Introduction / 简介
I played the 3D Remake version of this game before and followed a very good and detailed walkthrough, which includes all the maps and route of every dungeon.
I'll be following mostly the same steps here; however, I'm not going to put all the detailed map in this guide, as the PR version of this game (and all other PR version of the series as well) have very good in-game map, it counts how many treasures/hidden items within the area (in the world map mode) and the dungeon map shows all the treasure chests location already.
It should be very easy to playthrough this game using the in-game map, however if you still find it hard to proceed in the dungeon, you can refer to the above 3D Remake walkthrough for detailed route.
For players new to the Pixel Remaster series / 像素重制版新手指引(Applies to all PR version of the series / 全像素重制系列通用)
Like the other versions, you can only save the game in the world map or specific save point in the dungeon, you can return to title in the "Settings" menu. / 与其他版本相同,只有野外和迷宫中的存档点才能存档。退出游戏需要去菜单里的“设定”里面去找。
"Quicksave" in PR version will not return you to the title. Take advantage of it and save much. / 和字面含义不同,菜单中的“中断”并不会使你中断游戏并返回到标题,而是单纯的存储一个快速存档。迷宫内随时存档才是王道。
The in-game map has lots of detail, and available to you first step you stepped into the dungeon. Take advantage of it, and make sure you grab every chests/items in the dungeon. / 游戏内地图很详细,而且一进迷宫就能看了。多看看地图,离开迷宫前确认已经拿走了所有的宝箱和隐藏物品,省的走冤枉路。
Unlike the other versions, you can directly use the usable gear (e.g., "Ice Rod") in your bag, no need to equip them, so you can let multiple character reusing the same gear, very useful in some situations. / 与其他版本的游戏不同,像素重制版里可使用的装备(比如“玄冰棒”)不需要装备就可以直接在背包中使用,所以你甚至可以让不同的角色连续使用背包中的同一件装备,有时很有用。
Unlike the other versions, the character will unequip all the gears automatically before leaving team, so no need to worry about losing some of the gears forever. / 与其他版本的游戏不同,像素重制版里角色离队时会自动把身上的装备脱下来留在你的背包,并不需要玩家手动去操作,省事。
Unlike the other versions, you can get the bestiary entry even if you don't get to kill it, saving lots of effort. (In other versions, you have to playthrough the game twice to get the full bestiary. In PR version you only need one) / 与其他版本的游戏不同,像素重制版里不杀死怪物也能拿到图鉴,省事。(其他版本的游戏你必须通关两次才能拿全图鉴,本作一次就好)
NoteI'm Chinese and I'm playing this PR version in Chinese. The English names for places and bestiaries etc. may not be 100% correct. If you find any translation wrong, please kindly mention them in the comment, thanks.
1. Castle Baron / 巴隆城
Treasure / 宝箱
1F: 3 Chests after pressing the button on the wall / 右侧墙壁上按钮按下后可得3个宝箱
All the other treasures and items are not available now. / 其他宝箱和物品现在暂时拿不到
2. Town Of Baron / 巴隆镇
Treasure / 宝箱 Inn / 旅馆: 3
Open the door by pressing the swords / 按墙壁上的双剑打开暗门
Hidden Item / 隐藏物品
Potion / 恢复药
Pot in front of the Inn / 旅店前的缸
Potion / 恢复药
Pot next to Rosa's home (house north to the Inn) / 罗莎的家(旅店北面房子)侧面的缸
Tent + Bronze Hourglass / 帐篷+铜沙漏
Go north and into the water, follow the river to a pond / 从村北侧入水,沿河走进入池塘内
Golden Needle / 金针
Go through the hidden path above the old lady outside the arch / 拱门外的老奶奶北面有隐藏道路
Phoenix Down / 不死鸟之尾
To the south of the Golden Needle, in the corner / 金针往南走墙角里
Phoenix Down / 不死鸟之尾
Next to the wall on the west / 贴西面墙
Potion / 恢复药
Pot in the Inn / 旅店内的缸
The other chests are not available right now. / 还有几个宝箱现在拿不到。
3. Outside Baron / 巴隆郊外
Bestiary / 图鉴Note: For bestiary, I'm only listing where I first encounter them, they may not be the best place to find them. / 注意:在图鉴中我只是列出我在游戏中第一次遇到他们时候的地点,这并不一定是最容易发现他们的地方。
1. Goblin / 哥布林
2. Helldiver / 俯冲鹰
3. Floating Eyeball / 浮游之眼
4. Sword Rat / 剑猬
Outside Mist / 迷雾洞窟门口
5. Insectus / 幼蚕
6. Desert Sahagin / 沙漠鱼人
7. Flying Eyes / 飞眼蛾
4. Mist Cave / 迷雾洞窟
Treasures / 宝箱
4 Chests, refer to in-game map like below, same for future dungeons. I'll save my efforts from snapping and posting them here / 4个宝箱,如下查看游戏内地图即可看到,以后我就不一个一个截了。
Bestiary / 图鉴 191. Mist Dragon (Boss) / 雾龙
(Do not attack when turned into mist / 变成雾时不要攻击)
5. Kaipo, Oasis Of The Desert / 凯波
Bestiary / 图鉴
20. Baron Solder / 巴隆兵
21. General / 将军
(Kill the General first for bestiary entry and more EXP, he will flee if all 3 solders are killed first. / 先杀将军拿图鉴和经验,先杀士兵的话他会逃跑)
Item / 物品
Ether / 以太药
Pot North to the weapon shop / 武器店北面的缸里
Find Rosa in the Northeast house to proceed the game. / 在东北的房子里找到罗莎,继续剧情。
6. Outside Kaipo / 凯波郊外
Bestiary / 图鉴
8. Hundlegs / 百足蜈蚣
9. Sand Worm / 沙地巨虫
Sand Worm is a little bit rare to find, take the chance to level up Rydia a bit. / 沙地巨虫比较稀有,正好趁这个机会给莉迪亚升几级。
7. Underground Waterway / 地下水路
Bestiary / 图鉴 10. Red Mousse / 红色果酱怪
11. Gigantoad / 巨蛙
12. Zombie / 僵尸
13. Vile Shell / 尖牙贝
16. Killer Fish / 食人飞鱼
18. Water Bug / 变形虫
19. Alligator / 短吻鳄
Treasure / 宝箱 South / 南口: 4
Hidden Room / 密室: 3
B2 (South) / B2(南): 3
B3: 2
B2 (North) / B2(北): 2
North / 北口: 4
8. Subterranean Lake / 地下湖
Bestiary / 图鉴 14. Toadgre / 生化蛙
15. Sahagin / 鱼人
17. Tiny Mage / 小人魔术师
158. Octomammoth (Boss) / 八足巨妖
