Final Fantasy 7: Enemy Skill Guide
This guide will cover
Enemy Skill Materia Locations
Enemy Skill Locations
Tips on how to acquire the skills from specific enemies
You will need the following materia
Enemy Skill
Enemy Skill Materia:
The Enemy Skill Materia is a command materia that can be equipped to cast and learn specific enemy spells. A character will permanently learn any spell which an enemy casts on them, so long as they have the Enemy Skill Materia equipped. Characters with the Enemy Skill Materia equipped will learn that spell, even if the attack from the enemy results in the character's death.
Importantly, a character will only learn an Enemy Skill if it is unknown. As a result, in the event that a character has two Enemy Skill Materias equipped, they will only learn a spell if neither Materia currently knows it.
Enemy Skills will not be retained if:
The party escapes from battle
The party is completely ejected from a battle
They are learned in the Battle Arena
Some enemies can be manipulated using the Manipulate command, allowing you to cast the spell on the desired party member.
Enemy Skill Materia will not work with any support material.
There are a total of 4 Enemy Skill materias that you can acquire throughout the game.
There are a total of 24 enemy skills that you can acquire throughout the game.
Example Video:
Enemy Skill Materia Locations:
There are four enemy skill materia available within the game. Ideally, players should attempt to obtain at least three out of the four materia in order to have one for each member of the party.
The four locations of the enemy skill materia are:
1. In the sample tank in Professor Hojo's lab in the Shinra Headquarters after Red XIII joins the party.
2. In the Respectable Inn in Junon.
3. In one of the houses in the Forgotten Capital.
4. Received from the Chocobo Sage's mountain chocobo.
Manipulate Materia:
The Manipulate Materia is a command materia that lets you take control of an enemy until it is physically attacked or dies. Enemies who are manipulated will glow bright blue and will turn and face the same direction as your party. A character that successfully uses the Manipulate command will have their turns replaced with that of the manipulated enemy's turns. This will allow you to cast the enemy's spells on other enemies or your own party.
This is a great way to acquire enemy skills because you can select the desired skill from the enemy that is manipulated and cast it on your character who has the Enemy Skill materia equipped.
Example Video:
Note: There are some enemies that cannot be manipulated. Check the enemy skill locations section below for a complete list of those who can and cannot be manipulated.
Manipulate Materia Locations:
There are three ways to get a Manipulate Materia. Ideally, Players should attempt to obtain and master at least one in order to acquire enemy skills much easier.
The three ways to get a Manipulate Materia are:
1. Obtain the character Cait Sith. Cait Sith begins with this materia equipped. He joins your party on your first trip to Gold Saucer.
2. Purchased at Fort Condor after the meteor has been summoned.
3. Purchased at Rocket Town after the meteor has been summoned.
World Map:
If you are unaware of a specific area discussed throughout this guide, please consult with the world map (pictured below).
Enemy Skill Locations 1-8:
Matra Magic
Star #11
MP Cost: 8
Learn From: Custom Sweeper, Bullmotor, Death Machine
Location: Midgar Area, Corel Prison, Junon Path
Game's Description: Non-elemental damage to all opponents
Tip: Use the manipulate command on any of these enemies and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
L4 Suicide
Star #2
MP Cost: 10
Learn From: Mu, Trickplay
Location: Grasslands Area, Forgotten City/Icicle Area
Game's Description: Cause [Critical/Small] with levels in multiples of 4
Tip: wait for either enemy to cast L4 Suicide on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Star #19
MP Cost: 3
Learn From: L16 Chocobo, L36 Chocobo
Location: Chocobo Ranch area (Chocobo Tracks), Mideel Area (Chocobo Tracks)
Game's Description: Non-elemental damage on any one opponent
Tip: You must have the Chocobo Lure materia on for a chance to encounter one of these chocobos. Once you encounter the chocobo feed it a Mimett Green. Mimett greens can be purchased from the Chocobo Farm (Kid in Barn - First Choice). After feeding the chocobo a Mimet cast L4 Suicide on it. If the chocobo's level is a multiple of 4 it will cast Chocobobuckle as a counter on the character that used L4Suicide.
