Quick Information To Read Beforehand
This guide is based on both offline+online which has more missions (98 to be exact) than in the single player version, you will find offline information still although mission number may be different in offline. Do note that offline 2 players is still treated as just offline so this game is at its easiest with 2 players offline.
Here is HP multipliers for Easy and Normal
2P: 1.44x
3P: 1.8x
4P: 2.16x
2P: 1.6x
3P: 2.0x
4P: 2.4x
Here are the multipliers Only true for hard, hardest, & inferno Offline 1 or 2 players: 1x HP, 1x ATK
Online 2 players: 2.2x HP, 2.6x ATK
Online 3 players: 2.3x HP, 2.7x ATK
Online 1 or 4 players: 2.4x HP, 2.85x ATK
In online when your grabbed by following you deal only 50% of your weapon's attack this applies to healing as well, (this 50% weapon damage does not apply in offline).
- Stuck in spiders web
- Stuck in red ant's or purple ant's mouth
- Grabbed by a dragon's mouth
You need to do about 7% of a boss enemy total HP to cause a stun state which can interrupt the boss's attack or movement. Their are two stun states some enemies are immune to launcher stuns such as Ant Queen, Greater Elder Dragon, and Erginus however these bosses can be stunned with a normal flinch stun which can still be valuable from stopping there huge AoE attacks. The death queen and Spider King can suffer from both types of flinch and launcher stun which can make fighting these enemies much easier especially for ranger and air raider. Pro players are able to execute this technique very well and this guide numbers can help you figure it out. Just simply look up whatever HP the boss has and take 7% of it and that's the number of points you need to deal to achieve the stun.
You can combo even different types of weapons to achieve the launcher stun what's important is what weapons is used last to achieve the end of 7%, In other words (BossHPx0.07=Flinch/Launch state Damage #) , this can be tough to pull off sometimes though if you are playing in a party and everyone is shooting at same boss... however your nearly guaranteed to pull off a flinch stun a whole lot as a result of most the high dps weapons being flinch although you may prefer going for launcher explosive stuns on spider kings to get them in that state of being unable to fight back indefinently.
Here's an examples of what stunning looks like on the Hardest Online dragon boss and Offline Inferno silver king. Sandlot purposely makes explosives weapons on the weaker side of things because if most of them were really strong you'd have no trouble fighting spider kings and death queens at all. So its up to you when you should appropriately combo explosive with high dps damage or burst damage. Fencer doesn't have to rely on this strat at all, with his shields he can kill boss enemies faster with there own attacks being deflected at them all while keeping himself safe so fencer is the only character who doesn't really need to follow this strategy but still can since he does have explosives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKMUhiNm1A8&feature=youtu.be
Tips: - Just my own personal information from personal experience you do not have to read this information in fact I highly encourage people to come up with there own ways to play but still tips are here in case your struggling, don't take my word as be all end all I'm sure there may be things I could of missed out on.
-- is used to indicate that this mission isn't in offline.
{?} is used to indicate the mission number in online mode.
0.xx On some missions you will find specific multiplier on certain enemy, an example can be this 0.8x what this means is the enemy will be 20% weaker than the normal formula the devs normally use as you progress through the game. The devs do this as likely for balancing reasons and to give you a more fair chance at winning the stage, especially in very crowded missions.
?x Of course though rare there may be missions where enemies are specifically made stronger, an example is 1.2x at far right would mean this enemy was specifically made 20% stronger outside of general forumula used.
Q&A (Questions&Answers)
Q: Huh what happen to the videos.The videos have finished there purposed, I only had them around to check values, I honestly looked at a lot of the videos, and I just idk considered most of them to be too impractical, hardly anyone was viewing and to top it off they were just making my guide take long to load, I am a guessing the majority of people came here for the health numbers and that's fine, I will try and make the guide quicker to read for those people. I still left some videos up but majority of them are gone now. While I did spend 6 months making those videos and removing hurts me personally I think it's for the better ultimately. While it's not a complete lost I did leave valuable information I learned from levels behind so I suppose that's one reason I was okay with removing them.
Q: Are you still working on the guide?A: No I'm done, unless something needs to be correct I'm done.
Q:What makes your guide different from Zeddy's Guides?A: With my guide you can get a better sense of making a strategy by looking at the numbers this helping you decide which weapons is optimal to bring or combo with.
Q:What armor do you recommend for playing this game?A: This is very tough question for me to answer properly because everyone's experience with the game differs, I will try to give my opinion, A couple of thousand armor is fine for most players I mean 1000-10,000, that is fine armor to play through most of inferno, some people will go past that and go for like uhh idk 20,000-100,000k. If your playing in a team with that armor rating the game will be too easy for you especially if you know what your doing. The only reason I go with such high armor sometimes is because in solo runs in online I lack offensive power to protect NPC long enough to beat the level alone so once they die I'm very likely going to be taking hits thus I do need the armor to survive. If I played with a decent team I would actually lower my armor just for a better sense of challenge. Yes its true that things like gold ants and spiders can kill you in one hit up close but close range hits can easily be avoided and prevented, what you should be enduring is what I call just little scrapes of damage which with 1000-10,000 you can get by easily for every level in the game and is what you should strive to do. Going for more armor then that is something you should only do if you lacking in decent teammates and are willing to try and carry your team.
Q:Will you be willing to make an EDF5 guide version of this?A: Hehehe, idk tbh making a guide like this took a lot of time, there's a very good chance I won't make any type of guide like this for long time, so if your someone out there looking to make an identical guide to this one for EDF5, I'd say go for it if you really feel you can do it. I am unlikely to do anything about it myself for long time or maybe never.
Character Info List (Based On Inferno)
RangerWing DiverAir RaiderFencerI will quickly give my opinion formed from my experience and from pro players. Due note that this information means nothing to you until you completely understand how the characters work.
The Best Class for offline. He is also one of Best classes in a 3man ranger or 4man ranger group where you gain an advantage over the games scaling in online. He ends up being one of the worst in 1 player online or 2 player online when his simplicity starts falling into a disadvantage.
Has very strong and direct easy to use and understand weapons.
Simplicity is his greatest strength and at other times his greatest weakness.
works fantastic with NPC units due to his shared healing ability.
Mobility is low, what that means is high armor gain is kinda pointless on his character, even if you have 30,000 HP, if you play stupid you are going to die to a mob of enemies just as easily as a 200HP ranger would die. Stupid plays can be like aggroing entire map instead of slowly picking enemies off. Fighting and not moving, is good class to fight and move at sametime, he may not be as fast as other classes but his movement does not impact his ability to fight.. Of course in the warzone maps where everything is already aggroed, it is vital as a ranger you do your best to support and heal the npc keeping them alive buys you more time to go on offense to the enemies.
Does not have highest dps weapons in the game but she does have the highest consistent DPS weapons in game that can be reloaded but not without risk of going into close range and running out of energy which could put her in danger.
She is 2nd best class in offline and she can be the best class in a 2 player online situation. She can be extremely top tier when paired with an as has exclusive plasma equipment for her and he can also serve as distraction and shield with his vehicles for her.
High HP can give her a chance to solo online missions to make up for her lack of shielding and inability to heal and keep NPC alive. Its because of reason that she doesn't work too well with NPC personally that she just can't be the best character in some stages.
Flying ability lets her get on top of certain locations which does lend to some interesting strategies.
Best Class in Warzone maps where there are large number of enemies already aggroed, Strafe plan and wave attack airstrikes is absolutely top tier.
Works extremely well with any class even with other air raiders.
Balam can be used against extremely annoying enemies like dragons and green ants.
Myth that his class is useless alone in online but this isn't true his class is always good provided you can find the time and place to strategically plan, he's only at his worst when he is caught offguard surprised at a bad situation. There exists NPC in almost every stage to cover you so air raider is nearly given prep time for nearly every mission in the game.
3man or 4man air raiders can completely demolish levels quickly with airstrikes.
Most of his vehicles are useful except the bike.
Tempest is utterly the most ridiculous explosive weapon in the game for quickly clearing tough mob situations.
Doesn't really benefit from having high armor especially since most of time he is in his vehicles with high durability. He is at his best the minute you get all his weapons and strategically plan through missions.
Kinda sucks in tunnel missions, close quarters combat isn't really his thing.
Worst class at teamwork, reason being his weapons has huge hitboxes he can easily friendly fire hit his teammates and he can't heal the NPC like or can.
Has to rely on Speed and Defense to get through missions, in some missions you can rely on NPC to distract and thus you can stand still and unload with weapons like gatling guns or High altitude Missiles.
Now Despite me saying he is worst class at teamwork, it doesn't mean he can't do teamwork he does have missiles meant to be used with air raider which can lead to some interesting strats but there's not too many levels where you'll actually be doing that.
The worst class for low HP runs, some of his mechanics is built to be played with some armor gain, but because of this his class's effectiveness can drastically and exponentially increase even when increase your armor by 1000s. By 26,000 armor I was able to clear every single difficult missions in the game with fencer online solo.
Best class at being last man standing and surviving, this implies every NPC is dead and your teammates is dead but at sametime he is one of better classes at reviving players.
His 4 weapons is huge advantage online sessions with less players. I found that because of 4 weapons I am able to clear some missions in online that I just can't see other classes being able to clear because they lack 4 ability to carry 4 weapons themselves, this class is just very good for solo online plays carries.
His class suffers the opposite problem of ranger, with his class you want as much enemies to come after you, you can kill lots of bees by reflecting or clearing hordes of enemies with hammers very easily especially if they all come after you. He is best class at close range fighting many of his weapons, defense and quick dash maneuvers makes him good for it.
Terrible for long range engagements on fast moving targets, however on slower and bigger targets his sniping is actually really good, dual battlecannons provides best consistent long range dps, while single battlecannon+ Dash weapon can do move and shooting.
A lot of his weapons feel designed more for online than it does offline, I say this because they all do very good damage especially with his dual wielding nature. In offline they feel very strong in a lot of cases.
He gets fantastic weapons to use earlier than all other classes and levels end at 85.
Main Mission Mode (Offline+Online) (1-89) & (1-98)
1 {1}. Reconvene
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The ants on this stage are weird introduction as they function to grab your character only on this stage, the rest of the game will have them shooting acid at you however the grabbing ants make a return as red ants and dark purple ants later on in the game. Anyway be wary of the last wave it has huge number of ants which can get you killed if you stay in one spot, shoot and move is key.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
2 {2}. Spreading Disaster
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This is very easy and short stage, the civilians will also take attention off your characters so the ants are extremely easy to deal with. Anyway this is an introduction stage to first ground forces Acid shooting ants. Acid Shooting ants are most basic of ants so we just call them "ants" or "black ants". This enemy type is the most balanced of all the enemies you will face there is also quite a variety of them to be faced later on. This is a good stage to farm for any difficulty for some starter weapons if you are new just to get you started and have choices.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
3 {3}. Winged War Goddess
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Same as previous mission just with less civilians and more enemies to deal with making the stage just a tad bit longer.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
4 {4}. Setting Sun
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction stage to Retarius, this enemy is very easy to fight by itself its main danger is when paired up with other enemy types. Shooting it's web that it walks on to destroy it won't trigger its aggroed state, this enemy will only aim at you if it see's you on its sights. Famously known for being cheap on its web grab for clipping through objects and walls to grab the player. You only need to deal about 10%-20% of its health to escape it's grab. About the web only two classes in the game can hit through its web, air raider and fencer. Air Raider with any vehicle that uses a flamethrower and fencer with force blade weapons and his hell flame can also hit through webs to hit retarius directly, explosives and electricity does not hit through webs and neither does any of rangers flamethrowers hit through webs as it uses a special type of flamethrower.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
5 {5}. Wind Shear
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The first real stage to show you why Retarius are a dangerous enemy, but don't worry this stage isn't that hard as long as you get rid of the ants first before dealing with Retarius all the way in back of the stage.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
6 {6}. Underground Cave
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction stage to first undergound caves and 2nd ground unit type spiders, spiders are known to be more damaging than ants and having a slower but hopping movement, these suffer a huge weakness at sametime from there way of movement, to put it simply spiders have a hard time navigating in tight spaces which is frequent in caves and around buildings in cities. Out in the open with nothing to obstruct there hop movement you will find them most dangerous.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
7 {7}. Eruption
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Now you get to fight spiders in the city, don't worry civilans are there to take some attention off you it's kinda like mission 2 in a sense but with spiders.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
8 {8}. Retaliation
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Get to fight spiders again in the city except this time don't expect civilians to help out this will be first real difficult mission with spiders. Its advised you keep your distance and be wary of last wave that spawns in at the end.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
9 {9}. Beach Fear
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: First real stage to throw a variety of enemies for you to fight with, likewise don't let the retarius grab you otherwise this stage shouldn't be too hard, if you do get grabbed shoot the retarius to try and break free as soon as possible.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
10 {10}. The Return
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This stage is just here to remind you that large numbers of enemies can be dangerous to fight with, you mostly fight ants here. At the end of stage you deal with a small force of new enemy type drones which should be simple for you to deal with, I will get to explain more about drones in next mission. Some Ants are dropped by newly introduced transport ships but these ships cannot be killed in this stage so just ignore there presence.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
11 {11}. Air Force
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: As you may have seen in previous mission drones are new flying type enemy, these are one of the weakest enemy types in the game but at sametime one of hardest to dodge as well. To start off there attacks are much weaker than ants and spiders, however be very wary when you fight a massive group of them which is what this level attempts to go for. The faster you kill them here the better, do note at the end of the stage a friendly AI with a naegling will appear to shoot down what's left of there forces, the naegling is capable of one shotting these drones easily any difficulty. The air raider's support tools like defense guns, posts, life posts are very useful here in being able to outlast the enemy forces. It is advised the air raider gathers friendy forces at start and carefully distributes his tools among the group and you can easily outlast the enemies long enough for naegling to appear to finish what's left off.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
12 {12}. Day Of The Demons
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: More ships are to be seen in this stage dropping ants, again the ships cannot be killed in this stage. Do be careful you spawn very close to the enemies in this stage it can be kinda uncomfortable for an air raider so it's advise air raider takes a few steps back and calls his vehicle in a safer location. There are civilians in this stage that can take some attention so it isn't too bad.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
13 {13}. Takedown
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The first real difficulty spike in the game you will feel as you are introduced to ships that can be killed, at least one person with a long range gun( Midrange guns work too) or wing diver flight is mandatory here, if none of the ships are killed quickly enough the mob of ants can be a bit overwhelming it's advise you kill at least one ship as soon as possible to make the level less difficult.
There's 3 ships they all spawn something like 0.30x weakened black ants than what's reflected on table below. Once 2 ships die the last ship will attempt to drop many ants that are the ones reflected in table below but its one time spawn. after that it spawns the 0.33 weaken ants again.
You can find recruitable NPC in every direction of map, west=wingdivers, North=Fencers, East Rangers, South where u spawn is ranger in front of you.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
14 {14}. Preventing Landfall
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction stage to hectors, hectors are slow and big moving enemies, in a way they are kinda of like the fencers of the enemy side as they share many similarities in being able to dual wield and use shields. Biggest weaknesses are range if you can keep your range you can dodge or completely evade most of there attacks pretty easily, if your feeling risky though you can use close range weapons to quickly kill them as the hectors do have an awkward time aiming under there feet. These enemies are known to be wonderful easy credit supplies for air raider to wreak havoc on stages when they are killed. Anyway there's 2 waves of hectors to be dealt with here, about around like 7 per wave of hectors, the drones at the start do not respawn.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
15 {15}. Land Collapse
Tips: This stage introduces you to tunnels, tunnels are basically ground spawners for the bugs, the bugs spawn very quickly out of these tunnels unlike when they drop from the ships so there is much easier opportunities to group kill the enemies with an AoE or piercing weapon. There is only 4 tunnels here, you fight them one by one, the next tunnel won't trigger until all enemies are dead so if you know where they spawn you can just in advance get the drop on the tunnels as soon you kill the last tunnel.
1st ant Tunnel - Is by starting point behind the big warehouse
2nd ant Tunnel is further down the road surrounded by normal house buildings
3rd ant Tunnel is all the way North of map surrounded by the pond of water
4th spider Tunnel is Northwest of the map in the park
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
16 {16}. Fortress Siege
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This mission is scripted and timed, basically the mission will complete itself after 10-11 min. Anyway introduction mission to the Quadruped, a giant walking mechanized fortress that drops enemies and is equipped with explosive turret, and 5 very dangerous long range lasers that will be active near the end of the stage it is very much advise you stay away from Quadruped. All you need to do here is just swiftly take care of enemies it drops to stop the stage from being overcrowded with enemies so that you can survive.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Drone34485971Hector805113214151697Quadruped: Gatling Cannon470660825990Quadruped: Laser Nub403566708849
Drone63103129154Hector1507246030753690Quadruped: Gatling Cannon879143517942153Quadruped: Laser Nub754123015381845
Drone174309361412Hector4173741686529888Quadruped: Gatling Cannon2435432650475768Quadruped: Laser Nub2087370843264944est
Drone419824907989Hector10037197702174623723Quadruped: Gatling Cannon5855115321268613839Quadruped: Laser Nub501998851087311862
Drone903196520542143Hector21655471394928251425Quadruped: Gatling Cannon12632274982874829998Quadruped: Laser Nub10828235702464125713
17 {17}. Valley Shadow
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: You know the deal, if there's ships, someone should have at least one long range gun or a wing diver needed to deal with the ships and this stage is no exception although I suggest long range guns anyway as the ships are pretty high in this one. After those 2 beginning ships are dead, 2 more will spawn in the river and these are much closer ground level for most weapons to work with just be careful with the spiders as they drop down.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
18 {18}. Artillery
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Mostly just hectors with long range plasma launchers, try not stand in one spot for too long as that's how you typically get hit, any long range high damage weapon will work very well or you can just wait for hectors to get close enough for you to fight them the choice is up to you. A 2nd wave will spawn in after the first is dead.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
19 {19}. Breaking Through
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction stage to shield bearers, Shield bearers are actually the only enemies in game to not be affected by online multipliers very drastically as they can't attack on there own, still they can annoying to kill, Fencers and Wing divers are basically designed to be able kill shield bearers very easily. Ranger and air raider can struggle at times to kill them without proper gear for it due to there mobility and forced need of shooting inside there force fields. Quick tip the Fencer Dyna Blade in melee weapon section is actually the only weapon type in the game capable of hitting through the shield however the weapon is a bit low on dps you might just prefer most of time to just get in close and kill it with other weapons, I would only suggest the dyna blade if your having trouble attacking inside the shield. The dyna blade projectile does no damage to the actual shield bearer itself only works vs every other enemy inside the shield.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Hector846118514811777Shield Bearer705118514811777
Hector1569255331913829Shield Bearer1307255331913829
Hector42887603887010137Shield Bearer35737603887010137est
Hector10364203632240024436Shield Bearer8637203632240024436
Hector22146481195030652494Shield Bearer18455481195030652494
20 {20}. Shining Stronghold
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 3 shield bearers with 3 seperate ant groups, if your careful you can minimize fighting only one group at a time. Just plan your attack accordingly before going in for attacking and you'll be fine.
