Disable AntiAliasing (Similar to disable DOF)

Disable AntiAliasing (Similar to disable DOF)


To deactivate AntiAliasing completely the following steps must be followed:

Close the game.

Enter the following route "C:\Users\ ((THE USERNAME YOU HAVE IN WINDOWS)) \Documents\Dying Light 2\Out\Settings".

Right click on the "VIDEO.SCR" file and select open with a text editor such as Notepad++.

We look for the line "AntiAliasing(1)" and "AntiAliasingQuality(1)".

We change the value to "AntiAliasing(0)" and "AntiAliasingQuality(0)".

We save the file and we can open the game.At the moment it is NOT necessary to change the permissions of the file "video.scr" to "Only Read". But maybe it is necessary at some time to maintain the configuration.


The video.scr file is restored if the video settings are modified in the game. So it is recommended first to adjust the configuration in the game and finally deactivate the antialiasing. (Thanks to MercyGG for commenting this).

If you have a NVIDIA graphic card you can add the sharpening filter with NVIDIA GeForce Experience. By default, press "Alt + F3" to add it. This can be a solution if you do not like the previous result. (Thank to Lugubriousoon for commenting this option).

Comparison Of Images

Disable AntiAliasing (Similar to disable DOF) image 12
Disable AntiAliasing (Similar to disable DOF) image 13

AntiAliasing ON

AntiAliasing OFF

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2742230223					

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