The Breezy Autumn Update

The Breezy Autumn Update

New Stamina System

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The stamina system has been massively overhauled, to focus on eating before an activity and eating better quality foods. Food is now measured in how much it extends the energy/health bar and what the health/energy generation rates are, and each food item will tell you how much it gives. Gone at the days when you can just eat to instantly restore energy. You also no longer pass out from running out of energy, but instead go lethargic like you do in late.

On the top right of your screen, you’ll notice numbers showing your current buffs, health, energy regeneration rates, how long they'll be in effect, and what you ate. The higher the numbers, the faster health and energy regeneration you’ll have. Also, the total health and energy bars will revert to their normal amounts throughout the day. It’s no longer possible to grab a power tool, a big fried egg and mine out dozens of ore nodes or chop down large numbers of trees in one crack. You’ll need to take breaks. Sleeping before late also gives you a bonus regen for the first few minutes of the day as you’re well rested.

If you get injured, you can now use the first aid kit to partially heal damage instantly. Each kit can be used several times and cost 7,000 a piece at John’s shop. Read on for more equipment, tools, and weapons. You can also heal much faster by sitting down on some sort of chair.

New Equipment, Tools, And Weapons

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Cooking KettleThe electric kettle, purchased at Sheila’s Tuckerbox is an improved Billy Can, able to do everything the bill can does, but faster. It is also solar panel or windmill capable (they do not stack), further boosting it speed. Sheila has its on rotation for sale with the food moddler for 100,000 Dink apiece.

Auto SorterThe auto sorter is for those who are too lazy to manually sort out their inventory. It will automatically shoot out items into storage within its range if that storage contains the same items. So, if you have a cabinet of shovels, with a free spot, it will fire the shovel into that cabinet. If you have a chest full of old gears, it will fire out any gears into that chest. Anything that it cannot sort will be stored within the auto sorter. Commission it from Franklyn for a cool million dink. Storage being sorted into makes a cute little wiggle.

Key-cyclerThrough the powers of industrialization, we shall turn your high-tech smartphones into keys that open ancient riddles and treasure rooms. Yeah, that doesn’t make sense to me either, but that’s what the key cycler does. Bought from Jimmy, the nomadic, tax evading trader for a whopping 700,000 dink, it will turn relics, such as black slates, shiny discs, old gears, etc into keys. Various relics require multiples for the key cycler to transform them, such as three earmuffs, where a single old contraption will yield a key while giving off an eerie purple gas. A nearby solar panel will speed up the transformation.

Hand TrolleyThis is by far my favorite item of the content release. With the hand trolley, you can move storage around without the need to empty it. Full chests can be easily swapped into new positions. Even better, this tool can be used inside of the mine elevator and Island Reef airship. Meaning, you can grab a cooler or a chest from the mines or island reef, fill it will stuff, and then push the completely full storage item into the elevator or airship and take it home with you. Twenty-four more storage slots of stuff to take home. The mines and island reef have previously forced players into making hard decisions on what to take home and leave behind. With the hand trolley pushing around 24 more storage slots, that decision is much less painful, if you even must decide to leave anything behind at all. Buy it from John’s shop for 30,000 Dink and store it in your inventory as a tool.

Balloon SwordGot a bunch of severed slimy gross frilly tongues in storage? Well, this is how you use them. The balloon sword, a comical take on a child’s balloon toy is a new weapon Ted Selly can craft for you. Made of various parts, but mostly tongues, it makes annoying squeaking sounds as you swing an inflatable orange cutlass like a one-dimensional pirate villain in a G rated children’s cartoon. Don’t be ashamed to be wear the whole pirate regalia at the same time.

Star SabreThis “Is that a lightsaber?!” weapon is the hardest to acquire new weapon Ted Selly can craft for you. It has a massive parts list with the rarest parts being three rare meteor chunks. It also costs a whopping 2 million dink. Technically, it’s a “legally distinct item” that is “not a lightsaber.” So back off Disney and let us have this one. Yes, I know it looks and sounds like a lightsaber. It also does a whopping 20 damage per hit and lights up the surrounding area. Be careful with this weapon, it will take off a limb with ease. The weapon also has a high chance of stunning.

