Seven perfect tiles | Planner achievement


First make sure that you have the challenge quest for the Planner achievement unlocked!

In Dorfromantik, achievements are gated behind the completion of objectives of preplaced tiles.

You can use this quick video guide to unlock all challenge quests:

Step By Step

Start a game and pick one of the tiles adjacent to the starting one (in green on the screenshot below) as your central empty tile.

This will be your final tile to fill. In the picture below, I chose the north-east violet tile as my central tile. Every adjacent tile in green will also need to be perfect.

Fill those adjacent tiles with easy, one or two motif tiles. I find forest tiles to be the easiest. Avoid train tracks as much as possible and put them far away! In the picture below, I put them on a line parallel to my water.

While looking for suitable tiles for your perfect setup, complete as many quests as possible in order to not run out of tiles.

You will eventually complete the setup and find your last tile. Enjoy your seven perfect tiles placement! Check my video below for my full run as an example.



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