Flame Thrower
Star #9
MP Cost: 10
Learn From: Arkdragon, Dragon
Location: Mythril Mine, Mt. Nibel
Game's Description: Causes Fire damage to any single opponent
Tip: Use the manipulate command on an Arkdragon and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped. You will have to wait for a dragon to cast Flame Thrower on you.
Star #10
MP Cost: 16
Learn From: Death Claw, Dark Dragon
Location: Corel Prison, Northern Cave
Game's Description: Lessen one enemy's HP by half
Tip: Use the manipulate command on any of these enemies and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Note: you can also learn the Enemy Skill "Dragon Force" from a Dark Dragon
Big Guard
Star #5
MP Cost: 56
Learn From: Beach Plug
Location: Gongaga/Corel Area Shoreline
Game's Description: Adds [Barrier/MBarrier/Haste] to every ally
Tip: Use the manipulate command and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Star #14
MP Cost: 34
Learn From: Harpy, Jenova LIFE (Boss), Serpent
Location: Corel Prison/Corel Area Chocobo Tracks, Ancient Capital, Crashed Gelnika - Cargo Room
Game's Description: Water damage on all opponents
Tip: The easiest way to acquire aqualung is to manipulate a harpy and have it cast the desired spell on your party member with the enemy skill materia equipped. Go to the Corel Area with a Chocobo Lure materia on and walk on tracks until you encounter a chocobo with a harpy. If your characters have low defense you may want to cast Big Guard on them before you manipulate the harpy to ensure that they survive the attack. The other two enemies cannot be manipulated.
White Wind
Star #4
MP Cost: 34
Learn From: Zemzelett, Wind Wing
Location: Junon Area, Whirlwind Maze
Game's Description: Restores HP and status to every ally
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Zemzelett and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped. Wind Wing cannot be manipulated so you would have to cast confuse on it for a random chance for it to cast White Wind on your characters.
Enemy Skill Locations 9-16:
Star #13
MP Cost: 35
Learn From: Midgar Zolom
Location: Grasslands Area Marsh
Game's Description: Fire damage on all opponents
Tip: Although you have access to the Midgar Zolom as soon as you get to the world map you will want to wait until your characters are much stronger before you encounter it. The Midgar Zolom cannot be manipulated so you will have to attack it until it casts Beta. Also it can eject characters from battle so if it knocks the character out that has the Enemy Skill materia you will need to try again. You will want to make sure that you have Mbarrier of Big Guard up in order to survive the attack.
Frog Song
Star #1
MP Cost: 5
Learn From: Touch Me, Toxic Frog, Christopher
Location: Gongaga Area Forests, Temple of the Ancients, Northern Cave
Game's Description: Causes [Sleepel/Frog] on one opponent
Tip: Wait for Touch Me or Toxic Frog to cast the spell on the desired character. They cast this spell fairly often. The same strategy can be use to learn Frog Song from Christopher but he is not encountered until the very end of the game.
Death Sentence
Star #21
MP Cost: 10
Learn From: Sneaky Step, Gi Specter, Bound Fat
Location: Cave of the Gi, Cave of the Gi, Corel Valley
Game's Description: Pronounces death sentence on any one opponent
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Bound Fat and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped. Otherwise you will have to wait for Sneaky Step or Gi specter to cast the spell on your desired character.
Star #17
MP Cost: 3
Learn From: Jersey, Behemoth
Location: Shinra Mansion, Sector 8 (Disc 2)
Game's Description: Does damage equal to user's MaxHP/HP
Tip: You ill have to wait for Jersey or Behemoth to cast it on one of your characters. Do not attack Jersey, if too much damage is done it will change form and not be able to cast ????.
Star #15
MP Cost: 20
Learn From: Materia Keeper (Boss), Godo (Boss), Stilva
Location: Mt. Nibel, Wutai Pagoda, Inside Gaea's Cliff
Game's Description: Lightning damage on all opponents
It is possible to miss this skill completely. Materia Keeper and Godo are bosses so they can only be fought once. Stilva is only found at Gaea's Cliff which is not accessible after you leave it.
