In Final Fantasy VII, Materia are one of the most fundamental pieces of the combat system. The Materia that a character has equipped determines what options they have available to them in battle and how efficiently they can utilise them.
Materia can be split into three different categories - standard Materia, Huge Materia, and Master Materia. There are 80 different types of standard Materia, 4 types of Huge Materia, and 3 types of Master Materia. You can hold at most 200 pieces of Materia in your inventory at once, but the Huge Materia do not count towards this total as they are Key Items.
Standard Materia
Almost every single type of Materia which you obtain will be in this category. This group is so large that it is also broken down into the following five subcategories:
Materia Colour Types Use Magic Green 21 Gives access to the Magic command window in battle and allows your character to perform various spells. Restorative spells can be cast outside of battle. Support Blue 13 If connected to a piece of Magic, Command, or Summon Materia on equipment with linked slots, it will augment the effects of the attached Materia. Command Yellow 13 In battle, adds a new command to the command window. Each one has a unique effect, such as allowing the character to steal an item from an enemy. Independent Purple 17 There is a wide range of potential with this type of Materia. Some affect the world outside of battle, some give stat buffs, etc. Summon Red 16 In battle, gives access to the Summon command window. Your character summons a powerful being or monster to perform an attack.
When a battle is won, on top of the EXP (Experience Points) and the gil (currency) your party will gain, every piece of Materia which was equipped to the party's weapons and armour will gain AP (Ability Points). This allows the Materia to level up and become more powerful. Once a piece of Materia reaches the maximum level, it will be considered "mastered". From here, it will produce a clone of itself which will be the minimum level if there is available space in your inventory.
The one exception to this is the Underwater Materia, which cannot be levelled up, is mastered from the moment you get it and will never clone itself.
Standard Materia Locations (Part 1)
Magic Materia (Green):Below is a table with the location details of all 21 Magic Materia:
Materia Location(s) Method(s) Price (Gil) Missable? Barrier Rocket Town Shop 10,000 No Comet Forgotten City Ground - No Contain Mideel Chocobo: Feed Mimmett Greens, tickle behind ear - No Destruct Shinra Mansion
Fort Condor
Mideel Speak to Sephiroth before obtaining the Highwind
Shop (Disc 2 & 3)
Shop (After Lifestream section) 10,000 No Earth Kalm
Costa del Sol Shop
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 1,500 No Exit Rocket Town Shop 10,000 No Fire Sector 7 Slums
Sector 5 Slums
Wall Market
Shinra Building
Fort Condor
Costa del Sol
Mideel Shop
Red XIII (Initial Equipment)
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 600 No Fullcure Cosmo Canyon Behind item shop after obtaining the Highwind - No Gravity Cave of the Gi
Costa del Sol
Mideel After Gi Nattak
Shop (Disc 2 & 3)
Shop (After fighting Ultimate Weapon) 8,000 No Heal Kalm
Costa del Sol
Gongaga Shop
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 1,500 No Ice No. 1 Reactor
Sector 7 Slums
Sector 5 Slums
Wall Market
Fort Condor
Costa del Sol
Mideel Cloud (Initial Equipment)
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 600 No Lightning No. 1 Reactor
Sector 7 Slums
Sector 5 Slums
Wall Market
Fort Condor
Costa del Sol
Mideel Cloud (Initial Equipment)
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 600 No Mystify Cosmo Canyon
Gongaga Shop
Shop 6,000 No Poison Shinra Building
Costa del Sol Floor 67
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 1,500 No Restore No. 1 Reactor
Sector 7 Slums
Sector 5 Slums
Wall Market
Fort Condor
Costa del Sol
Mideel Core
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 750 No Revive Costa del Sol
Junon Shop (Disc 1)
Shop 3,000 No Seal Junon
Costa del Sol Shop
Shop (Disc 1) 3,000 No Shield Northern Cave Lake Path - No Time Gongaga
Rocket Town Shop
Shop 6,000 No Transform Gold Saucer
Corel Bridge
North Corel
Cosmo Canyon
Mideel Cait Sith (Initial Equipment)
Train tracks
Shop (After fighting Ultimate Weapon) 5,000 No Ultima North Corel
North Corel Gift (If you stop the train)
Shop (If you catch up to the train but don't stop it) 50,000 YES
Ultima is missable if you do not manage to catch up with the train.