Red Ants Spawn after 2 tunnels are dead.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant43617691Ant, Red129181226271Tunnel1074150418792255Shield Bearer716120315041804
Ant80130162194Ant, Red239388485582Tunnel1986323040374845Shield Bearer1324258432303876
Ant217384448511Ant, Red649115013421533Tunnel540795811117812775Shield Bearer36057665894310220est
Ant524102911311234Ant, Red1571308533933701Tunnel13091257022827230842Shield Bearer8728205612261724673
Ant1116242325332643Ant, Red3347726775987928Tunnel27887605576331066062Shield Bearer18591484465064852850
21 {21}. Into The Depths
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction to red ants, AKA recolored mission 1 ants except these ants have more health than your typical black ant. These are really the easiest enemies to fight in game but can be dangerous for ranger and air raider if they don't have good setup to deal with them with. You don't face the red ants in this level until the very end and they appear in very large group however you can completely wreck them with any weapon that can hit AoE or pierce since the area here is very narrow.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant44627792Ant, Red131184229275Spider40567084
Ant81131164197Ant, Red242393491589Spider74120150180
Ant219387451516Ant, Red655116013531546Spider200355414473est
Ant530103811421246Ant, Red1588311434263737Spider48595210471142
Ant1124243925502661Ant, Red3371731676497981Spider1030223623372439
22 {22}. A Trap
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Another underground mission, you start in a spot you must defend yourself in along with a lot of friendly EDF soldiers, you have 3 waves of enemies to deal with, the enemies come from the narrow spots from above.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
23 {23}. Giant Robots
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The slower the hector the more HP it has, the opposite goes for fast walking hectors they end up with less HP, and then there is hector in middle that is pretty much balance on HP and speed. I believe the slow hectors are pretty much the default hectors that you see for most of the game. You can use the friendly AI units on the map as decoys and cover if you find hectors weapons to be annoying to take head on. Try to stay away from center by the time the new waves spawn in you don't want to find yourself getting surrounded by hectors.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
-- {24}. Summit Ship
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Your first online exclusive mission, don't worry it's pretty easy, the transport ship can't be killed it just moves slowly across the level until it finishes dropping every enemies mostly into where shield bearers are.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant-648096Ant, Red-192239287Spider-597388Shield Bearer-127415931911
Ant-136170204Ant, Red-407508610Spider-125156187Shield Bearer-270833844061
Ant-396462528Ant, Red-118813851583Spider-363424484Shield Bearer-7915923410553est
Ant-106811751282Ant, Red-320335243844Spider-97910771175Shield Bearer-213532348825624
Ant-248826012714Ant, Red-746378028142Spider-228123842488Shield Bearer-497525201454275
24 {25}. Anchored
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction mission where you get to face Motherships cannons, if you bought the dlc decoy launchers for ranger or air raider those can be used to shoot under the mothership and every cannon will attempt to shoot at it but be unable to hit the decoy due to the angle. This phase doesn't happen until 3 ships are dead or it's timed I'm not really sure but usually when your going after a 3rd ship they come out from above to shoot at you, if you don't have a decoy launcher and want to live just keep moving don't stand still for the cannons to hit you. Also don't try to shoot every enemy on the map, just deal with one ship's group at a time and this will be easy, also kill the drones they don't respawn.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant46658197Ant, Red138194243291Spider42607489Drone39546881Transport762107713461615Mothership: Plate Cannon92130162194
Ant84137172206Ant, Red251411514617Spider77126157189Drone70115143172Transport1393228228523423Mothership: Plate Cannon168274343411
Ant224399466532Ant, Red672119713961596Spider206366427488Drone187333388444Transport3732664877558863Mothership: Plate Cannon4487989311064est
Ant546107811861294Ant, Red1637323335563880Spider50098810871186Drone4558989881078Transport9091179591975521551Mothership: Plate Cannon1091215623712587
Ant1149250426182732Ant, Red3445751278548195Spider1053229624002504Drone957208721822277Transport19137417324362945526Mothership: Plate Cannon2297500852365464
25 {26}. Silver City
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This mission is stupid easy on any difficulty provided you have a weapon that can kill the tunnel listed here very quickly as soon as you start. You have at least 10 secs to kill the tunnel in front of you before a massive horde of spiders get a chance to jump out of it, after that is dealt with you can take care of retarius above, if your weapon is too short to hit it you can always just allow the retarius to grab you and pull you up to hit it.Note around 15 spiders are already spawned in.
Example of weapon I like to use, on inferno as ranger I just bring one nova buster ZD, it's single shot laser sniper with one use that deals 80,000 which is enough to kill the 1 tunnel 69382 even on max stats on 4 player inferno and other weapon is just cleanup for what's left on the map. Alternatively if you can use a high dps weapon or launcher that can one shot spiders spawning in the situation can still end up pretty easy.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
26 {27}. Crimson
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 3 waves of red ants,
1st Wave comes from the north
2nd wave comes from south
3rd wave (Purple+Reds in on hardest&) otherwise just reds on lower difficulty from east over the mountains.
Some Ranger NPC and Fencer NPC along with few gigantus tanks npc here to serve as distraction from huge wave of enemies but beware once they are grabbed majority of ants will focus on tanks or you and can lead to bad situation.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red142200249299
Ant, Red257420525630
Ant, Red684121614181621est
Ant, Red1670329236223951Ant, Purple2504493854325926
Ant, Red3494761079568302Ant, Purple5241114151193412453
27 {28}. Assault
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: There are transport missions here but they are pretty close to the ground any weapons that can hit past 100m can easily hit the ships for being so close to ground level so don't worry too much about needing to bring a sniper here. Introduced to Erginus here unfortunately I don't have data on erginus here due to being unable to kill it here, all I can say is just keep hitting it until it runs away. Bring a high dps weapon to make this mission go faster.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant486885101Ant, Red144202253303Spider44627893Transport796112114021682
Ant87142177213Ant, Red260425531637Spider80130163195Transport1444235929493539
Ant230409477545Ant, Red689122514291633Spider211375437499Transport3828680379379071est
Ant562110812181329Ant, Red1686332236543986Spider515101511171218Transport9364184542029922145
Ant1173255326692785Ant, Red3519765980078355Spider1075234124472553Transport19546425494448346417
28 {29}. High-Speed
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduced to Red Drones on this mission, Red Drones are some of the most annoying enemies in the game basically, they retain annoying speed and flight to being able to hit you pretty often paired with a much higher attack damage, the only cons to them is they are rare and you face only few or single at a time. Anyway if you want an easy time fighting these I suggest getting out in open with clear view and try your best to pick one off at a time. Don't attempt to kill all at once that's not a very good idea.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Drone, Red807113614201704
Drone, Red1461238529813577
Drone, Red3860685579989140est
Drone, Red9455186192048122343
Drone, Red19682428214476846714
-- {30}. Bloody Mountain
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 2nd online exclusive mission, this mission has 3 tunnels at start, after a few seconds red ants will spawn from it. The mission is very easy and short.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red-208259311Tunnel-172621582589
Ant, Red-434543651Tunnel-361645205424
Ant, Red-124414511658Tunnel-103611208713814est
Ant, Red-338237204058Tunnel-281763099333811
Ant, Red-775781108462Tunnel-646406757870516
29 {31}. Brute Force
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: It is advised you take care of shield bearers first before killing too many of the hectors during the beginning part. Obviously some hectors have to die first trigger the shield bearers but when shield bearers do show up those need to be top priority otherwise if they are not killed the incoming waves will prove to be difficult. This actually could be a good map to use fencer dyna blade on the blade will go through the shields, the blade can also hit multiple hectors and ants at a time. If you don't have a fencer that can do that then you need to wait on ally forces and hectors to square off until you go to mess with shield bearers otherwise if you go too early a lot of hectors will be after you for getting too close.
There are 5 waves
Wave 1- Hectors
Wave 2- More Hectors and 3 Shield Bearers
Wave 3- Black Ants and Red Ants coming from back of the map after a majority of wave 2 is dead. During this wave if your EDF allies have all died, new reinforcement unit with several gigantus and 2 large squads of rangers will join in to assist you. If your starting allies never die the reinforcement unit will never show up so critical timing of getting them to spawn can turn tide of next wave with drones.Wave 4- Starts in the middle of wave 3 and includes a large group of drones, the drones are actually timed to spawned in so faster you kill ants the better off you'll be for this drone wave. Be aware that you get another group of friendly forces spawning in where you first started in the map so it's not a bad idea to retreat to where you started during this wave.
Wave 5- Is another group of hectors that come from west and the east along with another smaller wave of black and red ants. During this wave ally air force will send in planes to drop bombs once all hectors spawned in. Hectors and ants will focus on planes for about a minute afterwards they will focus on you. These last Hectors seem to be at full strength they aren't nerfed. I would even say they are buffed the fact that they took 4 stringer shots instead of 3 implies health is over 54,000.
As soon as wave 4 begins air raider loses air support, and get's it back in middle of wave 5 after dialogue expires.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant507088105Ant, Red148210263315Drone41597388Hector884125915741888x0.9Shield Bearer819139917492098
Ant89147183220Ant, Red266439549658Drone74122153183Hector1596263132893947x0.9Shield Bearer1478292436544385
Ant234418488557Ant, Red701125314621671Drone195348406464Hector42037516876910021x0.9Shield Bearer38918351974311135est
Ant573113712511365Ant, Red1719341137524093Drone47894810431137Hector10310204652251124558x0.9Shield Bearer9546227392501227286
Ant1190260227212839Ant, Red3568780681618516Drone991216922672366Hector21404468354896351092x0.9Shield Bearer19819520385440456769
30 {32}. Charge Phase 1
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Beware of the large wave of enemies at the end of level, Take utter most caution when someone goes to alert the enemy and very quickly retreat backwards to narrow tunnel to compactly deal with the enemies. Keeping ranger AI alive for end can help you out with big wave at end so it's not bad idea to try and keep them alive.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant507189107Ant, Golden125178222266Ant, Red150213266319Ant, Purple224319399478Spider46658298
Ant90148185222Ant, Golden225370462554Ant, Red269444554665Ant, Purple404665831997Spider83136170204
Ant236421491561Ant, Golden589105212271403Ant, Red707126214731683Ant, Purple1060189322092524Spider216386450515est
Ant579114712621377Ant, Golden1446286831543441Ant, Red1735344137854129Ant, Purple2602516156776193Spider530105211571262
Ant1198261927382857Ant, Golden2994654668447141Ant, Red3592785582128569Ant, Purple5388117831231812854Spider1098240125102619
31 {33}. Charge Phase 2
Tips: At the start your ambushed from 3 different angles, this is actually bad as being surrounded is not very good thing to deal with, if you can hold all 3 angles you can fight in the spot you spawn in otherwise if you can't then it highly suggested you have the whole group push through a direction so that an enemy can't hit you from behind.
Here's video in duo and thanks to my assistant Zeddy I can use 2x Thunderorbs, thunderorbs works a lot like ranger's napalm however it covers huge distance and slower steady damage, while this is normally an armor strat meaning you need some armor to use it alone with air raider you can have him use 1-3 life vendors to help you survive thunderorb and let it works it magic. Thunderorbs is able to deal pretty decent amount of damage to silvers even in tight spaces. This weapon however has very glaring weakness and that is anything the ball touches including you will make it disappear, (you'll be happy to know this was fixed in EDF5 to where it's no longer a problem and can be touched)
Of course lets talk about fencer here, if you for whatever reason haven't learned to use his CC strikers yet you are going to struggle here if fencer is counted on to carry here for that reason I will show using CC strikers such as Force Axe, blades or hammers work here although I have to admit it's a bit rough and luck dependent as you can easily die from one wrong ant close acid you. My advice is try to use dead bodies as cover and dash through deady bodies to get health when you need it.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant517290108Spider47668399Spider, Silver56880710091210
Ant91150187224Spider84137172206Spider, Silver1021168020992519
Ant238424495566Spider218389454518Spider, Silver2670476855626357est
Ant584115712731389Spider535106111671273Spider, Silver6566130131431515616
Ant1206263527552875Spider1105241625252635Spider, Silver13562296393098632334
-- {34}. Dark Prisoner
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The level is easy as long as you have way to get uptop quickly to deal with 2 tunnels spawning ants. Ranger is only one who might have an awkward time getting up you can always just let the retarius from high above grab ranger and let it pull you up, if you do this I would suggest one dps weapon and one of rangers reversers to keep you alive as your getting pulled up.
or you can hold out from bottom and wipe all retarius then advance upwards
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
32 {35}. Charge Phase 3
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Introduction stage to 2x Queen Ant, the queen ant is actually opposite of smaller ants its thrives off of closed spaces and climbing on sideways walls this is a big no factor you want to avoid when facing it as its flamethrower like acid attack is very dangerous and awkward to dodge in moments like this, weapons that can bounce like wing diver electrical weapons or rangers explosive weapons are good here. Any fencer shield is really good here as you can direct the ant queen's attack back for huge damage. If you can find a good moment for a few seconds to attack it in then a rapier or fusion blaster can take care of ant queen in mere seconds, these high dps weapons are readily available across all difficulties.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant527492111Ant, Red154221276331Spider476885102Ant, Queen1705245030623675
Ant92153191229Ant, Red276457572686Spider85140175210Ant, Queen3057507863487617
Ant240430502574Ant, Red718129015051720Spider220395460526Ant, Queen7973143341672319111est
Ant590117712951412Ant, Red1768353038834236Spider540107911871295Ant, Queen19637392174313947060
Ant1214266827892910Ant, Red3641800283668730Spider1113244525572668Ant, Queen40455889089294996990
33 {36}. Thunder
Tips: Getting close to the enemies all the way in back of the map triggers the mothership to shoot lasers at you and sends drones to come eliminate you. Eventually the mothership and lasers leave. Again if somone has a decoy launcher gun you can just shoot it at the genocide gun and and lasers won't be able to hit it and won't target you at all.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant527593112Ant, Golden130186233279Ant, Red156224279335Drone44627893Hector1037148818602232Shield Bearer864148818602232Mothership: Plate Cannon104149186224
Ant93154193231Ant, Golden232385481578Ant, Red279462578693Drone78129161193Hector1855307838474617Shield Bearer1546307838474617Mothership: Plate Cannon186308385462
Ant242434506578Ant, Golden603108312641444Ant, Red724130015161733Drone201361422482Hector482286631010611550Shield Bearer401986631010611550Mothership: Plate Cannon48386710111155est
Ant595118713061424Ant, Golden1487296632633560Ant, Red1784356039164272Drone49698910881187Hector11891237282610128474Shield Bearer9910237282610128474Mothership: Plate Cannon1190237326112848
Ant1222268428062928Ant, Golden3055670970147319Ant, Red3666805184178783Drone1019223723382440Hector24437536715611158551Shield Bearer20364536715611158551Mothership: Plate Cannon2444536856125856
34 {37}. Infiltration
Tips: Lots of spiders, shooting the web that the retarius sits on does not aggro anything, you break there web to rescue the friendly wing diver AI trapped and help serve as decoys for your assault on the 3 tunnels. Nothing is aggroed but those 2 EDF ranger squads u spawn in with will aggro the enemy if you don't recruit them right away.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
35 {38}. Convergence
Tips: Nothing on this map is aggroed at the start carefully pick your targets and plan your attack.Don't shoot at too many different ships on this map it's bad idea to aggro the entire map. Also watch out for cannon hectors they will be shooting across the map with plasma launchers. Also feel free to take out the drones first as they don't respawn on this map.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant547796115Ant, Golden133191238286Ant, Red160229286343Spider497088105Spider, Silver59985710711286Drone45648096Hector1064152419042285Transport887127015871904
Ant95157197236Ant, Golden237393491589Ant, Red285471589707Spider87144180216Spider, Silver1067176622082649Drone79131164197Hector1896314039254709Transport1580261732713925
Ant245440513586Ant, Golden613109912821465Ant, Red735131915381758Spider225403470537Spider, Silver2756494357676591Drone205367428489Hector489987871025211716Transport4082732385439764est
Ant606120713271448Ant, Golden1514301633183619Ant, Red1817361939814343Spider555110612171327Spider, Silver6812135701492716284Drone505100611061207Hector12110241242653728949Transport10091201042211424124
Ant1239271728402964Ant, Golden3096679171007408Ant, Red3715814985208890Spider1135249026042717Spider, Silver13930305583194733336Drone1032226423672470Hector24764543255679459263Transport20637452714732849386
36 {39}. Inferno
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 3 Waves
1st wave is hectors, black ants, red ants and drones
2nd wave happens when some of above dies which causes more black ants and drones to spawn in from the back.
3rd Wave is 2 Transport Ships that both spawn around 10 ants each, 4 Queen Ants, and 4 Red Drones
You spawn in with 2 Squads of Rangers up front with close range weapons, 1 fencer Squad behind with long range handcannons, and most importantly 2 naeglings on your left and right. The naeglings can completely full wipe drone wave for you if you can keep them alive, beware they can easily die by one black ant going up to them so its suggested you move out in front with some npc and slowly move back and kill any ant that tries to go past you.
Allied Railguns & Wing Divers will spawn in during Ant Queen wave after some time passes to assist if you can manage to survive for a few minutes, these railguns can distract and deal adequate damage to whatever is left in that wave.
If you have an air raider, this is one of the first real stages in game to showcase how powerful the air raiders strafe is, I did this online with 1/4 multiplier solo on inferno.
The reason why strafe is effective is because of its low cost, large amount of enemies to kill, and no shield bearers. It hits very hard for a strike of its cost and you can multi-task use your vehicle at sametime when using strafe so it's just very good. The planes from it also serve as decoy so enemies will chase after it for small amount of time however multiple strikes can lead to them chasing after it for a solid minute or 2. There is another airstrike very effective at sky decoy and its "Wave Attack (Bomber Charon) however it costs a lot and the airstrike is weak and much better used with a team as team can shoot enemies chasing it.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant547897116Ant, Red162232289347Spider507189106Drone45658197Drone, Red719102812851541x0.8Hector1078154119272312Ant, Queen1437205525693082x0.8Ant, Golden Queen615988101101213214x0.7Transport898128516061927
Ant96159199238Ant, Red288476595714Spider88146182218Drone80133166199Drone, Red1278211426423171x0.8Hector1916317139634756Ant, Queen2555422752846341x0.8Ant, Golden Queen10953181232265427185x0.7Transport1597264233033963
Ant247443517590Ant, Red741132815491770Spider227406474541Drone206369431492Drone, Red3291590068837867x0.8Hector493788501032511800Ant, Queen6582118001376615733x0.8Ant, Golden Queen28220505895902167452x0.7Transport4114737586049833est
Ant611121713381460Ant, Red1833364940144378Spider560111512271338Drone510101411151217Drone, Red8146162151783619458x0.8Hector12219243222675429186Ant, Queen16291324293567238915x0.8Ant, Golden Queen69848139039152943166847x0.7Transport10182202692229524322
Ant1247273328572981Ant, Red3740819885718943Spider1143250526192733Drone1039227823812485Drone, Red16619364343809039746x0.8Hector24928546515713559619Ant, Queen33237728687618079492x0.8Ant, Golden Queen142501312420326621340822x0.7Transport20773455434761349683
37 {40}. Starship
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 1st off long range weapon is pretty good here but the mothership does go pretty low for mid range weapons like fusion or disrupters to hit or a wing diver to fly up and rapier it. After someone takes out the genocide cannon the mothership is exposed. With ranger 2 50% powered nova buster shots on inferno can kill the mothership quickly, or with wing diver 1 50% powered gungnir can also kill the mothership quickly, of course in order to get power you need air raider's help to shoot one on you. You basically win this mission as soon as the mothership is eliminated. If you lack above options then you'll have to do the mission the slow way and normal way which involves going through the motherships 3 different phases. If it comes to that then I suggest taking out transport ships and and hectors so that they can't pester your group.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant557898117Drone46658298Drone, Red910129916241949Hector1091155919492339Transport910129916241949Mothership3637519664957794Mothership: Genocide Cannon2455350843855261Mothership: Plate Cannon110156195234Mothership: Leg Cannon5467809751170
Ant97161201241Drone81134167201Drone, Red1614266833354002Hector1937320240024802Transport1614266833354002Mothership6455106711333816006Mothership: Genocide Cannon43577203900310804Mothership: Plate Cannon194321401481Mothership: Leg Cannon969160120012401
Ant249446520595Drone208372434496Drone, Red4146742786659902Hector497589121039711883Transport4146742786659902Mothership16582297063465739608Mothership: Genocide Cannon11193200522339426736Mothership: Plate Cannon49889210401189Mothership: Leg Cannon2488445651995942est
Ant617122613491472Drone514102211241226Drone, Red10273204332247724520Hector12328245202697229424Transport10273204332247724520Mothership41091817328990698079Mothership: Genocide Cannon27737551706068666203Mothership: Plate Cannon1233245226982943Mothership: Leg Cannon6164122601348614712
Ant1255274928742999Drone1046229123952499Drone, Red20910458154789749980Hector25091549785747759976Transport20910458154789749980Mothership83637183258191588199918Mothership: Genocide Cannon56455123699129322134945Mothership: Plate Cannon2510549857485998Mothership: Leg Cannon12546274892873929988
38 {41}. High Density
Tips: Tunnels here are very weak, most weapons can kill them very easily. The trick to winning though is being able to kill right tunnels that pose the most threat to your class or... if your air raider you can wipe them all out easily with his airstrikes. Having an explosive weapon can prove to be handy to wipe the buildings early before you trigger wave 2.
Tunnels reward a very generous amount of credits per kill so don't be afraid to spam them here.
