Thrusting Sword In Elden Ring
There are 8 thrusting swords in Elden Ring, 1 of which can be obtained from the DLC, namely:
Base gameShadow of the Erdtree Antspur Rapier
Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Frozen Needle
Noble's Estoc
Rogier's Rapier Carian Sorcery Sword
Antspur Rapier
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesAntspur Rapier
Spur of a giant ant which has been fashioned into a rapier. The blade drips with scarlet rot.
Scarlet rot is an old legend, of which Maleigh Marais of the Shaded Castle was a private believer. And indeed, he eventually found his own personal goddess.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1036Dexterity2050IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical9847Fire31Magic31Thunder31Holy31WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage31002131Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageRareStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.AllowedAllowedID 6601 — Scarlet Rot - Type 1 - Special 2
55 Scarlet Rot
Deal (0,18% MaxHP + 15) HP damage for 90 secondsBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
Drop from Maleight Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan on the west from Shaded Castle.
Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesCleanrot Knight's Sword
Piercing sword of the Cleanrot Knights who fought alongside Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Mainly used as a backup weapon, in combination with a long-handled armament.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1145Dexterity1330IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical10951Fire34Magic34Thunder34Holy34WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage41002333Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
Random drop from Cleanrot Knights, armed with this weapon (4% chance).
The closest and easiest ones are in Shaded Castle.
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesEstoc
Large piercing sword with a long, hard bladed edge which is also capable of slashing attacks.
For its large size, it can be wielded rather nimbly, leaving little opportunity for the enemy to counter.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1114Dexterity1360IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical10754Fire36Magic36Thunder36Holy36WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage4,51002433Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
Buy from Patches for 3000 Runes.
Buy from Nomadic Merchant in South Liurnia for 3000 runes.
Frozen Needle
Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSomber Smithing StonesFrozen Needle
A razor-thin piercing blade of ice.
Forged by Iji, the Carian Royal Blacksmith.
Can inflict frost upon enemies, and launch its blade with a strong attack. The blade immediately regenerates.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1120Dexterity1850IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical9940Fire28Magic40Thunder28Holy28WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage2,51002030Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageRareStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.NOT allowedNOT allowedID 6701 — Frostbite - Type 1 - Special 1
60 Frost
Deal (10% MaxHP + 30) damage
The enemy takes 20% more damage
The effect lasts 30 seconds or until the enemy is damaged by fireBy (up to +10)
How to get it?
In the chest after Royal Revenant bossfight in Kingsreal Ruins.
Noble's Estoc
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesNoble's Estoc
Estoc carried by wandering nobles.
Made to be easy to wield.
Daubed with gold from tip to tail, it should fetch a good sum.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength937Dexterity1037IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical10449Fire33Magic33Thunder33Holy33WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage3,51002230Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
Random drop from Wandering Nobles, armed with this weapon (0,5% chance).
The closest and easiest accompany the carriage that appears next to Waypoint Ruins.
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesRapier
A piercing sword with a sharp, slender blade.
In addition to this weapon's thrusting attack prowess, it also boasts the ability to be used while guarding with a shield.
As one of the smaller piercing swords, quick successive thrusts are easy to perform, but without a cutting edge, it cannot be used for slashing attacks.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength720Dexterity1260IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical9645Fire30Magic30Thunder30Holy30WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage2,51302030Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
Buy from the Twin Maiden Husks for 1000 runes.
Rogier's Rapier
Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesRogier's Rapier
Piercing sword of superior quality, featuring intricate ornamentation.
Signature weapon of the sorcerer Rogier.
High dexterity is required to wield the blade to its full potential, but mastery is a sight to behold, characterized by a flowing style which excels in successive attacks.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength815Dexterity1776IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical9349Fire33Magic33Thunder33Holy33WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage3,51102231Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce4
Repeating Thrust7 FP1st attack2+3 attack each4th attackDamage0,99x0,57x1,15xPoise damage2x0,4x1xStatus damage1x0,5x1x
Twist to build power, then unleash a flurry of thrusts.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)
How to get it?
Gives Sorcerer Rogier after you defeat Godrick the Grafted.
Rogier will be in the Roundtable Hold on the balcony.
Carian Sorcery Sword
Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing StonesCarian Sorcery Sword
One of the Carian royal family's glintstone swords.
A smaller piercing sword with a slender blade.
Formerly used by the Carian knights of old before the full refinement of their sorcerous combat techniques, this armament functions as a catalyst for glintstone sorcery when executing strong attacks. Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1010Dexterity1939Intelligence1647FaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical6934Fire24Magic6948Thunder24Holy24WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage2,51101929Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageRareStandard / Pierce4
Impaling Thrust9 FP
Deal 1,87x damage, 2x Stamina damage, 6x Poise damage and 99x Guard attack
Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.NOT allowedNOT allowedAllows you to cast Sorceries through L2By (up to +25)
How to get it?
In a chest on one of the towers of Castle Ensis.
Sorting Thrusting Swords
CommonRare Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Noble's Estoc
Rogier's Rapier Antspur Rapier
Carian Sorcery Sword
Frozen Needle
2,533,5 Carian Sorcery Sword
Frozen Needle
Rapier Antspur Rapier Noble's Estoc
Rogier's Rapier44,5 Cleanrot Knight's Sword Estoc
100110130 Antspur Rapier
Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Frozen Needle
Noble's Estoc Carian Sorcery Sword
Rogier's Rapier Rapier
Buffing and Affinity
AllowedNOT allowed Antspur Rapier
Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Noble's Estoc
Rogier's Rapier Carian Sorcery Sword
Frozen Needle
Sorting Thrusting Swords №2
Damage (sorted by Physical)
Weapon nameDamage: PhysicalDamage: MagicDamage: FireDamage: LightningDamage: HolyCarian Sorcery Sword6969Rogier's Rapier93Rapier96Antspur Rapier98Frozen Needle99Noble's Estoc104Estoc107Cleanrot Knight's Sword109
Correction (sorted by DEX)
Weapon nameCorr STRCorr DEXCorr INTCorr FTHCorr ARCCleanrot Knight's Sword4530Noble's Estoc3737Carian Sorcery Sword103947Antspur Rapier3650Frozen Needle2050Rapier2060Estoc1460Rogier's Rapier1576
Correct Type
Standard (0)Unique (2200)Atypical (1300) Antspur Rapier
Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Noble's Estoc
Rogier's Rapier Frozen Needle Carian Sorcery Sword
Param NameStandard +0Unique +0Atypical +0Damage Base111Damage:
— Physical
— Magic
— Fire
— Lightning
— Holy111Correction:
— DEX111Correction:
— ARC111Damage: Stamina111Guard Stability111
Param NameStandard +25Unique +10Atypical +25Damage Base444Damage:
— Physical
— Magic2,452,451,9Damage:
— Fire
— Lightning
— Holy2,452,452,45Correction:
— DEX1,51,81,5Correction:
— INT1,81,84,3Correction:
— ARC1,81,82,4Damage: Stamina222Guard Stability1,21,11,2
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