(Auto-attack and win / 自动攻击就砍死了)
Treasure / 宝箱 B2: 2
B1: 2
9. Damcyan Castle / 达姆希安城
Treasure / 宝箱 2F: 1
Cell / 牢房: 3
Go east outside the castle wall / 沿着城堡外墙往东走
Push the button on the wall to open the door / 按墙上的按钮打开门
Cell B1 / 牢房地下一层: 6
Hidden Item / 隐藏物品
Elixir + Iron Arrow + Holy Arrow / 圣灵药+铁箭+圣箭
Pots in B1 of the cell / 牢房地下一层的几个缸里
10. Antlion Cave / 蚁狮洞窟
Don't forget to rest in tent as there is no Inn in the castle. / 城堡里没有旅店,别忘了搭帐篷。
Bestiary / 图鉴 22. Domovoi / 毛怪哥布林
23. Yellow Jelly / 黄色胶质怪
24. Basilisk / 石蜥蜴
25. Leshy / 莱西
26. Adamantoise / 精金龟
159. Antlion (Boss) / 蚁狮
(Auto-attack and win / 自动攻击就砍死了)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 6
B1 Save Point / 地下一层保存点: 3
Go upstair from B2's north stair / 从地下二层北侧楼梯上楼
B2: 3
B2 Room: 1
11. Back To Kaipo / 回到凯波
Ride the hovercraft through the shallow water on west of the desert and go back to Kaipo. No need to go through the underground again. / 直接开气垫船就能从沙漠西侧的浅滩开回凯波。
Use Sand's Pearl to cure Rosa, then go to Mt. Hobs. / 用沙漠之光治好罗莎,然后前往霍布斯山。
12. Mt. Hobs / 霍布斯山
Bestiary / 图鉴 27. Bomb / 爆弹怪
28. Spirit / 怨灵
29. Gray Bomb / 痛楚爆弹怪
30. Skeleton / 骨骼战士
31. Cockatrice / 蛇鸡兽
32. Gargoyle / 石像鬼
33. Bloodbones / 血髅战士
160. Mom Bomb (Boss) / 爆弹之母
(Auto-attack, defend when it's about to explode / 自动攻击即可,注意要爆炸了的时候全员防御。)
Treasure / 宝箱 Trials / 第五阶段: 4
Summit / 山顶: 1
13. Outside Fabul / 法布尔野外
Bestiary / 图鉴 34. Gatlinger / 豪猪
14. Fabul Castle / 法布尔城
Bestiary / 图鉴 35. Baron Warrior / 巴隆海军
36. Captain / 上校
(Same as General we encountered before in Kaipo, kill Captain first for bestiary and more EXP / 和之前在凯波遇到的将军一样会逃跑,先杀上校拿图鉴和经验。)
Treasure / 宝箱 Throne Room / 大殿: 3
Step onto the button in the Throne Room to open the door / 大殿踩下按钮即可开门
Go out from south gate of the 2F, can get you to the West and East Tower / 从二楼南门出去可以去往东塔和西塔
West Tower 1F / 西塔一层: 3
East Tower 3F / 东塔三层: 1
Hidden Item / 隐藏物品Hermes Sandals / 赫尔墨斯之靴
Pot in the Throne Room / 大殿的缸
Zeus's Wrath / 宙斯之怒
Pot in the West Tower 1F / 西塔一层的缸
Bacchus's Wine / 酒神之酒
Pot in the East Tower 1F / 东塔二层的缸
15. Mysidia / 密西迪亚
The people really hate you here for what you've done, go straight forward to talk to the Elder. Or they try their best to humiliate you. / 因为之前的事,这里的人可不怎么喜欢你,直接去找长老,不然这些NPC们会好好收拾你的。
Here is the list on what they'll be doing if you are interested / 如果你非得想知道他们会干什么的话可以看一下下面这个表
Black mage just north to the town entrance will transform you into a frog / 村口的黑魔法师会给你变成青蛙
Bartender in the pub will poison you / 酒馆里的酒保会给你的酒里下毒
Dancer in the pub will transform you into a pig / 酒馆里的舞女会把你变成猪
16. Mt. Ordeals / 试炼之山
Bestiary / 图鉴 38. Soul / 灵魂
39. Ghoul / 尸鬼
40. Revenant / 亡鬼
41. Lilith / 莉莉丝
42. Skullnant / 骨魂
177. Scarmiglione / 斯卡米留尼
(Cecil attack the boss directly and let your mages deal with the mobs, Holy Arrow can help you one shot KO the mob. After the mobs are dead the boss is a piece of cake. / 塞西尔直接打BOSS,法师们先处理小怪,装备弓和圣箭的话一下一个,清完小怪之后集火BOSS。)
178. Scarmiglione / 斯卡米留尼
(The boss is easy, the only annoy thing is it will Poison you once it hits you, let Tellah using "Esuna" to deal with it / 这个BOSS很简单,唯一比较麻烦的就是它自动攻击会附加中毒效果,用泰拉的“康复"可以解毒。)
Treasure / 宝箱 Entrance/ 入口: 2
Crossing / 第七阶段: 2
17. Back To Mysidia And Town Of Baron / 回到密西迪亚,再访巴隆镇
Go back to Mysidia and talk to the Elder, then go to Baron through the Devil's Road, you will be teleported to Town of Baron. / 回到密西迪亚和长老对话,之后可以从魔鬼之路传送到巴隆镇。
Bestiary / 图鉴 45. Baron Guard / 巴隆近卫军
Treasure / 宝箱 Weapon Shop / 武器店: 2
Underway Entrance / 水路入口: 1
18. Old Waterway / 古老水路
Bestiary / 图鉴 43. Splasher / 水虎鱼
44. Hydra / 许德拉
46. Electrofish / 雷鱼
47. Gigas Gator / 巨吻鳄
48. Death Shell / 魔响贝
49. Flood Worm / 洪水巨虫
Treasure / 宝箱 B4: 3
B3: 3
Hidden path to the trreasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to the trreasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to the trreasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
B2: 1
Hidden path to the trreasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
B1 Save Point Room / 地下一层存档点房间: 1
Hidden path to the trreasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
19. Baron Castle Revisit / 重返巴隆城
Bestiary / 图鉴 161. Baigan (Boss) / 贝迦恩
162. Left Arm / 左手
163. Right Arm / 右手
(The hands are able to be regenerated from body, attack the body first / 身体存货的话双手会再生,直接攻击本体)
Note: You can rest at Cecil's home in West Tower after the battle. / 你可以在战斗后回到西塔顶楼塞西尔的房间休息,来应对下一场BOSS战。
179. Cagnazzo (Boss) / 凯纳槽
(When he pulls up a wall of water, he needed to be hit by a thunder damage otherwise he will deal huge damage to your party. Let your attackers hit him hard and your mages keep casting thunder spells. / 当他召出一道水墙包围他的时候,你需要用雷属性法术击中他,否则他就会放大招。让你的前排物理攻击,后排用雷属性魔法即可。)
Treasure / 宝箱 1F East / 一层东侧: 6
Push the torch on the wall / 按墙上的火把
East Tower 1F / 东塔一层: 4
East Tower 2F / 东塔二层: 2
East Tower 3F / 东塔三层: 3
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具Ether / 以太药
Pot in East Tower 3F / 东塔三楼的缸
Elixir / 圣灵药
Pot in East Tower B1 / 东塔地下一层的缸
Now we have the airship, we can raid collect some treasures around the world.