Tip: Wait for the Materia Keeper to cast Trine. Depending on your character's levels you will probably want to have Mbarrier up or you may not survive the encounter. You can also us the manipulate command on Stilva and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Note: You can learn the Enemy Skill "Magic Breath" from Stilva
Death Force
Star #8
MP Cost: 3
Learn From: Adamantaimai
Location: Wutai Shoreline
Game's Description: Makes any one ally immune to death
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Adamantaimai and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Magic Hammer
Star #3
MP Cost: 3
Learn From: Razor Weed
Location: Wutai Area
Game's Description: Drains 100 MP out of every opponent
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Razor Weed and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Bad Breath
Star #12
MP Cost: 58
Learn From: Marlboro
Location: Gaea's Cliff (Snowy Areas), Northern Cave
Game's Description: [Poison/Confu/Sleepel/Silence/Small/Frog] on all
Tip: Wait for Marlboro to cast Bad Breath. It will hit all of your characters. You may want to equip your characters with the RIbbon accessory to avoid all of the status ailments.
Enemy Skill Locations 17-24:
Magic Breath
Star #16
MP Cost: 75
Learn From: Stilva, Parasite
Location: Inside Gaea's Cliff, Inside Northern Cave
Game's Description: [Fire/Ice/Lightning] damage on all opponents
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Stilva and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Note: You can learn the Enemy Skill "Trine" from Stilva
Note: You can learn the Enemy Skill "L5 Death" from Parasite
Goblin Punch
Star #18
MP Cost: 0
Learn From: Goblin
Location: Goblin Island
Game's Description: Non-elemental damage on any one opponent
Tip: Use the manipulate command on a Goblin and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Shadow Flare
Star #23
MP Cost: 100
Learn From: Ultima Weapon (Boss), Ruby Weapon (Boss), Dragon Zombie, Safer Sephiroth (Boss)
Location: Near Cosmo Canyon, Corel Desert, Northern Cave, Northern Cave
Game's Description: Big non-elemental damage on any one opponent
Dragon Zombie also uses the Enemy Skill Pandora's Box. Dragon Zombie will only cast this skill once in the entire game! If you miss it do not save or you will never have access to this skill again.
Tip: The easiest way to get this spell is to defeat Ultima Weapon because he cast it upon his death. Depending on your characters level you may want to cast Mbarrier of Big Guard to ensure that your characters survive the attack. Your second best option is to fight a Zombie Dragon and wait for it to cast it. Although you can learn this skill from Safer Sephiroth there is no way to save the game after defeating him. None of these enemies can be manipulated.
Note: You can learn the Enemy Skill "Pandora's Box" from a Dragon Zombie
Dragon Force
Star #7
MP Cost: 19
Learn From: Dark Dragon
Location: Northern Cave
Game's Description: Raises the Defense and Magic Def. level of one ally
Tip: Use the manipulate command on a Dark Dragon and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Note: You can also learn the Enemy Skill "Laser" from a Dark Dragon.
L5 Death
Star #20
MP Cost: 22
Learn From: Parasite
Location: Northern Cave
Game's Description: Causes [Death] on levels in multiples of 5
Tip: Use the manipulate command on a Parasite and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Note: You can learn the Enemy Skill "Magic Breath" from Parasite
Star #22
MP Cost: 6
Learn From: Death Dealer
Location: Northern Cave
Game's Description: Pronounces death on any one opponent or ally
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Death Dealer and cast Roulette. The spell will randomly select anyone on the battlefield. It may take you a few tries before it lands on your desired character.
Angel Whisper
Star #6
MP Cost: 50
Learn From: Pollensalta
Location: Northern Cave
Game's Description: Revives, restores HP and status to any one ally
Tip: Use the manipulate command on Pollensalta and cast the desired skill on one of the members of your party that has an enemy skill materia equipped.
Pandora's Box
Star #24
MP Cost: 110
Learn From: Dragon Zombie
Location: Northern Cave
Game's Description: Big damage on all opponents, ignores defense
It is possible to completely miss this skill. Dragon Zombie will only cast this skill once in the entire game! If you miss it do not save or you will never have access to this skill again.
