the Gapra Whitewood. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 4,400 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (18,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
EagletalonObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Hawkeye.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
OtshirvaniFound in Eden. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 28,200 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (42,360 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 47 Superconductors
UrubutsinObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Otshirvani.
Optimal Upgrade Path (132,640 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 32 Superconductors
NinurtaFound in the Vile Peaks. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 2,800 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (18,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
JatayuObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Ninurta.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
VidofnirFound in Palumpolum. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 16,900 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (42,360 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 47 Superconductors
HresvelgrObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Vidofnir.
Optimal Upgrade Path (132,640 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 32 Superconductors
SimurghFound in Taejin's Tower. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 21,200 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
TezcatlipocaObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Simurgh.
Optimal Upgrade Path (80,120 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 29 Superconductors
MalphasPurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 198,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (17,160 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
NaberiusObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Malphas.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
AlicantoFound in the Fifth Ark. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 18,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (30,600 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 33 Superconductors
CaladriusObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Alicanto.
Optimal Upgrade Path (152,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors
Use a Trapezohedron on any level ★ tier-2 boomerang to obtain this. In addition to giving Hope an additional ATB segment, this weapon will retain the unique qualities of the weapon it was upgraded from. It's only necessary to craft one of these to obtain Treasure Hunter.
Rods (Vanille)
NirvanaBinding RodVanille starts with this. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 2,500 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 13 Superconductors
Hunter's RodObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Binding Rod.
Optimal Upgrade Path (185,160 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 35 Superconductors
TigerclawPurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 300,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (20,520 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 21 Superconductors
WyrmfangObtained by using Cobaltite on a ★-level Tigerclaw.
Optimal Upgrade Path (102,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors
Healer's StaffFound in Nautilus. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 19,800 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (42,360 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 47 Superconductors
Physician's StaffObtained by using Adamantite on a ★-level Healer's Staff.
Optimal Upgrade Path (185,160 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 35 Superconductors
Pearlwing StaffFound in Lake Bresha. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 2,300 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (18,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
Brightwing StaffObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Pearlwing Staff.
Optimal Upgrade Path (180,960 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 30 Superconductors
Rod of ThornsFound on the Archylte Steppe. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 3,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (18,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
Orochi RodObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Rod of Thorns.
Optimal Upgrade Path (199,440 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 52 Superconductors
MistilteinnFound in Eden. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 11,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (42,360 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 47 Superconductors
Erinye's CaneObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Mistilteinn.
Optimal Upgrade Path (128,440 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, x27 Superconductors
Belladonna WandFound in the Sunleth Waterscape. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 31,200 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Malboro WandObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Belladonna Wand.
Optimal Upgrade Path (79,280 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 28 Superconductors
Heavenly AxisFound in Oerba. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 24,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (30,600 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 33 Superconductors
AbraxasObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Alicanto.
Optimal Upgrade Path (152,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors
Use a Trapezohedron on any level ★ tier-2 rod to obtain this. In addition to giving Vanille an additional ATB segment, this weapon will retain the unique qualities of the weapon it was upgraded from. It's only necessary to craft one of these to obtain Treasure Hunter.
Spears (Fang)
Kain's LanceBladed LanceFang begins with this. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 4,500 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 13 Superconductors
GlaiveObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Bladed Lance.
Optimal Upgrade Path (185,160 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 35 Superconductors
Dragoon LancePurchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 230,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
DragonhornObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Dragoon Lance.
Optimal Upgrade Path (128,440 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 27 Superconductors
PartisanFound in the Vallis Media. Can purchase from Up In Arms for 6,600 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (18,000 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 17 Superconductors
RhomphaiaObtained by using Perovskite on a ★-level Partisan.
Optimal Upgrade Path (111,640 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 7 Superconductors
Shamanic SpearFound in Orphan's Cradle. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 23,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Heretic's HalberdObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Shamanic Spear.
Optimal Upgrade Path (79,280 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor, 36 Sturdy Bones, 28 Superconductors
PunisherFound in Eden. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 31,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (44,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 50 Superconductors
Banescissor SpearObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Punisher.
Optimal Upgrade Path (144,400 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 46 Superconductors
Pandoran SpearFound aboard the Palamecia. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 16,200 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (44,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 50 Superconductors
Calamity SpearObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Pandoran Spear.
Optimal Upgrade Path (144,400 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 46 Superconductors
Taming PoleFound in Oerba. Can purchase from Gilgamesh, Inc. for 27,000 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (30,600 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 33 Superconductors
Venus GospelObtained by using Uraninite on a ★-level Taming Pole.
Optimal Upgrade Path (152,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 3 Ultracompact Reactors
Gae BolgFound in Palumpolum. Can purchase from Plautus's Workshop for 13,100 gil.
Optimal Upgrade Path (44,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 50 Superconductors
GungnirObtained by using Scarletite on a ★-level Gae Bolg.
