Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables

Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables

Late War 1943-1945

Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 1

Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 2Link To Table:

Collapsed view of the table:

The top rows of the table in expanded form:

How To Use The Table

Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 8
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 9

The functionality of Tables is familiar to everyone who knows Excel - the same cells, menu items, tools, settings.

! Use Ctrl+F to search the table in expanded form

!! Attention!! To work with filters, make a copy of the table!

How To Use The Table (Example 1).

Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 14
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 15
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 16
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 17
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 18
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 19

Example 1: How to find all units with armor piercing range (APCBC-HE) greater than or equal to 220 m, and then greater than or equal to 210 m

1. On the left side of the screen, right-click the mouse to open the drop-down menu and select “Expand all row groups”

2. In column M, click the left mouse button to call up the filter

3. Select the " Greater than or equal to " option from the "Filter by condition" menu and enter "220"

4. Click "OK" and get the result

5. In the filter, instead of “220”, enter “210” and get the result

6.!!! Attention!!! For further correct operation of the filter, it must be returned to its original state by selecting the filter menu instead of “Greater than or equal” to “Not selected” and clicking “OK”

Attention! For filters to work correctly, all UVWXZ column values are rounded to whole numbers. Exact values are indicated in the notes

How To Use The Table (Example 2).

Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 29
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 30
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 31
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 32
Directory of vehicles and its weapons 1943-1945 in tables image 33

For the filters to work correctly, make sure that the filters are reset to their original state and look like this:

Example 2. Find all units with HE (High-Explosive) shells with a range of more than 300m and a reload speed (reload, sec) of less than 20 seconds

1. On the left side of the screen, right-click the mouse to open the drop-down menu and select “Expand all row groups”

2. In column N, click the left mouse button to call up the filter. Select the "Greater than or equal to" option from the "Filter by criteria" menu and enter "300"

3. Click "OK" and get the intermediate result.

4. In column Y, click the left mouse button to call up the filter. Select the "Less than or equal to" option from the "Filter by condition" menu and enter "20"

5. Click "OK" and get the final result:

Support The Author

If you find an error (inaccuracy) or need to add other information (there is a lot of interesting information in the game files), write in the comments (preferably in a specific table cell), I will correct it.

There are plans to create a table for the Early period, maybe even for infantry, but if you need such information and there will be at least some incentive.

You can also check out my previous work on Mid War 1941-1943

If you want you can support me here:

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