Support Materia (Blue):Below is a table with the location details of all 13 Support Materia:
Materia Location(s) Method(s) Price (Gil) Missable? Added Cut Great Glacier Crossroads - No Added Effect Cave of the Gi Cave Switch Room - YES All Sector 7 Slums
Shinra Building
Shinra Building
Cargo Ship
Mt. Nibel
Great Glacier
Fort Condor
Gold Saucer Beginner's Hall
Floor 63 (Coupon gift)
Red XIII (Initial Equipment)
Cargo Room
Chutes Room
Snow Cave
Shop (Disc 2 & 3)
Wonder Square (Snowboarding B Course 89+ points) 20,000 No Counter Northern Cave Light Cavity - No Elemental Shinra Building
Mt. Nibel
Nibelheim Floor 62 (Guess Mayor's password first attempt)
Mako Fountain
Tifa's House (Piano) [MISSABLE] - ONE IS Final Attack Gold Saucer Battle Square (Special Battle prize) - YES HP Absorb Wutai
Northern Cave Cat's House (After completing Yuffie's quest)
Winding Descent - No Magic Counter Northern Cave
Gold Saucer Above Mako Stream
Chocobo Square (S-Class prize 500 GP) - No MP Absorb Wutai Item Shop (Chest during Yuffie's quest) - YES MP Turbo Whirlwind Maze After Jenova·DEATH - YES Quadra Magic Mideel Area Materia Cave (Need Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo) - No Sneak Attack Gold Saucer Chocobo Square (A/S-Class prize 300 GP) - No Steal As Well Wutai Da-chao Statue - No
Added Effect is missable if you leave the Cave of the Gi before picking it up.
The Elemental Materia in Tifa's house is missable. During the Nibelheim flashback, you must go to Tifa's piano and "jam on it". Then, when Tifa becomes the party leader in Disc 2, you must return to the piano and start playing it to obtain the Materia.
Final Attack is missable if your Materia stock is full when you first complete special battle.
MP Absorb is missable if you do not complete Yuffie's quest in Wutai before Disc 3.
MP Turbo is missable if you reach the end of the Whirlwind Maze.
Standard Materia Locations (Part 2)
Command Materia (Yellow):Below is a table with the location details of all 13 Command Materia:
Materia Location(s) Method(s) Price (Gil) Missable? Deathblow Gongaga
Fort Condor
Rocket Town Forest Path
Shop (Disc 2 & 3)
Shop (Disc 2 & 3) 10,000 No Double Cut Sunken Gelnika Research Room - No Enemy Skill Shinra Building
Forgotten Capital
Icicle Area Floor 68 (Hojo's Lab sample tank) [MISSABLE]
Respectable Inn (Beginner's Hall)
Inn (Behind beds)
Chocobo Sage's House (Talk to Green Chocobo) - ONE IS Manipulate Gold Saucer
Fort Condor
Rocket Town Cait Sith (Initial Equipment)
Shop (Disc 2 & 3)
Shop (Disc 2 & 3) 10,000 No Mime Wutai Area Materia Cave (Need Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo) - No Morph Temple of the Ancients Well of Knowledge - YES Sense Sector 6
Shinra Building
Junon Park (South gate)
Red XIII (Initial Equipment)
Shop (Disc 1) 1,000 No Slash-All Ancient Forest Center Area - No Steal Corneo Hall
Kalm Sewer
Shop 1,200 No Throw Overworld
Fort Condor
Rocket Town Yuffie (Initial Equipment)
Shop (Disc 2 & 3)
Shop (Disc 2 & 3) 10,000 No W-Item Winding Tunnel Fork (Go wrong direction in Disc 2) - No W-Magic Northern Cave Light Cavity - No W-Summon Gold Saucer Battle Square (Disc 2 & 3 for 64,000 BP) - No
The Enemy Skill Materia in Hojo's Lab is missable if you leave the Shinra Building without it.
