How to get rich

How to get rich


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Are you poor?? Are you unable to afford a follower? Do you owe debt to Midas?? Well, you're in luck! Because today I'm gonna teach you how to get rich quick! (Depending on what you choose, you might not get rich quickly, you may need patience.)

What To Avoid

With tons of money comes tons of ways to loose it. There's a chance in crusades that you'll come across Midas, but he isn't always here to give you money, sometimes he will steal a portion of your money and leave. There's a way to get your money back, and I think how it works is sometimes he doesn't leave after stealing, and I think you maybe kill him or something, it will also give you an achievement when you receive your stolen cash.

Midas isn't the only hazard, because in the end, YOU'RE the greatest hazard. If your not 100%ing your save file or if you don't want achievements for collecting, then simply don't buy clothing designs, follower forms, and blueprints. The only useful blueprint is the farming sign, it lets your cultists organize your crops. I know decorations aren't useless, but you don't need to collect every single one to complete that one quest of build 3 decorations, just make the same thing 3 times, simple. You shouldn't buy blueprints but you should get them from devotion instead, I'll tell you why in a future section.

Printing Money

Don't tell the gods, but you are able to "print" coins. I know you're looking at this guide thinking it's satire but I'm being serious. If you get a follower with the Royal Pooper trait, they will basically ♥♥♥♥ out money. When you clean Golden Poop, it will give you coins and Golden Poop. You can use Golden Poop to fertilize plants and it has a special affect, I'll get to that later.

This method will require you to have luck and patience, because the trait is somewhat rare. If you have a breeding tent and a daycare, you're in luck, you can print money FASTER!! Since babies ♥♥♥♥ extremely often, you can breed your followers to make a money making machine, just beware, Golden Poop can make your followers ill. This is why the Sins of the Flesh update is broken, not as in glitch wise, but as in you can make a ♥♥♥♥ ton of coins wise.

Back to Golden Poop, you can use it on crops (duh) and it will grow it faster. This isn't the only thing it does tho. If you harvest a plant fertilized with Golden Poop, it will drop gold bars. I know it's not coins, but later in the game (or if you're buying clothing) you might have to pay with gold bars instead. So yeah, you can get a ton of money and a ton of gold bars!

There's another way to print cash, if you unlock all research things, your followers will generate coins instead of devotion. Far in the game, you wont generate coins anymore, but I'll put it in a spoiler for the people who don't want the game spoiled more. After you kill The One Who Waits, there will be a new god named ???. He will reset the crusades and basically buff them and all the bosses. Now you have to free the bishops instead of killing. ??? has a little spin wheel that costs a god tear to use, you get them from bosses, purgatory, and devotion. Devotion isn't used to upgrade anymore, it now gives god tears instead. You wont be making money from them anymore, so just use my other methods instead.


I understand that you think these titles are outrageous, but I'm not kidding, you can gamble. If have unlocked the Midas cave, you can put gold in the well and come back in a few days for an increased amount of money. If you don't have Midas's cave, you're still in luck, there's another way to gamble your life savings away!

In crusades, sometimes there will be gold rooms. In these rooms you can make an offering and get a random amount of gold back. There's a chance you get your money back with no gain, there's a chance you make more, there's a chance you loose money. Just make sure you don't break the coin bags before offering, if you do, you'll get nothing in return and a message of how you stole from the room. If you don't feel like gambling, I think you can just snatch the gold and dip.

Unpaid Labor

You can get your followers to mine rocks and chop trees for you, you can then collect them and sell them for money. This isn't the best method but it's most likely the easiest one. I don't really know if I can really say unpaid because you have to build a stone mine and a lumber thing, and those can collapse.


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This is probably the worst one to use. Some food and drinks can drop materials and there's a chance you can get coins from it. I'm just putting it here in case you're insane and want an inconsistent way to make money.

Robbing People

This isn't a very good method, but if you have the time to pull this off, then sure. One of the things you can unlock with possessions is the ability to force followers to give you money. You can only do this to a follower once per day and they only give 3 coins. This does not affect faith at all.

In crusades, you can find a gold room, as i call it. You can make an offering and I've already talked about it in the Gambling section, but inside there, you can most likely steal the money from moneybags and exit the room.


You are able to unlock the Tax Collector ritual with possessions. It will convert a follower into a tax collector that collects money from your followers, and you can get the money from them any time. There is no time limit for this, they stay as a tax collector until they die. Be warned that this ritual makes you loose faith, so make sure you have your faith up high before doing it.


During crusades, you can find stone sections. You can go there and mine the rocks to get gold nuggets. If you have a refinery, you can turn them into coins. You can also get nuggets other ways such as the end of crusade chest and from donations. If you use this method, I'd recommend using it in pair with at least one other method since this one takes time.


There are achievements you can get by having a lot of money or by doing these methods. I'll start off with the indirect achievements, the ones you get as a result of using these methods.

Indirect AchievementsUsing the money printer method, you can get the achievement "Propagate the flock" from hatching 5 eggs. Also, there's a way to get your stolen money back from Midas, but I don't know if I'd say this counts as direct or indirect, so I'll just put it here. You can also get follower achievements.

Direct Achievements Once you hit 666 coins, you'll get another achievement. It shouldn't be too hard depending on what method you use. Personally, I used money printing children and maxing my devotion.

Semi-Direct AchievementsThese are achievements you can buy with a lot of money. I wouldn't say its direct or indirect, instead its more in between. With lots of money, you can buy follower forms, unlocking them all gives you the "Full Flock" achievement. You can also buy clothing designs too. You can also use gold bars and lots of sin to decorate the temple too. I don't know if there's an achievement for blueprints, but lots of money can indeed help a lot with 100%ing the game.

The End!

Now you're rich, you can buy nearly everything in the game with your money. You probably wont have to worry about gold again for a while. The world is basically in your hands, you can empty every shop, buy a ton of followers, collect every form, blueprint, and clothing.

Congrats to you if you've made it this far! I thought you'd be watching subway surfers by now... Wait... Did you skip to the end? Whatever, anyways it's the end.

Remember to comment and award if you want! It'd be very appreciated!


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