All about Twinblades in Elden Ring

Twinblade In Elden Ring

There are 8 twinblades in Elden Ring, 2 of which can be obtained from the DLC, namely:

Base gameShadow of the Erdtree Eleonora's Poleblade

Gargoyle's Black Blades

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Godskin Peeler


Twinned Knight Swords Black Steel Twinblade



Eleonora's Poleblade

Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSomber Smithing Stones

Eleonora's Poleblade

Twinned naginata forged in the Land of Reeds.

Chosen weapon of Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger.

Her mastery of the sword was such that her onslaught was likened to a whirlwind, but now her legacy is stained by accursed blood.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1210Dexterity2140IntelligenceFaithArcane1930Damage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical7233Fire7247Magic23Thunder23Holy23WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage61002842Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageRareStandard / Pierce5

Bloodblade DanceL2+ L2FP116Number of hits72Damage0,5x + 0,49x + 0,7x*4 + 1x0,8x + 1,2xStamina damage1x*72x + 1xPoise damage0,5x*2 + 1x*2 + 1,5x*2 + 3x3x*2Status correction0,3x*2 + 0,5x*50,5x*2Status attack correction0,5x*70,5x*2

Leap at foe to perform a flurry of tornado-like attacks.

Follow up with an additional input to perform an attack that ends in an evasive maneuver.NOT allowedNOT allowedID 6402 — Hemorrhage - Type 1 - Special 3

55 blood

Deal (15% MaxHP + 100) HP damageBy (up to +10)

How to get it?

Guaranteed drop from the Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger invader located in the Second Chirch of Marika.

Gargoyle's Black Blades

Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSomber Smithing Stones

Gargoyle's Black Blades

Bronze twinblade wielded by Valiant Gargoyles, mended with blackened corpse wax.

Deals holy damage.

Such is the mark of those who serve Maliketh, the Black Blade.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1866Dexterity1510IntelligenceFaith2225ArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical8132Fire26Magic26Thunder26Holy9759WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage8,51003250Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce5

Spinning SlashL2+ L2FP612Damage1,05x0,6x + 1,1xStamina damage1,25x0,75x + 1,25xPoise damage2,9x0,9x + 2,9xGuard attack5x5x + 5xStatus correction0,65x0,5x + 0,7x

Skill favored by dexterous warriors.

Slash foes as your body spins. Additional input allows for a follow-up attack.AllowedNOT allowedNoneBy (up to +10)

How to get it?

Guaranteed drop from the Black Blade Kindred boss located near the Grand Lift of Rold.

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing Stones

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Bronze twinblade wielded by Valiant Gargoyles.

Just like the wielder, the missing parts have been mended with corpse wax; a patchwork of champions.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1866Dexterity1510IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical12348Fire32Magic32Thunder32Holy32WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage8,51003250Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce5

Spinning SlashL2+ L2FP612Damage1,05x0,6x + 1,1xStamina damage1,25x0,75x + 1,25xPoise damage2,9x0,9x + 2,9xGuard attack5x5x + 5xStatus correction0,65x0,5x + 0,7x

Skill favored by dexterous warriors.

Slash foes as your body spins. Additional input allows for a follow-up attack.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)

How to get it?

Guaranteed drop from the Valiant Gargoyle duo bosses located in the Siofra River.

Godskin Peeler

Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing Stones

Godskin Peeler

Unique twinblade wielded by Godskin Apostles characterized by its disturbing design. One end features a sickle for slicing attacks while the other boasts a winding spike for boring into flesh.

Much skill is required to wield this weapon due to its asymmetric nature.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1719Dexterity2260IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical12147Fire31Magic31Thunder31Holy31WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage81003145Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce5

Black Flame Tornado30 FP

It causes a black flame effect:

it deal (0.1% MaxHP + 1) damage every 0.1 second for 2 seconds (i.e. 20 times).UnchargedChargedDamage0,5x*2 + 00,5x + 0x + 0xBlack fire hits0*2 + 10+ 5 + 1Fire damage (black)0*2 + 1700 + 65*5 + 170Stamina damage (+black)0,5x*2 + 2000,5x + 30*5 + 200Poise damage0,5x*2 + 00,5x + 6*5 + 0Status correction0,5x*2 + 00,5x + 0

Spin armament overhead and then plunge it into the ground to summon a raging vortex of black flames.

Hold to create an initial flame tornado while spinning the armament.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)

How to get it?

Guaranteed drop from the Godskin Apostle boss located in the Windmill Heights.


Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing Stones


A sword with blades on both sides of the hilt.

This weapon is difficult to wield and demands high dexterity.

Can be wielded with a single hand, but its true strength is unlocked with dual-handed spinning attacks.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1035Dexterity1843IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical11945Fire30Magic30Thunder30Holy30WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage71003045Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce5

Spinning SlashL2+ L2FP612Damage1,05x0,6x + 1,1xStamina damage1,25x0,75x + 1,25xPoise damage2,9x0,9x + 2,9xGuard attack5x5x + 5xStatus correction0,65x0,5x + 0,7x

Skill favored by dexterous warriors.

Slash foes as your body spins. Additional input allows for a follow-up attack.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)

How to get it?

In a chest located in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins.

Twinned Knight Swords

Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing Stones

Twinned Knight Swords

An attractive twinblade of fine make that prizes the chivalric way.

Can be wielded with a single hand, but its true strength is unlocked with dual-handed spinning attacks.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1654Dexterity1824IntelligenceFaithArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical12247Fire31Magic31Thunder31Holy31WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage81003147Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce5

Spinning SlashL2+ L2FP612Damage1,05x0,6x + 1,1xStamina damage1,25x0,75x + 1,25xPoise damage2,9x0,9x + 2,9xGuard attack5x5x + 5xStatus correction0,65x0,5x + 0,7x

Skill favored by dexterous warriors.