Morph is missable if you enter the large doors in the doorway puzzle room without having picked it up.
Independent Materia (Purple):Below is a table with the location details of all 17 Independent Materia:
Materia Location(s) Method(s) Price (Gil) Missable? Chocobo Lure Chocobo Farm
Chocobo Farm Buy from Choco Billy (Disc 1)
Fences (Disc 2 & 3) 2,000 No Counter Attack Mt. Nibel
Gold Saucer Defeat Materia Keeper
Chocobo Square (A/S-Class prize 300 GP) - No Cover Sector 5
Wall Market Aerith's House (Garden)
Shop (After fall of Sector 7) 1,000 No Enemy Away Gold Saucer Chocobo Square (B/A/S-Class prize 300 GP) - No Enemy Lure Gold Saucer Battle Square Prize (250 - 5,120 BP) - No EXP Plus Gold Saucer Wonder Square (Disc 2 & 3 - Prize 2,000 GP) - No Gil Plus Gold Saucer Wonder Square (Disc 2 & 3 - Prize 1,000 GP) - No HP Plus Junon
Cosmo Canyon
Mideel Rufus' Send-off (Score 60 - 90 points)
Shop 8,000 No HP <--> MP Corel Area Materia Cave (Requires Black or Gold Chocobo) - No Long Range Mythril Mine East Area - No Luck Plus Temple of the Ancients Labyrinth Area - YES Magic Plus Corel Valley Cave Climb - No Mega All Northern Cave Mako Stream - No MP Plus Cosmo Canyon
Mideel Shop
Shop 8,000 No Pre-Emptive Gold Saucer Battle Square Prize (1,000 - 10,240 BP) - No Speed Plus Flashback
Gold Saucer Cloud's equipment during flashback only
Battle Square (Prize 4,000 - 20,480 BP) - No Underwater Kalm Give Kalm traveller a Guide Book. - YES
Luck Plus is missable if you enter the large doors in the doorway puzzle room without having picked it up.
Underwater is missable if you missed the Morph Materia, as it is required to morph a Ghost Ship into a Guide Book.
Battle Square Prizes:
Prizes in the Battle Square can vary in price depending on how far into the game you are. Below is a table summarising the prices of the three Independent Materia that are sold here:
Materia Before Tiny Bronco After Tiny Bronco After Highwind Enemy Lure 5,120 BP 800 BP 250 BP Pre-Emptive 10,240 BP 6,400 BP 1,000 BP Speed Plus 20,480 BP 12,800 BP 4,000 BP
Standard Materia Locations (Part 3)
Summon Materia (Red):Below is a table with the location details of all 16 Summon Materia:
Materia Location(s) Method(s) Missable? Alexander Great Glacier Touch the Hot Springs then touch the Snow woman No Bahamut Temple of the Ancients Mural Room (Pick up after defeating Red Dragon) YES Bahamut ZERO Cosmo Canyon
Bone Village Planetarium (Blue Huge Materia + both other Bahamuts)
Can be dug up (Disc 3 if missed any Huge Materia) YES Choco/Mog Chocobo Farm Interact with Chocobo by fence No Hades Sunken Gelnika Cargo Room No Ifrit Cargo Ship Engine Room (Pick up after defeating Jenova∙BIRTH) YES Knights of Round Round Island Materia Cave (Requires Gold Chocobo) No Kujata Sleeping Forest Second screen (Floating around) YES Leviathan Wutai Pagoda (Defeat fifth and final opponent Godo ) No Neo Bahamut Whirlwind Maze Crossing Area YES Odin Nibelheim Mansion Upstairs safe (Pick up after defeating Lost Number) No Phoenix Fort Condor
Bone Village Nest (If you successfully defend the Huge Materia)
Can be dug up (Disc 3 if not picked up at Fort Condor) No Ramuh Gold Saucer Jockey Room YES Shiva Under Junon
Under Junon Gift from Priscilla after defeating Bottomswell
Priscilla's Room (If Materia stock was full first time) No Titan Gongaga Reactor (Examine the ruins) No Typhon Ancient Forest Tree tops No
Bahamut is missable if you head to the XII in the Clock Room without picking it up.
