Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide)

Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide)

Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide) image 0

This short guide i will show you how to fix the missing important hand cannon targeting adjuster mod from the helmet. as it is vital to pvp that extra boost in the hand cannon stat will improve your gunplay.

Guide To Get The Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod

Important Note

You should have a character that doesn't equip the mod from the previous season.

Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide) image 5

First Step

Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide) image 7

The first important thing to note is that you must have a character that doesn't have the hand cannon mod equipped from last season. As you can see i don't really use a titan because it has low light so i'll check it if it has the mod.

Oh surprise! i have it!

Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide) image 10

Second Step

Destiny 2 - How to Get the Bugged Hand Cannon Targeting Adjuster Mod (Legit Guide) image 12

So, Okay now we confirmed if you didn't have the mod equipped last season going on the current season on that character of yours then you'll have it there. the next step is transferring it to the helmet that you to use on your main character. you can transfer the helmet by the vault or something like the little light app or DIM - Destiny item manager.

Note: if you somehow main the character that you didn't really gave a *bleep last season then you just straight equip it.

As you can see i transferred my Wormhusk to my titan.

Then done! just hover to the helmet and put the Mod.


if you manage to have three characters equip a hand cannon mod last season i'm sorry it won't work for you.

Good luck and have fun having the small advantage in crucible if you're using HC!


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