Welcome to the Dead Estate Uber Guide! This guide is made to give some information to new players but also give some tips that can help anyone and serve as an overall achievement guide. A few things before we get into the nitty gritty, we'll be covering the characters, a little bit of the rooms/floors, the bosses, and all the achievements. We will not be covering all the weapons, items, and common enemies of the game. That being said THIS GUIDE WILL CONTAIN SOME SPOILERS, I won't be showing any spoilers to the story itself but there are certain parts of the game found in this guide that are hidden until you progress through the story. If you don't want to be spoiled play through the game a bit before looking through here, Milkbar Lads did a great job with development and it'd be nice to experience their work yourself :) If you don't care about spoilers or you're ready to move on then let's jump in!
Before we officially get started here's a few important things to mention/note in terms of technicalities of the guide.
- There's 2 different endings you can get that require different paths (one longer than the other), I'll refer to these as the Standard Run and the True Run (which leads to the true ending).
- As of update 1.1.2 the game auto saves in between floors, you can use this to your advantage, I'll call this Reset/Resetting. To do this just quit the game to the main menu and press "Continue", doing this will start you at the beginning of the floor you quit on. Resetting a floor pretty much gives you a fresh start as if you didn't play that floor yet on that run. But doing a Reset also generates a new layout of the floor, items, and weapons.
- Most of these achievements can be done on the easiest difficulty, unless I mention playing on a certain difficulty just assume you'll be finishing the achievements on easy.
- I'll be covering Characters, Floors, and Bosses first, if you're just looking for achievements feel free to jump to the Achievements section.
Characters And Costumes
Dead Estate has a colorful cast of 8 characters to play, each with different starting health, agility (movement speed and jump height), and starting weapon! Every character also has an alternate costume you can unlock. Here we'll go over each characters stats, how to unlock the characters, and how to unlock their alternate costumes!
Base Health: 8
Agility: Slow
Weapon: Handgun, 12dps
How to Unlock: Default character, already unlocked
Gnome Jeff
How to Unlock: As Jeff, clear Dark Moon Woods on 'Painful' difficulty.
-Dark Moon Woods is the 1st alternate route you can encounter, complete that floor on Painful difficulty to get gnomed!
Base Health: 4
Agility: Fast
Weapon: Shotgun, 9dps per bullet, shoots 5 bullets in a spread
How to Unlock: Default character, already unlocked
Ballistic Jules
How to Unlock: As Jules, defeat Chunks on the final floor in under 1 minute.
-You'll most likely unlock this one very easily, Jules is one of the first two characters you can play and you won't need more than 1 minute to beat the Chunks boss.
Base Health: 6
Agility: Average
Weapon: Wand, 18dps
*She can float in the air after jumping, all weapons she finds will be wands*
How to Unlock: Clear the game as both Jules and Jeff.
-Also pretty easy to unlock, just finish a Standard Run with both Jeff and Jules
Grad. Cordelia
How to Unlock: Get the true ending as every character.
-This one may take some time but pretty straightforward, just complete a True Run with every character
Base Health: 12
Agility: Average
Weapon: Boxing Gloves, 24 dps
*She can't carry any other weapon, she can also dash in the air by punching and holding the weapon recycle button during a jump*
NOTE: Fuji's Boxing Gloves don't count toward melee weapon achievements, also items that enhance bullets work with her Boxing Gloves.
How to Unlock: Have over 12 maximum HP at once.
-Can be obtained with any character but it's much easier to pick a character with high base health and just upgrade HP at the Doctor. Jeff is a good character since everyone has him and starts with 8 base HP.
Senator Fuji
How to Unlock: As Fuji, knock out Chunks on every possible floor that you visit.
-Stick to a Standard Run for this one, if you go to any alternate floors or loop a run you'd have to knock him out each time. Fuji does a lot of damage and on a Standard Run you'd only have to knock him out on 4 floors. I'll have some tips for knocking out Chunks in the Bosses section of the guide.
