100% Achievements Guide

Steps To Get The Achievements

Wipe out your current save (don't forget to export it beforehand to continue playing afterward).

Browse the local files of the game (right-click on the game in Steam >> Manage >> Browse local files or open it manually).

Go to /resources/app/mods/local.

Create a folder with the following name: achievementsMod (actually, this can be named as you want).

Open the folder and create a txt file with the following name: info.txt.

Insert the following code into the txt file:

{ "Name": "Achievements Mod", "ID": "achievements mod", "Author": "Overkill", "Description": "A bare-bones sample mod.", "ModVersion": 1, "GameVersion": 2.052, "Date": "08/06/2023", "Dependencies": [], "Disabled": 1, "AllowSteamAchievs": 1 }

I'm not sure if GameVersion and Date need to be accurate but you are free to change them to the current version and date if something goes wrong.

Create another file with the following name: main.js.

Insert the following code into the file:

Game.registerMod("achievements mod",{//this string needs to match the ID provided in your info.txt init:function(){ //this function is called as soon as the mod is registered //declare hooks here //note: this mod does nothing but show a notification at the bottom of the screen once it's loaded Game.Achievements['Cheated cookies taste awful'].won = 0; Game.Achievements['Third-party'].won = 0; Object.values(Game.AchievementsById).forEach((a) => Game.Win(a.dname)); Game.Achievements['Cheated cookies taste awful'].won = 0; Game.Achievements['Third-party'].won = 0; }, save:function(){ //use this to store persistent data associated with your mod }, load:function(str){ //do stuff with the string data you saved previously }, }); Now we're almost done! Open the game via Steam and navigate to the options tab.

Scroll down and select the 'Manage Mods' button.

Choose our newly created mod (Achievements Mod or whatever) and enable it.

Congratulations! :) You should start getting all the achievements present in the game unless the developers somehow fixed it.

That's all, I hope I managed to help you! If something doesn't work or you have any issues, you can ask here in the comments section and I'll try to answer them

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2986512010					

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