Age, Voice, Skin
Age: Mature
Voice: Mature Voice 1
Skin Color: R: 131, G: 120, B: 120
Adjust Face Template
Bone Structure: 1
Form Emphasis: 10
Apparent Age: 255
Facial Aesthetic: 0
Facial Balance
Nose Size: 178
Nose/Forehead Ratio: 120
Face Protrusion: 108
Vert. Face Ratio: 90
Facial Feature Slant: 118
Horiz. Face Ratio: 118
Forehead Depth: 110
Forehead Protrusion: 255
Nose Bridge Height: 95
Brigde Protrusion 1: 145
Brigde Protrusion 2: 128
Nose Bridge Width: 58
Brow Ridge
Brow Ridge Height: 255
Inner Brow Ridge: 70
Outer Brow Ridge: 165
Eye Position: 235
Eye Size: 50
Eye Slant: 255
Eye Spacing: 245
Nose Ridge
Nose Ridge Depth: 128
Nose Ridge Length: 115
Nose Position: 105
Nose Tip Height: 50
Nose Protrusion: 235
Nose Height: 45
Nose Slant: 135
Nostril Slant: 138
Nostril Size: 40
Nostril Width: 255
Cheekbone Height: 145
Cheekbone Depth: 205
Cheekbone Width: 185
Cheekbone Protrusion: 195
Cheeks: 80
Lip Shape: 70
Mouth Expression: 0
Lip Fullness: 255
Lip Size: 118
Lip Protrusion: 255
Lip Thickness: 200
Mouth Protrusion: 0
Mouth Slant: 0
Occlusion: 165
Mouth Position: 10
Mouth Width: 235
Mouth-Chin Distance: 75
Chin Tip Position: 175
Chin Lenght: 30
Chin Protrusion: 145
Chin Depth: 255
Chin Size: 255
Chin Height: 58
Chin Width: 165
Jaw Protrusion: 155
Jaw Width: 255
Lower Jaw: 185
Jaw Contour: 225
Hair: 1
Hair Color: doesnt matter
Luster: 20
Root Darkness: 165
White Hairs: 115
Brow: 8
Brow Color: Black
Luster: Match Hair
Root Darkness: Match Hair
White Hair: Match Hair
Facial Hair
Beard: 3
Beard Color: R: 60, G: 60, B: 60 - (Grey)
Luster: 0
Root Darkness: 255
White Hairs: 109
Stubble: 255
Eyelashes: 3
Eyelash Color: Black
Right Iris Size: 215
Right Iris Color: R: 255, G: 255, B: 87 - (Yellow)
R Eye Clouding: 255
R Clouding Color: Black
R Eye White Color: Dark Grey
R Eye Position: 135
Left Iris Size: Match Right Eye
Left Iris Color: Match Right Eye
L Eye Clouding: Match Right Eye
L Clouding Color: Match Right Eye
L Eye White Color: Match Right Eye
L Eye Position: Match Right Eye
Skin Features
Pores: 255
Skin Luster: 200
Dark Circles: 160
Dark Circle Color: Black
Everything on 0, Colors doesnt matter
Tattoo/Mark: 13
Tattoo/Mark Color: R: 94, G: 61, B: 61
Tweak Tattoo/Mark:
-Position (Vert.): 205
-Position (Horiz.): 83
-Angle: 176
-Expansion: 215
-Flip: OFF
Eyepatch: 1
Eyepatch Color: doesnt matter
Alter Body
Head: 131
Chest: 255
Abdomen: 225
Arms: 255
Legs: 255
Body Hair: 0
Body hair Color: Match Hair
Musculature: Muscular
Chest PieceName: Champion Pauldron
Price: 1,500 Runes
Location: Sold by Merchant in South Caelid
Legs PieceName: Traveler's Slops
Price: -
Location: Found in a corpse in one of the corners of the buildings in Caelid's Swamp area.
Location: Randomly dropped by Men-Serpents. Look for those wielding this weapon.
Type: Curved Sword
Note: This Weapons has a 1% Drop Rate, scales with Str, Dex and Faith
Final Outfit
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