Base Health: 6
Agility: Slow
Weapon: Magnum, 23 dps
*He can carry an additional secondary weapon so he can hold 2 other weapons aside from his base Magnum*
How to Unlock: Clear a looped run.
-Self explanatory, when you reach the Balcony floor just go to the ledge at the very bottom left room and jump off to start the loop.
How to Unlock: As Luis, complete a looped run without ever picking up a heart.
-For this one play it slow, try your best to be far away from any enemies you kill or pots you break. If a heart is in the way of a door just wait for it to disappear. It's also possible that you might pick up a heart if an enemy dies right on top of you, if you picked up a heart or you aren't sure just Reset and do the floor again.
Base Health: 2
Agility: Fast
Weapon: Handgun, 14 dps
How to Unlock: Discover the strange creature in the vat in the laboratory.
-On the 4th floor (Laboratory) look for a room with a blue canister in the middle, shoot the canister to unlock Mumba
Monster Mumba
How to Unlock: As Mumba, reach the Exit Realm on 'Painful' difficulty.
-The Exit Realm is the last full floor you'll clear at the end of a True Run, you just need to enter that floor on Painful difficulty to unlock this costume. This one can be tough to unlock because of Mumba's low health, luckily Mumba has enough fire rate, damage, and mobility for his survival. Prioritize investing in as many things that can give you more maximum health as possible. On the first floor buy health upgrades from the Doctor or buy items that boost health from the Item Shop if there are any. Don't worry too much on damage and invest in that when you feel confident about your survivability.
Base Health: 5
Agility: Average
Weapon: Pepper Spray, 4 dps per tick
*She starts with $200 but loses $1 per second, when she runs out of money she'll start to lose health. However she receives significantly more money and is rewarded health and a free item for every $600 she obtains*
How to Unlock: Clear a run with over $1,000 in your pockets.
-For this one you just have to have over $1000 on you when you complete your run, if you have a decently strong build early enough then you can start saving your money to unlock Lydia.
J.S. Lydia
How to Unlock: As Lydia, clear a run without breaking a single pot.
-Best way to unlock this costume is to take your run slow, completing a Standard Run would be recommended. Be careful of shooting at enemies with your Pepper Spray, if an enemy is too close to a pot quickly tap the fire button to just set the enemy on fire and slow burn them. It will still count if you damage a pot, as long as you don't break one, if you do break a pot just Reset the floor.
Base Health: 4
Agility: Fast
Weapon: Baseball Bat, 20 dps
*He has lower jump height but can double jump and can only carry melee or throwing weapons. Killing enemies will start raising a combo, the higher the combo you get more movement speed and faster attack speed and heal once a high enough combo is broken. Going into a new room resets your combo to half so you can keep your combo going by moving back and forth between rooms.*
NOTE: Digby's attacks shoot out a small wave that can destroy enemy projectiles. Also items that enhance bullets work with Digby's Baseball Bat.
How to Unlock: Purchase a map on every possible level on the mansion.
-You only need to buy a map on Floors 1-4, go through a Standard Run and make sure to at least save $200 for the map on each floor.
Funkin' Digby
How to Unlock: As Digby, destroy... "something" in the Attic Sanctum.
-On the 3rd Floor (Attic Sanctum) look for a room with an arcade machine in the middle, break the arcade machine to unlock the costume.
Floors And Rooms
In this section we'll quickly go over the Floors and Rooms types you'll find on your runs. As well as some tips for some of the rooms. I'll put the Floors in order you'd find them if you were going through a True Run.
Before I quickly cover all the room types we'll quickly go over Secret Rooms.