Slash foes as your body spins. Additional input allows for a follow-up attack.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)

How to get it?

On the burning corpses in the East Windmill Pasture.


Black Steel Twinblade

Ash Of WarALLOW The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSmithing Stones

Black Steel Twinblade

Weapon of the Black Knights, servants of Messmer the Impaler. Twinblade of black steel with decorative embellishments in gold.

Blessed with an Erdtree incantation. Further holy imbuement will amplify the effect and greatly increase the armament's power.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1825Dexterity1555IntelligenceFaith1330ArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical11242Fire26Magic26Thunder26Holy3347WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage81003145Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageCommonStandard / Pierce5

Spinning SlashL2+ L2FP612Damage1,05x0,6x + 1,1xStamina damage1,25x0,75x + 1,25xPoise damage2,9x0,9x + 2,9xGuard attack5x5x + 5xStatus correction0,65x0,5x + 0,7x

Skill favored by dexterous warriors.

Slash foes as your body spins. Additional input allows for a follow-up attack.AllowedAllowedNoneBy (up to +25)

How to get it?

Guaranteed drop from the Black Knight located near Church of the Crusade.


Ash Of WarPREVENT The ChangeAffinityBuffingSpecial EffectsUpgradingSomber Smithing Stones


Twinblade symbolizing abundance.

The secret treasure of the tower.

Though the blades, fashioned from golden shoots, are largely wilted and darkened, their luster can be restored by dealing damage to foes. However, damage dealt to Those Who Live in Death will have no such effect.Attribute nameRequirementCorrection (%)Strength1625Dexterity1625IntelligenceFaith2450ArcaneDamage typeDamage attackDamage negotiation (%)Physical8432Fire26Magic26Thunder26Holy10059WeightCrit (%)Guard BoostStam. Damage8,51003248Item RarityDamage TypePoise DamageLegendaryStandard / Pierce5

Euporia Vortex28 FP

The power of the skill depends on the shine of the sword.

By default, it does not luster.

Half luster is triggered after somewhat 6 consecutive strikes.

Full luster is triggered after somewhat 10 consecutive strikes.

The luster effect lasts for 30 seconds.L2L2 (Half luster)L2 (Full luster)Number of sword hits5511Damage0,7*50,25*50,35*11Stamina damage3x*53x*50,5*11Poise damage0,25x*50,25*50,25*11Guard attack5x*55x*55x*11

Number of holy bullets0927Holy damage41*8 + 4537*26 + 42Stamina damage1,5x*8 + 1,7x1,5x*26 + 1,7xPoise damage0,5x*4 + 0*4 + 1x0,65x*13 + 0*13 + 1x

Using the power of the vortex, violently twirl the armament, dealing multiple slashes directly ahead. The greater the restored luster of the blades, the greater the power of this skill. However, use of this skill will fully consume the blades' luster.NOT allowedNOT allowed ID 19870 => 19874 (Euporia)

ID 19971 => 19875 (Euporia)By (up to +10)

How to get it?

On a corpse in Enir-Ilim.


Sorting Twinblades


CommonRareLegendary Black Steel Twinblade

Gargoyle's Black Blades

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Godskin Peeler


Twinned Knight Swords Eleonora's Poleblade Euporia


67 Eleonora's Poleblade Twinblade

88,5 Black Steel Twinblade

Godskin Peeler

Twinned Knight Swords Euporia

Gargoyle's Black Blades

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Buffing and Affinity

AllowedAllow Affinity, but NOT BuffingNOT allowed Black Steel Twinblade

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Godskin Peeler


Twinned Knight Swords Gargoyle's Black Blades Eleonora's Poleblade


Sorting Twinblades №2

Damage (sorted by Physical)

Weapon nameDamage: PhysicalDamage: MagicDamage: FireDamage: LightningDamage: HolyEleonora's Poleblade7272Gargoyle's Black Blades8197Euporia84100Black Steel Twinblade11233Twinblade119Godskin Peeler121Twinned Knight Swords122Gargoyle's Twinblade123

Correction (sorted by STR)

Weapon nameCorr STRCor DEXCor INTCor FTHCor ARCEleonora's Poleblade104030Godskin Peeler1960Euporia252550Black Steel Twinblade255530Twinblade3543Twinned Knight Swords5424Gargoyle's Black Blades661025Gargoyle's Twinblade



Correct Type

Standard (0)Unique (2200) Black Steel Twinblade

Gargoyle's Twinblade

Godskin Peeler


Twinned Knight Swords Eleonora's Poleblade


Gargoyle's Black Blades

Param NameStandard +0Standard +12Standard +24Standard +25Damage (Base)1x2,4x3,88x4xDamage:

— Physical

— Magic

— Fire

— Lightning

— Holy1x1,696x2,392x2,45xCorrection:


— DEX1x1,24x1,48x1,5xCorrection:



— ARC1x1,46x1,78x1,8xDamage (Stamina)1x1,48x1,96x2xGuard Stability1x1,12x1,19x1,2x

Param NameUnique +0Unique +5Unique +9Unique +10Damage (Base)1x2,5x3,7x4xDamage:

— Physical

— Magic

— Fire

— Lightning

— Holy1x1,725x2,305x2,45xCorrection:





— ARC1x1,4x1,72x1,8xDamage (Stamina)1x1,5x1,9x2xGuard Stability1x1,05x1,09x1,1x


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