Battle BroomThis might be hard for some of you to accept: You’re going to have to cut down several of those rare bottle trees to get the parts to craft this weapon. Good news, there’s a way to get more bottle tree seeds. Bad news, they’re rare drops. Anyways, I’m getting off topic. The broom stick weapon is a spear like push broom Ted Selly can craft for you if you want to clean up the town.

Ride on MowerDo you have huge grass fields that need to get mowed? Get the ride on mower and teach the grass a lesson. Commissioned from Franklyn after you give him a few shiny discs, it should make your mowing much faster.

Tape MeasureHey, wait the tape measure already got released! Yes, but it’s been expanded and modified. It now has way bigger range than its old 16x16 and when selected on a piece of equipment like a windmill or an advanced crafting table, it will show you the range of that gear.

Advanced Crafting and Cooking TablesOur long wait is over. The dawn has finally broken. We no longer need to rummage around various chests, fridges, crates, barrels, coolers, cabinets, and dressers to find the stuff we need to craft and cook. If a storage piece is within the range of an advanced crafting or cooking table, the table will automatically pull the required materials. Craft both tables at the crafting table and rejoice that our prayers have been answered. They do require end game materials though.

BlastoadI hope you've been collecting toadskins, because the blastoad is an explosive device that stuns animals caught in its blast radius and needs toadskins as part of its crafting ingredients. You get four per commission at Franklyn's shop and they are each one time use.

New Flying Friends

If you place a fish roe on your head, you get one of the new flying friends, a clown fish.

If you place the meteor chunk on your head slot, you get the new flying friend, a meteor.

If you place the new beehive chunk in your head slot, you get a flying bee buddy.

Check out my Flying Friends and Silly Hats Guide for more.

Cool Stuff & Secrets

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Killing or trapping cockatoos has a small chance of a bottle tree seed dropping. The seed has a whopping 72 days to grow.

Killing or trapping a roo can net you a rare roo hat.

The maximum height has been increased to 15 tiles.

Your house can be upgraded again to make it massive. Make sure you have the max building license. Guest houses can be expanded in size once via the house customization kit purchased at John’s, it also costs 220,000 dink and requires building materials.

Grass trees can be regrown. Chop them down and read the description on the seed. Try not to get injured in the process of creating the seeds.

Fertilize an existing fern for a surprise.

Divergent corner pieces are now in the game. Take a ramp to a saw to get one. No word about convergent corner pieces.

There are two new fish and one new bug.

Pleeps have their own poop which composts faster into fertilizer than roo or vombat poo.

Vombat start off grey, but mature into several different colors, just like chickens.

The helicopter has a down facing light that activates at night.

There are plenty of new foods and a few new buffs, including one that prevents all durability damage to tools when active.

Rare sparkling fish and bugs have been spotted and when caught will gift the player items such as fish roe, relics, gemstone shards, or even a rare purple hang glider.

The Wish Fountain

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Ever wish the game was more peaceful?

Do you think the animal drop rate is too low?

Are you fascinated with bugs and fish and want them even more with sparkly versions glore?

Want to be luckier?

Getting tired of picking up roo poo and having animals all over your town, but don't want to fence everything?

Fletch will now offer from the beginning of the game the "Wish Fountain." This should come as a joyous relief to those asking for a peaceful experience. Or for those needing extra meat for their crab pots.

For the price of 150,000 dink, you can select one wish at time.

Peaceful, where animals will not attack you until you attack them, but Ted Selly never visits.

Dangerous, extra strong hostile enemies that deal double the damage but give extra drops and more Ted Selly visits.

Bountiful, with more bugs and fish sparkly versions that give extra resources and rare items.

Fortuitous, increasing your luck so that rare things happen more often.

Spotless, where no animals will spawn in or enter onto pathed or mowed ties.

Regretful, Remove all wishes and return the game to normal.

New Weather Conditions

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Autumn and winter will periodically have meteor showers at night. The sky will fill with shooting stars as meteors enter the atmosphere and vaporize in the process. However, each shower will contain one large meteor that will streak across the sky slower and brighter than the rest of the meteors and impact your map leaving a massive explosion and an intact meteor.