There are two waves,
wave 1 - is ants and red ants and tunnels they come from
wave 2 - happens when all of tunnels from wave one is dead and also has ants and spiders but more tunnels now, Only on Golds and silvers do spawn however it's not as much as you'd think carefully look at 2nd picture I post below. Also don't worry about about there details in other difficulties its just a what if value.http://leafierlemon.com/edf4.1/misshuu.html?lang=en
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant567999119Ant, Golden139198247296Ant, Red166237296355Spider517391109Spider, Silver62288711091331Tunnel139198247296x0.1
Ant98162202243Ant, Golden245404505606Ant, Red294485606728Spider90149186223Spider, Silver1101181822732727Tunnel245404505606x0.1
Ant251449524599Ant, Golden627112213091496Ant, Red752134715711795Spider230412480549Spider, Silver2820504858906731Tunnel627112213091496x0.1est
Ant622123613601484Ant, Golden1555309033993708Ant, Red1866370840794450Spider570113312471360Spider, Silver6996139041529416685Tunnel1555309033993708x0.1
Ant1263276628913017Ant, Golden3157691372287542Ant, Red3789829686739050Spider1158253526502766Spider, Silver14206311093252333937Tunnel3157691372287542x0.1
39 {42}. Dozing Beast
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
40 {43}. Crossing
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: There's 3 tunnels here, 2 on left and 1 to the right with 3 hectors in center
2 tunnels in back are spiders and one on left front is an ant tunnel.
You spawn with some friendly AI and tanks to take attention off you.
Level isn't too hard as long as you know what your doing also air raider can make this really short.
In here I can use Wave Attack to decoy effect the enemies to chase the planes to buy me time for tempest and to get my proteus out. Also it helps align the hector a little better for the tempest to hit all 3 hectors and all 3 tunnels.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
41 {44}. Search
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips:3 waves
1st is ants
2nd is bees
3rd is even larger force of bees
If your having tough time against bees you can attempt to hide between buildings or an underpass as cover the bees struggle to hit in tight spaces.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
42 {45}. Waterside Bugs
Tips: To start off the level, the enemies will already be on high alert so there is no stealth tactics but you do have a group of npc at the front who can take off attention for a few minutes but don't depend on them for too long they will very likely die sometime in middle of the mission and especially in online mode.
You only have 4 tunnels that can be eliminated before tougher mutants spawn in, there is one group that always needs to be killed in this mission and that is the bees, to put it simply there counterparts the red bees that spawn in mutant wave are toughest enemies in the game with a haunting 500% boost in there stats hp and damage and there is no way anyone would want to deal with that, these enemies would be the prefered type to kill anyway even without the stat boost as they are very hard to dodge in the first place. However red bees are only added to hardest and inferno on waterside bugs, there is no fear to had of them in easy, normal, and hard. Yes stats are listed for them on those difficulties but this is all just hypothetical what if stats that follows the formula of the game.
One Red Ant tunnel can be ignored these are joke enemies of the game along with there counterparts.
If you have speed characters fencer or wingdiver you should eliminate both black Ant tunnels as spiders and silver spiders are very slow and easy for these characters to deal with.
If you have Ranger or Air Raider, then its recommended to eliminate both spider tunnels as spiders are too tanky for these classes to deal with right away. Gold Ants can be still be dangerous though so you should still try to keep your distance from them with these classes.
Important notice, there is glitch apparently, when the woman starts talking in the background, its the newscaster lady if you kill tunnels during her speech, no mutants can spawn during her talking until she finishes her dialogue which means you have 15sec of free time to kill tunnels before mutants spawn. You can absolutely kill all tunnels if u plan it right without seeing a mutant.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant5883103124Ant, Golden145206258309Ant, Red174248309371Ant, Purple261371464557Spider547695114Spider, Silver65292711591391Bee44627893Bee, Red65292711591391x5Tunnel1449206025753090
Ant102168210252Ant, Golden255420525630Ant, Red306504630755Ant, Purple4597559441133Spider94154193231Spider, Silver1147188823602832Bee77126158189Bee, Red1147188823602832x5Tunnel2549419552436292
Ant259462539615Ant, Golden646115313461538Ant, Red775138416151845Ant, Purple1163207624222768Spider237423494564Spider, Silver2906518960536918Bee194346404462Bee, Red2906518960536918x5Tunnel6457115301345115373est
Ant644127614041531Ant, Golden1610318935083827Ant, Red1931382742104592Ant, Purple2897574063146888Spider590117012871404Spider, Silver7241143491578417219Bee48395710531148Bee, Red7241143491578417219x5Tunnel16091318873507638264
Ant1296283129603088Ant, Golden3239707773987720Ant, Red3887849288789264Ant, Purple5830127381331713896Spider1188259527132831Spider, Silver14574318443329134739Bee972212322202316Bee, Red14574318443329134739x5Tunnel32387707637398077196
43 {46}. Annihilation
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This stage introduces you to large transport ships and first appearance of earth eaters, these ships spawn in the middle of the mission and cannot be killed so don't bother shooting at them. If you have an air raider on team it could be worth shooting down the Giant mining lasers for free credits on air raider if he needs it. Usually enemies that can't be killed don't show up as red dot on radar. While the first two ships respawn ants, the rest of level doesn't respawn anything.
You face quite a variety of enemy types but rather in small clusters of groups, the rangers AR can deal with this mission nicely enough combined with Reverse Shooter defensive play to keep you and NPC alive.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant5984105125Ant, Red176250313375Bee44637994Vehicle74105131157Transport978138917362083Giant Mining Laser978138917362083
Ant103170212254Ant, Red309508635762Bee78127159191Vehicle129212265318Transport1716282235284233Giant Mining Laser1716282235284233
Ant261465542620Ant, Red781139316261858Bee196349407465Vehicle326581678774Transport43377739902810318Giant Mining Laser43377739902810318est
Ant650128614141543Ant, Red1948385742424628Bee48796510611157Vehicle812160717681929Transport10819214232356525708Giant Mining Laser10819214232356525708
Ant1304284729773106Ant, Red3911854189299317Bee978213622332330Vehicle1630355937213883Transport21728474484960551761Giant Mining Laser21728474484960551761
44 {47}. Natural Calamity
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
45 {48}. Steel Beast
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Deroy, Medium900127615951914x0.75Hatch1000141817732127
Deroy, Medium1575258732333880x0.75Hatch1750287435924311
Deroy, Medium3960705882359411x0.75Hatch44007843915010457est
Deroy, Medium9900195782153623493x0.75Hatch11000217532392826104
Deroy, Medium19800431934515647120x0.75Hatch22000479925017452355
46 {49}. Void Ship
EasyNormalHardHardestInferno46 {49}. Void ShipTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant6186108129Ant, Red183258323387Spider567999119Bee46658197Transport, Large2023286635824298Transport, Large1416200625083009x0.7
Ant107174218261Ant, Red319522653783Spider98160200240Bee80131164196Transport, Large3535579972488698Transport, Large2474405950746089x0.7
Ant266474553632Ant, Red798142116581895Spider244435507579Bee200356415474Transport, Large8864157891842021051Transport, Large6205110521289414736x0.7est
Ant666131614471579Ant, Red1997394643404735Spider610120613271447Bee50098710851184Transport, Large22182438364821952603Transport, Large15528306853375336822x0.7
Ant1329289630283160Ant, Red3985868890839478Spider1218265527762896Bee997217222712370Transport, Large4427396528100916105304Transport, Large30991675707064173713x0.7
47 {50}. Blue Fighters
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTip: Hectors will keep dropping from the large transport ships until ships are dead, after that's taken care of your introduced to a new variation of hector that uses shields that spawn in back of the stage.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Hector1228173721722606Transport, Large2046289536194343
Hector2141351043885265Transport, Large3569585073138775
Hector535795361112512714Transport, Large8928158921854121190est
Hector13419264992914931799Transport, Large22364441654858252998
Hector26728582446089163539Transport, Large4454697073101485105897
48 {51}. Earth Defenders
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant6388110132Ant, Red187264330395Spider5781101121Bee47668399Shield Bearer1035175521942633
Ant109178222266Ant, Red325532664797Spider100163203244Bee82133166200Shield Bearer1802354144265312
Ant270480560640Ant, Red810144016801920Spider248440514587Bee203360420480Shield Bearer449695981119812797est
Ant677133514691602Ant, Red2030400544054806Spider620122413461469Bee508100211021202Shield Bearer11273266972936732037
Ant1345292930623195Ant, Red4034878691859585Spider1233268528072929Bee1009219722972397Shield Bearer22410585706123363895
-- (52). Fleet Attack
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
49 {53}. Mountain Pass Trap
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant6390112135Spider5883103124Spider, Silver706100812591511Bee486884101Bee, Red142202252303Retarius62889611191343
Ant110181226271Spider101166207248Spider, Silver1228202725333040Bee82136169203Bee, Red246406507608Retarius1091180222522702
Ant272487568649Spider249446520595Spider, Silver3056546963817292Bee204365426487Bee, Red612109412771459Retarius2717486256726482est
Ant682135514911626Spider625124213661491Spider, Silver7671152401676418288Bee512101611181220Bee, Red1535304833533658Retarius6819135471490216256
Ant1353296230963231Spider1240271528382962Spider, Silver15219333133482836342Bee1015222123222423Bee, Red3044666369667269Retarius13528296123095832304
50 {54}. Fortress Frenzy
EasyNormalHardHardestInferno50 {54}. Fortress FrenzyTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red191272340407Drone537695114Hector1269180922612713Quadruped: Gatling Cannon740105513191583Quadruped: Laser Nub63590511311357
Ant, Red331546682818Drone92152190228Hector2203363445425451Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1285212026503180Quadruped: Laser Nub1102181722712726
Ant, Red821146817131957Drone228408476544Hector547197851141613047Quadruped: Gatling Cannon3192570866597611Quadruped: Laser Nub2736489357086524est
Ant, Red2062409445034913Drone573113812511365Hector13746272913002032749Quadruped: Gatling Cannon8019159201751219104Quadruped: Laser Nub6873136461501016375
Ant, Red4083893393399745Drone1135248225952707Hector27219595506225764964Quadruped: Gatling Cannon15878347383631737896Quadruped: Laser Nub13610297753112932482
51 {55}. Pincer
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
52 {56}. Ravages Of War
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 7 Tunnels in this map,
2 Bee Tunnels south part, this is where you spawn
A Red Ant Tunnel near center of map
A 3rd Bee Tunnel to right of Red Ant Tunnel
A spider Tunnel located north underneath an environment
Finally 4 Bee Tunnel Located all the way north near hidden between some buildings
Do note that enemies here seem to respawn very quickly from tunnels like about every 15secs they seem to spawn back so be quick when you attack a tunnel, you'll for sure want something that's gonna hit hard enough here.
Easiest Tunnels to kill first is of course the 2 Bee Tunnels right by where you spawn as these tunnels pull very little enemies towards. However for rest of tunnels expect a greater challenge in taking them down as hitting one will certainly pull rest of map. What's important is you going after right enemies from right angle with good escape route using the buildings as cover and to slow down enemies chasing you.
Finally as any class do not attempt to pull entire map, if you pull entire map your odds of winning are significantly lower even if you play in a team. The worst part about pulling everything is pulling all bee groups, a large group of bees are very dangerous to deal with even for fast classes.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant6593116139Ant, Red195277346415Spider6085106127Bee497087104Tunnel1620230528813458
Ant113185231278Ant, Red337555693832Spider103170212255Bee85139174208Tunnel2804461957746929
Ant278496579661Ant, Red833148717351982Spider255455530606Bee209372434496Tunnel6935123871445216516est
Ant699138515231662Ant, Red2095415345694984Spider640126913961523Bee524103911431246Tunnel17455346093807041530
Ant1378301131473284Ant, Red4132903194419852Spider1263276028853011Bee1033225823612463Tunnel34432752547867582095
53 {57}. Crash
Tips: Since this levels is so freaking easy it should be almost impossible to fail with any character you can just have this meme video here instead, "They say every blue moon, a legendary high speed battle between balam and erginus will occur."
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
54 {58}. Air Mobilization
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: When you begin the stage you are given your normal 2 squads of ranger and fencer npc. There purpose is quite simple to tank air enemies hits for you as you shouldn't really rely on them to kill enemies, that job will mostly be done by your hand. Moving on you'll notice the enemies are above there is possibility a friendly npc can aggro enemies but for most part you can walk under them without aggro, they only get aggro if you get extremely close to them or someone shoots them. Then you can start picking them off after like 20+ enemies are dead the large transport ship opens up and spawns couple of new red drones that don't respawn and then proceeds to respawn like 10 Air Vehicles. Major point being is it won't respawn every single air vehicle only 10 of them and no drones both normal and red don't respawn so it pays to play level patiently and it'll be easy. Of course you can rush to kill ship with powered nova buster or gungnir, strafe plan could be decent option here as well, these are methods if you want to rush the level.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Drone567998118Drone, Red1103156719582350Vehicle83118147177Transport, Large2205313339164699
Drone96157196235Drone, Red1904313139144697Vehicle143235294353Transport, Large3807626278279393
Drone235419488558Drone, Red46878362975611149Vehicle352628732837Transport, Large9373167241951122298est
Drone591117112881405Drone, Red11819234032574328083Vehicle887175619312107Transport, Large23637468055148556165
Drone1162253626512767Drone, Red23228507145301955324Vehicle1743380439774150Transport, Large46455101427106038110648
55 {59}. Bug Invasion
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 3 Large waves of spiders
1st-wave comes from the north
2nd-wave comes from the south behind you
3rd wave comes from the east
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
56 {60}. Transport Ship Surprise Attack
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant6896120144Ant, Red203288360431Ant, Golden169240300360Drone5780100120Vehicle85120150180Transport, Large2250319239904788
Ant117191239287Ant, Red349573716860Ant, Golden291478597716Drone97160199239Vehicle146239299358Transport, Large3875636579569547
Ant285508593678Ant, Red855152417782032Ant, Golden713127014821694Drone238424494565Vehicle357635741847Transport, Large9500169321975322575est
Ant720142415671709Ant, Red2160427246995127Ant, Golden1800356039164272Drone600118713061424Vehicle900178019582136Transport, Large24000474645221156957
Ant1410307632163356Ant, Red42309227964610066Ant, Golden3525768980398388Drone1175256326802796Vehicle1763384540204194Transport, Large47000102516107176111836
57 {61}. Bug King
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Silver spiders don't replace units here, instead they spawn in from back of the level when some of enemies have died on map.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider6389111133Spider, Silver768108813601631Spider, King2273322240274833
Spider108177221265Spider, Silver1320216627073249Spider, King3910641680209624
Spider263469547625Spider, Silver3228575067087666Spider, King9564170361987522714est
Spider665131514461578Spider, Silver8162161311774419357Spider, King24182477945257457353
Spider1300283529633092Spider, Silver15955347833636437945Spider, King47273103060107745112429
58 {62}. Crazy Skies
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This mission is timed and set to end after like 15min have passed. You still want to try and kill enemies to keep them from infesting the map and being too much of a force for AI and you to be able handle. Killing the Earth Eater Cores or the hatch can prevent additional enemies from spawning so that's really the best way of tackling the mission. You'll need a long range gun to kill the cores and hatch but the mission teaches you killing the core is way to go as it kills surrounding earth eaters including the hatch if it's connected to it.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Drone5882102122Vehicle87122153183Deroy, Medium1378195124392927Blue Spike Laser115163204244Purple Dome Projectile150212265317Core1148162620322439Hatch1148162620322439
Drone99162203243Vehicle148243304364Deroy, Medium2366388148515821Blue Spike Laser198324405486Purple Dome Projectile257421526631Core1972323440434851Hatch1972323440434851
Drone241429500572Vehicle362643750857Deroy, Medium5777102841199813712Blue Spike Laser48285710001143Purple Dome Projectile626111513001486Core48148570999811426Hatch48148570999811426est
Drone610120413241444Vehicle914180519862166Deroy, Medium14619288753176234650Blue Spike Laser1219240726472888Purple Dome Projectile1584312934413754Core12182240622646928875Hatch12182240622646928875
Drone1189259127082826Vehicle1783388640624239Deroy, Medium28528621636498967814Blue Spike Laser2378518154165652Purple Dome Projectile3091673570417347Core23773518035415756512Hatch23773518035415756512
59 {63}. The Fleet Below
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The ships on this stage are pretty weak and none of them are that high so you can getaway using mid range weapons. Just be wary of hordes and you'll be fine with a good planned route.
Additionally if you have the decoy launcher you can shoot decoys on top of ship here or if u have a wing diver then she can just stand on top of the ships to keep aggro off the rest of the group.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
60 {64}. Ill Omen
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
61 {65}. City Of Horror
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Air Raider only gets one vehicle to use for beginning, so make sure to bring one that you can call in right away otherwise you won't be able to call in any vehicle if it requires additional credits. Note if your having hard time fighting the dragons you can attempt to fight them between small spaces in buildings or in the underpass the dragons struggle to navigate in small spaces and it forces them to either be grounded or walking on sides of buildings which makes them way easier to face. Like any good medievel castle dragons are dumb against good cover.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
62 {66}. Mountains Ablaze
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Air raider has it rough here, as airstrikes and vehicles are disabled until the end of level when only deroys are left, you will need to wait for lengthy dialogue from command to finish to be able to request a vehicle or airstrike. Anyway general rule patience is key in this level do attempt to draw in a little amount of enemies as you can this can be done by striking a dragon furthest away from its group. Make sure to make use of friendly AI as cover from dragons.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon6085106127Deroy, Medium1432202225283033
Dragon102167209251Deroy, Medium2448400450056006
Dragon248439513586Deroy, Medium5930105331228914044est
Dragon628123713601484Deroy, Medium15055296663263335600
Dragon1216264527652885Deroy, Medium29182634696635469239
63 {67}. Breaking Through (2)
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
64 {68}. Bug Tower
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Survival mission based on kill count
Wave 1 - Bees right next to you when you spawn you and some by hive, but first you should try to kill ones next you without getting ones by hive after you. Let the friendly AI go forward and when your ready start killing ones by the hive.
Wave 2- Will start after about 10 bees from by hive dies, a flood of normal and some red bees will come out dispatch of these as quickly as possible while your friendly is alive. Some rangers will spawn from west during these to aid in giving you more time.
Wave 3- Final Wave and is a very large wave that will most likely be death of your group unless you do something about it once about 75% of the enemies from this wave is dead dialogue from command will commence and you will have won there's no need to kill all of bees from this wave.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Bee557897116Bee, Red165232290348
Bee94153191229Bee, Red280458572687
Bee226400467533Bee, Red676119913991599est
Bee573112812411353Bee, Red1719338237214059
Bee1107240525142624Bee, Red3320721475427870
65 {69}. Fortress Attack
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: If you can kill the quadruped early the mission is practically over with almost no enemies left otherwise the longer you leave it alive the more enemies it spawns in. Just beware of laser nubs once its taken certain amount of damage as those can easily wipe you then your team out if within it's range.
First off be 2 hectors, and quad will keep spawning black ants until you damage it 50%, when at 50% lasers come out and now it will spawn air vehicles, at 75% it will spawn about 10 hectors and leave hatch exposed for lengthy time, hectors are a one time spawn, afterwards it goes back to spawning air vehicles until quad is dead.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant74104130156Vehicle93130163195Hector1473207625953114Quadruped613786481081012972Quadruped: Gatling Cannon860121115141816Quadruped: Laser Nub737103812981557
Ant126205257308Vehicle157257321385Hector2510409751216145Quadruped10455170692133725604Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1464239029883585Quadruped: Laser Nub1255204925613073
Ant303536626715Vehicle378670782894Hector6044107201250714294Quadruped25182446665211159555Quadruped: Gatling Cannon3526625472968338Quadruped: Laser Nub3022536062547147est
Ant770151316651816Vehicle962189220812270Hector15382302603328636312Quadruped64091126083138691151299Quadruped: Gatling Cannon8973176521941721182Quadruped: Laser Nub7691151301664318156
Ant1484322333693516Vehicle1855402942124395Hector29673644496737970308Quadruped123637268537280743292949Quadruped: Gatling Cannon17310375963930441013Quadruped: Laser Nub14837322253369035154
66 {70}. Mountain Liberation
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant75105131157Ant, Red223314393471Spider6996120144Dragon6288110131Dragon, Red1487209426173140
Ant127207258310Ant, Red380620774929Spider116190237284Dragon106172215258Dragon, Red2530412851606192
Ant305540629719Ant, Red913161818872157Spider279495577659Dragon254450525600Dragon, Red6082107831258014377est
Ant775152316761828Ant, Red2324456950265483Spider710139615361676Dragon646127013961523Dragon, Red15491304583350436550
Ant1492323933863534Ant, Red447697171015810600Spider1368296931043239Dragon1244269928222945Dragon, Red29837647766772070664
67 {71}. Battle Of Giants
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: First up is some erginus vs a few friendly balams which I will call A-Team
Once more erginus die, black ants show up along with more erginus
Once more balams die B-Team Balams show up to help.