Bahamut ZERO is missable if you collect all four Huge Materia but missed out on either Bahamut or Neo Bahamut.
Ifrit is missable if you leave the Cargo Ship without picking it up.
Kujata is missable if your Materia stock is full when you try to pick it up. Due to a glitch, it will vanish completely.
Neo Bahamut is missable if you head too far into Whirlwind Maze without picking it up.
Ramuh is missable if you win your freedom in the Chocobo Race without picking it up.
Once the Highwind is obtained, a Chocobo will only be by the fence once you've caught on and sent it to a rented stable.
Titan Materia will be invisible until Disc 2, but it will still be obtainable.
Huge Materia
Unlike standard Materia and Master Materia, pieces of Huge Materia count as Key Items and thus take up none of your 200 Materia spaces.
Somewhat into Disc 2, you will be tasked with stealing four pieces of Huge Materia from Shinra. Obtaining each piece requires you to successfully complete a quest, which are mandatory to continue with the game, but are all possible to fail. Below are the details:
No. Location Success Failure 1 North Corel Board the train and stop it within the 10-minute time limit. Fail to board the train in time or fail to stop it before time runs outs. 2 Fort Condor Stop the enemy forces from reaching the shed or defeat the enemy commander. The enemy forces reach the shed and then the party loses against the enemy commander. 3 Junon Destroy the enemy submarine without being destroyed within the 10-minute time limit. Your submarine is destroyed or the time limit is reached. 4 Rocket Town Correctly guess the correct password within the 3-minute time limit. Fail to guess the correct password within the time limit.
Below are the different button combinations for the Shinra No. 26 password:
Console Buttons PC (Default) X, Insert, C, C PC [OK], [SWITCH], [CANCEL], [CANCEL] Sony PlayStation Circle, Square, Cross, Cross Nintendo Switch B, X, A, A (It might actually be B, Y, A, A) Microsoft Xbox One B, X, A, A Android Phone A, X, B, B
Once the four quests have been completed, you will move any Huge Materia obtained to Buganhagen's observatory in Cosmo Canyon and they will become usable.
The colours of Huge Materia gained will not be determined by which locations you stole them from, but rather the amount you managed to steal - for example, you cannot steal just the Blue Huge Materia. Below is a table detailing the uses of each Huge Materia:
Huge Materia Successful Quests Use Yellow At least 1 You can exchange a specific subset of 7 mastered Command Materia for a Master Command Materia. This can be repeated. Green At least 2 You can exchange a full set of all 21 mastered Magic Materia for a Master Magic Materia. This can be repeated. Red At least 3 You can exchange a specific subset of 11 mastered Summon Materia for a Master Summon Materia. This can be repeated. Blue All 4 If you have both a Bahamut Materia and a Neo Bahamut Materia, then you will be granted a Bahamut ZERO Materia. This cannot be repeated.
Master Materia
There are three types of Master Materia - Master Magic Materia, Master Command Materia, and Master Summon Materia.
There are two methods to obtain the Master Materia:
Exchange a set of mastered standard Materia to the Huge Materia in Bugenhagen's observatory in Cosmo Canyon. This can be done as many times as you want.
Defeat Emerald WEAPON and give the Earth Harp it drops to the Kalm Traveller. He will give you a full set of Master Materia. This can only be done once.
Master Magic Materia Requirements:All 21 types of standard Magic Materia are required to create the Master Magic Materia. It takes a total of 1,029,000 AP to master the entire set.
Master Command Materia Requirements:Of the 13 types of standard Command Materia, only 7 are needed to create the Master Command Materia. It takes a total of 430,000 AP to master the needed subset.
Needed Not Needed Deathblow
Throw Double Cut
Enemy Skill
Master Summon Materia Requirements:Of the 16 types of standard Summon Materia, only 11 are needed to create the Master Summon Materia. It takes a total of 1,885,000 AP to master the needed subset.