Optimal Upgrade Path (125,080 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Use a Trapezohedron on any level ★ tier-2 spear to obtain this. In addition to giving Fang an additional ATB segment, this weapon will retain the unique qualities of the weapon it was upgraded from. It's only necessary to craft one of these to obtain Treasure Hunter.
Accessories Found Naturally
The following is a list of accessories that you don't need to craft, as they can be found 'naturally' - i.e., either in treasure spheres or as rewards for clearing various Cie'th Stone missions. There are more ways to get many of these accessories than the places listed; this list merely shows you the earliest and/or least-costly way to get them. Save your gil for the stuff that actually needs to be crafted (which is detailed in the next section)!
Iron Bangle: Found in the Hanging Edge, Aerorail Trussway 12-E.
Silver Bangle: Found in Lake Bresha, Amid Timebound Waves.
Tungsten Bangle: Found in Palumpolum, Felix Heights.
Titanium Bangle: Purchase from B&W Outfitters for 3,600 gil.
Gold Bangle: Found aboard the Palamecia, Bridge Access.
Mythril Bangle: Found in the Yaschas Massif, The Pass of Paddra.
Platinum Bangle: Found in Mah'habara, Maw of the Abyss.
Diamond Bangle: Rewarded for completing Mission 26.
Adamant Bangle: Found in Orphan's Cradle, The Tesseracts.
Power Wristband: Found in the Pulse Vestige, Ambulatory.
Brawler's Wristband: Found in Palumpolum, The Estheim Residence.
Warrior's Wristband: Rewarded for completing Mission 23.
Power Glove: Found in Eden, Edenhall.
Magician's Mark: Found in Lake Bresha, Amid Timebound Waves.
Shaman's Mark: Found in Palumpolum, Rivera Towers.
Sorcerer's Mark: Rewarded for completing Mission 5.
Weirding Glyph: Found in Orphan's Cradle, The Tesseracts.
Black Belt: Found in the Vile Peaks, Wrack and Ruin.
General's Belt: Rewarded for completing Mission 44.
Rune Bracelet: Found aboard the Palamecia, Bridge Access.
Witch's Bracelet: Found on The Archylte Steppe.
Royal Armlet: Found aboard the Palamecia, Cargo Access.
Imperial Armlet: Found in Orphan's Cradle, The Tesseracts.
Ember Ring: Found in the Vile Peaks, Devastated Dreams.
Blaze Ring: Found in Eden, Siren Park.
Frost Ring: Rewarded for completing Mission 11.
Spark Ring: Found in Lake Bresha, Forgotten Commons.
Fulmen Ring: Rewarded for completing Mission 6.
Aqua Ring: Found in the Sunleth Waterscape, Rain-spotted Veil.
Riptide Ring: Found in Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake.
Zephyr Ring: Found on The Archylte Steppe.
Gale Ring: Found in Taejin's Tower, Fourth Tier.
Clay Ring: Found on The Archylte Steppe.
Siltstone Ring: Rewarded for completing Mission 39.
Giant's Glove: Rewarded for completing Mission 28.
Glass Buckle: Rewarded for completing Mission 32.
Metal Armband: Found in the Vile Peaks, Munitions Necropolis.
Serenity Sachet: Purchase from B&W Outfitters for 3,000 gil.
Glass Orb: Found in Taejin's Tower, Fourth Tier.
Star Pendant: Found in the Gapra Whitewood, Field Trial Range S.
Pearl Necklace: Rewarded for completing Mission 4.
Warding Talisman: Found in Palumpolum, Nutriculture Complex.
Pain Dampener: Found aboard the Palamecia, Rotary Shaft.
White Cape: Found aboard the Palamecia, Rotary Shaft.
Rainbow Anklet: Found in the Fifth Ark, Lower Traverse.
Cherub's Crown: Found in Orphan's Cradle, The Tesseracts.
Guardian Amulet: Found in Palumpolum, Central Arcade.
Auric Amulet: Found in the Vile Peaks, Scrap Processing.
Watchman's Amulet: Found in the Gapra Whitewood, Environmental Regulation.
Hero's Amulet: Found in the Fifth Ark, Vestibular Hold.
Saint's Amulet: Found in the Fifth Ark, Lower Traverse.
Zealot's Amulet: Found in the Faultwarrens, Via Lunae.
Flamebane Brooch: Found in Oerba, Rust-eaten Bridge.
Frostbane Brooch: Found in Taejin's Tower, The Cloven Spire.
Sparkbane Brooch: Found in Taejin's Tower, Ground Tier.
Aquabane Brooch: Found in Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake.
Hermes Sandals: Rewarded for completing Mission 34.
Tetradic Crown: Unearth 5 treasures on a Chocobo in the Archylte Steppe.
Tetradic Tiara: Unearth 10 treasures on a Chocobo in the Archylte Steppe.
Whistlewind Scarf: Found aboard the Palamecia, Starboard Weather Deck.
Nimbletoe Boots: Purchase from Moogleworks (Ch. 11+) for 6,000 gil.
Gold Watch: Rewarded for completing Mission 64.
Champion's Badge: Found in Eden, Siren Park.
Survivalist Catalog: Rewarded for completing Mission 15.