Some bees will show up, after a while red ants show up too, then more black ants
Last batch of erginus show including a red erginus which will likely be last thing on map to kill due to its large HP. Command will send in a balam that you can pilot, I think the more players in your team the more balams are sent. You can then proceed to beat the crap out of rest of erginus as balam can do huge damage. On keyboard P is Pose, for punch swings there's left and right
For big damage combos such as uppercut its left,left,right,left or right,right, left, right. Space can be used to do a stomp which is quite useless and never connects most of time. Don't be afraid of red erginus health it can die pretty fast if multiple balams punch at it.
Don't freak out about Erginus huge health all balams in the stage does huge damage including NPC balam. They can easily do around 100,000 damage from there combos.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant38536680x0.5Ant, Red225317396475Bee30425262x0.52Erginus40000562947036884441Erginus, Red80000112588140735168881
Ant64104130156x0.5Ant, Red383624780936Bee5082102122x0.52Erginus68000110888138610166332Erginus, Red136000221776277219332663
Ant153272317362x0.5Ant, Red918162718982169Bee120212247282x0.52Erginus163200289188337386385584Erginus, Red326400578376674772771168est
Ant390767844920x0.5Ant, Red2340459950595519Bee305598658718x0.52Erginus416000817485899233980982Erginus, Red832000163497017984661961963
Ant750162817021776x0.5Ant, Red450097661021010654Bee585127013281385x0.52Erginus800000173605018149611893873Erginus, Red1600000347209936299223787745
68 {72}. Sniper Attack
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: You'll spawn on top of a roof, the building is very tall and you'll notice there spiders below. These spiders are really bad at climbing up these buildings especially when there is no other tall building around they can hop back and forth on, maybe they are program to be bad climbers here idk. It's quite possible for you take out most of enemies from this roof and when you feel there's not much left just jump off and finish what's left.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider7098122147Drone6489111134Drone, Red1136159719962395x0.9Vehicle95134167200Transport, Large2271319439924790x0.9Transport, Large2523354944365323
Spider118193241289Drone108175219262Drone, Red1928314239284713x0.9Vehicle161262328393Transport, Large3856628478559426x0.9Transport, Large42856982872810473
Spider283500584667Drone257455531606Drone, Red46198181954410907x0.9Vehicle385682796909Transport, Large9238163611908821814x0.9Transport, Large10264181792120824238est
Spider720141515561697Drone655128614151543Drone, Red11782231412545527769x0.9Vehicle982192921222315Transport, Large23564462815090955537x0.9Transport, Large26182514235656561708
Spider1383299931363272Drone1257272728512975Drone, Red22623490725130253533x0.9Vehicle1886409042764462Transport, Large4524698143102604107065x0.9Transport, Large50273109048114005118961
-- (73). Mountain Giants
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: When you spawn in the map, on the very far left side you can find a prototype proteus that's has 5x Increased armor and damage on it then what your air raider can normally call in, you or your team can use it to kill 3 Ant queens easily. You can attempt to kill tunnels with it as well but you may find it easier to do that without the proteus as it is slow vehicle the choice is up to you.
Also when you spawn at least 3 specific ant tunnels are constantly aggroed on the map meaning some ants will always be after you until those tunnels are dead.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant-108135161Ant, Queen-357844735367Tunnel-268433554025
Ant-212264317Ant, Queen-7034879210551Tunnel-527665947913
Ant-549640732Ant, Queen-182832133024377Tunnel-137121599718283est
Ant-155317081864Ant, Queen-517535692862104Tunnel-388154269646578
Ant-328834383587Ant, Queen-109592114574119555Tunnel-821948593089666
69 {74}. Towering Beast
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Bringing a decent sniper type weapons and keeping your distance will allow you to beat this stage easily. The friendly that spawns can take attention off you while they are alive but they can die so make to clear the level before that happens.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Hector1528216527063247Deroy, Small4906958691042Deroy, Medium1528216527063247Deroy, Massive2546360845105412
Hector2591425153146377Deroy, Small832136417052046Deroy, Medium2591425153146377Deroy, Massive43197085885710628
Hector6197110321287114709Deroy, Small1989354041304720Deroy, Medium6197110321287114709Deroy, Massive10328183862145124515est
Hector15819312503437537500Deroy, Small5075100261102912032Deroy, Medium15819312503437537500Deroy, Massive26364520835729162499
Hector30328660826908672090Deroy, Small9730212022216523129Deroy, Medium30328660826908672090Deroy, Massive50546110137115143120149
70 {75}. Teeth Of The Universe
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red232328410492Dragon6591114137Dragon, Red1541218327283274Dragon, Yellow26374655Transport, Large2055291036384365x0.8
Ant, Red392643803964Dragon109179224268Dragon, Red2612428253536423Dragon, Yellow447290108Transport, Large3482571071378564x0.8
Ant, Red936166519422219Dragon260463540617Dragon, Red6235110941294314792Dragon, Yellow104185216247Transport, Large8313147921725819723x0.8est
Ant, Red2390471851895661Dragon664131114421573Dragon, Red15928314483459337737Dragon, Yellow266525577629Transport, Large21237419304612350316x0.8
Ant, Red457499621041510867Dragon1271276828933019Dragon, Red30491664096942772446Dragon, Yellow509110711581208Transport, Large40655885459257096594x0.8
71 {76}. Giant Ship
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
72 {77}. Spearhead
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant79111139167Ant, Golden197278347416Ant, Red236333416500Ant, Purple353500624749Spider72102128153Spider, Silver883124815601872Hector1569221827733327Tunnel1961277334664159Shield Bearer1307221827733327
Ant133218272326Ant, Golden332543679815Ant, Red398652815978Ant, Purple59797812221466Spider122200249299Spider, Silver1492244430553665Hector2653434454306516Tunnel3316543067878145Shield Bearer2211434454306516
Ant316561655748Ant, Golden789140316371870Ant, Red947168319642244Ant, Purple1420252529453366Spider290515600686Spider, Silver3550631173638414Hector6311112191308914959Tunnel7889140241636118698Shield Bearer5260112191308914959est
Ant808159317521911Ant, Golden2019398143794777Ant, Red2422477752555732Ant, Purple3633716578828598Spider740146016061752Spider, Silver9082179121970421495Hector16146318443502838212Tunnel20182398054378547765Shield Bearer13455318443502838212
Ant1541335435063658Ant, Golden3853838387649145Ant, Red4623100601051710974Ant, Purple6935150891577516461Spider1413307432143354Spider, Silver17336377233943741152Hector30819670627011073158Tunnel38523838278763891448Shield Bearer25682670627011073158
73 {78}. Tower Siege
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Now the objective is to kill the hive, the best character for killing the hive is the air raider using either Cannon airstrikes or Strafeplans. Strafe plan is the best IMO though as you need credits to get a cannon going while strafe you can just throw immediatly and has cheap credit costs. Depending on strafe your using it could take anywhere from 3-5 strafes to do the job while cannon you just need one but credits are expensive on that and you don't start with it. All other characters like Ranger can use fusion blaster, wing diver rapier, and fencer can just hammer the hive to death. You spawn with a bunch of npc, as always npc exist to tank hits for you due note there are walls nearby them you can hug to avoid most of attacks as long as you kill all nearby bees on your side of the wall. Upon the first bee death I believe the bee spawns are timed in level or its by number of bee deaths, its one of these 2 things that cause so many bees to appear at end. One thing I do know for certain is targeting the hive right way with high dps from start mission will nearly guarantee you won't ever see a red bee.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Bee6084105126Bee, Red178252315378Hive18455260843260539125
Bee101165206247Bee, Red301493616739Hive31182510366379476553
Bee239424494565Bee, Red715127014811693Hive74073131612153547175483est
Bee610120213221442Bee, Red1829360539664326Hive189637373815411196448578
Bee1162252826422757Bee, Red3486758279268271Hive361455786194821930857666
74 {79}. Den Of Thieves
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider74104130155Spider, King2660375646955634
Spider124202253303Spider, King44897343917811014
Spider293520607694Spider, King10646189062205725208est
Spider750147816261774Spider, King27273537325910664479
Spider1428310432453386Spider, King51910112858117988123118
75 {80}. Death Queen
Tips: Level is easy since its tunnel mission you can easily kill the enemies in groups in tight spaces. Beware once you venture into the tunnel enemies spawn in including the way you came from. Also watch out for spiders under you they can web wall clip through the floor to hit you its quite cheap. Once your done with all of that venture further in to meet another group of bees don't worry there extremely easy to kill in these tight spaces. Then finally you'll arrive at main chamber its wise not to enter the chamber and instead just draw aggro and fight everything from corner. you should attempt to let the NPC be in front so that death queens aim for them and not you.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider74105131157Bee6186107128Bee, Red182256320384Bee, Queen4023567970988518
Spider125204255305Bee102167208250Bee, Red306500624749Bee, Queen6785110911386416636
Spider295523610698Bee241428499571Bee, Red723128414971711Bee, Queen16064285153326738019est
Spider755148716361785Bee618121713391460Bee, Red1854365040154380Bee, Queen41182810938920397312
Spider1436311932613403Bee1175255226682784Bee, Red3523765580038351Bee, Queen78273170104177836185568
76 {81}. Machine Squad
Tips: Everyone's most loved and hated farming level for all high level gear in the game. Deroy here are exceptionally weak in comparison to other stages however beware of massive deroy it'll take a good amount of hits before going down. The friendly AI that spawned in with you has very good rifle weapons that does decent damage to up close targets so they can take out some deroys on there own but you will need to help for massive deroy for sure though.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Deroy, Small5217359191102Deroy, Massive2705381647705723Hatch1353190823852862
Deroy, Small878143417922150Deroy, Massive45577446930711168Hatch2279372346545584
Deroy, Small2074368042934906Deroy, Massive10773191142229925485Hatch538795571115012743est
Deroy, Small5320104711151812565Deroy, Massive27637543925983165271Hatch13819271962991632636
Deroy, Small10098219352293223929Deroy, Massive52455113947119126124306Hatch26228569745956362153
77 {82}. Monster Party
Tips: At spawn only like 4 dragons are aggroed, next to you is some friendly rangers, it's actually wise to recruit these soldiers and attempt to get them stuck on underpass doing so will allow you to target dragons safetly. Bringing a launcher weapon can help blow red dragons or group of dragons away from NPC. Once you get close to dealing with a majority of dragons you can attempt to use buildings and attacking the dragons using AI as shield, as you approach the newly spawned last wave a fencer team will spawn in the south end of the map its good idea to utilize them if you can.
See this video for a great example done in offline of course
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon486885101x0.7Dragon, Red1146161520192423x0.7Dragon, Yellow28394958
Dragon81132164197x0.7Dragon, Red1929314939364723x0.7Dragon, Yellow467594113
Dragon190337393449x0.7Dragon, Red45528072941710762x0.7Dragon, Yellow109193225257est
Dragon48795810541150x0.7Dragon, Red11684229842528227580x0.7Dragon, Yellow279548602657
Dragon923200420952186x0.7Dragon, Red22146480875027252458x0.7Dragon, Yellow528114511971249
78 {83}. Labyrinth Of Light
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant83117146175Drone6997122146Deroy, Small5307469331119Transport, Large2750387548445812Shield Bearer1375232529063488
Ant139227284340Drone116189236284Deroy, Small891145318172180Transport, Large46257549943611323Shield Bearer2313452956626794
Ant327580677773Drone273484564645Deroy, Small2099372043404960Transport, Large10900193222254225762Shield Bearer5450115931352515457est
Ant840165218171982Drone700137715141652Deroy, Small5390105981165812717Transport, Large28000550526055766062Shield Bearer14000330313633539638
Ant1590345236083765Drone1325287630073138Deroy, Small10203221452315124158Transport, Large53000115036120264125493Shield Bearer26500690227215975296
79 {84}. City Flaws
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Pull the enemies furthest away from groups and avoid pulling every enemy at once. Patience and key shots is greatly rewarded in this stage.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Bee6388110132Bee, Red188264330396Bee, Queen4160585773218785Hector1664234329293514Shield Bearer1387234329293514
Bee105171214257Bee, Red315513642770Bee, Queen6989114001425017099Hector2796456057006840Shield Bearer2330456057006840
Bee247438510583Bee, Red741131215301749Bee, Queen16446291383399538851Hector6579116561359815541Shield Bearer5482116561359815541est
Bee635124713711496Bee, Red1903373941134486Bee, Queen42273830739138099687Hector16910332293655239875Shield Bearer14091332293655239875
Bee1199260127192837Bee, Red3596780281578511Bee, Queen79910173370181250189130Hector31964693487250075652Shield Bearer26637693487250075652
80 {85}. Monster Camp
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Without Healing or defense of some type on your npc or yourself if your going in with lots of armor, you will lose in this stage in online. NPC are extremely vital to keep alive at least long enough so they can assist and distract with the last wave of enemies.
In offline any class should be able to handle this stage it can still be hard but much more managable for each class, but honestly IMO this is the hardest stage in all of EDF4 in online but in any case if you my opinion on what makes it so hard, it's for sure the mixture of all different enemy types. Most people will say dragons are biggest problem, well not exactly if npc can stay alive they can deal with the dragons for you. The bigger concern is approaching ground units, u see if dragons land they lose out on considerable dps while ground units launches a consistent amount of dps once they get close so yeah ground units need to die right away if they get close.
4x Rangers can win here with 200armor, sounds very impressive right?
Just Remember Ranger is simple character alone he's not very good but with a team of 4x rangers he becomes the mightiest class in EDF as groups offensive power and defensive strats combined can overcome the scaling.
Fusion Blaster ZD - is used as quick emergency kill weapon with no bothersome reload time to go through.
Stampede XM is can be used for dragon launching and ground horde clearing, its best horde launcher of its type.
Mex Emerald - Is supportive role, and kill annoying yellow glass cannon dragons(which are annoying dps dragons) as well as knocking red ones over.
Reverse Shooter X- Can be used to keep NPC alive buying ur group more time to not be targeted by massive horde of enemies.
But I lack 4x rangers not to mention players who know what they are doing. Okay well here's a 1 ranger and 1 air raider strat. It makes use of power posts and healing. The power posts also boosts reverse shooter X healing to 4500 so those can be very good your giving out to group of npcs and vehicles.
Then here's an air raider video featuring air raider & wing diver using balam with defense post for npc, spiders are greatly biggest threat to balam so if u can take care of them balam can handle the level pretty well.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant84119148178Ant, Red252355443532Spider77109136163Dragon7099123148Dragon, Red1678236129513541Dragon, Yellow28405060
Ant141230287345Ant, Red4236898611033Spider130211264316Dragon118192240287Dragon, Red2816459157396886Dragon, Yellow477796115
Ant331586684782Ant, Red993175820512344Spider304538627717Dragon276489570651Dragon, Red6617117181367115624Dragon, Yellow111196228261est
Ant851167218392006Ant, Red2553501555166017Spider780153316861839Dragon710139315331672Dragon, Red17019334273677040113Dragon, Yellow284558613669
Ant1607348436433801Ant, Red4820104521092711402Spider1473319433393484Dragon1339290430363168Dragon, Red32128696757284276009Dragon, Yellow536116212151267
81 {86}. Fallen Flagship
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Long range gun is required here just for the sake of hitting the brain and cores. Sniper rifles will do there job nicely here. Meanwhile fencer can opt to bring his dyna blades for hitting through the barriers if you don't have a fencer for that then you'll need to be properly prepared for close range fighting inside the dome. An air raider can bring 2 sattelite blasters and aim it under the brain during the last part to cheese that part when earth eaters appear with the cores and additonal air vehicles spawning in. You basically win the mission when brain retreats.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Vehicle106149186223Hector1691237929733568Deroy, Medium1691237929733568Deroy, Massive2819396449555946Blue Spike Laser141199248298Purple Dome Projectile184258323387Core1410198224782973Hatch1410198224782973The Brain676495131189214270
Vehicle178289362434Hector2837462257776933Deroy, Medium2837462257776933Deroy, Massive47287703962911554Blue Spike Laser237386482578Purple Dome Projectile308501626751Core2364385248155777Hatch2364385248155777The Brain11346184862310827729
Vehicle416737859982Hector6655117801374415707Deroy, Medium6655117801374415707Deroy, Massive11091196332290626178Blue Spike Laser55598211461309Purple Dome Projectile721127714891702Core554698171145313089Hatch554698171145313089The Brain26619471205497362826est
Vehicle1071210223122522Hector17128336253698840350Deroy, Medium17128336253698840350Deroy, Massive28546560426164667250Blue Spike Laser1428280330833363Purple Dome Projectile1856364340074372Core14273280213082333625Hatch14273280213082333625The Brain68510134499147949161399
Vehicle2019437645744773Hector32291700017318376365Deroy, Medium32291700017318376365Deroy, Massive53819116669121972127275Blue Spike Laser2691583460996364Purple Dome Projectile3499758479298273Core26910583356098663638Hatch26910583356098663638The Brain129164280004292731305459
82 {87}. Heaven's Army
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Mutant waves will spawn only when a large transport ship dies, the trick to make this as easiest as possible to severly wound all 3 ships and kill them quickly back to back instead of killing them one by one.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Bee6490113135Bee, Red192270337405Dragon72100125150Dragon, Red1705239729963595Transport, Large56827987998411981x2
Bee108175219262Bee, Red322524655786Dragon120194243291Dragon, Red2857465358166979Transport, Large9523155081938523262x2
Bee251445519593Bee, Red753133315551777Dragon279494576658Dragon, Red6693118431381615790Transport, Large22310394744605352632x2est
Bee647126913961523Bee, Red1940380641864567Dragon719141015511692Dragon, Red17237338233720540588Transport, Large57455112743124017135291x2
Bee1218263827582878Bee, Red3652791282728632Dragon1353293130643197Dragon, Red32455703287352576721Transport, Large108182234425245081255737x2
83 {88}. Encircling
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The ships here will move faster and faster the more ships die, the trick to beating this easiest I find is to focus on normal transport ships first then the large as the normal is hard to hit when it moves fast to where the large transport is pretty easy to hit even with the speed upgrade.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant86121151182Spider79111139166Bee6591114136Transport1432201225153018Transport, Large2864402450296035
Ant144235293352Spider132215269322Bee108176220264Transport2398390348795855Transport, Large47967806975711709
Ant337596695794Spider309546637728Bee253447521596Transport561099211157413228Transport, Large11219198412314826455est
Ant868170218722042Spider795156017161872Bee651127614041531Transport14455283513118634021Transport, Large28910567026237268042
Ant1631353336943854Spider1495323933863533Bee1224265027702891Transport27182588796155564231Transport, Large54364117757123110128462
84 {89}. Divine
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: The 3rd Dragon Great Elder only spawns during hardest and inferno. Anyway the toughest enemy here is 1st Dragon Elder and once it drops to about 30% health, it triggers another wave of dragons and Dragon Elder except this time the 2nd and 3rd Dragon Elder are signficantly weaker meaning its much easier for a single player with decent dps weapon to stunlock these dragon elders in comparison to first one you were fighting so priority should be these weaker dragons if you failed to kill first dragon, you will be able to tell which ones is weaker by the ease of stunlock. Stuns and constant movement is your best bet to deal with there fire attacks. Alternatively high hp air raider vehicles can tank the fire as well or air raiders barriers can do the job too. Fencer with a shield can tank easily too.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon517189107x0.7Dragon, Great Elder18762263443292939515Dragon, Great Elder56297903987911855x0.3Dragon, Great Elder3753526965867903x0.2
Dragon85138172207x0.7Dragon, Great Elder31393510706383776605Dragon, Great Elder9418153211915222982x0.3Dragon, Great Elder6279102141276815321x0.2
Dragon198350408466x0.7Dragon, Great Elder73332129641151248172855Dragon, Great Elder22000388934537551857x0.3Dragon, Great Elder14667259293025034571x0.2est
Dragon51099910981198x0.7Dragon, Great Elder189091370702407772444842Dragon, Great Elder56728111211122332133453x0.3Dragon, Great Elder37819741418155588969x0.2
Dragon957207121652259x0.7Dragon, Great Elder355137768957803910838862Dragon, Great Elder106541230688241173251659x0.3Dragon, Great Elder71028153792160782167773x0.2
85 {90}. The Threat
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: 3 Waves in this mission
1st wave begins right away already aggroed and attacking ranger team up ahead, after about 20 secs later the other half of this wave spawns from behind. Its mostly black ants, spiders, and red ants. You also have ranger team that spawns behind that attempts to regroup with ranger team up ahead they don't have good weapons and mostly serve as distraction and hit points for you if can keep them alive.
2nd wave pops as soon as everything from wave 1 is dead and is arguably the hardest wave of mission it consists of large force of bees that spawn in from west and east side of the map along once again with some spiders, black ants, and red ants. Wing Divers from will spawn in from south west corner of the map and proceed to travel around the center to distract the enemies for you it could be worth recruiting them if you can as wing divers make for great evasive units and shields for you.