Every floor will have at least 1 secret room, in higher difficulties the Item and Weapon Shop will be hidden as Secret Rooms and would help your run if you can quickly find them. Here's what to look out for:
Upon entering a room, if there's a secret room, you'll see a shadow of a room entrance that quickly fades, those are the entrances to the secret room. If the secret room is on one of the walls toward the floor (south-west and south-east) you'll see a small shadow of an entrance on the edge of the floor. If it's on one of the walls toward the back (north-west and north-east) you'll see a shadow of a door, the shadow will flash if you stay in the room long enough.
Lastly, secret rooms will never be connected to rooms of importance (starting, treasure, weapon, key, challenge, teleporter, and shop rooms). They will also never be in spaces that would connect a secret room to 2 rooms. Basically they'll only be in spots where the room will be by itself. Keeping these in mind you'll know where to look and be able to spot secret rooms pretty fast.
Now with that out of the way, onward to the rest of the rooms!
The Doctor is where you can upgrade your Health, Agility, Strength, or buy Ambrosia to heal. Each stat can be upgraded 4 times priced at $200, $275, $350, $425. The Doctor can be found on Floors 1, 3, and Exit Realm.
The Gun Shop is where you can buy a secondary weapon, the merchant will sell 3 random guns per floor. You can find the Gun Shop on Floors 2, 4, and Exit Realm.
The Item Shop is where you can buy passive items, she'll sell you 3 random items, a map, and ambrosia for healing. You can find the Item Shop on every floor except alternate floors 1-4.
Challenge Rooms can yield you and item or two as long as you can defeat all the enemies that spawn in 40 seconds.You can find one Challenge Room on every floor.
Treasure Rooms give you a random passive item.
Weapon Rooms give you a random secondary weapon.
Secret Rooms hold presents that usually contain money but can also give contain a passive item or a weapon.
Key Rooms contain the key that opens the door to the boss of the floor.
Crystal/Teleporter Rooms have a crystal in the middle that you can break to take you back to the starting room.
Finally I'll go over the floors needed to clear for a True Run in order.
Floor 1: Ground Floor
Alt floor 1: Dark Mood Woods
NOTE: This is the floor needed to be cleared on Painful difficulty to unlock Gnome Jeff
Floor 2: Upper Story
Alt floor 2: Forsaken Crypt
Floor 3: Attic Sanctum
NOTE: This is the floor you can find the arcade machine to unlock Funkin' Digby
Alt floor 3: Old Set
NOTE: Picking up the key will start the sequence to run to the boss room, also Chunks is invincible so you don't need to knock him out on this floor to unlock Senator Fuji.
Floor 4: Laboratory
NOTE: This is the floor you can find the blue canister to unlock Mumba
Alt floor 4: Sunken Ship
Point of No Return: The Balcony
This is the floor where you can start a loop
Floor 5: Dead Estate
This is the final floor for the Standard Run
Floor Final: Exit Realm
NOTE: This is the floor you must reach on Painful difficulty to unlock Monster Mumba
The End: Sacrificial Grounds
In this section I'll be going over the bosses you'll encounter on each floor as well as a few tips on some of the bosses I think are a bit more problematic.
First and foremost we need to talk about the elephant (or giant mouse) in the room, Chunks.
Chunks will be a looming threat you'll be facing on every floor. On higher difficulties he spawns and moves much faster so dealing with him becomes a necessity. When you try to damage Chunks you'll see that you're doing 0 damage but you can actually knock him out if you keep up the attack, it'll take a lot of fire power though. These are a few things I did that made it easier to deal with Chunks:
- On lower difficulties where you have a bit of time before he shows up, find a few rooms on the floor that are relatively clear of hazards and pick a path to follow. The damage you do on Chunks stays as long as you're still on the floor so switching rooms can provide some space between you and the beast while you keep up the damage. NOTE: When Chunks finally shows up he will come out of the room entrance you came out of (yes this can include shops).
- Once a floor starts, try to find a shop room as fast as you can. Chunks can't follow you into a shop and if you don't want to fight him, you can use shops to give you some time to move around the floor. When you enter a shop just wait a few seconds for his footsteps to go away then you'll have a little bit of time to move somewhere else. If you're out on the floor and you hear his footsteps you can just keep moving to different rooms, sometimes that actually gets him to go away from you for a bit.