20. Circumnavigation - Chocobo Forests / 环球航行 - 陆行鸟之森
We have 5 Chocobo forest around world, each of them contains a Gysahl Green. It's in the bushes in the middle of the forest, like the position below. / 地图上一共有5个陆行鸟之森,每个里面都有一个基萨尔野菜,都在最中间的杂草里,如下图。
Chocobo Forest, Baron Area / 陆行鸟之森 巴隆
Chocobo Forest, Fabul Area / 陆行鸟之森 法布尔
Chocobo Forest, Mysidia Area / 陆行鸟之森 密西迪亚
Chocobo Forest, Troia Area / 陆行鸟之森 特罗亚
Chocobo Forest, Southern Island / 陆行鸟之森 南海孤岛
21. Circumnavigation - Mist / 环球航行 - 迷雾村
Treasure / 宝箱4 Chests in Rydia's house (Northmost house in town) / 4个宝箱都在莉迪亚家中(最北面的房子)
Walk through the fireplace / 从壁炉里面走过去
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具Bomb Fragment / 爆弹碎片
Next to the pond / 池塘旁边
Bomb Fragment x 2 / 爆弹碎片x2
From the secret path on the east of weapon shop / 武器店东面的秘道
22. Circumnavigation - Mythril / 环球航行 - 秘银村
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具5000 Gil / 5000金
Behind the weapon shop / 武器店背后
Mythril Knife / 秘银匕首
Bushes in the northeast of the town / 村东北的草丛里
Mythril Staff / 秘银杖
Bushes in the east of the town / 村东面的草丛里
23. Circumnavigation - Agart / 环球航行 - 阿加尔特
Agart / 阿加尔特
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具Antarctic Wind / 南极之风
Bushes northwest of the well / 井西北面的草丛里
24. Circumnavigation - Eblan Castle / 环球航行 - 艾布拉纳城
Bestiary / 图鉴Some of the chests are containing monsters / 有些宝箱有怪物
75. Steel Golem / 坚钢巨像
91. Coeurl / 长须豹
98. Lamia / 拉米亚
102. Mad Ogre / 狂暴食人魔
107. Skuldier / 骷髅战士
Treasure / 宝箱 1F: 1
2F: 5
Need to go down from secret stairs in Throne Room / 得从大殿的秘密楼梯走下来
West Tower 1F / 西塔一层: 2
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Another one need to be going downstairs from 2F / 另外一个宝箱得从二层下来
West Tower 2F / 西塔二层: 2
East Tower 1F / 东塔一层: 2
The other one can be accessed by jumping from the hole in 2F / 另外一个宝箱得从二层的洞跳下来
East Tower 2F / 东塔二层: 4
Press the button on the wall / 按墙上的按钮
The one behind the hole can be accessed by a secret path / 被洞挡住的宝箱可以从一个秘密通道拿到
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Cellar Passage / 地下通道: 3
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具Bacchus's Wine / 酒神之酒
Pot in West Tower 2F / 西塔二层的缸
Hermes Scandals / 赫尔墨斯之靴
Pot in East Tower 2F / 东塔二层的缸
25. Troia / 特罗亚
Town of Troia / 特罗亚镇Hidden Item / 隐藏道具4 Items / 4个隐藏物品
Follow the river to the north, then a secret path in the forest, all four items can be found at the end of the path. / 沿着河往北走,上岸后树林里有一个隐藏通道,走到底就能找到全部4个隐藏物品。
Troia Castle / 特罗亚城Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 8
Get out of southeast door of 1F, it will lead you to the room with 3 stairs going down. Go down from right stair, and step on the button 4 times will open all the door. / 从一层的东南门出去,可以走到一个房间,里面有3个向下的楼梯。从右面的楼梯下去,踩中间的按钮4次,可以打开4扇门。
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具Bacchus's Wine / 酒神之酒
Pot in the room down from middle stair / 从中间楼梯下去的房间里的缸
We cannot grab the other chests here for now. Go out from southwestern gate of main lobby 1F and find Edward to proceed the game.
26. Outside Troia / 特罗亚郊外
Bestiary / 图鉴 50. Twin Snake / 双头蛇
51. Treant / 林眼树精
52. Cait Sith / 凯特·西斯
53. Hell Needle / 地狱针鼠
54. Death Flower / 死亡美人
27. Chocobo Village / 陆行鸟村
Hidden Item / 隐藏道具Gysahl Greens / 基萨尔野菜
Bushes in the southeast / 东南边的草丛
Gysahl Greens x 2 / 基萨尔野菜x2
Follow the hidden path through the northeast forest / 沿着东北树林中的一条隐藏道路走到底。
Grab the black chocobo to proceed the game.
28. Magnetic Cavern / 磁力洞窟
Remove all your metal gears, otherwise the character will be paralyzed during the battle. You can let Cecil equip bow and arrows. / 把所有的金属装备脱下来,不然战斗中角色会麻痹。可以选择让塞西尔装备弓箭。
Bestiary / 图鉴 55. Draculady / 吸血淑女
56. Cave Naga / 伊罗钵那伽
57. Mind Flayer / 夺心魔
58. Cave Bat / 穴蝠
59. Ogre / 食人魔
164. Dark Elf / 暗黑精灵
(The first battle is scripted to lose, remember to reequip your best gears after Edward helps, then the boss is a piece of cake. / 第一战必败,在吉尔伯特帮忙之后记得换上最强装备,之后直接乱刀砍BOSS即可。)
165. Dark Dragon / 暗龙
(Still a piece of cake after the transform, let Tellah heals and others attack. / 变身之后还是很菜,让泰拉加血其他人乱砍即可。)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 2
B2: 1
B2 Room / 地下二层房间: 2
B3 South Room / 地下三层南侧房间: 3
B3 Northwest Room / 地下三层西北房间: 1
B4: 1
29. Back To Troia / 回到特罗亚
Talk to the Epopts, they'll allow you to grab the remaining treasures. Get them before you go out. / 和神官们对话,她们会允许你拿地下的宝藏,在出城之前先把宝箱拿了。
Treasure / 宝箱 B2: 18
Go out from the southeast door of 1F and to the room with 3 stairs, go down from the left stair and talk to the guard to open the door / 从一楼东南门出去走到三个楼梯的房间,从左面的楼梯下去,和警卫交谈开门。
You can talk to Edward before you go out of the castle to show your gratitude. / 在出城之前可以和吉尔伯特聊一聊以表谢意。
30. Tower Of Zot / 佐特塔
One-time visit. Be sure to grab all the bestiary and treasures before approaching the boss / 只能来一次,打BOSS前确认一下所有的图鉴和宝箱都拿到了。
Bestiary / 图鉴 60. Purple Bavarois / 紫色奶冻怪
61. Puppet / 傀儡人偶
62. Sorceress / 巫术女郎
63. Black Knight / 黑骑士
64. Centaur Knight / 人马骑兵
65. Gremlin / 小精怪
66. Soldieress / 守卫女兵
67. Puppeteer / 傀儡师
68. Ice Lizard / 冰蜥蜴
69. Cold Beast / 冰霜凶兽
70. Hell Turtle / 地狱龟
100. Fiery Hound (In Chest) / 烈火猛犬(宝箱内)
166. Sandy (Boss) / 多格
167. Cindy (Boss) / 马格
168. Mindy (Boss) / 拉格
(Kill Cindy (Middle one) first, she is the healer and can revive others / 先杀马格(中间的那个),她是奶妈还能复活别人)
Rest before proceed, another Boss is waiting / 先在存档点休息一下,还有一个BOSS要打
Don't forget to equip Rosa after she joined / 别忘了给罗莎穿上装备
180. Barbariccia / 巴尔巴莉希亚
(You cannot hit her when she summon tornado around her, let Kain jump to break it / 她释放龙卷风包围自己的时候是攻击不到的,用凯因的跳跃来破解)
Treasure / 宝箱 1F: 1
2F: 1
(Note: Guarded / 小心有怪物)
5F: 4
All of them needs to be accessed by the 3 doors in the middle of 4F / 都需要从四层中间的3个门走出来才能拿到