3rd wave a small force of bees comes from west they should be top priority so its not bad idea to camp by west side to kill them off as soon as possible as all other enemies are faraway from east side. Anyway enemies spawn in from all directions which just only includes spiders and red ants this time on this wave but as said bees from west should be top priority.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant88123154184Ant, Red262368460552Spider80113141169Bee6692115138
Ant146238297356Ant, Red4387128901068Spider134218272327Bee110178223267
Ant341602702802Ant, Red1022180521062406Spider312552644736Bee256452527602est
Ant879172118932065Ant, Red2635516356796195Spider805157817361893Bee659129114201549
Ant1648356637283890Ant, Red4942106971118311669Spider1510326934173566Bee1236267527962918
-- {91}. Troubled Valley
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: If your using ranger and he has a nova buster available you can opt to bring 2 with power boost and kill the ship quickly only recommend doing this if you have teammates that can kill few retarius left in the map. The wing diver can actually do a similar thing with gungnir, however do note using power can turn gungnir into a one shot in inferno. On hardest one nova buster with power can one shot the ship.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
86 {92}. Battle To The Death
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant88125156187Ant, Golden220311389466Vehicle110156195233Hector1408198924862983x0.8Hector1126159119892386x0.64Transport, Large2346331441424971x0.8Transport, Large1173165720712486x0.4Argo17591248523106437277
Ant147241301361Ant, Golden368601752902Vehicle184301376451Hector2351384648075769x0.8Hector1881307738464615x0.64Transport, Large3919640980129614x0.8Transport, Large1960320540064807x0.4Argo29387480686008572101
Ant343608709811Ant, Golden856152017732026Vehicle4287608871013Hector547797241134412965x0.8Hector43827779907510372x0.64Transport, Large9128162061890721607x0.8Transport, Large45648103945410804x0.4Argo68455121539141796162052est
Ant884174119152089Ant, Golden2210435247875222Vehicle1105217623942611Hector14139278503063533420x0.8Hector11311222802450826736x0.64Transport, Large23564464175105955700x0.8Transport, Large11782232092553027850x0.4Argo176728348124382937417749
Ant1656359937623926Ant, Golden4139899694049813Vehicle2070449847024907Hector26488575696018662802x0.8Hector21190460554814950242x0.64Transport, Large4414695948100309104670x0.8Transport, Large22073479745015552335x0.4Argo331091719605752314785023
-- {93}. Legion Of Monsters
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant-126157188Ant, Queen-417252156258Spider-115144173Spider, King-417252156258Bee-94118141Bee, Queen-625878229386Dragon-105131157Dragon, Great Elder-244043050536606x0.9Erginus-6674583431100118
Ant-242303363Ant, Queen-80631007912095Spider-222278333Spider, King-80631007912095Bee-182227273Bee, Queen-120951511818142Dragon-202252303Dragon, Great Elder-471675895970751x0.9Erginus-129003161254193505
Ant-611713815Ant, Queen-203612375427148Spider-560654747Spider, King-203612375427148Bee-459535611Bee, Queen-305413563140721Dragon-510594679Dragon, Great Elder-119109138960158812x0.9Erginus-325767380062434356est
Ant-175119262101Ant, Queen-583516418670021Spider-160517661926Spider, King-583516418670021Bee-131314451576Bee, Queen-8752696279105031Dragon-145916051751Dragon, Great Elder-341351375486409621x0.9Erginus-93360910269701120330
Ant-361537793943Ant, Queen-120479125955131431Spider-331434643615Spider, King-120479125955131431Bee-271128342958Bee, Queen-180718188932197147Dragon-301231493286Dragon, Great Elder-704799736835768871x0.9Erginus-192765420152752102895
87 {94}. Massive Mobilization
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant89127158190Ant, Golden222316394473Ant, Red266379473568Ant, Purple399568709851Spider82116145174Spider, Silver998141817732127Vehicle111158197237Hector1773252131513782Deroy, Small56980910111214Deroy, Medium1773252131513782Transport, Large2955420252526302Quadruped7387105041312915755Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1035147118392206Quadruped: Laser Nub887126115761891
Ant148244305366Ant, Golden370609761913Ant, Red4447319131096Ant, Purple666109613701644Spider136224279335Spider, Silver1665273934244108Vehicle185305381457Hector2960486960867303Deroy, Small950156219532343Deroy, Medium2960486960867303Transport, Large493281151014312172Quadruped12330202862535730429Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1727284035504260Quadruped: Laser Nub1480243530433652
Ant345614717819Ant, Golden861153517912047Ant, Red1033184221492456Ant, Purple1549276332243684Spider316563657751Spider, Silver3873690780589209Vehicle4317688961024Hector6884122791432616372Deroy, Small2209394045965253Deroy, Medium6884122791432616372Transport, Large11473204652387627286Quadruped28682511615968868215Quadruped: Gatling Cannon4016716383579551Quadruped: Laser Nub3442614071638186est
Ant890176119372113Ant, Golden2223440248425282Ant, Red2668528258106338Ant, Purple4001792287159507Spider815161417761937Spider, Silver10003198052178623766Vehicle1112220124212641Hector17782352093873042250Deroy, Small5705112961242613556Deroy, Medium17782352093873042250Transport, Large29637586816454970417Quadruped74091146702161372176042Quadruped: Gatling Cannon10373205392259224646Quadruped: Laser Nub8891176051936521125
Ant1664363137963961Ant, Golden4160907794909902Ant, Red4991108931138811883Ant, Purple7487163391708117824Spider1525332934803631Spider, Silver18716408464270244559Vehicle2080453947454951Hector33273726147591579215Deroy, Small10675232972435625415Deroy, Medium33273726147591579215Transport, Large55455121023126524132025Quadruped138637302557316310330062Quadruped: Gatling Cannon19410423584428446209Quadruped: Laser Nub16637363073795839608
88 {95}. Scorching
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Air Raider can simplify the difficulty of this stage greatly by just bringing along the airstrike strafe plan, strafe plan B and C are very good with C being the best and most abusable.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant81115143172x0.9Ant, Red268381476572Spider74105131158x0.9Spider, King2978423152896347Bee496986103x0.72Bee, Queen2233317439674760x0.5Dragon6796119143x0.9Dragon, Red1608228528563428x0.9Drone, Red1072152419042285x0.72Vehicle79112139167x0.7Hector1787253931743808Deroy, Medium1787253931743808Transport, Large2978423152896347
Ant135221276331x0.9Ant, Red4477359191103Spider123203253304x0.9Spider, King496681661020812249Bee81133166199x0.72Bee, Queen3725612576569187x0.5Dragon112184230276x0.9Dragon, Red2682441055126615x0.9Drone, Red1788294036754410x0.72Vehicle131215268322x0.7Hector2980490061257350Deroy, Medium2980490061257350Transport, Large496681661020812249
Ant312556648741x0.9Ant, Red1039185221602469Spider286510594679x0.9Spider, King11537205692399727425Bee187334389445x0.72Bee, Queen8653154271799820569x0.5Dragon260463540618x0.9Dragon, Red6230111071295814810x0.9Drone, Red4154740586399873x0.72Vehicle303540630720x0.7Hector6922123411439816455Deroy, Medium6922123411439816455Transport, Large11537205692399727425est
Ant806159417531912x0.9Ant, Red2684531158436374Spider738146116071753x0.9Spider, King29819590116491270813Bee48495610521148x0.72Bee, Queen22364442584868453110x0.5Dragon671132814611594x0.9Dragon, Red16102318663505338239x0.9Drone, Red10735212442336925493x0.72Vehicle783155017041859x0.7Hector17891354073894742488Deroy, Medium17891354073894742488Transport, Large29819590116491270813
Ant1505328334323581x0.9Ant, Red5016109421143911936Spider1380300931463283x0.9Spider, King55728121568127093132619Bee903197020592149x0.72Bee, Queen41796911769532099464x0.5Dragon1254273628602984x0.9Dragon, Red30093656476863171615x0.9Drone, Red20062437654575447743x0.72Vehicle1463319233373482x0.7Hector33437729417625679572Deroy, Medium33437729417625679572Transport, Large55728121568127093132619
-- {96}. Demon Army
Tips: First off Air Vehicles, then target hectors, then focus attack on one of hives, fight off incoming hordes, repeat until the hive is dead, then be prepared to use the city to in a defensive manner to combat the vicious mutant wave.
Wave 1 - if killed right or left hive, Red Bees, Silver Spiders, large force of Gold Ants.
If Killed the middle hive Large force of silver spiders, Large force of Gold Ants
If killed a tunnel then Gold Ants, Large Force of Silver spiders, Red Bees
Wave 2 - When another hive or tunnel dies Death queens and just enemies you get when u aggro them from hitting the hive, no mutants.
Wave 3 - Same idea as wave 1 but far less mutants at this point, beware though if the 2 tunnels are still alive as you will face a very large of gold ants which are very dangerous.
As for what you typically want to kill of first, the most popular choice among many players would be killing the middle hive first as the bees hit hard and is fast in large numbers.Don't feel compelled to kill the bees for every strategy though some strategies can actually benefit more from you killing other hive or tunnels first.
If you really want to win this fast and hit them with maximum firepower then you go at least 3x air raider but hey I'll show you 4x Air why not. 2x Air Raider plus help from 3rd or 4th different class could be do-able too, strafe plan C is very strong even from one air raider.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant-128160192Ant, Golden-320400480Spider-118147176Spider, Silver-143817982157Bee-96120144Bee, Red-288360432Bee, Queen-639179899587Vehicle-160200240Hector-255731963835Hive-196852460629527x0.66
Ant-247309370Ant, Golden-617771925Spider-226283339Spider, Silver-277434674160Bee-185232278Bee, Red-555694832Bee, Queen-123261540818489Vehicle-309386463Hector-493161637396Hive-379634745456945x0.66
Ant-621724827Ant, Golden-155118092068Spider-569664758Spider, Silver-697781409303Bee-466543621Bee, Red-139616281861Bee, Queen-310093617741345Vehicle-7769051034Hector-124041447116538Hive-95506111423127341x0.66est
Ant-178119592137Ant, Golden-445148965341Spider-163217961959Spider, Silver-200282203124033Bee-133614691603Bee, Red-400644074807Bee, Queen-8901197912106813Vehicle-222624482671Hector-356053916542725Hive-274152301567328983x0.66
Ant-366438303997Ant, Golden-915995759991Spider-335935113664Spider, Silver-412134308644960Bee-274828732998Bee, Red-824386188992Bee, Queen-183168191493199819Vehicle-458047884996Hector-732677659879928Hive-564155589798615442x0.66
-- {97}. Surrounded
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Many of the enemies here are nerfed to point it will feel like your playing offline do note that these nerfs apply to there attack power as well.
Air Raiderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmSkqubHolA
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant-7998118x0.608Ant, Golden-196245294x0.608Ant, Red-235294353x0.608Ant, Golden Queen-378547315677x0.18Spider-7290108x0.608Spider, Silver-88111011321x0.608Dragon-394958x0.36Dragon, Red-92711591391x0.36Dragon, Yellow-162024x0.36Bee-597489x0.608Bee, Red-177221265x0.608Drone-658197x0.6Deroy, Medium-7629531143x0.296Deroy, Massive-107313411609x0.25Transport, Large-7739661159x0.18
Ant-151189227x0.608Ant, Golden-378472566x0.608Ant, Red-453566679x0.608Ant, Golden Queen-7293911710940x0.18Spider-139173208x0.608Spider, Silver-169721212546x0.608Dragon-7594112x0.36Dragon, Red-178722332680x0.36Dragon, Yellow-303845x0.36Bee-114142170x0.608Bee, Red-340425510x0.608Drone-125156187x0.6Deroy, Medium-146918362203x0.296Deroy, Massive-206825843101x0.25Transport, Large-148918612233x0.18
Ant-379443506x0.608Ant, Golden-94811061264x0.608Ant, Red-113713271516x0.608Ant, Golden Queen-183252137924433x0.18Spider-348406464x0.608Spider, Silver-426449745685x0.608Dragon-187219250x0.36Dragon, Red-448852365984x0.36Dragon, Yellow-7588100x0.36Bee-285332379x0.608Bee, Red-8539951137x0.608Drone-312364416x0.6Deroy, Medium-369043054920x0.296Deroy, Massive-519560606926x0.25Transport, Large-374043634987x0.18est
Ant-108911981307x0.608Ant, Golden-272129943266x0.608Ant, Red-326635923919x0.608Ant, Golden Queen-526305789263155x0.18Spider-99810981198x0.608Spider, Silver-122451346914694x0.608Dragon-538591645x0.36Dragon, Red-128891417815467x0.36Dragon, Yellow-215237258x0.36Bee-817898980x0.608Bee, Red-244926942939x0.608Drone-8969851075x0.6Deroy, Medium-105981165812717x0.296Deroy, Massive-149181641017902x0.25Transport, Large-107411181512889x0.18
Ant-223823392441x0.608Ant, Golden-559458486102x0.608Ant, Red-671270177322x0.608Ant, Golden Queen-108183113100118018x0.18Spider-205121452238x0.608Spider, Silver-251692631327458x0.608Dragon-110411551205x0.36Dragon, Red-264942769828903x0.36Dragon, Yellow-442462482x0.36Bee-167817551831x0.608Bee, Red-503452635492x0.608Drone-184019242008x0.6Deroy, Medium-217842277423764x0.296Deroy, Massive-306643205833452x0.25Transport, Large-220792308224086x0.18
89 {98}. Star Eaters
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: In this mission, it will be your objective to kill the brain, Star Eaters has 3 Waves in it. What you will want to do is stick to edges of map, I believe going into center is foolish as the earth eaters will be able to hit you easily.
Wave 1 - Blue Spike , Purple Dome, Red Claw Launchers, Mining Lasers, Cores
4 Spawners, 6 air vehicles, total of 24 air vehicles if spawners left alone.
The Brain, can be shot at by clearing the skies.
Deroys will spawn from air vehicle spawners if brain is damaged a certain percentage.
5 Groups of NPC recruitable by the edges of map for tanking damage.
Wave 2 - Same as wave 1 but this time earth eaters rotates on map slowly and emerald lasers have to be dealt with. There is big difference with this wave, spawners won't open until you inflict 10% of damage on brain(btw can't be damaged until all the plates comes down). Meaning you can take out every laser before shooting the brain.
Wave 3 - Brain's final form, can't be damage until dialogue about dragons occur.
Dragons spawn from few tall spawn blocks.
Holding out in this wave allows Pale, Scout4, and Omega team to spawn in to help you.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon75108135162Vehicle113162203244Deroy, Medium1800259232403889Blue Spike Laser150216270324Purple Dome Projectile195281351422Red Claw Launcher270389486584Green Emerald Laser300432540648Giant Mining Laser1500216027003240Core1500216027003240Hatch1500216027003240Thunder Block1050151218902268Spawner Block1800259232403889The Brain7200103681296015553The Brain8640124421555218663x1.2
Dragon125208260312Vehicle188312390468Deroy, Medium3000499262407488Blue Spike Laser250416520624Purple Dome Projectile325541676812Red Claw Launcher4507499361124Green Emerald Laser50083210401248Giant Mining Laser2500416052006240Core2500416052006240Hatch2500416052006240Thunder Block1750291236404368Spawner Block3000499262407488The Brain12000199682496029952The Brain14400239622995235943x1.2
Dragon290522609696Vehicle4357839141044Deroy, Medium6960125281461616704Blue Spike Laser580104412181392Purple Dome Projectile754135815841810Red Claw Launcher1044188021932506Green Emerald Laser1160208824362784Giant Mining Laser5800104401218013920Core5800104401218013920Hatch5800104401218013920Thunder Block4060730885269744Spawner Block6960125281461616704The Brain27840501125846466816The Brain33408601357015780180x1.2est
Dragon750150016511800Vehicle1125225024752700Deroy, Medium18000360003960043200Blue Spike Laser1500300033013600Purple Dome Projectile1950390042904680Red Claw Launcher2700540059416480Green Emerald Laser3000600066017200Giant Mining Laser15000300003300036000Core15000300003300036000Hatch15000300003300036000Thunder Block10500210002310125200Spawner Block18000360003960043200The Brain72000144000158400172800The Brain86400172800190081207360x1.2
Dragon1400308132203360Vehicle2100462048305040Deroy, Medium33600739207728080640Blue Spike Laser2800616164406720Purple Dome Projectile3640800983728736Red Claw Launcher5040110881159212096Green Emerald Laser5600123211288013440Giant Mining Laser28000616016440067200Core28000616016440067200Hatch28000616016440067200Thunder Block19600431204508047040Spawner Block33600739207728080640The Brain134400295680309120322560The Brain161280354816370944387072x1.2
DLC1 Time Of The Mutants (1-26)
1. Air Offensive
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: While this is the first dlc mission its very hard and unfriendly to beginners, don't be afraid to do this stage on easy and do next levels on higher difficulty as next few level aren't as bad as this level until you get to God's Army and probably past DLC1 15.
5 Waves of Bees
Lots of NPC and civilians and single Balam AI Pilot
1st Wave - 2 Ranger Squads and 2 Wing Diver Squads, some civilians(white dots appear) the civilians are invincible until they reach evac destination then they disappear in case you need a refresher and but they only appear in specific waves this one and next two waves. Also let's not forget you must face some normal bees and few red bees.
2nd Wave- To the north end of map past map wall will spawn just normal bees in this wave number is quite a few but don't worry as stated there are civilians that spawn in to take there attention off you and EDF NPC for short amount of time, also another ranger squad spawns near point the bees spawn in.
3rd Wave - Some fencers and more civilians spawn in towards north east, in the north east corner also spawns in another huge wave of bees, mostly normal bees and few reds, however quarter of this wave takes a little longer to set out, not all bees come out at once.
4th Wave - No civilians will be spawning in this wave so depending on how good of job you helped EDF NPC out they will be taking more hits from here on out. Enemies spawn in from spot&direction the 3rd wave came from when most of 3rd wave is dead about 6 enemies left will trigger it. It includes some first some normal Bees and few reds, few seconds later a Death Queen coming out.
5th Wave - Final wave and this wave comes in from same spot the 2nd waves came in from which is north west corner and this wave happens based on 1 minute timer of 4th wave so you could most likely end up facing both 4th and 5th wave if your slow. It includes all red bees and red death queen, this group is incredibly dangerous to face out in open, it highly suggested you don't face them on side they spawn but rather within the city with tall buildings. Also this is very likely to be wave that will wipe your NPC and balam out within in mere seconds so preparation is very important the most on this wave.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Bee5781102122Bee, Red169243304365Bee, Queen3750540067508101Bee, Red Queen562581001012512150
Bee79132164197Bee, Red237394492590Bee, Queen525087361092013104Bee, Red Queen7875131041638019656
Bee199357416476Bee, Red594107012481426Bee, Queen13201237612772131681Bee, Red Queen19800356404158047520est
Bee49599010891188Bee, Red1485297032683564Bee, Queen33000660007260079200Bee, Red Queen4950099000108901118800
Bee990217822772376Bee, Red2970653568317128Bee, Queen66000145200151800158400Bee, Red Queen99000217801227700237600
2. Giants Advance
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
3. Recon
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant79114142170Ant, Red236340425510Spider73104130156Ant, Green20293643Tunnel7860113191414816978x4Tunnel589584891061112734x3
Ant111185231278Ant, Red333555693832Spider102170212254Ant, Green28475870Tunnel11100184712308827706x4Tunnel8325138531731620780x3
Ant277498581664Ant, Red830149317421991Spider254457533609Ant, Green70125146166Tunnel27649497675806166356x4Tunnel20737373254354649767x3est
Ant684136815051642Ant, Red2052410445154925Spider627125413801505Ant, Green171342377411Tunnel68400136800150480164160x4Tunnel51300102600112861123120x3
Ant1349296831033238Ant, Red4047890393079712Spider1237272128442968Ant, Green338742776810Tunnel134880296736310224323712x4Tunnel101160222553232668242784x3
4. Dust Town
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Only Green Ants, good stage to practice fighting this enemy type. As they will continue to appear in later dlc. Fencer happens to be most capable of fighting this enemy type on the fly his melee weapons, mainly hammers, since they have such low health nearly any hammer will work.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Green21293744
Ant, Green29486072
Ant, Green71128149170est
Ant, Green174348383418
Ant, Green341750784818
5. Defense Line
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant83119148178Ant, Red247356444533Tunnel2055296036994439Hector1645236829603552Shield Bearer1370236829603552Deroy, Small5287609501140Deroy, Medium1645236829603552Transport1370197324662960
Ant117195244293Ant, Red351585731877Tunnel2925486860847301Hector2340389448685841Shield Bearer1950389448685841Deroy, Small751125015621874Deroy, Medium2340389448685841Transport1950324540564868
Ant289521607694Ant, Red867156118212081Tunnel7225130041517117338Hector5780104031213713871Shield Bearer4817104031213713871Deroy, Small1855333838944450Deroy, Medium5780104031213713871Transport481786691011411559est
Ant708141615581700Ant, Red2124424846735098Tunnel17700354003894042480Hector14160283203115333984Shield Bearer11800283203115333984Deroy, Small45439086999510904Deroy, Medium14160283203115333984Transport11800236002596128320
Ant1378303131693307Ant, Red4133909395069919Tunnel34440757687921282656Hector27552606156337066125Shield Bearer22960606156337066125Deroy, Small8840194482033221216Deroy, Medium27552606156337066125Transport22960505135280855104
6. Underground Advance
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant84121152182Ant, Red252363454545Spider77111139167Bee6391114137Ant, Green21313846Tunnel2100302437804536
Ant120200250300Ant, Red360600749899Spider110184229275Bee90150188225Ant, Green30506375Tunnel3000499262407488
Ant296532620709Ant, Red886159518602126Spider271488569650Bee222399465532Ant, Green74133155178Tunnel7380132841549817712est
Ant720144015851728Ant, Red2160432047525184Spider660132014531584Bee540108011881296Ant, Green180360397432Tunnel18000360003960043200
Ant1392306332023341Ant, Red41769188960510023Spider1276280829353063Bee1044229724022506Ant, Green348766801836Tunnel34800765608004083520
7. War Breed
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This was meant to be an introduction mission to the golden ant type. Gold ants rule the majority here while there is not that many blacks so don't really worry about blacks and make sure loadout is spec towards golds completely.
