The minimum requirements to wield the sword is 12 points in strength and dexterity and 24 points in intelligence and faith. When the requirements are met you gain the ability of using the weapon's two weapon arts: Comet Azure Sorcery and The Burst of Flames.
The weapon can be upgraded to +10 by using somber smithing stones.
The scaling of the weapon are listed in the table below:
Level StrengthDexterityIntelligenceFaith Standard EEDD +1 EEDD +2 EECC +3 EECC +4 EECC +5 EECC +6 EECC +7 EECC +8 EECC +9 EECC +10 EEBB
Make your way to the Carian Manor until you reach the Manor Lower Level grace [image 1 below]. Go out the doorway and head east past the first stone bridge [image 2 below]. Now go north across this small stone bridge [image 3 below]. Go halfway out on this stonebridge [image 4 & 5] and you will see a building on the left side [image 5]. Jump to this building and jump again to the lower level where you can see the ladder [image 6]. Go down the ladder and the sword will be in a chest [image 7].
On your way to the Carion Manor you should find Road to the Manor grace, where you'll encounter a giant that sells somber smithing stones 1,2,3 and 4 [image 8]. Buy these if you have not gathered them yet, speak to the giant and you can upgrade your Sword of Night and Flame to +4 already.
Combat Strategies
The sword has decent physical damage but the true damage comes from the weapon arts.
Both weapon arts are great. However, Comet Azure Sorcery seems to be the strongest of the two and should be your primary attack against most bosses. To maximize the damage of the beam you should look to invest heavily into the Intelligence stat as this scales the damage of this specific weapon art - Faith increases the damage of The burst of Flame.
You can use Comet Azure Sorcery by holding L2/LT + R1/RB.
The Burst of Flames can be used by holding L2/LT + R2/RT.
Boss fights
The Comet Azure Sorcery melts almost any boss in the game. However, there is a couple of bosses that are either very strong against magic damage or has quick movement and therefor are able to dodge the attack:
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
The Comet Azure Sorcery won't do much damage against Rennala as she is strong against magic. The burst of Flame is on the other hand very strong against her and you could one-cycle this boss' first phase, if you're using this weapon art. The beam works alright in the second phase, but she is weak to fire so I suggest sticking to this weapon art in this fight.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella
It is very tough to consistently hit Malenia with the Comet Azure Sorcery due to her fast movement. She tends to dodge to either side when you're firing the beam. Again, I suggest using the Burst of Flame in the first phase of the boss fight as it tends to hit her whenever she is in a reachable distance. In the second phase, the beam works great when she jumps in the air, burst towards you and turns into the flower as she is static in the next 5-10 seconds after that attack.
Otherwise, a summon is helpful in most boss fights besides maybe Malenia's first phase. Any summon that are able to tank damage for you is extremely helpful as you will be able to get free hits with either weapon art when the focus of the boss are on your summons.
Patch 1.03 has nerfed the weapon meaning it is not as powerful anymore
The weapon arts cost FP every time you use them. Keep that in mind when leveling - maybe carry a few more flasks of cerulean tears or consider pumping some stats into Mind for more FP.
More intelligence boosts the damage of Comet Azure Sorcery (the beam attack).
More faith increases the damage of Burst of Flame (Fire attack).
Have fun destroying the rest of the game!
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