best graphics settings

Display Settings

Display Mode:

Borderless Fullscreen-No noticeable impact in frames per second or input lag compared to Fullscreen Exclusive;

-Better option for overall system usage;

-Recommend enabling "Optimization for windowed games" and "Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling" in Windows settings;

-If you're on Windows 10, recommend Fullscreen Exclusive.

Display Monitor:

Any-Your preference.

Display Adapter:

Any-Select your most powerful graphics card;

-Recommend checking if monitor's HDMI/DP cable is connected to the graphics card input instead of the motherboard.

Screen Refresh Rate:

Any-Your preference;

-If Borderless Fullscreen is selected, the game will use what you configured in Windows.

Display Resolution:

Any-Your preference;

-Recommend chosing around 1920x1080~2560x1440~3840x2160;

-If Borderless Fulscreen is selected, the game will use what you configured in Windows;

-Impacts frames per second.

Dynamic Resolution:

On-Greatly increases frames per second;

-Worsens the edges of objects and image quality overall;

-Completely unnoticeable when combined with SMAA T2X Cinematic at LOW and FidelityFX CAS at 50, but I prefer the sharp effect with SMAA T2X at LOW;

-Recommend setting 2x your monitor Hz, as an example if your monitor is 144Hz, set this to 288.

Aspect Ratio:

Any-Your preference;

-Recommend tweaking if you notice stretched or compressed images.

V-Sync (Gameplay):

Off-Better input lag.

V-Sync (Menus):

Off-Better input lag;

-It also applies to Shooting Range.

Custom Frame Rate Limit:

Custom-Your preference;

-Menu Custom Frame Rate Limit also applies to Shooting Range;

-Recommend setting Out of Focus Custom Frame Rate Limit to 5.

Energy Saving:

Off-This setting may cause FPS issues at Shooting Range, better off.

Restart Shader Optimization:

Select-Good to occasionally select, specially after game/system/driver updates, and after tweaking graphic settings.

Display Gamma:

2.2(SRGB)-Better option for monitors;

-Improves color accuracy.


Any-Your preference;

-Recommend not setting too dark or too bright.

Focused Mode:

Any-Your Preference.

High Dynamic Range (HDR):

On-Couldn't test it;

-Improves color accuracy.

HDR Calibration:

Select-Couldn't test it;

-Good to select, improves color accuracy.

Quality Settings

Quality Presets:

Custom-You can choose Minimum and only change Texture Quality to high and enable On-Demand Texture Streaming, it's good enough nowadays (21 june 2023).

Render Resolution:

100-Recommend setting 100~90;

-Increases frame per second if below 100.

Upscaling / Sharpening:

FidelityFX CAS-Recommend setting 50~75, decreases around 1 frame per second;

-Recommend FSR 2.1 Performance, which increases frame per second a lot, worse image quality but it's not that bad honestly;

-Recommend DLSS, but couldn't test it.


SMAA T2X Cinematic-Vastly better than SMAA T2X;

-Decreases around 1 frame per second;

-Seems to improve graining issues.

Anti-Aliasing Quality:

Low-Almost no difference between low and high;

-High decreases around 1 frame per second.

Video Memory Scale:

85-Recommend 85 for multitasking;

-Recommend 90 if you only open the game, or if your graphics card is old.

Texture Resolution:

High-Noticeably better than Normal, even at 1920x1080;

-Increases image quality a lot;

-No impact in frames per second, if your graphics card is 6GB.

Texture Filter Anisotropic:

High-Eliminates blur from textures at some angles;

-No impact in frames per second.

Nearby Level Of Detail:

Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Distant Level Of Detail:

Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Clutter Draw Distance:

Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Particle Quality:

High-Fixes particle pixelation;

-No impact in frames per second.

Particle Quality Level:

Low-Very Low cuts too much particles;

-Low decreases around 5~20 frames per second, depending on the explosion.

Bullet Impacts & Sprays:

Any-Your preference;

-No impact in frames per second.

Persistent Damage Layer:

On-Seems to improve around 2 frames per second;

-Creates destruction effects on walls that don't go away, for example peeling paint from the wall, will remain until the end of the matches.

Shader Quality:

Low-Noticeable decrease in graphics quality, but Low is enough;

-Gold is nice in Low quality now;

-High decreases around 7 frames per second.


Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Terrain Memory:

Max-Seems to improve around 3 frames per second at Max;

-No apparent change in graphics quality;

-There is a bug in this setting that after you save it appears blank, but the "Max" effect is still applied in the game.

On-Demand Texture Streaming:

On-Fixes weapon and player textures blurriness;

-No impact in frames per second.

Streaming Quality:

Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Volumetric Quality:

Low-Low is already enough;

-High decreases around 13 frames per second.

Deferred Physics Quality:

Off-Off is already enough;

-Low is horrible, water waves stop abruptly in a circle around you;

-High decreases around 15 frames per second

Water Caustics:

Off-Off is already enough;

-Almost no difference with it On or Off;

-On decreases around 2 frames per second.

Shadow Map Resolution:

Very Low-High fixes shadow pixelation, but you can only see shadow pixelation when you're super close from your own shadow;

-99% of the time you can't even see a difference between High and Very Low;

-Extremely noticeable worsening of shadow pixelation at Very Low on the new Shipment map, while other maps looks completely fine in VERY LOW;

-High decreases around 6 frames per second compared to Very Low.

Screen Space Shadows:

High-Off creates fake, but sharp shadows and lighting in weapon and player hands;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings;

-High creates more real, but grainy shadows and lighting, but not too much grainy so I can recommend it.

Spot Shadow Quality:

High-Fixes grainy rooms;

-No impact in frames per second.

Spot Cache:

Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings

Particle Lighting:

Any-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Ambient Occlusion:

Off-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-Both Ultra decreases 5 frames per second.

Screen Space Reflections:

Off-Fake, but sharp reflections;

-Higher settings creates more real, but grainy reflections;

-High decreases 1 frame per second.

Static Reflection Quality:

High-Sharper reflections;

-No impact in frames per second even at higher settings.

Weather Grid Volumes:

Off-Can't see a difference in graphics quality even at higher settings;

-Ultra decreases 1 frame per second;

-Previously appeared to add wet effect when diving, but is no longer doing this.

Nvidia Reflex Low Latency:

On + Boost-Improves input lag;

-Can increase frames per second.

Depth Of Field:

Any-Your preference;

-No impact in frames per second.

World Motion Blur:

Any-Your preference;

-No impact in frames per second;

-Can create an illusion of higher frame rate than it actually is;

-Enabling this option has been reported to fix freezes when jumping out of the plane in Warzone.

Weapon Motion Blur:

Any-Your preference;

-No impact in frames per second;

-Can create an illusion of higher frame rate than it actually is;

-Enabling this option has been reported to fix freezes when jumping out of the plane in Warzone.

Film Grain:

0.00-Decreases 1 frame per second if above 0.00.


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