When you spawn there are 2 balams you should recruit the Ranger AI with lasers don't really have to worry about ones with shotguns not too useful too keep alive but if you can bonus hit points for you to have. You'll notice on your left is balams and on your right is civilians (white dots) your best interest is to attack what's by the balam first as civilians have invincibility for the time they last that means golds will keep attacking them nonstop until they disappear from map, the balams on other hand can die and quite quickly if golds aren't taken care of then they will most likely focus on you and your friendly NPC which you don't want to have happen.
Next up is golds in further down road and in back of map you can pull via the slow game shooting ones closest to you, also there is gold that is always stuck under floor, sandlot apparently forgot to place the spawn marker on that one above ground, if you still have laser rangers alive they can help you fend yourself from this group of ants too, try to your best of ability to keep them alive its well worth it. Eventually Wing Divers and 2 more Balams Spawn. You can recruit the wing divers for extra hit points.
Last up is group of golds by the construction site, its large group so be ready when you take aggro on those.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant86124155186Ant, Golden215309387464
Ant123205256308Ant, Golden308512640768
Ant302543634724Ant, Golden754135715831809est
Ant732146416111757Ant, Golden1830366040274392
Ant1407309532353376Ant, Golden3516773680878439
8. Mountain Assault
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon73106132158Ant, Green22324048Hector1752252331543785Shield Bearer1460252331543785
Dragon105175219263Ant, Green32536679Hector2520419452426290Shield Bearer2100419452426290
Dragon257462539616Ant, Green77139162185Hector6154110771292314769Shield Bearer5128110771292314769est
Dragon620124013641488Ant, Green186372410447Hector14880297603273735712Shield Bearer12400297603273735712
Dragon1184260527242842Ant, Green356782817853Hector28416625166535768199Shield Bearer23680625166535768199
9. Enemy Camp Infiltration
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
10. Dark Arena
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Couple of waves of weakened tunnels in this small arena underground. "Will fill out more of this when I have time.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant92132165197Ant, Red274394493591Spider84121151181Bee6999124148Tunnel228329411493x0.1Tunnel137197247296x0.06Tunnel17100246243078036936x7.5
Ant132220275330Ant, Red397659824989Spider122202252303Bee100165206248Tunnel331550687824x0.1Tunnel199330412495x0.06Tunnel24751411855148161777x7.5
Ant321577673769Ant, Red961172920182306Spider294529617705Bee241433505577Tunnel801144116811921x0.1Tunnel48186510091153x0.06Tunnel60030108054126063144072x7.5est
Ant768153616901844Ant, Red2304460850695530Spider704140815491690Bee576115212681383Tunnel1920384042244608x0.1Tunnel1152230425352765x0.06Tunnel144000288000316800345600x7.5
Ant1450319033353480Ant, Red434995681000310438Spider1329292430573190Bee1088239225012610Tunnel3624797383368698x0.1Tunnel2175478450025219x0.06Tunnel271800597960625140652320x7.5
11. Beast Mountain
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant93134168201Hector1860267933484018Deroy, Medium1860267933484018Deroy, Large1705245630693683
Ant135225281337Hector2700449356166740Deroy, Medium2700449356166740Deroy, Large2475411951486178
Ant327588686784Hector6529117511370915668Deroy, Medium6529117511370915668Deroy, Large5984107721256714362est
Ant780156017171872Hector15600312003432037440Deroy, Medium15600312003432037440Deroy, Large14300286003146134320
Ant1464322133683514Hector29280644176734470272Deroy, Medium29280644176734470272Deroy, Large26840590496173264416
12. God's Army
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Recruit rangers and wing divers then attack from behind the tanks, they are very durable in this stage and will take a lot of attention off you while they last. NPC can be used as sacrifices to take hits from the quad for you while you kill it without putting yourself in danger if your not wing diver with a rapier who can just fly into the hatch. You'll need a strong dps weapon as which I list, Fusion Blaster, Rapier, or Disrupters. Air Raider has an awkward time trying to kill quads here.
You spawn in with
2 Naeglings (Ammo Capacity 100 Rockets per naegling but can die very easily air vehicles and hectors)
3 Railguns
2 Titans
NPC(Have around 7000armor each at least in online)
1 Ranger Squad (Equipped with MMF Rifles)
1 WingDiver squads (Equipped with Idunn Custom2&laser)
1st Wave
Argo, 2 Quads, 2 Quad Explosive turrets, Large Group of Air Vehicles, and several slow hectors, some with shields too. The next wave triggers once certain amount of enemies have died on the map. Example All Air vehicles die and 2 hectors die, then wave 2 starts.
2nd Wave
Quads opens up and spawns new drones, and air vehicles in small groups, until quads have been killed, Do note killing explosive turrets does count like killing a hector to trigger this wave.
3rd Wave
This wave is achieved by killing a major target such as Argo or Quad and if any 1 of those die right away at beginning then the 2nd wave is skipped straight into 3rd wave. This wave includes Fast Hectors with half health of normal hector but be wary some of them have shields and newly long range plasma cannon hectors also join in. Lastly the quads if any left alive will spawn in large batches of drones and air vehicles, that's why it's very recommended that if u target any major target it should be one of the quads prefereably the air vehicle as those are impossible to dodge.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Drone79114143171Vehicle119171214256Hector1896273134134096Quadruped7900113761422017064Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1106159319912389Quadruped: Laser Nub948136617072048Argo18960273033412840954
Drone115192240288Vehicle173288359431Hector2760459357416889Quadruped11500191362392028704Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1610268033494019Quadruped: Laser Nub1380229728713445Argo27600459275740868890
Drone278499583666Vehicle416749874998Hector6653119761397115967Quadruped27721498975821366528Quadruped: Gatling Cannon3881698681509314Quadruped: Laser Nub3327598869867984Argo66528119751139709159668est
Drone660132014531584Vehicle990198021782376Hector15840316803484838016Quadruped66000132000145200158400Quadruped: Gatling Cannon9240184802032822176Quadruped: Laser Nub7920158401742419008Argo158400316800348480380160
Drone1232271128342957Vehicle1848406642514436Hector29568650506800770964Quadruped123200271040283360295680Quadruped: Gatling Cannon17248379463967141396Quadruped: Laser Nub14784325253400435482Argo295680650496680064709632
13. The Gathering
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant97140174209Ant, Red290418522626Spider89128160192Tunnel2415347843475217Hector1932278334784174Shield Bearer1610278334784174Transport, Large3220463757966956
Ant141235294352Ant, Red4237048801056Spider130216269323Tunnel3525586673328799Hector2820469358667039Shield Bearer2350469358667039Transport, Large47007821977611732
Ant339610712814Ant, Red1017183021352440Spider311560653746Tunnel8472152501779220333Hector6778122001423316267Shield Bearer5648122001423316267Transport, Large11296203332372227111est
Ant804160817691930Ant, Red2412482453075789Spider737147416221769Tunnel20100402004422048240Hector16080321603537638592Shield Bearer13400321603537638592Transport, Large26800536005896164320
Ant1493328534343583Ant, Red447998531030110749Spider1369301131483285Tunnel37320821048583689568Hector29856656846866971655Shield Bearer24880656846866971655Transport, Large49760109473114448119424
14. Armored Species
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider91130163195Spider, Silver1107159519932392
Spider132220275330Spider, Silver1620269633704044
Spider317570665760Spider, Silver3883698981549319est
Spider748149616461796Spider, Silver9180183602019622032
Spider1382304031783316Spider, Silver16956373043899940695
15. Iron Wall
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Operation Iron Wall is a big operation so the EDF has sent out the most soldiers it has ever sent in an operation, they are all recruitable too, however getting to recruit some of rangers on top of buildings could be tricky if you lack an explosive or air movement. The soldiers consist of fencers mostly equipped with handcannons and Rangers equipped with MMF sniper rifles, these weapons deal some decent damage, if u recruit them and gather them all in spot, then there numbers combined with there firepower can easily take out enemies and tank for u pretty well, but like with any NPC they can be die so beware of overwhelming forces approaching them.
There are 4 waves of enemies in this operation. Everything is aggroed at all times in this mission and always spawns from the north end of the map.
Next waves is triggered by limiting the enemy number down to about 3 enemies. When its just 3 enemies the next wave triggers right away so its good idea to kill hectors first and leave about 3 spiders alive as killing 3 spiders takes a lot less time to kill than 3 hectors.
1st Wave is easiest wave and only consists of slow hectors that comes from the north side of map with here value shown below. They'll mostly be busy trying to kill frontline soldiers and it can take them a while too to do that so its highly unlikely you'll fail on this part.
2nd Wave - Consists of small force of normal spiders, immediately 4 red drones converge on ur location, slow hectors, and x0.75 hectors which is semi fast hectors and again they all come from all around the north side of the map.
3rd wave consists of 4 red dragons which will immediately converge on ur location, along with huge spider force that can be overwhelming if not dealt with, along with normal hectors and again x0.75 hectors. Additional 2 squads of fencer Units will spawn in from south east corner of map during this wave.
4th Wave Consists of 3 Spider kings, 2 Red Drones & 2 Red Dragons that immediately converge on ur location, small force of spiders, and small force of normal hectors and x0.75 hectors That arrives from the north.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider92133166199Spider, King3340481060127215Dragon, Red2004288636084329Drone, Red1670240530063608Hector2004288636084329
Spider135225281337Spider, King490081541019212231Dragon, Red2940489361167339Drone, Red2450407750966116Hector2940489361167339
Spider323580677773Spider, King11712210822459628109Dragon, Red7028126491475816866Drone, Red5856105411229814055Hector7028126491475816866est
Spider759151816701822Spider, King27600552006072166240Dragon, Red16560331203643239744Drone, Red13800276003036133120Hector16560331203643239744
Spider1395306932093348Spider, King50720111585116656121728Dragon, Red30432669516999473037Drone, Red25360557935832860864Hector30432669516999473037
16. Silver Base
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant72103129155x0.7Ant, Red306441551661Spider6695118142x0.7Ant, Green18263339x0.7Retarius1020146918362204Tunnel2550367245905508
Ant105175219263x0.7Ant, Red4507499361124Spider97161201241x0.7Ant, Green27445566x0.7Retarius1500249631203744Tunnel3750624078009360
Ant251451526601x0.7Ant, Red1073193222532575Spider230414482551x0.7Ant, Green63113132151x0.7Retarius3576643775108583Tunnel8940160921877421456est
Ant588117612941412x0.7Ant, Red2520504055446048Spider539107811861294x0.7Ant, Green147294324353x0.7Retarius8400168001848020160Tunnel21000420004620150400
Ant1076236624732581x0.7Ant, Red4608101381059911060Spider986216922672366x0.7Ant, Green269592619646x0.7Retarius15360337923532836864Tunnel38400844808832092160
17. Shifting Mountain
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: There's 8 Tunnels here
First Tunnel is Black Ants up the hill
2nd Tunnel further down the road is red ants
3rd &4th tunnel off the cliff from previous tunnel is green ants the acid and grab u kind
5th Tunnel is down towards corner of through the tight space is gold ants
6th Tunnel is up the hill by a small rock in dirt which spawns silvers
7th and 8th Tunnel is Silvers & golds up ahead from previous tunnel right by where greens where
This is great map for farming armor and weapons level 31-90, I've farmed here before for like 300 boxes it doesn't take long at all. You can do it offline for an easy time or online can be easy too if you have a friend around. It drops every weapon for fencer, but ranger, wing diver, and air raider only rule of god 95 will be needed for golden darkness or machine Squad. Let's just say my opinion for best levels to farm is Wing Diver (Golden Darkness), Fencer(Shifting Mountain) Ranger&AirRaider(Machine Squad.
You can of course do it on easy offline if ur just looking for fast armor gain, I've heard of some people just taping down there fire button and leaving there game running. just hold down one hell flame until it's at half ammo, then you hold both triggers until you're done for continuous never ending fire. In my video I farmed wrong silver tunnel what you'd actually want to farm is last silver tunnel so that there's little risk of failing the stage. When your done and if you haven't gotten wing divers you can use them as bait to finish the mission.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant104150187225Ant, Red312449561673Ant, Golden260374468561Spider96138172206Spider, Silver1168168221022523Ant, Green26384757Tunnel2595373746715606
Ant153255319382Ant, Red4597649551146Ant, Golden383637796955Spider141234292351Spider, Silver1722286535814297Ant, Green39648096Tunnel3825636579569548
Ant364655765874Ant, Red1092196522932620Ant, Golden910163819112184Spider334601701801Spider, Silver4094736885969824Ant, Green91164192219Tunnel9096163731910221831est
Ant852170418752045Ant, Red2556511256246135Ant, Golden2130426046865112Spider781156217191875Spider, Silver9585191702108723004Ant, Green213426469512Tunnel21300426004686151120
Ant1551341135663721Ant, Red4652102331069811163Ant, Golden3876852889159303Spider1422312732693411Spider, Silver17442383734011741861Ant, Green388853892931Tunnel38760852728914893024
18. Whirlwind Of Death
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Dragons in formation pretty much Monster Camp 2.0 really but actually more fair of a level since it offers cover and more time to get your npc to safety. Also they fly in scripted formation which is pretty cool so try take advantage of that if you can.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon88127159191Dragon, Yellow36516477Dragon, Red2112304238024562
Dragon130217271325Dragon, Yellow5287109130Dragon, Red3120519264907788
Dragon309556648741Dragon, Yellow124223260297Dragon, Red7402133231554417764est
Dragon720144015851728Dragon, Yellow288576634692Dragon, Red17280345603801641472
Dragon1304286930003130Dragon, Yellow522114812001252Dragon, Red31296688527198175111
19. Bugged City
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red323464580696Spider99142178213Ant, Queen3580515664447733Spider, King3580515664447733Retarius, Purple1611232029003480Tunnel2685386748335800
Ant, Red4777949931191Spider146243304364Ant, Queen530088201102413229Spider, King530088201102413229Retarius, Purple2385396949615953Tunnel3975661582689922
Ant, Red1129203323712710Spider345621725828Ant, Queen12544225802634330106Spider, King12544225802634330106Retarius, Purple5645101611185513548Tunnel9408169351975722580est
Ant, Red2628525657826308Spider803160617671928Ant, Queen29200584006424170080Spider, King29200584006424170080Retarius, Purple13140262802890931536Tunnel21900438004818152560
Ant, Red4738104231089711371Spider1448318533303475Ant, Queen52640115809121072126336Spider, King52640115809121072126336Retarius, Purple23688521145448356852Tunnel39480868569080494752
20. Toughness
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Vehicle137197246295Dragon, Yellow37536679Dragon, Red2184314539324718Quadruped9100131041638019656Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1274183522942752Quadruped: Laser Nub1092157319662359
Vehicle203324405486Dragon, Yellow5487108130Dragon, Red3240518464807776Quadruped13500216002700032400Quadruped: Gatling Cannon1891302537814536Quadruped: Laser Nub1620259232403888
Vehicle47986110051148Dragon, Yellow128230268307Dragon, Red7652137731606818363Quadruped31880573846694876512Quadruped: Gatling Cannon44648034937310712Quadruped: Laser Nub3826688780349182est
Vehicle1110222024422664Dragon, Yellow296592652711Dragon, Red17760355203907242624Quadruped74000148000162800177600Quadruped: Gatling Cannon10360207202279324864Quadruped: Laser Nub8880177601953621312
Vehicle1992438345824781Dragon, Yellow532116912221275Dragon, Red31872701197330676493Quadruped132800292160305440318720Quadruped: Gatling Cannon18592409034276244621Quadruped: Laser Nub15936350603665338247
21. Golden Darkness
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: A classic farm level for highest level weapons this level can indeed drop up to level 35-95 weapons. Its also good for farming armor and this all due to large number of silver spiders packed in tight spaces throughout the level. A run could average you about 10 minutes per run maybe shorter if you play in a team.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider102147184220Spider, Silver1249179922482698Ant, Golden278400500600
Spider152252315378Spider, Silver1857308938614634Ant, Golden4136878581030
Spider357642749856Spider, Silver43747874918610498Ant, Golden973175020422333est
Spider825165018161980Spider, Silver10125202502227524300Ant, Golden2250450049505400
Spider1474324333913538Spider, Silver18090397984160743416Ant, Golden4020884492469648
22. True Sovereign
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant113163204244Ant, Golden282407508610Bee85122153183Bee, Red254366457549Ant, Queen3760541567688122Ant, Golden Queen12897185722321527858x0.7Bee, Red Queen7614109651370616447x0.9
Ant168280350420Ant, Golden4206998741049Bee126210263315Bee, Red378629787944Ant, Queen560093191164813978Ant, Golden Queen19208319633995347944x0.7Bee, Red Queen11340188702358828305x0.9
Ant396712830949Ant, Golden988177820742371Bee297534623712Bee, Red889160018672134Ant, Queen13168237032765331604Ant, Golden Queen451678130094850108399x0.7Bee, Red Queen26666479985599763997x0.9est
Ant912182420072189Ant, Golden2280456050165472Bee684136815051642Bee, Red2052410445154925Ant, Queen30400608006688072960Ant, Golden Queen104272208544229399250253x0.7Bee, Red Queen61560123120135432147744x0.9
Ant1623357037323894Ant, Golden4056892493299735Bee1217267727992921Bee, Red3651803183968761Ant, Queen54080118977124384129792Ant, Golden Queen185495408088426638445187x0.7Bee, Red Queen109512240927251878262829x0.9
23. Final Impact
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Couple of waves in this mission, think of it as Brute Force2.0 in a sense.
You start off with huge army of EDF NPC, 4 titans, and 2 balams. This NPC are very important to try and keep alive. The balams will likely gather the enemies attention first and thus die first, then the titans, then the npc.
Wave 1- A lot of spiders, 3 Spider Kings, and lot of hectors with dual shields, and about 4 with 1 shield and machine gun. During this wave few bomb run airstrikes&strafe will occur by the enemies right away, these strikes hit very hard and will even KO/severly wound Spider kings if they jump into it or are launchered into it. If you do nothing to spider kings they will just go past the airstrike.
Wave 2- Spider Reinforcements show up from the north after a lot of first wave has died.
Wave 3- Green Ants Show up from North after most of wave 2 is dead, they mostly likely go towards the closest balam first.
Wave 4- Green Ants show from North East after again most of last wave is dead, very likely to go after the balam on the right.
Wave 5- Green Ants show from the North West after most of last wave is dead, very likely to go for balam on the left.
Wave 6- Few Small Deroys appear spreadout across the north after most of last wave is dead.
Wave 7- Lot more small Deroys appear, with possibly some medium after about a min or 2 passes from last wave. An airstrike will occur to help damage/kill some of these deroys and also get there attention off your group for a few seconds.