Needed Not Needed Alexander
Bahamut ZERO
Knights of Round
Typhon Bahamut
Neo Bahamut
Equipment With Enhanced AP Growth
AP is rewarded whenever a battle is won, and it is given to any Materia which is currently equipped to your party members’ weapons or armour. Each weapon and armour will have a certain amount of Materia slots as well as an AP growth rate, which can apply a multiplier to the amount of AP gained by the Materia on that item.
Most weapons have a “Normal” growth rate (1x). Below is a table displaying any weapons with unusual growth rates:
AP Growth Weapon (User, Slots) Armor (Slots) Nothing (0x) Nail Bat (Cloud, 0)
Ultima Weapon (Cloud, 8)
Rocket Punch (Barret, 0)
Pile Banger (Barret, 6)
Missing Score (Barret, 8)
Work Glove (Tifa, 0)
Premium Heart (Tifa, 8)
Umbrella (Aeris, 0)
Hairpin (Red XIII, 0)
Limited Moon (Red XIII, 8)
Superball (Yuffie, 0)
Conformer (Yuffie, 8)
Trumpet Shell (Cait Sith, 0)
Battle Trumpet (Cait Sith, 6)
HP Shout (Cait Sith, 8)
Silver Rifle (Vincent, 0)
Supershot ST (Vincent, 6)
Death Penalty (Vincent, 8)
Mop (Cid, 0)
Venus Gospel (Cid, 8) Bronze Bangle (0) Gigas Armlet (5) Warrior Bangle (4) Ziedrich (0) Double (2x) Force Stealer (Cloud, 3)
Rune Blade (Cloud, 4)
W Machine Gun (Barret, 3)
Drill Arm (Barret, 4)
Motor Drive (Tifa, 3)
Platinum Fist (Tifa, 4)
Powersoul (Tifa, 4)
Magic Comb (Red XIII, 3)
Plus Barrette (Red XIII, 4)
Wind Slash (Yuffie, 3)
Twin Viper (Yuffie, 4)
Rising Sun (Yuffie, 4)
White M-Phone (Cait Sith, 3)
Black M-Phone (Cait Sith, 4)
Peacemaker (Vincent, 3)
Buntline (Vincent, 4)
Viper Halberd (Cid, 4)
Javelin (Cid, 5) Platinum Bangle (2) Rune Armlet (4) Triple (3x) Apocalypse (Cloud, 3) Scimitar (Cid, 2) None
If you want to maximise the Materia you are gaining, then you will want to choose equipment with both high AP growth and a high number of Materia slots.
It is also important to consider whether you want a few Materia levelled up extremely fast or many Materia levelled up at a good speed. For example, the Rune Armlet has 4 slots with doubled AP growth, meaning that it can effectively take 8 times the amount of AP given at the end of a battle. However, the Precious Watch has 8 slots with normal AP growth, which means that it also takes 8 times the AP given.
The best two pieces of equipment for AP growth are Cloud’s Apocalypse, which gives 9 times the AP earned, and Cid’s Javelin, which gives 10 times the AP earned.
Cid’s Scimitar has tripled AP growth, but only two Materia slots. This means that it gives 6 times the AP earned. Despite this, the tripled AP rate can be excellent for quickly levelling Materia which needs an enormous amount of AP.
For example, the Knights of the Round Materia normally takes 500,000 AP to master. With a doubled AP growth rate, it effectively takes 250,000 AP to master. With a tripled AP growth rate, it instead effectively takes 166,667 AP to master.
Where to Obtain Equipment:Rune Armlets can be bought in Bone Village for 3,700 gil.
Weapons with 4 slots and 2x growth can be bought from the various weapon shops in Junon after obtaining the Highwind.
Cid's Javelin can be found in a chest at Gaea's Cliff, which means that it is missable.
Cid's Scimitar can be found in a chest at the Junon Underwater Reactor, from a chest by the submarines. This is also missable, as you cannot return to here after boarding the submarine.
Cloud's Apocalypse can be found in a chest in the Ancient Forest, a location near to Cosmo Canyon which can only be accessed by either riding a Green/Black/Gold Chocobo or defeating Ultimate Weapon.