Tip: Kill the Dragon Zombie as fast as possible. If it has enough MP left it will automatically cast Pandora's Box. If the Dragon Zombie does not have enough MP you will see the message "Dragon Zombie's skill power has been used up". If this happens do not save your game. Exit the game and reload your save to try again.
Note: You can learn the Enemy Skill "Shadow Flare" from a Dragon Zombie
Yuffie Warping:
This is a glitch and it can lead to game breaking results such as being unable to continue in the story line or being stranded. If you plan to use this method make multiple save files just in case something goes wrong.
Yuffie Warping is a glitch in Final Fantasy VII that will allow you to warp your entire party to any point of the game. This glitch only works on the PC version of Final Fantasy VII. In order for the glitch to to work you must have a save file where you have not obtained the optional character Yuffie.
Yuffie warping can be used to replay the game with your leveled up characters, skip specific events or go back to locations that are later inaccessible. For the purpose of this guide we are using it to obtain Enemy Skills that were previously missed. Other guides may cover the many uses of this glitch in greater depth
You will need the following:
A save file in the area you wish to warp to.
A save file on the world map of the party without Yuffie that you wish to warp
Make sure you are in an area where you can fight the Mysterious Ninja.
Example Video:
Load up the save file that has the area that you wish to warp to. The glitch becomes active by getting a game over by being defeated in battle by any enemy that is not on the world map with the only exception being the Diamond Weapon boss battle.
After the game over screen you are then sent back to the title screen. Load the game save of the party that you want to warp and go fight the Mysterious Ninja. The best place to get the Mysterious Ninja encounter on the first try is the forest near the Rocket Launch Pad Area (Rocket Town). If you do not encounter the Mysterious Ninja on your first try just keep fighting enemies until you do, this will not stop the glitch from happening.
After you defeat the mysterious ninja you will be immediately warped to the place where you were defeated. If the battle was part of the story-line then you will start at the beginning of that battle with your party's current stats. If the battle was random encounter you will be warped to that location but there will be no battle.
This glitch can be utilized to return to Gaea's Cliff or the boss battle with Godo or the Materia Keeper to obtain the Enemy Skill "Trine". It can also be used to warp to a save game where a zombie dragon has not used the skill Pandora's box yet.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Is it possible to miss an Enemy Skill and not be able to obtain it later?
A: Yes, the following enemy skills can be missed:
Pandora's Box
Q: Is it possible to master all four Enemy Skill Materias?
A: Yes, you will need to acquire all four Enemy Skill Materias before attempting to get the skills Trine and Pandora's Box.
In order to have Trine on all four Enemy Skill materias you wil have to wait until you have acquired the airship then go fight Godo at the top of the Pagoda. Make sure you only equip Yuffie with the enemy skills that *do not* already have Trine on it. Godo can be fought at any point in the game after Rocket Town.
In order to have Pandora's Box on all four Enemy Skill materias you must have all four enemy skills equiped before you encounter a Dragon Zombie in the Northern Cave at the end of the game.
Q: Can I master more than 4 Enemy Skill materias?
A: No, mastering an Enemy Skill materia with every Enemy Skill will not give birth to a new materia of its type. This means you can have a total of 4 enemy skill materias. However, all four Enemy Skill materias can be mastered if you still have access to Pandora's Box and Trine.
Q: Some of these skills are downright useless, why would I even bother to get them?
A: Yes, some of these skills are very useless while others offer incredible incentives. However, in order to get the "Materia Overlord" achievment you will have to master at least one Enemy Skill materia. If you are not concerned with this then by all means only go after the ones you want.
Q: Through Yuffie Warping is it possible to learn Trine and Pandora's Box if you miss them?
A: Yes, but this process is fairly intricate and can only be used if you have not yet acquired Yuffie. On top of that this is a glitch and it can lead to game breaking results such as being unable to continue in the story line or being stranded. If you plan to use this method make multiple save files just in case something goes wrong.
This guide was created by Sweet Tooth
Edited by ELKronos (AKA The Kronos)
This guide is free for anyone to copy text or images from as long as it is not used for financial gain.
Please leave your comments for feedback and possible changes
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