Collector's Catalog: Rewarded for completing Mission 8.
Hunter's Friend: Rewarded for completing Mission 45.
Speed Sash: Found on the Archylte Steppe.
Energy Sash: Rewarded for completing Mission 1.
Doctor's Code: Found in the Sunleth Waterscape, Sun-Dappled Trail.
Growth Egg: Rewarded for completing Mission 55.
Entite Ring: Unearth 15 treasures on a Chocobo in the Archylte Steppe.
Goddess's Favor: Found in Oerba, Rust-eaten Bridge
Ribbon: Unearth 20 treasures on a Chocobo in the Archylte Steppe.
Genji Glove: Rewarded for completing Missions 51, 62, and 63.
Fire Charm: Found on the Archylte Steppe.
Ice Charm: Found on the Archylte Steppe.
Lightning Charm: Found on the Archylte Steppe.
Water Charm: Found in Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake.
Wind Charm: Found on the Archylte Steppe.
Earth Charm: Found on the Archylte Steppe.
Twenty-sided Die: Rewarded for completing Mission 48.
Accessories To Craft
In order to get Treasure Hunter, you will need to craft ALL of the following accessories at least once. They cannot be obtained any other way. The "Optimal Upgrade Path" for each item shows you the cheapest components you can buy to get an accessory to star-level, so that it can be turned into the one listed. (For example, the first item on the list shows you the best way to get an Adamant Bangle to star-level so that it can be turned into a Wurtzite Bangle. It does NOT tell you how much you'll need to make the Wurtzite Bangle star-level, as that's irrelevant to the Treasure Hunter achievement.)
Wurtzite Bangle - Transmute an Adamant Bangle ★ using Dark Matter.
Optimal Upgrade Path (202,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 4 Ultracompact Reactors
Kaiser Knuckles - Transmute a Power Glove ★ using Dark Matter.
Optimal Upgrade Path (52,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor
Magistral Crest - Transmute a Weirding Glyph ★ using Dark Matter.
Optimal Upgrade Path (52,880 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 1 Ultracompact Reactor
Champion's Belt - Transmute a General's Belt ★ using Adamantite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Magus's Bracelet - Transmute a Witch's Bracelet ★ using Adamantite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (22,200 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 23 Superconductors
Salamandrine Ring - Transmute a Blaze Ring ★ using Uraninite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (4,120 gil): 20 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Icicle Ring - Transmute a Frost Ring ★ using Cobaltite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (1,480 gil): 8 Sturdy Bones, 1 Superconductor
Boreal Ring - Transmute an Icicle Ring ★ using Uraninite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (4,120 gil): 20 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Raijin Ring - Transmute a Fulmen Ring ★ using Uraninite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (4,120 gil): 20 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Nereid Ring - Transmute a Riptide Ring ★ using Uraninite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (4,120 gil): 20 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Sylphid Ring - Transmute a Gale Ring ★ using Uraninite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (4,120 gil): 20 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Gaian Ring - Transmute a Siltstone Ring ★ using Uraninite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (4,120 gil): 20 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Warlord's Glove - Transmute a Giant's Glove ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Tektite Buckle - Transmute a Glass Buckle ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Ceramic Armband - Transmute a Metal Armband ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Safeguard Sachet - Transmute a Serenity Sachet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Dragonfly Orb - Transmute a Glass Orb ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Starfall Pendant - Transmute a Star Pendant ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Gemstone Necklace - Transmute a Pearl Necklace ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Hexbane Talisman - Transmute a Warding Talisman ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Pain Deflector - Transmute a Pain Dampener ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Effulgent Cape - Transmute a White Cape ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Moonbow Anklet - Transmute a Rainbow Anklet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Seraph's Crown - Transmute a Cherub's Crown ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (3,800 gil): 16 Sturdy Bones, 3 Superconductors
Shield Talisman - Transmute a Guardian Amulet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Soulfont Talisman - Transmute an Auric Amulet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Shrouding Talisman - Transmute a Watchman's Amulet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Morale Talisman - Transmute a Hero's Amulet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Blessed Talisman - Transmute a Saint's Amulet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Battle Talisman - Transmute a Zealot's Amulet ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Flameshield Earring - Transmute a Flamebane Brooch ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Frostshield Earring - Transmute a Frostbane Brooch ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Sparkshield Earring - Transmute a Sparkbane Brooch ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Aquashield Earring - Transmute an Aquabane Brooch ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Sprint Shoes - Transmute a pair of Hermes Sandals ★ using Perovskite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Aurora Scarf - Transmute a Whistlewind Scarf ★ using Rhodochrosite.
Optimal Upgrade Path (840 gil): 1 Superconductor
Connoisseur Catalog - Transmute a Collector's Catalog ★ using a Mnar Stone.
Optimal Upgrade Path (2,320 gil): 8 Sturdy Bones, 2 Superconductors
Super Ribbon - Transmute a Ribbon ★ using Dark Matter.
Optimal Upgrade Path (23,040 gil): 36 Sturdy Bones, 24 Superconductors
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