Total AP Required For Materia Mastery
Total-8,189,000AP Magic (Green) Support (Blue) Command (Yellow) Independent (Purple) Summon (Red) 500,000 AP Knights of Round 300,000 AP Magic Counter 250,000 AP WItem
WSummon Bahamut ZERO
Typhon 200,000 AP Added Cut
Quadra Magic
Steal As Well Neo Bahamut 180,000 AP Phoenix 160,000 AP Final Attack Mega All 150,000 AP Sneak Attack Double Cut
Slash All EXP Plus
Gil Plus Alexander 140,000 AP Kujata 120,000 AP MP Turbo Bahamut 100,000 AP Full Cure
Ultima Added Effect
HP Absorb
MP Absorb Mime
Morph Counter Attack
Luck Plus
Speed Plus Leviathan 80,000 AP Elemental HP <> MP
Long Range
PreEmptive Odin
Titan 70,000 AP Ramuh 60,000 AP Comet
Heal Throw Ifrit 55,000 AP Revive 50,000 AP Steal Enemy Away
Enemy Lure
HP Plus
Magic Plus
MP Plus Shiva 45,000 AP Barrier
Destruct 42,000 AP Time 40,000 AP Earth
Restore Deathblow
Sense Cover 38,000 AP Poison 35,000 AP Fire
Lightning All Choco/Mog 30,000 AP Exit Chocobo Lure 25,000 AP Mystify 24,000 AP Transform 20,000 AP Seal
To master each group requires:
Type Colour AP Required Magic Green 1,029,000 Support Blue 1,845,000 Command Yellow 1,480,000 Independent Purple 1,320,000 Summon Red 2,515,000
The following Materia are "mastered" at 0 AP do not produce a clone upon doing so:
Master Command
Master Magic
Master Summon
UnderwaterAn Enemy Skill Materia can only be mastered by learning all 24 enemy skills on it.
Fastest AP Grinding Location
The best location to grind for AP is the game’s final dungeon, the Northern Cave – specifically in the Lake Area where you will end up after the team splits up if you go left and then to the upper path.
In this location, the best encounters are Movers, which give 800 AP each, but always attack in groups of three, meaning each fight is worth 2,400 AP.
The second-best encounters are Magic Pots, which give 1,000 AP each. They will attack either alone or as a pair, meaning that you can get 1,000 AP to 2,000 AP from each fight, but each one you kill will cost you one Elixir. I would recommend learning the W-Item glitch so that you can clone Elixirs ready for grinding.
The other encounters in this area are decent for AP gain:
Enemy AP Notes Allemagne 100 Appears alone or as a duo. Christopher 80 Always appears with Gighee. Gighee 60 Always appears with Christopher. Magic Pot 1,000 Appears alone or as a duo. Master Tonberry 200 Always appears alone. Mover 800 Always appears as a trio.
Mastering An Enemy Skill Materia
The Enemy Skill Materia is not mastered by grinding AP, but instead by learning all of the 24 possible enemy skills on it.