31. Outside Agart / 阿加尔特郊外
Bestiary / 图鉴 71. Roc Baby / 楼陀罗幼雏
73. Roc / 楼陀罗
74. Mors / 致命毒菌
85. Ironback / 铁甲犰狳
94. Black Lizard / 黑蜥蜴
32. Agart And Underworld / 阿加尔特与地底世界
Go to Agart and throw the Magma stone into the well, now the path to Underworld is available to you. / 去阿尔加特把岩浆石投入井中,打开去往地底的路。
33. Dwarven Castle / 矮人城
Bestiary / 图鉴 169. Calco (Boss) / 卡尔克
170. Brina (Boss) / 布莉娜
171. Calcobrena (Boss) / 卡尔克布莉娜
(Don't kill small ones too fast, otherwise you won't be facing the big one and missing the bestiary entry / 小的别杀太快,如果没来得及合成大的就被杀光的话,就拿不到大BOSS的图鉴了)
172. Golbez (Boss) / 高贝扎
(Revive everyone and heal your team up, he will be down very quickly / 复活所有人加满血后很快就能砍死)
Treasure / 宝箱 East Tower 1F / 东塔一层: 1
East Tower 3F / 东塔三层: 4
West Tower 3F / 西塔三层: 4
B2: 4
Talk to the dwarf in B1 to open the door / 与地下一层的矮人交谈开门
Hidden Item / 隐藏物品Bacchus's Wine / 酒神之酒
Pot in East Tower 2F, go through the hidden path in the south / 东塔二层的缸,从南侧的隐藏道路绕过来
Bacchus's Wine / 酒神之酒
Pot in West Tower 2F, go through the hidden path in the east / 西塔二层的缸,从东侧的隐藏道路绕过来
5000 Gil / 5000金
Pot in the Inn / 旅店里的缸
Gysahl Green x 3 / 基萨尔野菜x3
Pot in B1 / 地下一层的缸
34. Outside Dwarven Castle / 矮人城郊外
Bestiary / 图鉴 76. Goblin Captain / 哥布林队长
77. Armadillo / 犰狳
78. Magma Tortoise / 熔岩龟
35. Tower Of Babel / 巴别塔
One-time visit. Be sure to grab all the bestiary and treasures before leaving / 只能来一次,离开前确认一下所有的图鉴和宝箱都拿到了。
Bestiary / 图鉴 84. Mystery Egg / 神秘蛋
(Note: You won't get the bestiary after it hatches, therefore you must one-shot kill it to get the entry, try Yang's Focus. Don't worry if you can't get it here, we can encounter this elsewhere. / 孵化了就拿不到这个图鉴了,必须一击杀死让蛋不孵化才能拿到图鉴,让杨使用凝气试试。拿不到也不要勉强,其他地方也可以遇到它。)
86. White Mousse / 白色慕斯怪
87. Naga / 那伽
88. Evil Doll / 欺诈人偶
89. Medusa / 美杜莎
90. Fiery Knight / 火骑士
93. Chimera / 奇美拉
101. Security Eye / 监视眼
104. Stone Golem / 岩石巨像
173. Doctor (Boss) / 博士
174. Barnabas (Boss) / 巴尔纳伯
(Kill the robot first for it to merge into Barnabas-Z, or you won't get the bestiary entry of the latter / 先杀机器人让其合体,不然就拿不到合体机器人的图鉴了)
175. Dr. Lugae (Boss) / 卢格
176. Barnabas-Z (Boss) / 合体机器人
Treasure / 宝箱 1F: 3
2F: 1
2F South Room / 二层南侧房间: 1
(Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物)
2F East Room / 二层东侧房间: 1
(Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物)
3F: 3
4F: 2
Go up from right stairs in 3F / 从三层右侧的楼梯上来
4F Northeast Room / 四层东北房间: 1
(Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物)
4F East Room (Second from the East) / 四层东侧第二个房间: 1
(Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物)
5F: 2
7F: 1
36. Cave Of Eblan / 艾布拉纳洞窟
Go back to Castle Baron to talk to Cid's apprentices, they are in the courtyard in front of East Tower. Then move your hovercraft (in front of Mt. Hobs) to Eblan. / 前往巴隆城与东塔前面场地里的西德学徒们对话,改造飞空艇。之后将气垫船(霍布斯山前面)运到艾布拉纳。
Bestiary / 图鉴 106. Bloody Bat / 血色蝠
Yes, only one, you should've met the others already if you are following this guide / 只有一个图鉴需要收集,如果跟着本攻略走的话其他的都已经见过了
If you didn't get the Mystery Egg's entry in Tower of Babel, you can try it here / 如果你在巴别塔里没拿到神秘蛋的图鉴,可以在这里试试
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 3
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Path to the Tower of Babel (South) / 通往巴别塔的密道(南): 12
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to treasure (2nd visit) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(第二次进入)
Path to the Tower of Babel (North) / 通往巴别塔的密道(北): 4
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to trreasure (2nd visit) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(第二次进入)
Path to the Tower of Babel (Save Point Room) / 通往巴别塔的密道(存档点房间): 1
Hidden path to trreasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Hidden Item / 隐藏物品Potion x 2 / 恢复药x2
Pots in the survivors' room / 幸存者屋子里的缸
37. Tower Of Babel, Take Two / 再闯巴别塔
One-time visit. Be sure to grab all the bestiary (unless special mentioned) and 6 treasures before approaching the boss. Then grab the remaining 2 bestiary and 2 treasures before leaving / 只能来一次,打BOSS前确认一下图鉴和6个宝箱都拿到了。离开前把剩下的两个图鉴和宝箱拿了
Bestiary / 图鉴 92. Balloon / 治愈爆弹怪
95. Sorcerer / 魔法师
96. Ghost Knight / 灵骑士
97. Lamia Matriarch/ 拉米亚族长
(Encountered after defeating the boss and proceeding / 打败BOSS后继续前进才会看到)
99. Grudger / 雷精
103. Green Dragon (Hatch from Mystery Egg) / 绿龙(神秘蛋孵化)
105. Mythril Golem / 秘银巨像
(Encountered after defeating the boss and proceeding / 打败BOSS后继续前进才会看到)
181. Rubicante (Boss) / 卢比坎特
(He is weak to ice, however he absorbs ice damage when he is behind his cloak. Let Rydia hit him hard while he opens his cloak / 弱点是冰,然而当他把斗篷合上的时候会吸收冰霜伤害。在他打开斗篷的时候让莉迪亚狠狠的教训他)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1:2
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Underground 8F:1
Underground 6F:1
38. Return To Dwarven Castle / 重回矮人城
Talk to the king to report in your mission to the Tower of Babel. / 和国王通报一下你巴别塔之行的“成果”。
Cid actually didn't die from the explosion. Talk to him in the infirmary at B1 and he'll patch your new ship to allow you fly over lava. / 西德没有被炸死,只是受了重伤。在地下一层的医务室可以找到他,他会帮你的新飞艇做一个改装,之后就可以飞越岩浆了。
Now as we can travel around Underworld, we can grab some treasures and do some side quests. / 现在我们的飞艇可以去地底的所有地方了,先搜刮一些宝物,做一做支线任务。
39. Tour De Underworld - Tomra / 地底风情一日游 - 特美拉
Treasure / 宝箱 Northwest room / 西北角房间: 4
Hidden Item / 隐藏物品Antarctic Wind + Bestiary / 南极之风+图鉴
Pots in the northwest room / 西北角房间里的缸
40. Tour De Underworld - Outside Sylvan Cave / 地底风情一日游 - 风精灵洞窟郊外
Next stop is Sylvan Cave, before we get in, let's grab some bestiaries outside. / 下一站是风精灵洞窟,进洞之前先在门口收集一波图鉴。
Bestiary / 图鉴 72. Blood Flower / 鲜血之花
80. Hell Flapper / 地狱蛾
81. Chrysalis / 蛹蚕
