How to cheese the Ghost Painting Girl

How to cheese the Ghost Painting Girl

Cheesing The Ghost Painting

How to cheese the Ghost Painting Girl image 1

How to cheese the Ghost Painting Girl image 2

Note: This enemy will appear on certain levels if you planning to do some loop runs

Walking near to this painting will activate an ongoing chase that the ghost will target you and reduce your health to 1 if it hits you. Your only option is to avoid it either by clearing the rooms quickly and moving to the next and repeating this procedure otherwise you have may die if an another enemy hits you or may have to restart the floor by leaving it and opening the run again.

If you are being chased by her, head to your nearest merchant and open their menu. The ghost girl will be gone once you've idled in the shop menu for a few seconds (possibly for 5 or more seconds at best). Repeat this step if you are being chased and wanting to remove her quickly as possible.

Note: I am not sure if this works with the cultist merchant but it should work with The Witch and her mother


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