Below is a table containing the details of all Enemy Skills:
No. Skill Name Enemy Location Method Missable? 01. Frog Song Touch Me
Toxic Frog
Christopher Gongaga Area
Temple of the Ancients: Labrynth
Northern Cave: Lake -
- No 02. L4 Suicide Mu
Trickplay Chocobo Farm Area
Icicle Area, Forgotten City -
- No 03. Magic Hammer Razor Weed Wutai Area Manipulate No 04. White Wind Zemzelett
Wind Wing Junon Area
Whirlwind Maze Manipulate
Confusion No 05. Big Guard Beach Plug Costa del Sol Area, Gongaga Area Manipulate No 06. Angel Whisper Pollensalta Northern Cave: Stalactite Manipulate No 07. Dragon Force Dark Dragon Northern Cave: Spiral Descent Manipulate No 08. Death Force Adamantaimai Wutai Area: Beach Manipulate No 09. Flame Thrower Ark Dragon
Dragon Mythril Mine
Mt. Nibel -
- No 10. Laser Death Claw
Dark Dragon Corel Prison
Northern Cave: Spiral Descent -
Manipulate No 11. Matra Magic Custom Sweeper
Death Machine Midgar Area
Corel Prison
Junon -
- No 12. Bad Breath Malboro Gaea's Cliff, Northern Cave: Stalactite - No 13. Beta Midgar Zolom Swamp Area [1] No 14. Aqualung Harpy
Serpent Gold Saucer Area
Forgotten City
Sunken Gelnika -
- No 15. Trine Materia Keeper
Stilva Mount Nibel
Wutai: Pagoda
Gaea's Cliff -
- YES 16. Magic Breath Stilva
Parasite Gaea's Cliff
Northern Cave: Spiral Descent -
Manipulate No 17. ???? Jersey
Behemoth Shinra Mansion
Midgar: Sector 8 Underground [2]
- No 18. Goblin Punch Goblin Goblin Island - No 19. Chocobuckle Chocobo Any Chocobo tracks [3] No 20. L5 Death Parasite Northern Cave: Spiral Descent Manipulate No 21. Death Sentence Boundfat
Gi Spector
Sneaky Step Corel Valley, Forgotten City
Cave of the Gi
Cave of the Gi -
- No 22. Roulette Death Dealer Northern Cave: Stalactite - No 23. Shadow Flare Ultimate Weapon
Ruby Weapon
Dragon Zombie
Safer∙Sephiroth Cosmo Canyon Area
Gold Saucer Area
Northern Cave: Stalactite
Northern Cave: Planet's Core Dying attack
[4] No 24. Pandora's Box Dragon Zombie Northern Cave: Stalactite [5] YES
Midgar Zolom will only use this move when its HP is low.
Jersey will be unable to use this move if it has been damaged.
Find a Chocobo whose Level is a multiple of 4. Feed it Mimett Greens and then use the Enemy Skill L4 Suicide.
Post-JORG version only. This enemy is beyond the game's "point of no return". "JORG" is short for "Japanese Original".
Dying attack used against its killer. Only the first Dragon Zombie encountered in a playthrough will be able to use this move.
Important Rules about Learning Enemy Skills: Fleeing a battle or having your whole team ejected from the fight will cause any Enemy Skills learned during the battle to be forgotten.
Enemy Skills cannot be learned from enemies in the Gold Saucer’s Battle Square.
Enemy Skills cannot be learned by using the Enemy Skill from one of your characters against another character holding an Enemy Skill Materia without the move.
A single character can learn an Enemy Skill on multiple Enemy Skill Materia at once by carrying more than one. However, if an Enemy Skill has already been learned on at least one of the Enemy Skill Materia being held by a single character, then being targeted by that attack will not teach it to the remaining Enemy Skill Materia.
Missable Enemy Skills
Of the 24 Enemy Skills which can be learned, only two of them can be missed.
15. Trine:It is only possible to have two Enemy Skill Materia by the time that the Materia Keeper boss fight is encountered in Mt. Nibel. The third Enemy Skill Materia can be obtained before Gaea’s Cliff is reached, where Stilva can be battled.
Unfortunately, the Highwind is required to reach the fourth Enemy Skill Materia, which can only be obtained after the Whirlwind Maze has been completed, which stops you from revisiting Gaea’s Cliff.
For this reason, it is vital that the Wutai Pagoda sidequest is not completed until after the fourth Enemy Skill Materia is obtained from the Chocobo Sage’s House on the Northern Continent. Then Yuffie must equip only the Enemy Skill Materia that have not yet learned Trine before she faces the fifth and final opponent of the Wutai Pagoda, Godo . He will eventually use the move Trine against you.
24. Pandora's Box:After losing all their health, Dragon Zombies are supposed to perform this attack against their killer before they die. However, due to a coding error, only the very first Dragon Zombie encountered will be able to use this move. Thus, it is important to save your game before entering the stalactite area of the Northern Cave and put all four Enemy Skill Materia onto the character who will kill the Dragon Zombie, which will have a maximum of 13,000 HP. It is also vital that the Dragon Zombie has enough MP left to cast Pandora’s Box before it dies.
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