Fly to this small 3-tile place to grab some other bestiaries. / 飞到这个只有三格的小陆地上再收集几个图鉴。
Bestiary / 图鉴 82. Gloomwing / 昏暗蛾
83. Gorgon / 戈尔贡
122. King Naga (Hatch from Mystery Egg) / 那伽大君(神秘蛋孵化)
129. Crawler / 天蚕
134. Tarantula / 爱娜温
41. Tour De Underworld - Sylvan Cave / 地底风情一日游 - 风精灵洞窟
Let's get into the cave, let Rosa cast Float to all team member to avoid some poisonous floor, you have to recast the Float each time you go up/down stairs. / 我们可以进洞了,让罗莎给全队上浮空,有些地面有毒,我们得飘过去。每次上下楼的时候都要重新上。
(Note: the cave's mobs are a bit tougher if your level is low, but they also give much more EXP, if you find it hard, try level up a bit around the entrance as you can rest outside / 注意这个迷宫里面的小怪有点强,不过经验也给的挺多,如果打不太过的话现在门口练练级)
Bestiary / 图鉴 79. Undergrounder / 地底蜈蚣
108. Tiny Toad / 谄媚蟾蜍
109. Bog Witch / 谄媚女巫
110. Evil Dreamer / 梦魇
111. Mammon / 玛门树精
112. Malboro / 魔界花
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 10
Hidden path to treasure (Sylvan Cottage route) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(风精灵之家路线)
B2: 10
We got 2 stairs here, each lead to different route. The stair in the north leads to Hidden Chamber, the stair in the south leads to Sylvan Cottage; both routes will lead you out of the cave at the end, so you've got to enter the cave twice. I recommend go north first to grab more chests and gear you up. However, the south stairs immediately lead to a Save Point that allow you to rest, your choice. / 这层有两个楼梯,从北面的楼梯下去能走到密室,从南面的楼梯走的话能到风精灵之家。两条路最后都会出洞,所以肯定得走两次。我推荐先从北面的楼梯走拿宝箱,不过南面楼梯上去直接就是存档点,可以休息,自行选择。
Hidden path to treasure (Sylvan Cottage route) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(风精灵之家路线)
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
B3: 4
Hidden path to treasure (Hidden Chamber route) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(密室路线)
Hidden path to treasure (Hidden Chamber route) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(密室路线)
Hidden path to treasure (Hidden Chamber route) / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路(密室路线)
Sylvan Cottage / 风精灵之家: 2
Hidden Chamber / 密室: 6
Note: All chests are guarded / 小心每个宝箱都有怪物
You'll find Yang is actually alive and saved by Sylphs, severe injured and in coma. The hidden item is also not available right now. We will come back later. / 你会发现杨并没有死而是被风精灵们救了下来,不过重伤昏迷。现在这个隐藏物品也拿不到,我们之后还会回来的。
42. Tour De Underworld - Cave Of Summons / 地底风情一日游 - 幻兽洞窟
Like the Sylvan Cave, you need to have Rosa cast Float on each floor / 和风精灵洞窟一样,每层都需要罗莎给全队上浮空
Bestiary / 图鉴 113. Belphegor / 贝尔芬格
114. Bloody Eye / 血色眼
115. Warrior / 恶魔骑士
116. Mini Satana / 小恶魔
117. Summoner / 召唤师
118. Arachne / 阿刺克涅 我怀疑这里翻译看错了,应该是阿剌克涅
119. Thunder Dragon (Summoned by Summoner) / 雷龙(由召唤师召唤)
192. Asura (Boss) / 阿修罗
(She likes to heal herself, let Rosa cast Reflect, then she will heal you :) / 她会给自己加血,罗莎给她上一个反射,她就给你加血了,嘿嘿)
193. Leviathan (Boss) / 利亚维桑
(Weak to thunder / 弱点是雷)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 3
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
B2: 2
B3: 6
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Land of Summons (Middle Layer) / 幻兽镇(中层): 5
The one we first stepped in is the middle layer / 我们刚进来的那层就是中层
Land of Summons (Save Point Room) / 幻兽镇(存档点房间): 2
Northwest Room of the town / 镇上西北角房间
Land of Summons (Upper Layer) / 幻兽镇(上层): 4
Step on the teleport tile of middle layer to teleport up here / 站在中层的一个传送地板上就可以传送上来
One of the chests here is a Rat Tail, we will need this for Excalibur / 其中一个宝箱能拿到鼠尾巴,之后我们交换EX咖喱棒 王者之剑的时候会用到
Rydia gets the 2 strong summons, nice. There are 2 hidden item not available now, we will come back later. / 莉迪亚学会了两个强力的新召唤。不过这里的两个隐藏物品现在还拿不到,我们以后回来拿。
43. Sealed Cave / 封印洞窟
The tour is over, let's proceed to the Sealed Cave as the Dwarven King requested / 旅游一圈乐子找得差不多了,现在该去封印洞窟办正事了。
Bestiary / 图鉴 120. Evil Bat / 恶魔蝠
121. Screamer / 玛莉德
123. Miss Vamp / 吸血小姐
124. Yellow Dragon (Summoned by Trap Door) / 黄龙(狂暴之门召唤)
(The last Trap Door (the one in B5) is guaranteed to summon one, don't kill the door too fast if you haven't encounter Yellow Dragon yet / 地下五层的狂暴之门必然召唤黄龙,之前还没遇到黄龙的时候这个门别打太快了)
125. Chimera Brain (Summoned by Trap Door) / 智化奇美拉(狂暴之门召唤)
126. Trap Door / 狂暴之门
(Summon a monster once it's weakened, you won't get the bestiary as it disappears. It has 5000 HP total, do some calculation and give it a strong last-hit to finish it and grab the entry. After you get the entry, you should wait for it to summon the monster as it could be a Yellow Dragon. / 虚弱之后会召唤一个怪物出来,然后它会消失,这时就拿不到图鉴了。它一共有5000血,想要拿图鉴的时候在血较少时直接给它一个狠的。拿到了图鉴之后可以等等看能不能召唤出黄龙)
(The number of doors is limited and it won't regenerate, if you failed to grab some bestiary entries, you should load your save file and try again / 门的数量是有限的而且不会刷新,如果没拿到图鉴的话,读档重试吧)
182. Demon Wall / 恶魔墙
(Hit it hard, you've got to kill it before it approaches you / 用力打,在它靠近你之前把它杀掉)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 1
B1 (Room) / 地下一层房间: 2
B1 (North passage) / 地下一层北侧通道: 2
B2: 2
B2 (2nd room from right) / 地下二层右数第二个房间: 1
B2 (3rd room from right) / 地下二层右数第三个房间: 3
B2 (1st room from left) / 地下二层左数第一个房间: 2
B2 (South passage) / 地下二层南侧通道: 1
B3 (Northwest room) / 地下三层西北房间: 2
B3: 1
B3 (Southeast room) / 地下三层东南房间: 2
44. Back To Dwarven Castle / 回到矮人城
Now we've lost all the crystals to Golbez, we need to report it to the Dwarven King. Cid will patch your ship, allowing you going back to the surface. / 现在所有的水晶都白给了,回去和矮人国王报告一下。西德会给你的飞艇做个改装,让你能重回地面。
Fly here to drill back to surface / 飞到这里开挖
45. Mysidia And The Lunar Whale / 密西迪亚与魔导船
Go to Mysidia, the elder is already waiting you. He will summon the Lunar Whale, and we can fly to the moon! / 去密西迪亚,长老已经在那里等着你了。他会帮你召唤出传说中的魔导船,有了它我们就可以去月球了!
