The Best Character With No Feasible Argument Otherwise
It does not matter who is fast, has a better gun, a good gimmick, Boss with full curses is more powerful. The reason is the triple bazooka and extra loot. The triple bazooka on it's own can kill most everything in a room off the bat. Loot is essential to infinite power which is powerful if you know how to stack it. The one drawback is high boss health and knock-back which just turns bosses into a violent beanbag at worst.
Bypassing Walls And Sealed Doors
Ignore walls they are a limitation, Doors slow you down walk through them, it's easy. Collect 2-3 Magic carpets and a Sandal's of Hermes. Magic carpets stack in two ways, you gain more jumps per and the kicker that actually matters their faster double jump is faster the more magic carpets you have. Doing this lets you jump through anything and sequence break any door for the most part. Sealed doors can be passed since the trigger isn't one way when outside the map walk up to any door from the outside and you don't have to kill anything. (It's kind of redundant to not kill anything since it's so easy to kill everything but it helps at two points I guess.)
Immortality Through Big Number
Get a Heart Of Steel and you can consume weapons strengthening yourself. Pair this with a tankman doll and that doubles it and rotten bananas to double overall health. I could tell you a dozen items that create utter b*llshit by getting weapons left and right to intake, but do it yourself. Witch B Gone, Gun Nut etc. I got to 600 on a two hour 4-5 loop run (I kinda stopped counting) If you can't get that much you are a plebeian bound by things of inferior mass.
Immortality Through Immutability
There is a funny little item that gives you immunity for 3 seconds when entering a room not to powerful? No. It can give you godly power if and a very dumb if to propose but kill everything in three seconds and you don't die ever. Playing the god known as Boss with a triple funny gun and you can increase the blast radius the damage once between three localized areas is now a lot of damage everywhere. Hence killing God. If you do it right there is nothing that can withstand the sheer atomizing power you put forth. (Bonus points for getting the funny spam tap finger)
Ice Is Funy
The ice item that freezes items when entering a room is so minutely annoying since some enemies just don't give a sh*t and move or attack anyways; but if you can damage in a large enough radius you can hit anything anywhere (I'm talking to you Blue mouth f*ck in the Lab ceiling [I'll f*ckin find you]) Ice can be so f*cking painful and so useful it's just what you have that dictates which.
Two Bosses I Irrationally Hate
The Gold mask f*ck has three attacks one of them doesn't even hit if you stand still before the attack is declared in the code, and the Old set boss I don't like. Why don't I like them? I can't kill them easily. They are the one obstacle I haven't found a dumb way to brute force. They're cool bosses truly but I resent them for the power they lord over me.
To You Goblins At Steam
Let Me For The Love Of God Swear In My Steam Guide.
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- All Guilds
- All Shops Screens (Goodnight Update Included)
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- Glutton For Punishment - Quick Guide
- Good Night Update
- All achievements from Good Night Update
- How to access the new "Dream" floors and get D costumes (+ The Shrine)
- How dup objects//Como duplicar objetos (Assignment Anya)
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