Great Katana In Elden Ring
Great katanas are a unique type of weapon that appeared in Shadow of the Erdtree and, accordingly, all weapons of this category can be obtained only there, namely:
Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Great Katana
Rakshasa's Great Katana
Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSomber Smithing StonesDragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Great katana with spines of gravel stone along its blade, wielded by the Ancient Dragon-Man of the Dragon's Pit.
Has an anti-dragon effect.
Formerly a Dragon Communion warrior, the Ancient Dragon-Man was once arbiter of those worthy to devour the Dreaded One.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1537Dexterity2037IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical15269Fire32Magic32Thunder32Holy32WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage10,51003755Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageRareSlash / Pierce5,5
Dragonwound Slash18 FPUnchargedCharged+ bulletDamage1,69x0,65x + 1,91xStamina damage2x1,2x + 2xPoise damage4x3x + 3xGuard attack5x5x + 5xGuard break1x1,2x + 1,2x
Designed to hunt colossal dragons, this skill cloaks the armament with a jagged gravel-stone aura before performing a high leaping slash. Charge the attack to also fire off the aura.NOT allowedNOT allowedID 6402 — Hemorrhage - Type 1 - Special 3
55 blood
Deal (15% MaxHP + 100) HP damageDeals 15% more damage to subsequent enemies: Ancient Dragon
Ancient Dragon Senessax
Ancient Dragon Lansseax
Lichdragon FortissaxDeals 30% more damage to subsequent enemies: Banished Knight [some specific]
Bayle the Dread
Borealis the Freezing Fog
Decaying Ekzykes
Elder Dragon Greyoll
Flying Dragon
Flying Dragon Agheel
Flying Dragon Greyll
Ghostflame Dragon
Glintstone Dragon
Glintstone Dragon Adula
Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Great Wyrm Theodorix
Jagged Peak Drake
Magma Wyrm
Mausoleum Banished Knight [some specific]By (up to +10)
How to get it?
Guaranteed drop from the Ancient Dragon-man boss located in the Dragon's Pit.
Great Katana
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesGreat Katana
Large katana with a long, heavy blade.
A weapon unique to warriors of the Land of Reeds.
Designed for aggression, this armament requires the wielder to throw their entire body into swinging it. The slashing attacks of its honed edge incite blood loss.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1430Dexterity1850IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical14560Fire30Magic30Thunder30Holy30WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage91003552Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonSlash / Pierce5,5
Overhead StanceL2 + R1L2 + R2FP810Damage (physical)1,47x0,87x + 0,97x + 1,03xDamage (other)1,55x0,9x + 0,95x + 1,1xStamina damage1x1x + 1x + 1xPoise damage2x1x+ 1x + 2xGuard attack5x5x + 5x + 5xStatus correction1x0,7x + 0,75x + 0,85x
A skill that starts with the blade held high in a ready stance.
Execute a normal attack from this stance to step forward and slash downwards, or a strong attack to deliver a series of downward slashes.AllowedAllowedID 6402 — Hemorrhage - Type 1 - Special 3
55 blood
Deal (15% MaxHP + 100) HP damageBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
On a corpse in the Gravesite Plain, nearby Ghostflame Dragon.
Rakshasa's Great Katana
Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSomber Smithing StonesRakshasa's Great Katana
A great katana with the tempering pattern of its blade forever stained red with blood. Weapon of Rakshasa, who cuts down and devours.
A berserker's weapon used to endure enemy attacks and reply with one's full fury. When attacking, the wielder is less likely to stagger from counterattacks, but will also take increased damage.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1215Dexterity2761IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical15553Fire24Magic24Thunder24Holy24WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage9,51003552Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageRareSlash / Pierce5,5
Weed CutterL2L2 + R2L2 ++ R2Number of hits1st + 2nd3rd + 4th5th + 6thFP888Damage0,98x + 1,06x0,98x + 1,06x0,98x + 1,06xStamina damage1x + 1x1x + 1x1x + 1xPoise damage1x + 1x1x + 1x1x + 1xGuard attack5x + 5x5x + 5x5x + 5x
Performs scythe-like horizontal swings with the sword, cutting men down as if they were weeds. Additional inputs allow for the continuation of the attack for as long as stamina remains.NOT allowedNOT allowedID 6402 — Hemorrhage - Type 1 - Special 3
55 blood
Deal (15% MaxHP + 100) HP damageID 5665200
Increases incoming damage by 10% during an attackBy (up to +10)
How to get it?
Guaranteed drop from the Rakshasa boss located in the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum.
Sorting Great Katanas
CommonRare Great Katana Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Rakshasa's Great Katana
99,510 Great Katana Rakshasa's Great Katana Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Buffing and Affinity
AllowedNOT allowed Great Katana Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Rakshasa's Great Katana
Damage (sorted by Physical)
Weapon nameDamage: PhysicalDamage: MagicDamage: FireDamage: LightningDamage: HolyGreat Katana145Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana152Rakshasa's Great Katana155
Correction (sorted by DEX)
Weapon nameCorr STRCor DEXCor INTCor FTHCor ARCDragon-Hunter's Great Katana3737Great Katana3050Rakshasa's Great Katana 15 61
Correct Type
Standard (0)Unique (2200) Great Katana Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana
Rakshasa's Great Katana
Param NameStandard +0Standard +12Standard +24Standard +25Damage (Base)1x2,4x3,88x4xDamage:
— Physical
— Magic
— Fire
— Lightning
— Holy1x1,696x2,392x2,45xCorrection:
— DEX1x1,24x1,48x1,5xCorrection:
— ARC1x1,46x1,78x1,8xDamage (Stamina)1x1,48x1,96x2xGuard Stability1x1,12x1,19x1,2x
Param NameUnique +0Unique +5Unique +9Unique +10Damage (Base)1x2,5x3,7x4xDamage:
— Physical
— Magic
— Fire
— Lightning
— Holy1x1,725x2,305x2,45xCorrection:
— ARC1x1,4x1,72x1,8xDamage (Stamina)1x1,5x1,9x2xGuard Stability1x1,05x1,09x1,1x
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