You can sell the meteor for money (and a milestone) to John, crack it open, or keep it as a decoration. Cracking it open will reveal five berkonium, a meteor chunk, and in rare instances, one of two rare items. Check the weather tool that Franklyn can craft for you daily to make sure you don’t miss this rare event. You may have to wait a few in game hours for it to occur as the showers start at twilight. If you think the game is bugged because you didn't see it, do a perimeter search around your town. You may have simply missed the big meteor. Look for a glowing rock.

Rainbows, they happen now in the background. Enjoy.

New Buffs!

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There's new buffs!

If you get to sleep at a proper time, you'll start off with a well rested Zzz icon which boosts energy regeneration for the first ten minutes of the game.

The sparking food buff signified by the blue lightning bolt halts any energy usage on power tools, letting you use them without any concern for power.

The gray gear or settings food buff halts any durability hits while using weapons or tools. So you can use a tool or weapon without any damage to its durability. Crab soup, which just requires a billycan and a crab, will create a food that stops all durability hits. This is huge early on as you can avoid damaging your tools and thus avoid needing to buy new ones from John.


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Five brand new mushrooms are now found only during Autumn. But they deserve their own guide.

See my Breezy Autumn Mushroom guide!

New Cosmetics, Décor, Fences, Gates Paths, And Lights

Plenty of new things to wear, from scarfs, a rare hood, to various colored hoodies, to cos-playing as a mummy.

The interior walls, both full height and half height, along with the door openings can be place outside to create all sorts of new structures. Do not expect warranties to be honored though should you use them outside of manufacturer’s specifications. Should you use them as intended, inside houses, they will have the same wallpaper as the rest of the house. Buy them at Melvin’s. Should you want to create rooms, but not with actual walls, there are those wavy dividers. Want to make cubicles because you can’t get mentally away from work? Well, the office divider is also purchasable at Melvin’s.

There are also new paths, fences, lights, with the fences and lights from the first mine level able to be brought up and used. Very Western vibe if you ask me. There’s also very fancy wrought iron fences and gates should you want to make a stately manor.

Should you need to use the bathroom but aren’t anywhere near your house, there’s an outhouse or outdoor dunny. Use this to get some privacy when changing or to clear out your existing buffs. If the thought of using an outhouse is revolting to you, Melvin will offer a toilet and if you're still grossed out by an outhouse, well, there’s also a bathtub. Interact with it and see what happens.


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Who said farming had to be limited to the land? Aquaculture makes a big splash in the Breezy Autumn release with fishponds. You’ll need a lot of materials including crab pots and more importantly, any of the trophies earned from Max’s barracuda fishing contest to craft these at the crafting table.

You can have up to five fish per pond, but they require a critter to be regularly fed to them to produce roe. Roe can be harvested from the pond and turned into caviar in a keg which requires 30 roe per caviar and takes a whole week. Roe can also be turned into sushi at the cooking table or worn as a hat to spawn the clown fish flying friend.

Place a fish in the pond by standing next to it or in it and pressing "Q" while selecting the fish. The fish will make a splash as it jumps into the pond. Fish the fish out by using a fishing rod. No struggle required.

If you leave a fishpond partially empty only putting three of five fish, once a fishpond hits 15 roe and you do not harvest, the next day a new fish will appear in the pond, randomly selected from the fish species currently in the pond. Use this to farm high dink value fish like the marlin, tuna, golden perch, barracuda, Murray cod, deep fish, and the new lionfish.

Do not place the fishpond in water two deep or more as you may not be able to fish the fish out. Ideally, place your fishponds near your crab pots to make for easy harvest of the critters and then feeding those critters in the fishponds.

New Crop

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You said something about sushi, but doesn’t sushi generally need rice? Well, yes, and rice is the new crop. Rice can be grown all year, but it has a special trait, if planted on a tile that’s submerged one tile down, it will not require watering. It can be planted like a regular crop next to sprinklers, but if you have empty space next to your farm, it may be worth considering an expansion for just rice. Submerge your rice and save your sprinklers for fountains.

Check Out My Other Guides

Are You Interested In A Tropical Getaway? Interested In Mining Mountains Of Metal Ores?Are You Confused About Brewing?Short On Keys And Looking For More? Want To Farm Other Stuff Beyond What Rayne Lets You? Want A Flying Buddy Or A Silly Hat? Interested In Manipulating NPCs For Your Own Gain?


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