Helpful tips to help beginners improve

My 7 Tips To Help You Improve

I know that improving/ getting better can be pretty hard sometimes and that is why I am making this guide. Although I am not the best Brawlhalla player to ever exist, these are tips that even an expert would give. We've all started out as beginners and that is why other people's advice can really help you when you need it. Others found out what they needed to do to improve and i'm just spreading that info around so that you can too. In the end I hope you can improve and become better as you play more.

Tip #1- Don't Forget About Light Attacks!

Chances are, you use your heavy attacks or signature moves a lot. They are more powerful than light attacks but when you time them wrong it can end up with you being hit. You have to remember to use your light attacks! They have the great ability to combo into more attacks and you might even be able to hit somebody with a heavy after your light attack! You can recover faster from a light attack than a heavy so you have time to dodge if you need to. Play around with different weapon classes until you find out which one works the best for you.

Tip #2- Find Your Playstyle

There are many different ways to play a fighting game and it's important to find out what is the best way for you to play. You can play aggresively, or defensively. Maybe you just want to react to your opponent or predict their next move. When you figure out a playstyle you think is best for you, try and perfect to become really good. Of course, you have to watch out for other people, they might be able to counter what you do and then you'll have to figure out a way to get around that.

Tip #3- Observe Your Opponents Moves

Watch your opponent and think about what they are doing. Do they like jumping through the air? Do they try to get behind you? Maybe they're using the same move over and over again. When you learn what your opponent does, you can attack back. You'll get better at it over time once you learn the mechanics of the game. Trust me, this is a tip that you need to learn to become better.

Tip #4- Be Patient And Decisive

When fighting an opponent it is important to be patient. When the time is right you can strike and hopefully K.O your opponent. You also get to observe their moves which is extremely important. When fighting don't be indecisive, just go for it. If you miss, just recover and try again when you get another chance. Make a decision and stick with it. You might have a perfect oppurtinity to attack but you miss it because you are indecisive. Just go for it!

Tip #5- Dodging And Being Unpredictable

Dodging is a key part in brawlhalla. Don't think you can dodge everything by just running away. Remember that you have a cooldown on your dodge so make sure to time it when you need it. You can also use your dodge as an extra boost to help you get around. It's particulary helpful for getting back on to the stage/platform if you get knocked off. Be unpredictable when you attack. DO NOT SPAM!!!!!!!!! Spamming the same attack over and over again is not helpful. People will predict what you do and K.O you. When you mix and match your moves, you have a higher chancer of winning a match.

Tip #6- Gadgets!

Gadgets are the items you see spawing around the stage. Things like bombs, horns, land mines and spike balls. Use these items to your advantage! They are great ways to damage your opponent without getting too close to them. Just remember that the bomb and land mines can hurt you too! Try playing some rounds of dodgebomb to help you get better with explosives!

Tip #7- Don't Repeat Mistakes/Training Mode

If you do something wrong or make a mistake DO NOT REPEAT it. If what you tried to do didn't work out, try something else. That way you probably won't mess up again. It's always a good idea to try out the training mode to help fix your mistakes. The training mode is a part of the singleplayer tab. In training mode you can pick a character and fight against a bot which doesn't move (Unless you set it up to), That way you can practice against it and maybe even try out a few different combos. Now i'm not going to go over combos in this guide but there are a bunch you can check out. Once you think you have corrected your mistake, try it out against an actual person. Maybe you fixed it!


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