- On the highest difficulty Chunks spawns right away so you might need to deal with him in a room with enemies, this can be helpful. As long as there are enemies in the same room Chunks will move much slower until the enemies are clear. If you're able to find a room with an enemy that's easy to avoid, keep the enemy alive and run circles around the room to do damage to Chunks. Just be careful, Chunks might accidentally run into those enemies and do damage to them. If he takes them out and the room clears of enemies he'll speed up immediately.
Another thing to note:
The Glitchy Chunks you encounter on the 3rd alternate floor (Old Set) is invincible so you don't need to bother trying to knock him out. Since he's invincible you don't need to knock him out on this floor if you're trying to unlock Senator Fuji.
Hopefully these can helps out in dealing with Chunks, best of luck, now onto the bosses!
I'll be listing the bosses in order of appearance if you're going through a True Run.
Ultraclot is 1 of 2 possible boss encounters on Floor 1. This is an easy boss, just keep your distance and move when it jumps.
Queen Infester is the other possible boss encounter on Floor 1. This is also an easy boss, she moves around, spawns a minion, spits some blood and repeat. Just keep your distance and you'll be fine.
Pumpkin Prince is the alt floor 1 boss. He'll jump toward you then for his first attack he'll jump and create a shockwave of vines to jump over. For his second attack he sits still and sends vines that home in toward you, just keep moving and you can avoid it.
Leviathan Egg is 1 of 2 possible boss encounters on Floor 2. Easy boss, spawns 2 of those swinging mace knights, then does a short bullet hell attack, followed by spawning 4 swinging mace knights. Keep your distance if you can and you'll be fine.
The Resident is the other possible boss encounter on Floor 2. This boss is easy but can be a bit cheap at times. It'll start the fight invisible and pop up close to you, if you're moving around you might get hit. Wait until it shows itself before you start moving and just shoot in it's direction.
The Golden Mask is the boss of alt floor 2, you can easily beat him without taking damage. It's first attack sends each of it's fists to slam down on top of you, just keep moving and you'll avoid it. Second attack will try to slam both fists together to squish you, wait until the fists are flashing then move up or down. Last attack has the hands raining blood while following you, just run in a circle to avoid it. After that just attack it's face and repeat 2 more times.
Pierrot is the boss of Floor 3 and probably the most annoying boss in the game. He starts by jumping toward you then jumping up off screen to slam down that shoots a few projectiles. He'll repeat this until you do enough damage to pop his ball. Once his ball is popped he'll run around the room crying damaging tears. This phase can be problematic because of how unpredictable and fast he runs around the room. Try to stay in either the left or right side of the room and shoot at him, if he runs toward you try to jump over him and get to a safe side.
The Glitch boss is the boss of alt floor 3. It's first attack spawns glitch enemies that walk toward you, just clear them out. Second attack it tries to slam down on top of you then spawns leaches, move around to avoid the slam then clear the leaches. Then it'll zoom past your screen from left to right, each time it zooms it will go to your position. There's a sound cue when it's about to zoom, when you hear it just move either up or down to get out of the way. It'll then split into a lot of blobs, now you can damage it, take out as many as you can then repeat.
The Experiment is the boss of Floor 4. It goes underground and spawns fists where you were standing, it then pops up and spit damaging blood pools on the floor. Dodge the blood pool projectiles and shoot him whenever you can.
Kraken is the boss you'll find on alt floor 4. It's got three attacks, first it does a bullet hell of ink, it'll then spawn a wall of tentacles on one side of the room that slides to the other side. Jump over or move through the gap in the wall to avoid this. For it's last attack it goes under water and tries to bring up a ton of tentacles from under you. Look for an empty spot in the room to avoid this attack.
