How to: Modifying settings for the dynamic campaign


The settings from the guide make the game more difficult, especially at the start (number of AI units / waves, AI research level), but also give you significantly more units per level (I to V), research points, starting budget and rewards for victories.


All settings for the dynamic campaign can be found in the file SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call to Arms - Gates of Hell\resource\gamelogic.pak. This file must be opened with archive software such as WinRAR or 7ZIP. Once you have opened the archive, you can navigate to \set\dynamic_campaign. There you will find various .set files that can be edited with an editor (Notepad or Notepad++). Once you have made your changes, you can save the file with CTRL+S. WinRAR will then display a pop-up informing you that the file in the archive has been changed and whether you want to update this file in the archive.

Note: Changed settings in the .set files can only be saved if the game is not running.

Tune Your Dynamic Campaign Experience

We start with the resources_very_high.set file. Firstly, we edit the maximum units per group (I to V) that we can spawn in the game by adjusting the following parameters:

{GlobalMaxCP 1050} ;{StageCP 50 60 70 80 90} {StageCP 140 160 200 250 350} {SpecialCP 50}

Note: Editing the StageCP must be done via the line without a semicolon.

StageCP determines the maximum units for each group from I to V, SpecialCP are the available points for Airstrikes. All values added together must correspond to the value of GlobalMaxCP (I have not tested what happens if this value is lower - presumably the spawning of units will no longer work at some point).

We then adjust the difficulty of the opponents for each risk level to keep the game balanced, even if we give ourselves more resources.

{RiskFactor {Low {BotResources 1.5} {BotVeterancy 1} {Rewards 1.5} } {Standard {BotResources 2.0} {BotVeterancy 2} {Rewards 2.0} } {High {BotResources 2.5} {BotVeterancy 3} {Rewards 2.5} } }

BotResources determines the maximum number of enemy resources and increases the number of enemy waves. A value of 2 doubles the number of resources, default is 1. BotVeterancy probably determines the experience and Rewards is the multiplier for the number of resources after winning a match.

To give us the opportunity to utilise our increased unit limits per group right from the start, we also adjust the starting budget and the MP (Man Power, generic money) gain per game won.

{Resources {MP ;// Manpower (generic money) {StartVal 10000} {WinGain "1:500 4:500 8:500 10:800 12:1000 14:1200"} ;// games played : MP gain

To give us the opportunity to utilise our increased unit limits per group right from the start, we also adjust the starting budget and the MP (Man Power, generic money) gain per game won. StartVal defines the value at the beginning, WinGain defines the gain per game won (games won:MP gain per game). An adjustment to 4:500 means that we get 500 MP per game after the 4th game won, until the 8th game won, where the value increases to 500. LoseGain can be edited to adjust the MP per game lost. The parameters under MapRewards can be used to set MP bonuses for different map types.

To support our expanded army, we are also increasing the number of airstrikes possible.

{SP ;// Special Points (airstrikes) {StartVal 50} {WinGain 8}

To do this, we increase StartVal (SP at the beginning) and WinGain (SP per match won). If we win on an airfield, we will also increase the SP won for that map type.

{MapRewards {Airfield 30} }

You can then edit the Ammo Points if that is relevant to you. For me, the only relevant thing is the budget for research points in order to start with more exciting fights and accelerate army development.

{RP ;// Research points {StartVal 50} {WinGain 8} {LoseGain 2} {MapRewards {Bonus 3} {Research 9} }

As is known, the starting value can be defined with StartVal and the value per win with WinGain. I increased both slightly. I also increased the value of bonus points when playing on a research mission to 9.

Finally, we define the CP gain per x wins

} {Budget {Start "0:250 4:250 8:275 12:300 16:400 20:500"} ;// games played : starting CP of each match {PointsPerSecond 0.25} ;// CP income {Limit 500} ;// Max CP }

This follows the same logic as the WinGain for MP resources and as commented: games played : starting CP of each match.

I only made slight adjustments to make it necessary to capture enemy resources and because I usually end up flush with money after a few wins. I don't yet know whether this is balanced enough for the rest of the game.

Note: Save the file and confirm the pop-up dialog to update the archive with “yes”.

Since we have stronger units at the start, the AI ​​should too to keep the game fun. To do this, we edit the duration_unlimited.set file.

{Unlimited (...) {ResearchStages "0:3 1:3 2:3 3:3 4:3 5:3 6:4 7:4 8:5 9:6 10:6 11:7 12:8 13:8 14:8 15:8 16:10 17:10 18:10 19:10 20:11 21:11 22:12 23:12 24:13"} ;// number of games played : research tree level bots can have } (...)

Unfortunately, I have not yet found a detailed mapping for the research level and units. Therefore, I adjusted the value ResearchStages ​​based on experience and feeling. Adjust der ResearchStages parameter per level according to the well-known logic.

Note: Save the file and confirm the pop-up dialog to update the archive with “yes”.

The entire structure of the research tree can be adjusted using the unit_research_<nation>.set files if you want to rebuild it according to your own ideas. The values.set also contains some explanations of the various parameters and settings.

Have fun and make the dynamic campaign great again!


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