But before that, let's go finish some of our business on Earth. / 不过登月之前,我们先把地球上的事情处理一下。
46. Excalibur / 王者之剑
Go find the Enterprise and move your hovercraft (both should be in front of Eblan Cave) to Mythril, and ride to the Adamant Grotto. / 去找企业号,然后把你的气垫船(应该在艾布拉纳洞窟门口)运到秘银村,然后开船去旁边的精金岛洞窟里。
Talk to the guy and trade your Rat Tile with an Adamant. / 和中间的那个人对话,把你的鼠尾巴兑换成一个精金。
Now take your Adamant to the Underworld, and navigate your way to Kokkol's Smithy. / 然后带着精金去地底,找到可可罗的家。
Kokkol's Smithy / 可可罗的家
Hidden ItemRemedy / 万能药
Pot in 1F / 一层的缸
Soma Drop / 苏摩之滴
Bookshelf in 2F / 二层的书架
Wake up Kokkol and give him your Adamant. / 叫醒可可罗,然后给他精金。
Go find him downstair and he will give you Excalibur. / 到楼下找他,他就给你EX咖喱棒 王者之剑。
Alongside with an achievement as the gift. / 同时附赠一个成就。
47. Odin / 奥丁
Go to Castle Baron, find the East Tower and go to the basement, at the end of B2 you will find your king / 去巴隆城,然后去东塔地下二层的尽头找到老国王
Bestiary / 图鉴 194. Odin (Boss) / 奥丁
(Kill him fast, or he will wipe you / 速度砍死他,不然他就会一击必杀将你灭团)
Rydia will learn the Odin summon. Like the king said, he can one-shot KO most of mobs, very handy / 莉迪亚学会召唤奥丁。奥丁可以一击必杀大多数小怪,很有用。
48. Sylph / 风精灵
Remember our good buddy Yang in Sylvan Cottage? Let's go wake him up! / 还记得风精灵之家里的杨么?我们现在要叫醒他。
Go to Fabul Castle's West Tower 3F, tell Yang's wife Sheila that her husband is in coma. She will give a special item that can wake Yang up / 飞到法布尔城堡西塔三层找杨的老婆。她会给你一个能唤醒杨的特殊道具
Very fun episode, I'm not gonna spoiling here / 很好玩的剧情,我就不剧透了
Going back to Underworld and then to Sylvan Cave, take the south path in B2 and reach Sylvan Cottage. / 重新回到地底,飞到风精灵洞窟,然后在地下二层走南面的楼梯,一直走到风精灵之家。
Wake up Yang, and Rydia will learn the Sylph summon. / 把杨叫醒,之后莉迪亚就能学会召唤风精灵了。
But still, the hidden items are not available at this time, we'd have to come back a third time... / 可惜现在还是不能拿到隐藏物品,我们得再回来一次。
49. Fly Me To The Moon / 带我去月球
Finish some of our business on Earth, let's go to the moon now. / 地球上的事情处理的差不多了,出发去月球。
Find the Lunar Whale and talk to the crystal in the middle, it can fly between Earth and Moon in a snap. / 去魔导船与中间的水晶对话就可以在地月之间飞行了,几秒就能开到。传说中的天顶星科技 - 亚光速引擎
Note that you can rest free in Lunar Whale, no need to pay for it anymore, yay! / 魔导船里可以免费休息,以后再也不用送钱给那些奸商了。
50. Crystal Palace / 月民之馆
Our first stop is Crystal Palace, but we cannot land it there directly. Land here and let's walk. / 我们的第一站是去月民之馆,然而那里没法直接停船。把船停在这里然后我们走过去。
Our route will be go through the tunnel in the west, then outside, then the tunnel in the east, then outside again, and finally Crystal Palace. / 我们得先走左面的通道,然后出来之后再走右面的通道,然后再出来才能找到月民之馆。
Bestiary / 图鉴 127. Lunar Virus / 月球病毒
(Only appears outside, not in the tunnels / 只有外面才刷,通道里面不刷)
128. Eukaryote / 真核细胞
130. Prokaryote / 原核细胞
131. Abyss Worm / 深渊巨虫
132. Black Flan / 黑色软糊怪
133. Dark Grenade / 暗黑榴弹怪
Treasure / 宝箱 Western Lunar Path / 月面地下通道西: 3
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
Trace your way back to Lunar Whale. / 一路走回去上魔导船。
51. Moon Adventurer - Hummingway Home / 月球探险家 - 哼哼引导兔的住所
Before going back to Earth, let's take a tour in Moon. / 好不容易来月球一次,回地球之前,先转转吧。
Land your ship here and get into the cave. / 把船停在这里然后进洞
The shop here sells Ether and Elixir, expensive though / 这里的商店会卖以太药和圣灵药,就是很贵罢了
52. Moon Adventurer - Cave Of Bahamut / 月球探险家 - 幻兽神洞窟
Land your ship here / 把船停在这
Go downstairs and then the cave / 下楼梯然后入洞
Bestiary / 图鉴 142. Selene Guardian / 月女神卫兵
143. Dark Sage / 暗黑魔法师
144. Silver Dragon / 银龙
145. Gold Dragon (Rare) / 金龙(稀有)
(Very rare encounter, no worries if you don't encounter them here, we can encounter them later. Or you could use a Siren in B2/B3. Be careful though, as they show up in a duo. / 非常稀有,没有遇到也没关系,之后还会碰到的。你也可以选择在地下二三层用报警器把它们叫出来。它们成对出现,要小心应对)
146. Bone Dragon / 骨骸龙
149. Giant Warrior / 魔人兵
153. Behemoth / 贝希摩斯
(Technically not a boss but fighting like one. It counters all the physical attack and magic, and the magic counter is nasty. The strategy here is using Rydia's summon against it since it doesn't counter that, alongside with Edge and Cecil's physical attacks, while Rosa and Fusoya casting Blink. / 不是BOSS胜似BOSS。无论是物理攻击还是魔法攻击都会被反击。所以用莉迪亚的召唤主攻,塞西尔和艾吉平砍,福索雅和罗莎慢慢加闪躲。)
195. Bahamut (Boss) / 巴哈姆特
(He won't attack, kill him before the count down or he will wipe you / 他不会攻击只会倒计时。全力输出,倒计时前杀死他,不然就等着灭团吧)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 2
Hidden path to treasure / 去宝箱的隐藏通道
B2: 2
You will be unlocking achievements "Summon Master" / 成就"召唤大师"解锁
That's all for the place of interests in the moon, let's go back to Earth. / 月球上的景点就这么几个,逛完了就回地球吧。
53. Giant Of Babel / 巴别巨人
One-time visit. Be sure to grab all the bestiary and treasures before approaching the boss / 只能来一次,打BOSS前确认一下所有的图鉴和宝箱都拿到了。
Bestiary / 图鉴 135. Beamer / 机械炮
136. Centaurion / 铁骑兵
137. Mech Soldier / 机械兵
138. Searcher / 侦查眼
139. Last Arm / 冲击眼
140. Giant Soldier / 巨人兵
141. Mech Dragon
183. Defense Node (Boss) / 防御系统
184. Attack Node (Boss) / 攻击系统
185. CPU (Boss) / 控制系统
(The nodes will be regenerated by the CPU if killed both, kill the Defense Node first and then CPU, leave Attack Node at last. The regenerate speed is not that fast, if your DPS is high enough, you can also choose to kill the nodes first / 两个小系统如果都被打掉的话会被控制系统复活,先把防御系统打掉,然后集火控制系统。其实复活速度不是那么快,如果你输出够高的话,先干掉两个小系统也可以)
Treasure / 宝箱 Chest of the Giant / 巨人胸: 5
