What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows?

What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows?

He Smort

What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 1

As we know. Miriel is the freaking POPE, so that must mean that he is hella smart. This could mean that he is a Border collie.

According to The Intelligence of Dogs, which ranks 131 dog breeds in terms of their relative intelligence, the border collie is the smartest dog breed known to man and a dog truly this smart maybe capable of becoming the literal representative of god himself.

True Stub

What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 5
What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 6

As we can see, Miriels legs are short and he has barely no ground clearance.

This could hone us to believe, that he could also be the all beloved corgi.

Neck For Dayz

What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 10
What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 11

As we can see, Miriels neck is also really long. This could mean that he could be a greyhound, Chinese crested, Afghan hound, Great Dane, doberman, poodle, or a xolo.

Possible Matches

What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 14
What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 15

With hours of research and studying the bone structure of Miriel. I have come to the conclusion that he MUST be either a corgi, grayhound -mix

or a chihuahua, cattle dog -mix

Final Conclusion

What breed is Miriel Pastor of Vows? image 19

As a result of careful consideration, I've concluded that Miriel’s breed is Good boi

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2802864982					

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