Brawhalla Ranked

Brawhalla Ranked

Brawhalla Ranked

Brawhalla Ranked image 1

Brawhalla Ranked image 2Placements
Brawhalla Ranked image 4Rewards
Brawhalla Ranked image 6
Brawhalla Ranked image 7XP Bonus
Brawhalla Ranked image 9
Brawhalla Ranked image 10

Every player starts with an overall ELO of 1200 (Silver 2), and each Legend starts with an ELO of 750 (Tin 1). Winning a Ranked match increases both Player and Legend ELO, while losing decreases them.

Glory is earned only through Ranked play, awarded at season's end for 1v1 and 2v2 queues, or mid-season by winning a set number of games or reaching a specific rank in the Seasonal Ranked Queue.

Each season, the first 10 ranked matches are placement matches, having triple the Elo impact for personal Elo in 1v1 and both personal and team Elo in 2v2. The player's rating remains hidden until these matches are completed. At the start of a new season, Elo undergoes a soft reset, and placement matches restart.

Completing the 10 placement matches qualifies the player for end-of-season rewards like Ranked Avatars and Ranked Loading Frames.

Playing ranked unlocks exclusive rewards, granted at season's end:

・Glory: currency for the Store

・Ranked Avatars: upgrade with best season ranking

・Loading Frame: based on best previous season ranking

Valhallan rank rewards are granted immediately:

・Seasonal title upon reaching Valhallan

・Avatar with 'active' and 'inactive' states based on current rank

・Loading frame usable only while in Valhallan rank

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Playing ranked matches against high-ranked opponents grants an XP bonus. This starts at +5% XP for opponents with 1390 Elo (Gold 1) and increases linearly to +50% for opponents with 2000 Elo (Diamond). Opponents above 2000 Elo grant +50%, while Valhallan opponents grant +100% XP.

The bonus is based on the opponent's rank in the current ranked queue. For instance, in Ranked 2v2, only the enemy team's 2v2 rating matters; individual 1v1 ratings are irrelevant.

Brawhalla Ranked image 27
Brawhalla Ranked image 28

Brawhalla Ranked image 29

Upon demotion from one tier to the next, there is a level of protection (e.g., Silver 1 -> Silver 0 -> Bronze 4, but Bronze 5 -> Silver 1 skips Silver 0).

Once a player reaches Diamond in a season, they cannot lose the Diamond rank for that season, but it can be lost in the next season due to the soft Elo reset. However, Hero and Personal 2v2 Diamond ranks can be lost if Elo drops below 2000.

Valhallan rank requires 100+ wins, Diamond status (personal 1v1 or team 2v2 Elo), and being among the top performers in the region. Here are the per-region placement requirements:

Additionally, Valhallan rank is unobtainable for the first two weeks of the season.

If a Valhallan player drops out of the top of their region during the daily reset (9 am UTC/5 am EDT/2 am PDT), they become a Fallen Valhallan. This revokes the Valhallan Frame from their inventory and sets the Valhallan Emblem avatar to an inactive state.

The source and current version of the guide can be found here.[]


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