Step One
Play as Boss. She starts with a special item on start called "Second Chance?" that activates when she hits 0 HP, creating a big explosion around her. If that explosion kills an enemy then she gets +1hp.
Step Two
Find a Chrysus Medalion. This item keeps you alive at 0HP, as long as you got the money.
Step Three
WIN! Congrats, as long as you have money you are effectively invincible. Whenever you hit 0HP Second Chance?'s explosion will CONSTANTLY trigger, creating a black hole of damage that can kill basically everything in a second. Do be careful, sometimes you'll be left stranded without enemies to kill or it will glitch out and not give health on kills, so I would advise keeping at least 1000$ on you just in case. First run I did this with I beat the game and stashed 100k in the bank and had like 30 items so it won't likely be that difficult.
More Dead Estate guilds
- All Guilds
- All Shops Screens (Goodnight Update Included)
- Looping your run
- Glutton For Punishment - Quick Guide
- Good Night Update
- All achievements from Good Night Update
- How to access the new "Dream" floors and get D costumes (+ The Shrine)
- How dup objects//Como duplicar objetos (Assignment Anya)
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- Kill God