Wave 8- Final wave 2 Massive Deroys(Nerfed), Few Small Deroys(nerfed), Maybe 1 or 2 or possibly 3 medium deroys(nerfed), Along with 2 Spider Kings, with medium group of spiders, with small group of green ants. (VERY IMPORTANT you have some NPC alive for this part)
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider106152190227Spider, King3821550168778252Ant, Green29425262Hector2292330141264951Deroy, Small736105913241589Deroy, Large2101302637824539
Spider157261327392Spider, King570094851185614228Ant, Green437289107Hector3420569171148537Deroy, Small1098182622832739Deroy, Large3135521765217825
Spider368663773883Spider, King13376240772809032103Ant, Green101181211241Hector8026144471685419262Deroy, Small2575463554086180Deroy, Large7357132431545017657est
Spider847169418642033Spider, King30800616006776073920Ant, Green231462509555Hector18480369604065644352Deroy, Small5929118581304414230Deroy, Large16940338803726840656
Spider1501330134513601Spider, King54560120033125488130944Ant, Green410901942983Hector32736720207529378567Deroy, Small10503231072415725207Deroy, Large30008660186901972020
24. Floating Fleet
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
25. Into Destruction
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden296426532639Spider, Silver1330191523942873Dragon, Red2364340542565107
Ant, Golden4437379211105Spider, Silver1992331441424971Dragon, Red3540589173648836
Ant, Golden1035186221732483Spider, Silver46558379977611172Dragon, Red8276148961737819861est
Ant, Golden2370474052145688Spider, Silver10665213302346425596Dragon, Red18960379204171245504
Ant, Golden4164916195789994Spider, Silver18738412244309844972Dragon, Red33312732877661879949
26. Ship Of Dragons
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon70101126152x0.7Dragon507290108x0.5Dragon, Yellow40587287Dragon, Red2400345643205184Ant, Green30445465Tunnel3000432054006480Transport, Large4000576072008640Transport, Large600086401080012960x1.5Mothership: Plate Cannon180260324389x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon900129616201945x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon1200172821602592Mothership: Leg Cannon1800259232403889x1.5Mothership: Genocide Cannon8100116641458017496x1.5Mothership12000172802160025920x1.5
Dragon105175219263x0.7Dragon75125156188x0.5Dragon, Yellow60100125150Dragon, Red3600599174888986Ant, Green457594113Tunnel45007488936011232Transport, Large600099841248014976Transport, Large9000149761872022464x1.5Mothership: Plate Cannon270450562674x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon1350224728083370x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon1800299637444493Mothership: Leg Cannon2700449356166740x1.5Mothership: Genocide Cannon12150202182527230327x1.5Mothership18000299523744044928x1.5
Dragon245441515588x0.7Dragon175315368420x0.5Dragon, Yellow140252294336Dragon, Red8400151201764020160Ant, Green105189221252Tunnel10500189002205025200Transport, Large14000252002940033600Transport, Large21000378004410050400x1.5Mothership: Plate Cannon630113413231512x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon3150567066157560x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon42007560882010080Mothership: Leg Cannon6300113401323015120x1.5Mothership: Genocide Cannon28350510305953568040x1.5Mothership420007560088200100800x1.5est
Dragon560112012321344x0.7Dragon400800881960x0.5Dragon, Yellow320640704768Dragon, Red19200384004224046080Ant, Green240480528576Tunnel24000480005280157600Transport, Large32000640007040076800Transport, Large4800096000105601115200x1.5Mothership: Plate Cannon1440288031693456x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon7200144001584117280x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon9600192002112023040Mothership: Leg Cannon14400288003168134560x1.5Mothership: Genocide Cannon64800129600142560155520x1.5Mothership96000192000211201230400x1.5
Dragon980215622542352x0.7Dragon700154116101680x0.5Dragon, Yellow560123212881344Dragon, Red33600739207728080640Ant, Green4209259661008Tunnel420009240196600100800Transport, Large56000123201128800134400Transport, Large84000184801193200201600x1.5Mothership: Plate Cannon2520554457966048x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon12600277212898030240x0.75Mothership: Leg Cannon16800369603864040320Mothership: Leg Cannon25200554415796060480x1.5Mothership: Genocide Cannon113400249481260820272160x1.5Mothership168000369601386400403200x1.5
DLC2 Extreme Battle (1-23)
1. Tracking Bogeys
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
2. Underground Complex
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant79113142170Ant, Red236339424509Spider72104130156Spider, Silver883127115881906Tunnel1961282335294235Tunnel2549367045875505x1.3
Ant113187234281Ant, Red337561701841Spider103172214257Spider, Silver1263210126273152Tunnel2806466958367003Tunnel3648607075879104x1.3
Ant282508593677Ant, Red846152317772031Spider259466543621Spider, Silver3173571166637614Tunnel7050126901480516920Tunnel9165164971924721996x1.3est
Ant690138015191656Ant, Red2070414045544968Spider633126513921518Spider, Silver7763155251707818630Tunnel17250345003795041400Tunnel22425448504933653820x1.3
Ant1350297131053240Ant, Red4050891093159720Spider1238272328472970Spider, Silver15188334133493236450Tunnel33750742507762581000Tunnel4387596526100913105300x1.3
3. Blocked Pass
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red246354442531Spider75108135162Retarius819117914731768Tunnel2046294636824419Hector1637235729463535Deroy, Medium1637235729463535
Ant, Red359597746895Spider110183228274Retarius1195198824852982Tunnel2987497062127454Hector2390397649705964Deroy, Medium2390397649705964
Ant, Red900162018902160Spider275495578660Retarius3000540063007200Tunnel7500135001575018000Hector6000108001260014400Deroy, Medium6000108001260014400est
Ant, Red2160432047525184Spider660132014531584Retarius7200144001584117280Tunnel18000360003960043200Hector14400288003168134560Deroy, Medium14400288003168134560
Ant, Red4140910895229936Spider1265278329103036Retarius13800303613174033120Tunnel34500759007935082800Hector27600607216348066240Deroy, Medium27600607216348066240
4. Close Formation
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant86123154185Bee6493116139Ant, Red256369461553Retarius853122815351841Ant, Queen2841409151146137Tunnel2131306938364603Hector1705245530693682Ant, Green21293744
Ant127211264317Bee96159198238Ant, Red381633791949Retarius1267210826353162Ant, Queen42237027878410540Tunnel3168527065887905Hector2534421652706324Ant, Green29486072
Ant319573668764Bee239430501573Ant, Purple1432257630063435Retarius, Purple477185871001811449Ant, Queen10601190812226125441Tunnel7951143111669619080Hector6361114491335715265Ant, Green71128149170est
Ant750150016511800Ant, Golden1875375041254500Bee563112512381350Ant, Purple3375675074268100Retarius, Purple11250225002475127000Ant, Queen25000500005500160000Tunnel18750375004125045000Hector15000300003300036000Ant, Green174348383418
Ant1410310332433384Ant, Golden3525775681088460Bee, Red3173698072977614Ant, Purple6345139601459415228Retarius, Purple21150465314864550760Ant, Golden Queen230300506661529690552720Tunnel35250775508107584600Hector28200620416486067680Ant, Green341750784818
5. Dragon Ship Fleet
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Dragon74107133160Dragon, Yellow30435464Dragon, Red1773255331913830Transport, Large2955425553196382
Dragon112186233279Dragon, Yellow457593112Dragon, Red2679445755716685Transport, Large44647428928511142
Dragon280504588672Dragon, Yellow113202236269Dragon, Red6721120971411316129Transport, Large11201201612352126881est
Dragon650130014311560Dragon, Yellow260520572624Dragon, Red15600312003432037440Transport, Large26000520005720162400
Dragon1200264027602880Dragon, Yellow480105611041152Dragon, Red28800633616624069120Transport, Large48000105601110400115200
6. Heavy Artillery
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant93133166199Ant, Red277398498597Spider85122152183Deroy, Small59185110641276Transport1535221027623314
Ant142235294353Ant, Red4247058811057Spider130216270323Deroy, Small906150718842261Transport2353391548935872
Ant354638744850Ant, Red1062191222312549Spider325585682779Deroy, Small2272408947715452Transport5900106201239014160est
Ant810162017831944Ant, Red2430486053465832Spider743148516341782Deroy, Small5198103951143512474Transport13500270002970132400
Ant1470323533813528Ant, Red441097021014310584Spider1348296531003234Deroy, Small9433207522169522638Transport24500539015635058800
7. Overflight
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Vehicle120172215258Vehicle, Red1910275034374124Hatch1591229128643437
Vehicle186309386463Vehicle, Red2968493861727407Hatch2473411551446172
Vehicle4658379771116Vehicle, Red7440133921562417856Hatch6200111601302014880est
Vehicle1050210023102520Vehicle, Red16800336003696040320Hatch14000280003080133600
Vehicle1875412543134500Vehicle, Red30000660006900072000Hatch25000550015750060000
8. Dangerous Goldmines
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant99143178214Ant, Golden248356445534Tunnel2472356044495339Tunnel, Massive12358177962224526694Ant, Golden Queen11304162772034724416x0.7
Ant156259324389Ant, Golden389648810971Tunnel3890647380919709Tunnel, Massive19449323634045448545Ant, Golden Queen17790296023700244402x0.7
Ant390702819936Ant, Golden975175520482340Tunnel9750175502047523400Tunnel, Massive4875087750102375117000Ant, Golden Queen445908026293639107016x0.7est
Ant870174019152088Ant, Golden2175435047855220Tunnel21750435004785152200Tunnel, Massive108750217500239251261000Ant, Golden Queen99470198940218835238728x0.7
Ant1530336735193672Ant, Golden3825841587989180Tunnel38250841508797591800Tunnel, Massive191250420751439875459000Ant, Golden Queen174930384847402339419832x0.7
9. Beast Mobilization
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Take it easy, nothing is aggroed at start, highly recommend killing Elder Dragons first as they pose most threat when faced in groups. after they are dead you can choose next target.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Queen3410491061377364Ant, Golden Queen16705240553006936082Spider, King3410491061377364Bee, Queen51147364920511046Dragon, Great Elder15512223372792133505x0.7Erginus545467854698182117819
Ant, Queen542890311128913547Ant, Golden Queen26594442525531566378Spider, King542890311128913547Bee, Queen8141135471693420320Dragon, Great Elder24695410915136461637x0.7Erginus86837144496180620216744
Ant, Queen13601244812856132641Ant, Golden Queen66640119952139944159936Spider, King13601244812856132641Bee, Queen20401367214284148961Dragon, Great Elder61881111385129949148512x0.7Erginus217601391681456961522241est
Ant, Queen30000600006600072000Ant, Golden Queen147000294000323400352800Spider, King30000600006600072000Bee, Queen450009000099001108000Dragon, Great Elder136500273000300300327600x0.7Erginus48000096000010560001152000
Ant, Queen52000114401119600124800Ant, Golden Queen254800560560586040611520Spider, King52000114401119600124800Bee, Queen78000171600179400187200Dragon, Great Elder236600520520544180567840x0.7Erginus832000183040119136001996800
10. Total Protection
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Hit one tunnel at a time and defend, try to keep your guys alive and you'll be done with it before you know it. FYI bosses seem to spawn every 1 minutes from huge tunnel, they'll keep spawning as long as that tunnel is alive however don't be shocked by them, they are weak and can only spawn 3 at a time which is Ant Queen, Spider King, and Death Queen.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant106153191229Spider97140175210Bee80115143172Shield Bearer881152219032283x0.5Tunnel1850266433293995x0.7Tunnel, Massive660695121189014268x0.5Ant, Queen1762253731713805x0.5Spider, King1762253731713805x0.5Bee, Queen2643380547565707x0.5
Ant171283354425Spider156260325390Bee128213266319Shield Bearer1418283035374245x0.5Tunnel2976495261907428x0.7Tunnel, Massive10628176852210626528x0.5Ant, Queen2835471658957074x0.5Spider, King2835471658957074x0.5Bee, Queen42527074884310611x0.5
Ant4267678951023Spider391703821938Bee320576671767Shield Bearer35507668894610224x0.5Tunnel7455134191565617892x0.7Tunnel, Massive26625479255591363900x0.5Ant, Queen7100127801491017040x0.5Spider, King7100127801491017040x0.5Bee, Queen10650191702236525560x0.5est
Ant930186020472232Spider853170518762046Bee698139515351674Shield Bearer7750186002046022320x0.5Tunnel16275325503580539060x0.7Tunnel, Massive58125116250127876139500x0.5Ant, Queen15500310003410037200x0.5Spider, King15500310003410037200x0.5Bee, Queen23250465005115155800x0.5
Ant1590349936573816Spider1458320733533498Bee1193262427432862Shield Bearer13250349803657038160x0.5Tunnel27825612166399866780x0.7Tunnel, Massive99375218626228563238500x0.5Ant, Queen26500583016095063600x0.5Spider, King26500583016095063600x0.5Bee, Queen39750874509142595400x0.5
11. Bombs Away
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Easiest method to win here on any difficulty really is just to use a helicopter and fly in circles around the map at high altitude, yes it's really that simple until mission is over. There is an infinite amount of airstrikes called in by Command, for most part just stay out of its way. You can attempt to do it on ground of course but its quite challenging to say least for ranger and wing diver. Fencer However can handle it pretty well.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider101145181217Spider, Silver1228176822102651Spider, King3637523765467855Ant, Green28405059Ant, Golden273393491590Ant, Golden Queen17819256593207338488Hector2182314239284713
Spider163271339406Spider, Silver1995331941494978Spider, King591098331229114750Ant, Green457493111Ant, Golden4447389221107Ant, Golden Queen28955481816022672271Hector3546590073758850
Spider407733855977Spider, Silver499589911049011988Spider, King14800266403108035520Ant, Green111200234267Ant, Golden1110199823312664Ant, Golden Queen72520130536152292174048Hector8880159841864821312est
Spider880176019372112Spider, Silver10800216002376125920Spider, King32000640007040076800Ant, Green240480528576Ant, Golden2400480052805760Ant, Golden Queen156800313600344960376320Hector19200384004224046080
Spider1485326834163564Spider, Silver18225400954191843740Spider, King54000118801124200129600Ant, Green405892932972Ant, Golden4050891093159720Ant, Golden Queen264600582120608580635040Hector32400712807452077760
12. King Of Armor
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden282405507608Spider, Silver1266182322792734Ant, Golden Queen18375264603307539690Spider, Silver King16500237602970035640x0.8Tunnel, Massive14063202502531330376
Ant, Golden4627689601152Spider, Silver2076345443185181Ant, Golden Queen30135501456268175217Spider, Silver King27060450285628567542x0.8Tunnel, Massive23063383764797057564
Ant, Golden1155207924262772Spider, Silver519893561091512474Ant, Golden Queen75460135828158466181104Spider, Silver King67760121968142296162624x0.8Tunnel, Massive57750103950121275138600est
Ant, Golden2475495054455940Spider, Silver11138222752450326730Ant, Golden Queen161700323400355740388080Spider, Silver King145200290400319440348480x0.8Tunnel, Massive123750247500272250297000
Ant, Golden4125907594889900Spider, Silver18563408384269444550Ant, Golden Queen269500592900619850646800Spider, Silver King242000532400556600580800x0.8Tunnel, Massive206250453751474375495000
13. Cannon Defenders
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant116167209251Ant, Golden290418522626Ant, Red348501626752Ant, Purple5227529391127Bee87126157188Bee, Red261376470564Tunnel2029292136524382x0.7Hector2319333941735008Shield Bearer1932333941735008
Ant192320399479Ant, Golden4807989971197Ant, Red57695811971436Ant, Purple863143617952154Bee144240300359Bee, Red4327188981077Tunnel3356558469798375x0.7Hector3835638179769572Shield Bearer3196638179769572
Ant48086410081152Ant, Golden1200216025202880Ant, Red1440259230243456Ant, Purple2160388845365184Bee360648756864Bee, Red1080194422682592Tunnel8400151201764020160x0.7Hector9600172802016023040Shield Bearer8000172802016023040est
Ant1020204022442448Ant, Golden2550510056106120Ant, Red3060612067337344Ant, Purple459091801009811016Bee765153016841836Bee, Red2295459050495508Tunnel17850357003927042840x0.7Hector20400408004488048960Shield Bearer17000408004488048960
Ant1680369738644032Ant, Golden42009240966010080Ant, Red5040110881159212096Ant, Purple7560166321738818144Bee1260277228983024Bee, Red3780831686949072Tunnel29400646806762070560x0.7Hector33600739207728080640Shield Bearer28000739207728080640
14. Bloody River
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Red358516645774Ant, Purple5377749671160Dragon, Red2387343742965155Drone, Red1989286435804296Vehicle, Red2387343742965155Bee, Red Queen8949128871610819330Erginus, Red25455366554581954982x0.2
Ant, Red59799412421490Ant, Purple896149018632235Dragon, Red3980662282779932Drone, Red3316551868988277Vehicle, Red3980662282779932Bee, Red Queen14922248303103737245Erginus, Red424447062788283105940x0.2
Ant, Red1495269031383586Ant, Purple2241403447075379Dragon, Red9960179282091623904Drone, Red8300149401743019920Vehicle, Red9960179282091623904Bee, Red Queen37350672307843589640Erginus, Red106240191232223104254976x0.2est
Ant, Red3150630069317560Ant, Purple472594501039511340Dragon, Red21000420004620150400Drone, Red17500350003850042000Vehicle, Red21000420004620150400Bee, Red Queen78750157500173250189000Erginus, Red224000448000492801537600x0.2
Ant, Red5130112871179912312Ant, Purple7695169291769918468Dragon, Red34200752407866082080Drone, Red28500627016555068400Vehicle, Red34200752407866082080Bee, Red Queen128250282150294975307800Erginus, Red364800802561839040875520x0.2
15. Three Giants
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Just keep your distance, long range is Argo's greatest weakness. A sniper rifle will do nicely in this level. You can attempt to use buildings to block some of its shots as well.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
16. Traps From Behind
Tips: This is one of my most despised stages in the game simply because of how Retarius can clip grab you. Anyway this is timed and dps checked, if you execution is not fast enough the deroys will kill you from behind. However I have made a tactic to combat this menace.
By purposely getting caught in web you can effectively attack everything on map with a sniper rifle weapon with everything coming to chase you down. This is very effective strat that works very well as long as you have long range weapon and healing weapon healing u to keep u alive.
However that is not intended method of beating this stage, the way you actually beat it is by pushing forward towards the mountains clearing one or two tunnels and then setting up in mountains getting ready to pick off more tunnels or any small deroys.
Retarius grab range normally consists of around 400m, the Purple Retarius range seems to be at least double that so it attempt its grabs from around 800m. Going high up on mountains is a good idea because elevation will bring you higher meters and if your at one end of map then you can get past the range the purple retarius targets you at, though warning not too many spots you'll be able to use.
Finally for center deroys when they setup you can kill small ones with without alerting the medium behind them.