Chunks is the final boss of a Standard Run. He has 2 bullet hell attacks and 1 charge attack. Just keep moving and shoot him with the rocket launcher as soon as Cordelia drops it for you.
Diavola is the final boss of the game and she has 2 phases. Her first phase is actually simple, as long as you keep moving and jumping you can avoid all her attacks. Her second phase throws in some bullet hell attacks but once her eye comes down you'll be able to do damage. A lot more jumping during this phase but you should be able to beat her pretty fast most of the time once she's vulnerable.
This section will be covering all the achievements in the game. You'll get most of these achievements on your own by just playing the game. I'll be adding notes/tips on the ones that are a little harder.
Dead Estate
Clear the game once.
Deader Estate
Clear the game on 'Painful' difficulty
Deadest Estate
Clear the game on 'Nightmare' difficulty
Deaderest Estate
Clear the game on 'X Must Die' difficulty
- Each of the harder difficulties just give you less resources and Chunks spawns much faster. Not as hard as you might think, pick a strong character you're comfortable with (Fuji is a great choice for this) and get used to knocking out Chunks. (See the Bosses section on tips to deal with Chunks easier)
The College Dropout
Beat the game as Jules
Orange County Lumber Truck
Beat the game as Jeff
A Wizard
Beat the game as Cordelia
Silence Kid
Beat the game as Digby
Muh, Muh, Hey Hey
Beat the game as Mumba
Mansion on the Hill
Beat the game as Lydia
Old and Unprofessional
Beat the game as Luis
Hit to Death
Beat the game as Fuji
The Witch
Unlock Cordelia
How to Unlock: Clear the game as both Jules and Jeff
The Boyscout
Unlock Digby
How to Unlock: Purchase a map on every possible level on the mansion
The Experiment
Unlock Mumba
How to Unlock: Discover the strange creature in the vat in the laboratory
The Realtor
Unlock Lydia
How to Unlock: Clear a run over $1,000 in your pockets
The Ex-Officer
Unlock Luis
How to Unlock: Clear a looped run
The Fighter
Unlock Fuji
How to Unlock: Have over 12 maximum HP at once
The Gang's All Here!
Unlock every character in the game
The First Daughter
Unlock Jules's B costume
How to Unlock: As Jules, defeat Chunks on the final floor in under 1 minute
The Dwarf
Unlock Jeff's B costume
How to Unlock: As Jeff, clear Dark Moon Woods on 'Painful' difficulty
The Scholar
Unlock Cordelia's B costume
How to Unlock: Get the true ending as every character
The Funkhead
Unlock Digby's B costume
How to Unlock: As Digby, destroy... "something" in the Attic Sanctum
The Abomination
Unlock Mumba's B costume
How to Unlock: As Mumba, reac the Exit Realm on 'Painful difficulty
The Assassin
Unlock Lydia's B costume
How to Unlock: As Lydia, clear a run without breaking a single pot
The Nightmare Cop
Unlock Luis's B costume
How to Unlock: As Luis, complete a looped run without ever picking up a heart
The Candidate
Unlock Fuji's B costume
How to Unlock: As Fuji, knock out Chunks on every possible floor that you visit
Costume Party!
Unlock the B costume for ever character
Clear the Ground Floor
Clear the Second Story
Clear the Attic Sanctum
Evil Genius
Clear the Laboratory
clear the Dark Mood Woods
Tomb Raider
Clear the Forsaken Crypt
Clear the Abandoned Set
Deep Diver
Clear the Sunken Ship
Clear Exit Realm
Get the true ending as Jules
Refuge of the Roads
Get the true ending as Jules
A True Star
Get the true ending as Cordelia
Get the true ending as Digby
Hey Hey, Muh Muh
Get the true ending as Mumba
A New Career in a New Town
Get the true ending as Lydia
Dirty Work
Get the true ending as Luis
Get the true ending as Fuji
Achievements (cont.)
Assemble all four parts of the Silver Key
What's Inside?