Stomach of the Giant / 巨人腹: 2
Inner Path of the Giant / 巨人内部通道: 1
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
54. Hidden Items / 隐藏物品
Before we face our destiny in the final dungeon, remember those hidden items that was not available before? They are now, let's go grab them. / 去最终迷宫之前,我们先回地球把剩下的几个隐藏物品拿了。
Sylvan Cottage / 风精灵之家Grimoire / 奥义之书
Bookshelf / 书架
人生赢家 - 隔壁老杨
Land of the Summons / 幻兽镇Grimoire / 奥义之书
Bookshelf in the Weapon Shop / 武器店里的书架
Grimoire / 奥义之书
Bookshelf in the Armor Shop / 防具店里的书架
That's it, you've got the achievement "Item Detector". / 所有的物品都拿完了,成就”道具猎人“解锁~
55. Lunar Subterrane / 月面地下溪谷
The final dungeon is in Crystal Palace, park your ship and hiking between the tunnels like last time. / 最终迷宫就在月民之馆里,把船停好和上次一样从通道里走过去。
The crystals will transport you into Luna Subterrane, the final dungeon of the game. / 水晶们会把你们传送到最终迷宫 - 月面地下溪谷。
You've unlocked the achievement "Adventurous Wayfarer". / 成就“探求的冒险者”解锁。
Bestiary / 图鉴 147. Dinozombie / 恐尸龙
148. Li'l Murderer / 哥布林小杀手
150. Blue Dragon / 蓝龙
151. Red Dragon / 红龙
152. Ahriman / 阿里曼
154. Wicked Mask / 死亡面相
155. Zemus's Mind / 泽姆斯之念
156. Zemus's Breath / 泽姆斯之息
157. Flan Princess / 布丁公主
(Find in one room in B5, the Pink Tail it drops is used to trade Adament Armor, however the drop rate is very bad. / 第五层的一个房间里可以找到,用来刷交换精金铠用的粉色尾巴,不过掉率感人)
186. Lunasaur (Boss) / 月骨龙
(Guarding Ribbons, open battle by reflecting themselves. However, we all know that summons can't be reflected so it doesn't really matter / 缎带的守护BOSS,开场就给自己上反射。不过,莉迪亚的召唤又不吃反射,所以没啥区别)
187. Plague (Boss) / 灾祸之瞳
(Guarding Holy Lance, wipe you after countdown, but you can auto-attack and kill it first. / 圣枪的守护BOSS,倒计时后就灭团了,不过自动攻击就在倒计时前砍死了)
188. White Dragon (Boss) / 白龙
(Guarding Murasame, let Rosa casting Float to negate Earthquake / 村雨的守护BOSS,让罗莎给全队上浮空就可以无视它的地震)
189. Ogopogo (Boss) / 狂潮利亚维桑
(Guarding Masamune, let Rosa casting shell on her first move to reduce the damage of double Deluge attack / 正宗的守护BOSS,上来先让罗莎给全队上一个魔盾,BOSS的连续两次大海浪就杀不死人了)
190. Dark Bahamut (Boss) / 暗黑巴哈姆特
(Guarding Ragnarok, opening the battle with a Mega Flare, wiping most of your party out, SUPRISE!! Revive your team and remember don't let Rydia use summon attack, otherwise it will counter another Mega Flare back. / 诸神的黄昏的守护BOSS,上来就是一个百万核爆,坑爹,先救人吧。之后不要让莉迪亚用召唤物攻击,不然它还会反击一个百万核爆)
Treasure / 宝箱 B1: 1
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
We have two routes here in B1, a hidden path in the left of the entrance will leads to a sealed weapon, the stairs in the south lead you to deeper floor. Take the hidden path first. / 这层有两条路,入口左面的隐藏道路可以最终通往一个被封印的武器,南面的楼梯是通往深层的路。先走隐藏道路拿武器。
It's a dead end though, teleport out and re-enter after you grab the Murasame. / 不过这是一条死路,拿到村雨后传送出去重新进来比较方便。
Remember you can heal your party using the devices in the outside chamber of Crystal Palace / 在月民之馆外面的房间两侧有两个装置可以帮你回复。
B2: 3
Hidden path to the treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to the stairs / 通往楼梯的隐藏道路
B3: 3
Hidden path to the treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to other treasures / 通往其他宝箱的隐藏道路
B4: 2
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
A Behemoth inside, however it should be easy for you now / 里面有一只贝希摩斯,不过现在你应该可以轻松对付他
B4 (West Room) / 地下四层西侧房间: 1
B4 (South Passage) / 地下四层南侧通道: 2
B5: 5
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
A little bit complicated floor, have 3 layers and 2 passages connect between them, I'll explain it here. / 有点复杂的一个楼层,分了三层还用通道连接,我来解释一下。
North Passage / 北侧通道: Connection between Upper Layer and Middle Layer. The southeast stairs lead to a treasure, the north stairs allow you to go to the Middle Layer. / 上层与中层之间的通道,南面的楼梯可以出去拿一个宝箱,北面的楼梯可以让你到达地下五层的中层。
South Passage / 南侧通道: Connection between Middle Layer and Lower Layer. / 中层与下层之间的通道
B5 (North Passage) / 地下五层北侧通道: 1
Hidden path to the treasure / 通往宝箱的隐藏道路
Hidden path to the stairs / 通往楼梯的隐藏道路
B5 (South Passage) / 地下五层南侧通道: 1
B5 (Southeast Room) / 地下五层东南房间: 1
The only room you can find Flan Princess / 只有这个房间才能找到布丁公主
B6: 4
Hidden platform leads you to another sealed weapon / 通往被封印武器的隐藏平台
Hidden path after the hidden platform, leads to hidden stairs / 隐藏平台之后的隐藏通道,通往隐藏楼梯
Note: Remember to rest at the Save Point when you reach it, the guarding boss of the sealed weapon is a nasty one. / 遇到存档点一定要休息,之后武器的守护BOSS不好打。
B6 (South Passage) / 地下六层南侧通道: 1
Note: Guarded / 小心宝箱有怪物
B8: 1
B9: 2
B10: 2
That's all of them, you've unlocked the achievement "Legendary Treasure Huntuer". / 所有的宝箱都拿完了,成就“传奇宝物猎人”解锁。
Note: you may need to wait for the end of next battle for the 100% treasure achievement to pop, or you can just restart the game / 注意只有下次战斗之后才会看到100%宝箱收集的成就弹出来,当然重启游戏也行。
Finally, you will be facing the Final Boss / 终于走完了迷宫,我们要面对最终BOSS了。
56. Final Battle / 最终战斗
Bestiary / 图鉴 196. Zeromus (Boss)
Buff your team up, then throw your crystals your brother gives to you. / 先给队伍上满状态,然后把你哥哥给你的水晶砸向BOSS。
197. Zeromus (Boss) / 泽罗姆斯
This ain't easy, your party member are easily killed or in low-health. Spam all your Elixir with Rosa's Curaja and Full-Life, alongside with Rydia keep summoning Bahamut and let Edge throwing all your Shurikens. Eventually you will defeat him. / 最终BOSS肯定不简单,队员血量经常见底,很容易就挂了。让罗莎拼命的用完全复活救人,其他人直接砸圣灵药恢复,让莉迪亚不断召唤巴哈姆特,让艾吉把你所有的手里剑都扔出去。
Congratulations, you've beat the game! / 恭喜你,通关了!
