Elm Creek
Red Orange Yellow Lime IndexXY 11951535 21404174 313431076 41092973 51457175 62010858 71558236 812661073 916011559 101281295 IndexXY 114381441 121307491 1314091147 1419081521 151081363 1619641531 1712251968 181859457 191484481 2010121984 IndexXY 21565818 2211852003 23412663 241549253 25122403 261564169 27970803 286901562 29671856 301484481 IndexXY 311236280 3219261526 331063987 3411571622 3518761063 361657180 374731301 3819821998 39443693 4027769 Green Cyan Azure Blue IndexXY 411180345 42228395 43121190 4418732002 4519271547 4619891853 4719921090 4816011560 491484481 5020301178 IndexXY 5189687 521153417 531455176 541142403 55121392 564171597 571484481 581089651 596911562 601298184 IndexXY 611307491 622251988 6314091077 641237125 653081590 6626769 6715401667 68746137 6912182007 701888 IndexXY 714251372 721080213 731521570 7411921468 7510671477 7610791965 7716011561 781958136 792392009 8011881057 Violet Magenta IndexXY 8115271811 821437195 8316561133 841355258 851498295 86*12291968 8719811999 88441651 891564169 901988 IndexXY 911420231 9213621079 934611423 9415781711 9513571560 9690951 9711921469 98821110 99678569 1006901562
* only during the winter
Haut Beyleron
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2662291399
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