Open the coffin
Spree Killer
Clear a challenge room in 15 seconds or less
Knock out Chunks
Secret Secret
Visit 10 secret rooms in a single run
Hope She Notices You
Purchase Cordelia's entire stock on the first floor
- You can get this by looping a run if you don't get it in the beginning
Complete a run in 20 minutes or less
- Do a Standard Run, pick a strong character (I used Fuji) look for the key and rush the boss. Pick up items or upgrade Strength at the Doctor if you can/if it's convenient.
Fill My Pockets
Carry over $1,000 at once
Fill My Wallet
Carry over $2,000 at once
Fill My Vault
Carry over $3,000 at once
Without a Hitch
Complete a run without taking any damage
- This is probably the hardest achievement in the game, but using the Reset trick makes it much easier. You can use any character you're comfortable with but I recommend Mumba since his only weakness is low health which doesn't matter in a 'no hit' run. Do a Standard Run for this, if you get hit once Reset immediately to start the floor over again, this also works for the final Chunks boss.
NOTE: Try not to pick up any items that increase maximum health, I think the game counts having missing health as taking damage even if you didn't take damage from an enemy. One run I tried to do; I bought a Health upgrade from the Doctor that put me at 2/3 HP, I didn't get hit once but didn't get the achievement when I finished the run.
Kill 6+ enemies with less than a second gap between each kill
Another Go-round
Leap off the balcony and loop your run
Loop twice in a single run
Mouse Trap
Get a Crusher in the Laboratory to land on Chunks
Homerun Hitter!
Kill a Moth using a melee weapon as it's coming at you
NOTE: Fuji's Boxing Gloves do not work for this
Speed Demon
Press all 3 buttons in the Exit Realm within 5 minutes
Collect 15+ items in a single run
Collect 25+ items in a single run
Collect 35+ items in a single run
Window Shopper
Complete a run without ever using a shopkeeper
- Just to be safe don't even go in the room, the Doctor also counts as a shopkeeper. Item, weapon, challenge, and secret rooms are fine, you can get your items from there.
Roided Out
Max out all your stats with Dr. Cordelia
Scrap Metal
Destroy 5+ weapons in a single run
Happy Halloween
Play the game on Halloween (October 31)
- Changing the date on your computer works
Outta the Park!
As Digby get a 20+ Kill combo
Destroy a full ammo Golden Gun as Luis
- Keep Resetting either Floor 2 or 4 and keep checking the gun shop and weapon room until you find it
Nothing Comes Free
Get 10+ reward items in a single run as Lydia
Mama's Girl
Purchase a shop's entire stock as Cordelia
Heavyweight Champ
As Fuji, Kill a boss in under 30 seconds
Mumba Shoot Mumba...
Obtain a Mumba Launcher as Mumba
Ol' Reliable
Clear a run without using a single weapon besides your Shotgun as Jules
NOTE: If you pick up a weapon, even if you don't shoot it, you won't get this achievement
Too Old for This
As Jeff, clear a run without any items
-No Ambrosia's to heal, you can pick up weapons and upgrade at the Doctor
Break 10 golden pots in a single run
...if you want to live
This is It
Reach Diavola
Kill Diavola
Milkbar Lads #1 Fan!
Unlock EVERY medal
Dead Estate CLEARED!
I hope this guide was able to help! This game isn't incredibly hard but I had a lot of fun playing through the game and making this guide. If there's anything I missed or something I didn't mention that you experienced, feel free to discuss! Oh and make sure to check out the Gallery once you get 100%!
More Dead Estate guilds
- All Guilds
- All Shops Screens (Goodnight Update Included)
- Looping your run
- Glutton For Punishment - Quick Guide
- Good Night Update
- All achievements from Good Night Update
- How to access the new "Dream" floors and get D costumes (+ The Shrine)
- How dup objects//Como duplicar objetos (Assignment Anya)
- Como abrir Dead Estate 100% real
- Kill God