You'll be also unlocking the achievement of "Field Research - Professional", but it won't pop until you see all the credits. / 成就“魔兽图鉴 - 完全功略篇”也会解锁,不过你得看完全部的职员表才会弹。
Extra Things To Grind / 需要刷的一些东西
You should've already gotten most of the achievements except for those which need grinding. / 你应该已经把除了需要刷的成就都拿完了。
Adamant Armor / 精金铠We need the Pink Tail dropped by Flan Princess in the corner room in Lunar Subterrane B5. / 我们需要去月面地下溪谷地下五层角落里的那个房间刷布丁公主掉落的粉色尾巴。
It's a rare encounter + rare drop, and we only have limited supplies of Siren as we can't buy Siren in this version of game, so that's easily hours of grinding. / 稀有掉落稀有刷新,而且我们本作里面又不能买报警器,仅有的几个报警器能不能刷出来就看缘分了,到底是几个小时就看脸了。
After you grinded the Pink Tail, go to Adamant Grotto and the guy will trade you the Adamant Armor. / 等你刷到了粉色尾巴,去精金岛洞窟找里面的工匠换精金铠。
It also helps you unlocking achievement "Tail of Myth". / 同时解锁成就“传说中的尾巴”。
Hidden Summons / 隐藏召唤魔法 Goblin / 哥布林
Fight goblins outside Baron, can be summoned by Siren in Mist Cave / 巴隆郊外刷哥布林,在迷雾洞窟用警报器可以叫出来。
Cockatrice / 蛇鸡兽
Fight helldiver outside Baron, can be summoned by Siren in the same place but not 100% / 巴隆郊外刷俯冲鹰,虽然能用警报器叫出来,但不是100%出。
Mind Flayer / 夺心魔
Fight Mind Flayer in Magnetic Cavern B3/B4, can be summoned by Siren in the same place / 磁力洞窟地下三四层刷夺心魔,用警报器可以叫出来。
Bomb / 爆弹怪
Fight Dark Grenade in surface between Western Lunar Path and Eastern Lunar Path, they sometime show up with Balloon as well, adding more odds to drop. Not able to be summoned by Siren. / 月球表面两个通道之间的连接处刷暗黑榴弹怪,有的时候它会和治愈爆弹怪一起刷,增加我们刷出来的几率。用警报器叫不出来。
I don't know how much exactly the drop rates are in the PR version. But according to the 3D Remake version's guide I've mentioned before, they were 0.4% in that version. For PR version, my guess is it would be no more than 1%. / 我不知道像素重制版里这个掉率到底是多少,不过之前在看3D重制版的攻略的时候,里面提到3D重制版的掉率是0.4%。估计这个版本也差不多,我猜顶多1%。
A smarter way to use our limited supply of Siren, is quick save, then use the Siren, kill the mob and see if it drops. If doesn't return to title and load the last save. This will make sure we encounter the mob. / 一个比较好的办法,就是走到地方之后先快速存档,然后用警报器叫出指定怪物。如果没刷出来赶紧读档。这样至少可以保证我们100%遇到指定怪物,整个游戏过程中怎么也有4-5个警报器,足够用了。
That's easily 6+ hrs to grind all of them, based on my estimation. The grind of Goblin is fast, but the Mind Flayer and Bomb are much harder. / 这四个总共估计的花至少6个小时才能刷到。刷哥布林比较快因为到处都是,不过夺心魔和爆弹怪就比较慢了。
But after your hard work, you will be rewarding the last 2 achievements of the game. "Summon Collecter" and "Master of IV". / 不过努力终有回报,最后两个成就就拿到手了。
Special Thanks / 特别鸣谢
Thanks Aither for the walkthrough of the 3D Remake version. It helps me a lot when I was playing that game. I'm following mostly the same steps here in this game and this guide. / 感谢Aither的3D重制版指南,当时我在玩那个版本的时候就用了这个指南拿到了全成就。同样我这个指南也基本上采取了类似的游戏路线。
I'm also referring to the Final Fantasy Wiki site, it has lots of information, mostly the English names of the bestiaries and hidden items. They have many information there, very helpful on the Final Fantasy series overall./ 我也参考了最终幻想维基站,主要参考了英文名和隐藏物品。上面信息很全,玩最终幻想系列其他游戏的时候也很好用。
3D Remake And Sequel / 3D重制版以及续作
The 3D Remake version is an extend of this game, adding some extra script and features, including some dubbing. If you like this game, you could try the 3D Remake version with Aither's guide helping you. / 3D重制版比这个版本多了一些内容,而且有一些剧情配音。如果你觉得本作还不错的话,可以顺着Aither的攻略去尝试一下。当然Aither的指南是英文版的,不过应该问题不大。
There is a sequel available, tells the event about the moon returns 17 years later and the episode afterwards. It's also in the same engine of 3D Remake version. / 本作有个续作《月之归还》,讲述了17年后离开的月亮又回来了,以及之后的一系列故事,感兴趣的也可以玩一下。不过这款游戏没有中文版,英文不好的就算了。
Somehow the widget doesn't work, click the link here. / 不知道为啥链接框出不来,手动点一下吧。
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