16 {16}. Traps From BehindTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Spider116167209250Retarius1262181722712725Retarius, Purple1893272534064087Tunnel3154454156776812Deroy, Small810116614571749Deroy, Medium1893272534064087x0.75Deroy, Massive3154454156776812x0.75
Spider196326407489Retarius2135355244395327Retarius, Purple3202532766597991Tunnel533688781109813317Deroy, Small1370227928493418Deroy, Medium3202532766597991x0.75Deroy, Massive533688781109813317x0.75
Spider49088210281175Retarius534096121121412816Retarius, Purple8010144181682119224Tunnel13350240302803532040Deroy, Small3427616871968224Deroy, Medium8010144181682119224x0.75Deroy, Massive13350240302803532040x0.75est
Spider1018203522392442Retarius11100222002442126640Retarius, Purple16650333003663039960Tunnel27750555006105166600Deroy, Small7123142451567017094Deroy, Medium16650333003663039960x0.75Deroy, Massive27750555006105166600x0.75
Spider1623357037323894Retarius17700389404071042480Retarius, Purple26550584116106563720Tunnel4425097351101775106200Deroy, Small11358249872612327258Deroy, Medium26550584116106563720x0.75Deroy, Massive4425097351101775106200x0.75
17. The Four Horseman
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: Air Raiders strafe plan makes short work of this stage paired with railgun or naegling. If you don't have an air raider or don't wish to use air raider here, then its recommended you pull enemies that's furthest away from center. You have time to look where you want to setup and fight if you don't like starting area.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant130187234280Ant, Golden324467583700Ant, Red389560700840Ant, Purple58384010501260Ant, Green33475970Spider, Silver1458209926243148Bee98140175210Bee, Queen4535653081629794x0.7Bee, Red Queen680297941224314691x0.7
Ant221368459551Ant, Golden55291811481377Ant, Red662110213771653Ant, Purple993165320662479Ant, Green5692115138Spider, Silver2483413151636196Bee166276345414Bee, Queen7723128501606319275x0.7Bee, Red Queen11584192752409428913x0.7
Ant55299411601325Ant, Golden1380248428983312Ant, Red1656298134783975Ant, Purple2484447252175962Ant, Green138249290332Spider, Silver6210111781304114904Bee414746870994Bee, Queen19320347764057246368x0.7Bee, Red Queen28980521646085869552x0.7est
Ant1140228025082736Ant, Golden2850570062716840Ant, Red3420684075258208Ant, Purple5130102601128712312Ant, Green285570627684Spider, Silver12825256502821630780Bee855171018822052Bee, Queen39900798008778095760x0.7Bee, Red Queen59850119700131670143640x0.7
Ant1800396141404320Ant, Golden450099001035010800Ant, Red5400118811242012960Ant, Purple8100178201863019440Ant, Green45099110351080Spider, Silver20250445504657548600Bee1350297131053240Bee, Queen63000138600144900151200x0.7Bee, Red Queen94500207901217350226800x0.7
18. Cross The Line
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Retarius1330191523942872Retarius, Purple1995287235904308Drone111160200240Drone, Red2216319139894787Vehicle167240300359Transport2216319139894787Transport, Large4432638279789573Hector2660383047875744Deroy, Small854122915361843Deroy, Medium2660383047875744Deroy, Large2438351043885265
Retarius2279379247405688Retarius, Purple3418568871108532Drone190316395474Drone, Red3798632079009480Vehicle285474593711Transport3798632079009480Transport, Large7596126391579918959Hector45587584948011375Deroy, Small1463243330423650Deroy, Medium45587584948011375Deroy, Large41786952869010428
Retarius5700102601197013680Retarius, Purple8550153901795520520Drone4758559981140Drone, Red9500171001995022800Vehicle713128314971710Transport9500171001995022800Transport, Large19000342003990045600Hector11400205202394027360Deroy, Small3658658476818778Deroy, Medium11400205202394027360Deroy, Large10450188102194525080est
Retarius11700234002574128080Retarius, Purple17550351003861042120Drone975195021452340Drone, Red19500390004290046800Vehicle1463292532183510Transport19500390004290046800Transport, Large39000780008580093600Hector23400468005148156160Deroy, Small7508150151651718018Deroy, Medium23400468005148156160Deroy, Large21450429004719151480
Retarius18300402604209043920Retarius, Purple27450603916313565880Drone1525335635083660Drone, Red30500671007015073200Vehicle2288503352625490Transport30500671007015073200Transport, Large61000134200140300146400Hector36600805208418087840Deroy, Small11743258342700828182Deroy, Medium36600805208418087840Deroy, Large33550738107716580520
19. Facing Off
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: This mission is impossible if you cannot pass a high dps check of killing an erginus fast enough, the first erginus takes a scripted amount of damage. Once it's almost dead, 2 more erginus spawn in. Now the rest of level becomes timed, once a few minutes pass more erginus show up. Then a little longer red erginus shows up. You have AI to take some attention off but they can die quickly it's important you deal damage fast enough get to point your not fighting off against like 5 erginus on top of you.
Every single Erginus can trigger more npc to spawn in map once damaged somewhat, so it's not terrible idea to damage different erginus instead of focusing on one.
While I'm not sure if data on Red Erginus is correct about its huge health don't be too freaked out about its large health, 3 NPC railguns spawn in near end of level to help you kill Red Erginus.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Erginus35738514636432977195x0.46Erginus, Red145455209455261819314182
Erginus6161398580123225147870x0.46Erginus, Red250764417271521589625907
Erginus154103277386323617369847x0.46Erginus, Red627200112896013171201505280est
Erginus314496628992691891754790x0.46Erginus, Red1280000256000028160003072000
Erginus487469107243111211781169925x0.46Erginus, Red1984000436480045632004761600
20. Crimson Lotus
One of hardest stages in the game that requires a team doing good positioning and proper roles.
Here is a video showcasing what that looks like,
You might be thinking "why the hell is this guy using low level weapon on inferno?" Well he is using the MLRA-TW more for function rather than stats, that function would be it's ability to interrupt multiple foes because everyone else on his team and the stage's npc are capable of dealing good damage so in this case he's mainly the support that keeps the team and AI alive.
In offline mode where you play solo I still recommend taking starting AI west because this is a good strat to keep them alive and prepped for next wave. On the last wave though you need to be all way at north end of map and wait until last backup of npc spawn in then attempt to kill transport ships, the friendly AI in this stage has super amount of HP and more durable than any AI in other stages. You can kill 1 ship early if someone in your team has high dps weapon but if not then wait for opportunity to do it. The most important thing is you utilize the backup AI for last wave.
If you lack a team you could always attempt to do stage with a skilled fencer. I imagine this is how quite a few people actually beat this stage when lacking a team. Take note of step by steps I do to beat this stage presented by yours truly. I did this solo with max multipliers, I imagine you can do it with less easily if you have teammates to help with some of work, like 10,000 out to be fine compared to my 20,000.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant133192240287x0.95Ant, Golden332479598718x0.95Spider122176220263x0.95Spider, Silver1277183922992758x0.812Dragon, Yellow45648096x0.95Dragon, Red2796402650326039Ant, Queen46606710838710064Ant, Golden Queen22830328754109449312Spider, King46606710838710064Spider, Silver King24344350554381952583x0.95Deroy, Medium2796402650326039Transport2330335541945032
Ant231384479575x0.95Ant, Golden57695811981437x0.95Spider212352439527x0.95Spider, Silver2214368446055526x0.812Dragon, Yellow77128160192x0.95Dragon, Red484780651008112097Ant, Queen8078134411680120161Ant, Golden Queen39579658598232498789Spider, King8078134411680120161Spider, Silver King422047022887784105341x0.95Deroy, Medium484780651008112097Transport40396721840110081
Ant576103712091382x0.95Ant, Golden1440259130233455x0.95Spider52895011091267x0.95Spider, Silver553699651162613286x0.812Dragon, Yellow192346403461x0.95Dragon, Red12120218162545229088Ant, Queen20200363604242048480Ant, Golden Queen98980178164207858237552Spider, King20200363604242048480Spider, Silver King105545189981221645253308x0.95Deroy, Medium12120218162545229088Transport10100181802121024240est
Ant1169233725712805x0.95Ant, Golden2922584364277011x0.95Spider1072214323572571x0.95Spider, Silver11237224732472026967x0.812Dragon, Yellow390779857935x0.95Dragon, Red24600492005412159040Ant, Queen41000820009020198400Ant, Golden Queen200900401800441981482160Spider, King41000820009020198400Spider, Silver King214225428450471296514140x0.95Deroy, Medium24600492005412159040Transport20500410004510149200
Ant1796395141304310x0.95Ant, Golden448998761032510773x0.95Spider1646362137863951x0.95Spider, Silver17266379843971041437x0.812Dragon, Yellow599131713771437x0.95Dragon, Red37800831608694090720Ant, Queen63000138600144900151200Ant, Golden Queen308700679140710010740880Spider, King63000138600144900151200Spider, Silver King329175724186757103790020x0.95Deroy, Medium37800831608694090720Transport31500693007245075600
21. Shivering Nexus
EasyNormalHardHardestInfernoTips: In this mission you face off against a super hive which has total hp of 3 hives from demon army rolled into one and also it spawns silvers and bees. However your first target needs to be 2 gold ant tunnels the spawn on opposite sides of the hive, they are easy to kill tunnels and you don't want to be fighting golds on top of everything else. Afterwards you can focus on the hive, this hive is special every 30% of damage it takes it spawns in 1st 2 gold queens, then at 60% 2 Death Queens, and 90% Silver King, and at 100% the hive is dead. The trick to easiest time in this stage is not to kill the hive quickly but slowly. The only time you should push to kill the hive is when spawn the silver king in because at that point not much to worry about. Starting Ranger AI has good dps on there weapons for fighting the mutants so if can make use of them do it. NEW friendly AI spawn in west and East sides of the map once all your beginning AI dies but this can only happen after Gold Queens are dead though.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden287413516619x0.8Spider, Silver1289185623202784x0.8Bee86124155186x0.8Ant, Golden Queen18710269423367740412x0.8Bee, Queen572882481031012371x0.8Spider, Silver King21001302413780145361x0.8Tunnel2864412451556186x0.8Hive534557697596219115462x1.6
Ant, Golden50083110391246x0.8Spider, Silver2246373846725606x0.8Bee150250312374x0.8Ant, Golden Queen32608542596782481388x0.8Bee, Queen9982166102076324915x0.8Spider, Silver King36601609037612991354x0.8Tunnel499183051038212458x0.8Hive93164155025193781232537x1.6
Ant, Golden1248224726212996x0.8Spider, Silver5616101091179413479x0.8Bee375674787899x0.8Ant, Golden Queen81536146765171226195687x0.8Bee, Queen24960449285241659904x0.8Spider, Silver King91520164736192192219648x0.8Tunnel12480224642620829952x0.8Hive232960419328489216559104x1.6est
Ant, Golden2520504055446048x0.8Spider, Silver11340226802494927216x0.8Bee756151216641815x0.8Ant, Golden Queen164640329280362209395136x0.8Bee, Queen50400100800110881120960x0.8Spider, Silver King184800369600406561443520x0.8Tunnel25200504005544160480x0.8Hive47040094080010348811128960x1.6
Ant, Golden3840844888329216x0.8Spider, Silver17280380163974441472x0.8Bee1152253526502765x0.8Ant, Golden Queen250880551936577024602112x0.8Bee, Queen76800168960176640184320x0.8Spider, Silver King281600619520647680675840x0.8Tunnel38400844808832092160x0.8Hive716800157696116486401720320x1.6
22. Last Bastion (Easy,Normal,Hard)
EasyNormalHardTips: Once again you get very useful AI to fight with, this AI is durable and has good weapons, also the enemies in this stage are nerfed. Ranger can help keep friendly alive with his team healing ability but Air Raider is the definitive best class in this stage. His Strafe plans can completely keep enemies away and decimate them at sametime. Best part is you only need one air raider for this because the credit rewarded to you are most insane credits u get in the game u can endlessly keep throwing strafe out until end of stage it's just that good here.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden235338423507x0.64Spider146209262314x1.08Spider, Silver1188171021382565x0.72Spider, Silver792114014251710x0.48Bee80114143171x0.72Bee, Red238342428513x0.72Ant, Green37536680Dragon88127159190x0.72Dragon, Yellow497188106Dragon, Red2932422252786333Ant, Queen48877037879610555Ant, Golden Queen10344148951861922342x0.432Spider, Silver King9675139321741520898x0.36Spider, Silver King580583601044912539x0.216Bee, Red Queen47506840855010260x0.432Tunnel, Massive18324263873298339580Hector2932422252786333Drone123176220264Drone, Red880126715841900x0.36Vehicle132190238285x0.72Transport245352440528x0.1
Ant, Golden4116848551026x0.64Spider255423529635x1.08Spider, Silver2080346143275192x0.72Spider, Silver1387230828853461x0.48Bee139231289347x0.72Bee, Red4166938661039x0.72Ant, Green65107134161Dragon155257321385x0.72Dragon, Yellow86143179214Dragon, Red513685461068212819Ant, Queen8560142431780321364Ant, Golden Queen18118301493768645223x0.432Spider, Silver King16947282003525042300x0.36Spider, Silver King10169169202115025380x0.216Bee, Red Queen8320138441730520766x0.432Tunnel, Massive32097534096676180114Hector513685461068212819Drone214357446535Drone, Red1541256432053846x0.36Vehicle232385481577x0.72Transport4287138911069x0.1
Ant, Golden1028184921582466x0.64Spider636114513351526x1.08Spider, Silver520193611092112481x0.72Spider, Silver3467624172818321x0.48Bee347625729833x0.72Bee, Red1041187321852497x0.72Ant, Green161289338386Dragon386694809925x0.72Dragon, Yellow214386450514Dragon, Red12840231122696430816Ant, Queen21400385204494051360Ant, Golden Queen453008154095129108719x0.432Spider, Silver King423727627088982101693x0.36Spider, Silver King25424457625338961016x0.216Bee, Red Queen20801374424368249922x0.432Tunnel, Massive80250144450168525192600Hector12840231122696430816Drone53596311241284Drone, Red3852693480909245x0.36Vehicle578104112141387x0.72Transport1070192622472568x0.1
22. Last Bastion (Hardest,Inferno)
HardestInfernoTips: For having an easy time on this level an air raider is kind of mandatory for online otherwise its quite hard and reason for that being is his class gains largest deposit of credits any stage will ever give you and what's great about that too is mutant enemies are hit by nerfs. Also take note of ally npc you spawned with they are incredibly effiecient at fighting alongside you and are equipped with high damaging weapons and have decent range. One thing though you need to personally worry about is taking massive tunnels and ships so having ranged gun comes in handy. Anyway back on topic about air raider he has two strikes that work very well here first is Strafe plans, and other level 52 wave attack Bomber Charon, you can bring 2x of each or mix and match with each other but in this case I will show off Bomber Charon because I believe its better of 2 here just being completely a decoy strike. If playing online though consider bringing at least one Strafe Plan C to combat the extra damage needed to deal with tunnels, if your playing with a team though 2 Wave attack bomber charons will do fine.
Of course another point I want to make clear is on offline the NPC can more or less do a great job protecting you. Even in online they might be ones to outlast you even when you die, however they can be killed in online especially if you or your team don't do anything about it. All I really had to do here was move npc across the map to take out close by targets and I myself really just snipe at the low health ships.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden2064412845414954x0.64Spider1278255528103066x1.08Spider, Silver10449208982298825078x0.72Spider, Silver6966139321532616719x0.48Bee697139415331672x0.72Bee, Red2090418045985016x0.72Ant, Green323645710774Dragon774154817031858x0.72Dragon, Yellow4308609471032Dragon, Red25800516005676161920Ant, Queen430008600094601103200Ant, Golden Queen91023182045200250218454x0.432Spider, Silver King85140170280187309204336x0.36Spider, Silver King51084102168112385122602x0.216Bee, Red Queen417968359291952100311x0.432Tunnel, Massive161250322500354750387000Hector25800516005676161920Drone1075215023652580Drone, Red7740154801702818576x0.36Vehicle1161232225552787x0.72Transport2150430047305160x0.1
Ant, Golden3120686571767488x0.64Spider1931424844414634x1.08Spider, Silver15795347493632937908x0.72Spider, Silver10530231672421925272x0.48Bee1053231724222528x0.72Bee, Red3159695072667582x0.72Ant, Green488107311221170Dragon1170257426912808x0.72Dragon, Yellow650143114951560Dragon, Red39000858008970093600Ant, Queen65000143000149500156000Ant, Golden Queen137592302703316462330221x0.432Spider, Silver King128700283140296010308880x0.36Spider, Silver King77220169884177606185328x0.216Bee, Red Queen63180138996145314151632x0.432Tunnel, Massive243750536250560625585000Hector39000858008970093600Drone1625357637383900Drone, Red11700257412691028080x0.36Vehicle1755386240374212x0.72Transport3250715174757800x0.1
23. Starry Prison (Easy,Normal,Hard)
EasyNormalHardTips: Take notice of the hatch in this stage, its basically a spawner for mutants in this stage for red bees, silver spiders and gold ants, the multiplier is 15x on that hatch which gives it some very durable HP, it's highly recommended you attack the core which has far less HP and will destroy the hatch and surrounding lasers.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden375540675810Spider, Silver1688243030383646Bee, Red338486608729Ant, Green38546881Dragon125180225270Dragon, Yellow507290108Dragon, Red3000432054006480Vehicle, Red1860267933484018x0.62Hatch37500540006750081000x15Core562581001012512150x2.25Blue Spike Laser750108013501620x2Purple Dome Projectile750108013501620x1.538Red Claw Launcher452650541649x0.667Green Emerald Laser60086410801296x0.8Thunder Block1750252031503781Spawner Block3000432054006480The Brain12000172802160025920
Ant, Golden660109913731648Spider, Silver2971494361787414Bee, Red59498912361483Ant, Green66110138165Dragon221367458550Dragon, Yellow88147184220Dragon, Red528087861098313179Vehicle, Red3274544868108171x0.62Hatch66000109824137280164736x15Core9900164742059224711x2.25Blue Spike Laser1322219827473296x2Purple Dome Projectile1320219627453294x1.538Red Claw Launcher794132016491979x0.667Green Emerald Laser1058175821982637x0.8Thunder Block3081512664077688Spawner Block528087861098313179The Brain21120351444393052716
Ant, Golden1650297034653960Spider, Silver7425133651559317820Bee, Red1485267331193564Ant, Green165297347396Dragon55099011551320Dragon, Yellow220396462528Dragon, Red13200237602772031680Vehicle, Red8184147321718719642x0.62Hatch165000297000346500396000x15Core24750445505197559400x2.25Blue Spike Laser3300594069307920x2Purple Dome Projectile3300593969297919x1.538Red Claw Launcher1982356741614755x0.667Green Emerald Laser2640475255446336x0.8Thunder Block7700138601617018480Spawner Block13200237602772031680The Brain5280095040110880126720
23. Starry Prison (Hardest,Inferno)
Tips: Fusion Blaster ZD, Stringer J9, Monster-S, Gungnir, Railgun E, Power support gun, are all really good here. Fencer ironically has it the hardest in this stage, I suppose a good loadout for him would be spear, battle cannons, Maximum Disruptors, and if ur feeling cooperative with an air raider wild leviathans could be decent.
Here's quick run down with video I made on order you can beat this stage, hardest part of this stage is during wave 2, when Red air vehicles and mutants spawn however there is way to skip 33% of this stage or even 66% if ur lucky.You can do same strat offline and online with gungnir instead, however if done online you absolutely need air raider's power gun to one shot and also fair warning gungnir has a weird hitbox that will randomly pass through cores which can make it frustrating to use randomly.
Why does gold ant core need to die first specifically? Because it's only core that spawns in 3 red air vehicles, other 2 cores only spawn in 2 red air vehicles so if your looking to make this stage the easiest you kill gold core first. If your like me in the video I posted you'll kill gold ant core and bee core and if succesful congrats you did the hardest part of stage EASILY. I'll be honest though I personally like to always kill Bee core first because I personally hate the bees but it's not most optimal core to kill first.
BIG WARNING: During wave 2 if your unable to kill the cores before they spawn in red air vehicles then those air vehicles will be aggroed as a result of u attacking the cores after there spawn in which can lead to your team's death. When you targe these cores you need to be sure you can kill them quickly, if it's done via team effort then I imagine it's not too difficult to kill 1 core. You can just to choose to hide north west corner of the map if you aren't going to make any attempt to kill a core and then have to deal with all 3 mutants cores and 7 Red air vehicle slowly.
Finally on last wave everything is already aggroed it's recommended you just kill the brain as soon as you see it in the map, you have a full blown minute to strike it as much as possible. If it dies and blows up congrats you already won the stage even if enemies kills you.
If your having a hard time surviving as wing diver due to laser, make sure to make use of air raiders passenger seats in his vehicles like railgun which is what you most likely will be using on this stage. As an air raider I usually like to bring power gun and a life gun for team's and tanks survivilability through lasers, plasma gun is kinda useless here, you have all prep time in world to recharge your gungnir so it's not really that contributing.
Here's how I did it offline although I ended up having to use dragon's grab move to help finish off the brain on last wave, also in this I took out bee core first instead of the gold core which isn't best thing to do but I just really hate explosives from earth eaters on bee core.
TypeOffline2 Players3 players1/4 players
Ant, Golden3300660072617920Spider, Silver14850297003267135640Bee, Red2970594065357128Ant, Green330660727792Dragon1100220024202640Dragon, Yellow4408809691056Dragon, Red26400528005808163360Vehicle, Red16368327363601039284x0.62Hatch330000660000726001792000x15Core4950099000108901118800x2.25Blue Spike Laser6600132001452015840x2Purple Dome Projectile6599131971451715836x1.538Red Claw Launcher3963792587179510x0.667Green Emerald Laser5280105601161812672x0.8Thunder Block15400308003388036960Spawner Block26400528005808163360The Brain105600211200232321253440
Ant, Golden4950108901138511880Spider, Silver22275490065123353460Bee, Red445598011024710692Ant, Green495108911391188Dragon1650363137953960Dragon, Yellow660145315181584Dragon, Red39600871209108095040Vehicle, Red24552540155647058925x0.62Hatch495000108900011385001188000x15Core74250163350170775178200x2.25Blue Spike Laser9900224412277023760x2Purple Dome Projectile9899217742276423754x1.538Red Claw Launcher5943130761367014264x0.667Green Emerald Laser7920174261821619008x0.8Thunder Block23100508215313055440Spawner Block39600871209108095040The Brain158400348480364320380160
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546539186
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